Miss America is scrapping its swimsuit competition and will no longer judge contestants based on physical appearance, the organization announced Tuesday.
“We are no longer a pageant,” Gretchen Carlson, the first former Miss America to be named chair of the Board of Trustees of the Miss America Organization, said on “GMA.” “We are a competition.”
“The organization is also getting rid of the evening gown portion of the competition and instead asking contestants to wear attire that makes them feel confident and expresses their personal style. The contestants will also discuss how they will advance their chosen causes, called “social impact initiatives” by the Miss America Organization.”
The powers that be seem to hate beauty, and white women are the embodiment of everything they hate. They have worked feverishly to redefine beauty and turn ugliness into the new beauty.
It was only a matter of time before beauty pageants would surrender to political correctness. Now women will be judged on how “politically correct” their world view is. The contestant who wants to go to Africa and adopt black babies will win, and the contestant who wants to marry a white husband and raise Christian children will lose.
Beauty pageants were probably DOA anyway. The transgenders would’ve fouled it up eventually .