According to official Holocaust propagandists, the “Nazi” inspiration for the Gas Chambers™ at Auschwitz allegedly evolved from an earlier — and far more inefficient — mode of mass execution which involved cramming prisoners in the back of a truck, redirecting the exhaust pipe into the cargo compartment, and “gassing” the prisoners to death by driving around town for about half an hour.
Unfortunately for the propagandists, they didn’t realize that the diesel engines from these German Sauer BT4500 trucks did not produce enough carbon monoxide gas to kill people — the same problem the Gas Chamber™ propagandists created for themselves when they claimed that the “Nazis” used a diesel submarine engine at Treblinka to allegedly “gas” a million Jews there.
As it turns out with everything concerning the Holocaust, the Jews had merely accused the Germans of what they themselves had been doing — a penchant for deflection and lying that even the British Information Ministry was acutely aware of, according to 1944 declassified documents. The Bolshevik Jews would accuse their enemies of atrocities that they themselves had already committed.
Leading up to World War II, Bolshevik Jews had perpetrated the greatest single mass murder in the history of the world — the Holodomor — when they liquidated tens of millions of Ukrainians after stealing their land under the guise of “collectivization.” Their preferred method of murder was mass starvation, but those who resisted or spoke out against it were summarily “tried” as “counter-revolutionaries” (i.e., “antisemites”) — and executed.
In his book 200 Years Together, Nobel-prize-winning author Alexandr Solzhenitsyn revealed that the Jewish-dominated Troika — kangaroo courts — had handed down so many death sentences that they needed to find a way to carry out mass executions without alerting the public — so in steps enthusiastic Jewish mass murderer Isai Davidovich Berg:
Solzhenitsyn writes:
…And from the astonishing disclosure in 1990 we learned that the famous “mobile gas chambers” were invented — as it turns out — not by Hitler during World War II, but [rather] the Soviet NKVD in 1937 by Isai Davidovich Berg, the head of the administrative and maintenance section of the NKVD of Moscow Oblast (sure, he was not alone in that enterprise, but he organized the whole business).
This is why it is also important to know who occupied middle-level posts. It turns out, that I.D. Berg was entrusted with carrying out the sentences of the “troika” of the NKVD of Moscow Oblast; he dutifully performed his mission, which involved shuttling prisoners to the execution place. But when three “troikas” began to work simultaneously in the Moscow Oblast, the executioners became unable to cope with the sheer number of executions.
Then they invented a time-saving method: the victims were stripped naked, tied, mouths plugged, and thrown into a closed truck, outwardly disguised as a bread truck. On the road the exhaust fumes were redirected into the prisoner-carrying compartment, and by the time the van arrived to the burial ditch, the prisoners were “ready.” (Well, Berg himself was shot in 1939 — not for these evil deeds — of course, but for “the anti-Soviet conspiracy.” In 1956, he was rehabilitated without any problem, — though the story of his murderous invention was kept preserved and protected in the records of his case and only recently discovered by journalists). (p. 264)
Note how the van “gassing” didn’t actually kill the prisoners — the purpose was to merely weaken them so that they could then be lined up along the edge of one of the execution trenches they were famous for — which, again, they accused the “Nazis” of, such as at Babi Yar ravine.
Holocaust propagandists were caught red-handed doctoring “incriminating” Einsatzgruppen documents which allegedly proved German premeditation at Babi Yar — and the same is true for the “Nazi” mobile gas vans — the incriminating documents are transparent post-war fakes.
But it really shouldn’t be surprising to anyone that Jewish Holocaust “historians” have had to resort to such fakery of evidence — considering that Ephraim Kaye — the head of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel — has candidly admitted that there is, in fact, a complete lack of physical evidence to prove the Holocaust even happened.
And it isn’t just Ephraim Kaye who has admitted to this dearth of evidence — Dejan Ristic, the acting director of the Museum of Genocide in Belgrade, Serbia — admitted the exact same thing — no proof of the Holocaust.
Ironically, because of this awkward lack of evidence of the Holocaust, whenever new mass graves of Ukrainians are discovered from the Holodomor genocide — and other Bolshevik mass murderers — Jewish “historians” take control of the site and claim the remains are Jews Murdered By Nazis™ instead.
Even mainstream Holocaust historians have been forced to admit that no functional mobile gas van nor parts of one have ever been discovered — which is remarkable considering how widely used they allegedly were at one time.
And the only alleged photo of such a “gas van” shows no indications of the necessary modifications that we would expect to see — and even Yad Vashem Museum admits they have no photos of one in their archives.
Again, Jews have never let the lack of evidence get in the way of a good story — as the patron saint of the Holocaust — Eli Wiesel — explained the Talmudic writing process:
“In [my] book “One Generation After” there is a sentence which perhaps explains my idea: “Certain events happen, but they are not true. Others, on the other hand, are, but they never happen.” So! I undergo certain events and, starting from my experience, I describe incidents which may or may not have happened, but which are true. I do believe that it is very important that there be witnesses always and everywhere.”
Even if a Jew was too young to remember being at Auschwitz, that shouldn’t stop them from writing a book about their “experience” — after all, what’s important is that it could have happened, not that it actually happened.
ulysses freire da paz jr
Japan: Schools Can Now Use Mein Kampf as Teaching Material, But Why?
