“Kateri and Jay Schwandt of Rockford, Michigan, added a 14th son to their family on Wednesday, April 18: Finley Sheboygan Schwandt!
The proud parents already had 13 sons ranging in age from 25 to 2 when they became pregnant with what they feel will probably be their final baby.
“We are extremely blessed,” said Jay. “He is so happy and healthy.”
“Jay also said that although he knows people do question their sanity after choosing to have 14 children, “This is just what we do. We are equipped to handle it. I can’t imagine not having 14 boys.”
It is only a jewish concept to ‘worry’ whether or not we can ‘afford’ children. There was a long time, which only ended recently, when, in white culture, the more children you had, the more wealthy you were considered. With that in mind, think about the story of Jacob and his 12 sons and 1 daughter. He was a sheep herder who was tricked into having 2 wives. Most men today can’t even ‘afford’ one, which is why children are an afterthought based on ‘cashflow’. Jacob and both wives apparently felt so strongly about having children that, when Rachel was not producing children like Jacob hoped she would, she gave him her handmaiden to have children to. Not to be out done, Leah did the same thing. And all this was accomplished without the ‘help’ of welfare, social security, health insurance, employee ‘benefits’, or a big govt. nanny state where it “takes a village” to raise their children. There is NOTHING about this story that jives with the understanding that they were JEWISH, having the same ‘values’ as the jews of today who CLAIM to be the people of the Bible, who are doing everything to keep the white population declining.