Mexicans in Tijuana are getting a little of their own medicine as thousands of aliens from Honduras and Guatemala pour into their border city on their way to the U.S., and they don’t seem to like this dose of “diversity” any more than White Americans do:
Thousands more migrants — members of caravans that began leaving Honduras weeks ago — are expected to pour into Tijuana in coming days and weeks, with no place to go.
The city of 1.6 million was caught off guard by the sudden influx, raising concerns from officials and residents about how they will accommodate the newcomers. The handful of shelters here normally house no more than 100 people each.
In an interview with the Milenio news outlet, Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum said the migrants arriving included a significant criminal element and represented a major burden to the city.
“We don’t want them bothering [our] citizens,” said Gastelum, who added that he was considering holding a referendum to help decide the future of the migrants. “Tijuana is a city of migrants, but not in this way.”
The migrants could be stuck here for months, said Genaro Lopez Moreno, a municipal delegate for downtown Tijuana who was helping coordinate aid.
“No city in the world can handle the arrival of so many people at once without help,” he said. “We are trying our best, but this is a lot to handle all at once.”
Tijuana officials were seeking aid from the central government in Mexico City.
…But not everybody is the city has been so welcoming.
In the upscale Playas de Tijuana neighborhood, residents objected to migrants congregating along the beach, resulting in scuffles and police intervention.
Many wound up at the sports center, where more than 2,000 migrants spent Thursday night. But no one in the group seems to know what the next move will be.
“We are here now, and we still want to go to the United States,” said Rosa Perez, a 30-year-old single mother who made the trip with her four children. “But how we will cross, I don’t know.”
Venezuelan television crews captured some of the street violence between the local Mexicans and the caravan migrants:
These inevitable conflicts demonstrate the inherent contradictions that eventually will be the undoing of the Left’s fantasy of peaceful co-existence among different ethnic groups occupying the same space. This jewish narrative demands that non-Whites love each other and hate their common enemy, the White man, but in the real world that utopia rarely materializes as latinos war among themselves and with Blacks and Muslims. Multi-racial communities are not communities at all because they have nothing in common except the jewish notion that they are all “victims” of White racism, and that alone is not enough upon which to build a stable society.
As more and more of these jewish social experiments in diversity fail, the world will have no choice but to acknowledge that we are all better off when we live separately from each other in our own ethnic regions and countries. Just because Hondurans and Mexicans are both “latino” doesn’t mean they like each other — after all there are borders between their countries for a reason. Even for Mexico to offer these Hondurans and Guatemalans asylum is asking for trouble, but it’s already much a racial hodge podge there that they probably figure a little more diversity won’t hurt them. They will have to learn the hard way.
And we probably will never know the extent of the criminal activities that will occur during this blossoming of diversity, as the general U.S. populace should never know that we are preparing to welcome an army of thugs. They are happy in their deliberate ignorance in believing they are helping “single mothers with starving children”.