Emboldened by the liberal media’s promotion of the unrestricted Third World invasion, Mexican illegal “migrants” have begun physically attacking ICE and Border Patrol agents with increased frequency:
The acting Homeland Security Inspector General has reported that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers are facing increasingly violent attacks from illegal immigrants. The report shows that ICE agents are being attacked at the highest rate in a decade. The Border Patrol is also seeing an increase in the number and ferocity of attacks by illegal immigrants.
ICE agents are in charge of deportations, and the CBP patrols the border between the United States and Mexico. While the report concerns itself mainly with what it considers incomplete data sets and diversions in reporting methods between the two immigration enforcement agencies, the numbers it reports are alarming.
Along the border, CBP is reporting 856 assaults in 2017, the highest number in a decade. Twenty-eight assaults occurred for every 10,000 detentions. In the interior of the country, ICE reported 48 assaults on agents in 2017, nearly double the number from 2016.
The report itself concedes that the number of assaults reported may low. “[T]he officers do not always report acts of physical resistance or attempted assaults, even when required to do so. In addition, the definition of assault differs for CBP and ICE.”
At least one of the ICE assaults was the direct result of a local government’s refusal to cooperate with federal authorities regarding immigration. In 2017, New York police ignored a request from ICE to keep Lester Sadict Cruz-Garcia, an immigrant from Honduras, in custody following his arrest for domestic violence. ICE officials were forced to track Cruz-Garcia down in the community. When they found him, Cruz-Garcia refused to cooperate, fighting and kicking agents and even biting one agent.
On the border, the increased assaults correlate directly to the surge in illegal immigration over the past few years. Border Patrol agents are generally targeted with rocks and other projectiles during these incidents but other weapons such as bombs, clubs, knives, guns, and laser pointers have been reported as well.
Not included in the inspector general’s report but obvious to anyone with a brain, is the fact that the increase in violence from illegal immigrants also correlates directly to the increasing demonization of immigration control efforts from leftists and the mainstream media. The recent calls to “abolish ICE” are feeding a new anti-law enforcement in the illegal immigrant community.
We see this happening all over western Europe — the police have been cowered by the Muslim and African invaders who have literally taken over entire sections of cities — and attack the police without any retribution.
These migrants know that the jewish media has their collective backs — and will defend their violent behavior, no matter how egregious or blatant — putting police and border enforcement agents’ lives at risk.
If these invaders become even more aggressive — and there is no reason to think otherwise — the border agents may have to start using lethal force to repel these invaders — which is perhaps exactly what the jewish media hounds are waiting for with baited breath. They want a death of a migrant — preferably a child — to use an excuse to abolish ICE and all border protections — for the “sake of the children.”
When the jews invaded Russia, they turned the so-called “working classes” against their “oppressors”, meaning the employers and the wealthy.
Now that the devil’s own (the jews) ARE the oppressors, they don’t want us turning on them, so they import wild savages from all over the world to provide an “alternative” enemy as a way of deflecting blame from them (the jews) in the jew-planned race war.
ICE and CBP constantly have their hands tied or are impeded by other govt agencies. They need to be dismantled so no more well intentioned white folk, thinking they are doing their patriotic duty, get hurt, killed, or otherwise politically hung out to dry. Let these invaders penetrate the country…and wait for the inevitable backlash. These people will be better served protecting their own homes and communities.
You should be able to research the story of JT Ready, a well intentioned Arizona white man and self professed National Socialist who tried to make waves in local politics. When that didn’t work, he joined or formed a citizen’s border patrol and sought help from the Feds, which ended up being his biggest mistake. I had the pleasure of making his acquaintance online about a year or so before his ‘untimely death’…
Ill bet they are equipped with GoPro’s and YouTube accounts so they can upload clips of white male police violence..
Absolutely, there are probably jewish-funded “charities” on the border, handing out free cellphones to migrants so they can take videos of any type of “abuse” by the border patrols. It’ll be on CNN within 24 hours.