In the wake of the migrant invasion, Danish police are complaining about a recent trend where reckless drivers are increasingly running red lights and driving in the emergency and bicycle lanes, then abusing the rules to avoid prosecution, the newspaper Berlingske is reporting:
Drivers who incur fines, points on their driving licenses or even disqualifications can continue to drive simply by ignoring digital mail sent by police through Denmark’s secure e-Boks system, Berlingske writes.
That is because the letters must be opened and offending motorists must appear for their court dates in order for punishments to be implemented, according to the report.
Only in rare situations do police have the right to ban a driver on the spot.
Chairman of the Danish Police Union Claus Oxfeldt confirmed the trend in comments to Ritzau and said that Danish driving culture is worsening in general.
“It’s getting worse and worse. It’s no secret that, for several years, we’ve seen people trying to avoid possible convictions by not attending court appointments,” Oxfeldt said.
“My assessment is that the traffic culture is catastrophic. People charge through red lights and drive in the emergency lane on the motorway. And these are perfectly normal people,” he said.
A person who does not attend court after being notified of a charge can eventually be convicted for non-attendance, but motorists can drag cases out by avoiding opening police notifications sent via e-Boks, Oxfeldt explained…
Denmark’s traffic laws enable police to issue on-the-spot driving bans if a motorist is caught driving twice as fast as the legal speed limit on that stretch of road, but reckless driving can also occur at lower speeds, Oxfeldt said.
“We have a (punishment) option against the absolute worst reckless drivers. But reckless driving can also mean being in heavy traffic and seeing the lights change from amber to red, and hitting the accelerator instead of the brake and running the red light,” he said.
No, these are not “perfectly normal people”. The are low-IQ, high-testosterone migrants who have probably never driven a car until they invaded Denmark.
And they drive cars the way they run countries: right into the ground.
The Danish system of traffic enforcement is based on a high-trust homogeneous White society where almost everyone obeys the rules, and it’s foolish for the police to believe that coming from lawless countries, Arabs and Africans are going to honor those laws and do the right thing.
All countries in western Europe have watched traffic accidents and fatalities skyrocket after migrants were given licenses to drive. And yes, they are given the licenses because many of them are incapable of passing the standard drivers’ test.
How many Danes will have to die before they realize this experiment in diversity is a deadly mistake?
They can neither conceptualise the whole action / reaction thing, nor do they have the skills required to properly operate a motor vehicle. Add this to their inherent and daily encouraged lack of concern for rules and proper behaviour, and its a recipe for disaster.
Unfortunately, I worked for years in insurance claims- just by looking at the parties involved in accidents, I could predict with nearly 90% accuracy who was at fault by their name – if it was indicative of race – and what they drove.
Meanwhile, in Germany just one single “woman of color” causes total mayhem on the roads in this video, and this is happening all over Europe, except Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.
It’s no better here in (the sewer that was once) England. Every day we switch the radio on to hear numerous reports of traffic “accidents”, and even lorries (trucks) flipping over or hitting low bridges. Are they blind? Can they not see the bridge is too low to drive under?
How do you flip a lorry anyway? It’s probably quite easy if you don’t know what you’re doing, but we used to have tests for that kind of thing, making lorry drivers among the safest of all road users.
In a foreign country where people drive on the opposite side of the road, I’d imagine it’s easy to forget and drift over to the “wrong” side, but I strongly suspect that most collisions are caused by “drivers” that have never driven before.
How do recent immigrants afford cars anyway? Are they issued with them on arrival?
There was a time when I enjoyed driving, but now I choose public transport because there are too many idiots on the roads.
Reluctantly…………..I am living outside of Atlanta Georgia a few months out of the year. Occasionally, I have to drive into the city of Atlanta for groceries and such.
I feel like I am driving the “Gauntlet”. I am white knuckled the whole time. It feels like a video game but it is real.
To a man………………………..those who take life-threatening risks on the road are always Brown. They must not have a fear of mortality or something. I can’t figure it out. Even Animals recognize dangerous conditions.
I just can’t understand how these people are so oblivious to the pain and death that may occur as a result of their dangerous driving.
“. . .I am white knuckled the whole time. . .”
So long as you’re White the whole time. . .
After a traffic accident, it is not unusual for them change drivers, but also have a crowd of them show up to place the blame on the other driver. Also be very careful when getting in your car to back out of a parking place.
Recently one laid down behind the car hoping to get backed-over so as to cause an incident. It was only the car’s warning beeping of something blocking the path that saved the driver.
Apparently the Dutch have a deathwish. The problem is, the rest of Europe is right behind them.