Patton: – “We fought the wrong enemy”
Without moving the world to save communism, PLOT and plunder honest German progress, /09/germany-an-economy-for-the-people-instead-of-for-the-parasites/ the US would not overcome the misery generated by the financiers of communism +communism & promoters of the 1929 crisis
The Jews behind Fidel Castro and the Cuban Communist Party -castro-and-the-cuban-communist-party/
Mobile ‘gas vans’ were NEVER invented by ‘Nazis’ but by Jewish communist Isai Berg to mass murder Ukrainians during the Holodomor
The Holocaust was invented to hide their own terrible crimes
The work of the Red Cross in the German camps during the last months of the war See also links below
After 1945, the Constitution, Conservatism, ‘Liberalism’, Voting and Government are absolutely useless and criminal
Understanding and sharing the Second World War is absolutely essential to our freedom and survival
Pope Benedict XVI in the Bundestag on 22.09.2011 a month before Gaddafi’s death). We in Germany are living at this moment in which power is separated from the law, that power is against the law, that the law is being trampled on and that the State is becoming an instrument of the destruction of the law, an very well organized band of thieves that threaten the entire world and lead it straight to the abyss
”Love, the natural and healthy kind, is indeed what defines the world around us, and it is the holiest and most beautiful miracle we have ever seen on this earth. But without effective action against those who threaten what we love, love is an empty word, a catchphrase for hippies, gays and cowards.” George Lincoln Rockwell,
The war was lost and in Versailles Wilson’s proposals were wiped off the table and a peace was dictated
to the newly formed German democracy, the insanity of which doomed it to an early demise at the day
of its birth. The Communists under their Jewish leadership (Liebknecht, Luxemburg, Toller,
Eisner, Radek, Kuhn, etc.) started bloody uprisings in Berlin, Munich and Hungary. Hostages,
including women, were being taken and murdered, thousands were dying in street fights with police
and gendarmes. Toller, leader of the Red Army which formed in Bavaria, recommended that most
Germans should be gassed (aha!) and received congratulations and promises of help from Lenin
History repeating: The third world oriental despot Putin is Hellbent on invading the Ukraine, while the West wants to “dialog” with that Gangster who praised Stalin is the greatest Leader ever!!!!
When General Bunichenko, the commanding officer of Vlasov’s troops, realized that the Americans had no intention of occupying Prague, he knew that this was the death sentence for the anti-Communist Russian army of liberation.
The bulk of the troops, however, reached the American lines – and now there began an infernal game of treacherousness and American inhumanity. The anti-Communist troops were disarmed, and left in the belief that they were now in safety with these “crusaders for democracy”. But then they were encircled by American tanks, and at 11:00 a.m. on May 13th American officers informed General Bunichenko that he and his regiments had until 3:00 p.m. to march off to the East.The Russians knew what that meant.What was it that Eisenhower had called the Americans: “crusaders”? “Christian soldiers” was Churchill’s term for the armies that fought against Germany. In fact they were accomplices of the Antichrist, of Stalin the Butcher.
Documents on the Expulsion
of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out.
After the war ended in 1945, one of the most gruesome genocides took place that the history of mankind has ever seen: the expulsion and destruction of the Sudeten Germans. The German government has kept knowledge of this Holocaust and the huge files of documentary evidence a secret, in other words, this chapter of history is supposed to remain tucked away in the hindmost corners of the Federal German archives, there to gather dust and be forgotten. Its publication is not desired.
Auschwitz Recollections.
“Trotsky’s day out: How a visit to NYC influenced the Bolshevik revolution” [19 September 2016 – The Times of Israel]
“Author Kenneth Ackerman explores the life of the Jewish radical in the weeks leading up to the overthrow of the Russian Provisional Government
“Jews were very active in radical movements and unions,” says Ackerman. “And as Jewish leaders became more visible, Trotsky became exhibit number one.”
“The notion that bankers would finance a radical socialist, whose end goal was to destroy the financial system that gave them extreme wealth in the first place, seems rather preposterous.
However, as Ackerman’s book explains in some detail, the Trotsky-Jewish conspiracy — in 1917 especially — took a very specific form. It centered on the most conspicuous Jewish financier in New York at the time, Jacob Schiff.
Schiff had openly used his wealth to pressure Russia into changing its anti-Semitic polices. Moreover, Schiff had refused to allow his bank to participate in American war loans to Britain or France as long as they allied themselves with Russia. The suggestion of a link between Schiff and Trotsky came directly from the United States government — specifically, its Military Intelligence Division (MID).
Ackerman’s book cites how MID files from this period are rife with slurs against high-profile New York city Jews like Schiff and others, connecting them to Bolshevik leaders.”
List of some of the communist jews in Russia, including, Genrikh Yagoda, who was the director of the NKVD and had organized the Gulag system.
“The Real Holocaust: The Jewish Murder Machine Called The USSR”
“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word `red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.”
From the `Memoirs of Aron Simanovich’, quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin, Moscow, 1993, and translated from Russian into English by Clive Lindhurst.
7. Fiendish tortures devised by the Jewish Cheka
A whole shelf of books with both written and photographic documentation has been published on this theme.
I need mention only The Blood Intoxication of the Bolsheviks by Nilostonsky, The Battle Against Bolshevism by Avalov, The Plague over Russia by Albert Rosenberg, Soviet Russia by Katharina Haug-Houg, and The Cheka by Georg Popov.
[My note when Adolf Hitler was still a solider in the Germany Army he was in one of the units that was brought to deal with the Jewish Communist insurgency in Germany he personally along with thousands of other German Nationalist fighters saw the remains of innocent Germans murdered the same way by the Jewish Bolsheviks in the city.
Hundreds of reports and letters coming back from the East during the war from Axis troops and commanders mentioned finding the same, the bodies of Gentile victims of similar atrocities [killed by the Jewish NKVD] in liberated cities, towns and villages. This is what lead to the pogroms as hundreds of outraged Gentiles who had suffered for over a decade under the Jewish Red Terror Machine took to the streets to find those Jews within their kosher prized communities who had been their tormenters and murders of their friends and family members for years.”
I Dunno