In the following interview with Mike Adams, Dr. Carrie Manej explains the real reason the COVID vaccine manufacturers skipped the important phase of animal trials — it wasn’t to merely “speed up” the development of the “much-needed” vaccines — rather, based on previous, documented experience with these dangerous mRNA vaccines, they did so to hide the fact that these vaccines would make the animals — and ultimately humans — incredibly sick — or kill them:
This kind of vaccine — this modified messenger RNA, modified DNA vaccine — they have tried them in the past 20 years on animal studies. And they’ve been terrible results — because in these studies, when the animals got the vaccine — at first they had robust immune systems — great antibodies, T cell response — great, good, looking good. Then they challenged them with that virus or that bacteria — and every time the animals got sicker or died much more than the placebo group — because the body has something called the “cytokine storm” — it actually saw this — and had a more aggressive reaction — and it attacked its own lungs, attacked its own liver — had almost a sepsis response in the body. So we can expect that — and I think that’s why they skipped the animal trials with this [COVID] vaccine — they don’t want anyone to know that.
So in a human, you’re not supposed to challenge them with a virus — that’s unethical. You can only do that with an animal. So guess when all these people who get the vaccine — when will they be challenged? The next flu season — maybe the next cold they get. And then they’ll blame it on a “COVID-20”….
[Insert clip of a smirking Bill Gates, who states, “We’ll have to prepare for the next one. That, I’d say, is, uh, will get attention this time.”]
…killing them when it wasn’t it. It was the vaccine that they intentionally gave them, knowing the results, knowing how many people they would hurt and kill — how many children they would hurt and kill. This is intentional, and people need to wake up to this because that’s pure science, right there. And you can ignore all the other technologies I said, but that is something you cannot refute.
All vaccines create a “cytokine storm” in the body because they short circuit the natural immune response when they bypass the natural way viruses and bacteria enter the body — through the mouth, eyes, and ears.
When viruses enter the body naturally, the body has a natural, healthy immune response to neutralize those bugs — and develop natural long-term T Cell immunity.
But when you inject those bugs directly into the bloodstream, you skip that natural response, confusing the immune system, creating a “cytokine storm” — precipitating an auto-immune response where the body is tricked into attacking itself.
This so-called “Operation Warp Speed” merely provides the pretext or excuse for the pharmaceutical companies to skip the crucial animal trials — the results of which they already know — but they don’t want you to know.
Don’t be fooled by the timeline provided by the complicit media — these mRNA COVID vaccines have been in the works for decades — and the Israelis admitted that it was “pure luck” they just happened to be working on them when the plandemic broke out, as we reported back in March of 2020.
Make no mistake — these mRNA vaccines are being developed by — with the help of others — the Israeli bio-warfare institute — and the same time the U.S. FDA was setting up a satellite office in Israel in 2019 to fast track these vaccines for use in the U.S. market — all just a coincidence, no doubt.
As Bill Gates pointedly admitted, these COVID vaccines will be “The Final Solution” to the eternal Jewish problem –and we would be utterly naive to not believe that he choose his scripted words very carefully — for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.
These vaccines are indeed weapons in a war between bloodlines — whose purpose is weaken and destroy any opposition — especially from Adamic Christians — to the Zionist dream of a One World government which they will control from the Third Temple in Jerusalem.
When do they want their “moshiach“? Now!
And the misled Evangelical Zionist dupes are doing everything they can to help install the antiChrist in ersatz Israel — fasten your seatbelts.
“First, vivisection is the cornerstone of the fraud. Not only is it NOT scientific but having been declared the standard of the scientific belief system (by the fraudsters), it’s the reservoir from which all poisons and quasi-medical/experimental disasters have been disseminated into our midst.
“KSA members know that animals have different genetics, physiology, biochemistry, histology, anatomy, etc. For many, what is toxic for us is not for some of them, and vice-versa. In addition, the settings in which these experiments take place are not normal.
“Animals are dying just from being in those conditions, but it doesn’t even matter as far as results go, because after the animals have been sufficiently used up and discarded, the “researchers” are ready to begin the experiments all over again, on humans, in “clinical trials.”
“And, when the patent-holders are eager to market a product, the results of “clinical trials” can be conveniently overlooked and manipulated, too, as I discovered while researching in medical journals to gather information for a book I was writing about vaccines.”
Christmas number 1 song going Viral worldwide..
Pfizer’s chief scientist is a Jew from Sweden.,20014
“I think the #COVID vaccine is downright dangerous and I warn you if you go along these lines you will go to your doom” – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
9 months of masks, lockdowns, & social distancing have produced a 3rd wave bigger than anywhere else on earth & so 100 more days of the same failed strategy is going to solve everything Because Science?
OR we could make hydroxychloroquine available over the counter & we’re done.
Could we get more clarification on this line from the article:
“[Vaccines] bypass the natural way viruses and bacteria enter the body — through the mouth, eyes, and ears.”
I ask as my first thought upon reading it was “What about the viruses/bacteria that we get injected into our bloodstream naturally, like what comes in from cuts or mosquito bites?”
Nunn B.
Boomer, when bacteria and viruses enter the body through a cut or wound, the body responds very differently from those that enter via a vaccine. The “bugs” that are in vaccines are not natural, or wild types, rather they are attenuated, or “weakened” and modified in a laboratory. Being “immune” to these “weakened” bugs do not make you immune to the wild, natural ones–but they want you to think that they do. Immunity is specific. Not like horseshoes–close does not count.
Not only that, the vaccines are loaded with adjuvants that confuse the body and set off alarms — mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, peanut oil, squalene, etc. This is what contributes to the “cytokine storm” here referenced. If our natural immune systems didn’t work properly on their own, we, as a species would have died out thousands of years ago. Vaccines do not improve our immune response–they help break it down, weaken it, so that we cannot naturally fight off disease.
Squalène is natural body composition.
Squalène is good for skin and steroïd hormone dependant of squalène.
Squalene is present in shark oil which is considered a medicinal superfood, there is even squalene in olive oil.
You talk nonsense about squalene itself is not dangerous for the body, on the contrary it is good for maintaining a correct dhea level.
Bosch Heron
Sorry, MyNameis, but it’s well documented by now in mainstream media research that when injected directly into the bloodstream, squalene can induce unpredictable and troublesome auto-immune responses that can indeed be very crippling. There’s a big difference from injesting squalene and injecting it directly and unnaturally into the bloodstream, bypassing the body’s normal immune response.
NOTE: squalane which is a body by-product of squalene is used in cosmetics …
But for me it’s not great because it gives me buttons. ?
Ah the Vaccine roll out in China, Vaccine storage and transport at +2 to +8 C , our vaccine stored at -70C , is one a Placebo?
Irelands vacccine gets Military escort on arrival in Dublin , all for prevention of a Virus with a 99.97% survival rate.Makes you think!!! Is this why there are so many flavors , some loaded some not?
When the going gets tough…
Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have “Freedom To Move Around”
Paris, London, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Leipzig, Valencia, Liege, Rome. All Have had large Protests/riots in the last week, yet no media outlet wishes to show you.
Coronavirus vaccine: Pfizer given protection from legal action by UK government
Pfizer’s UK boss refuses to explain why the business needs protection from legal action.
THIS IS HUGE!!! A (+) PCR test with Ct value of 37 or higher (level set by most labs) means the test is a FALSE POSITIVE. No Virus can be found or cultured. You are NOT sick. No quarantine. No shutdown. The CASE-DEMIC will be over. Should demand ALL labs release their Ct values
MichealMartinTD @CMOIreland In the light of the emergence of empirical data that 45 cycle PCR is a wholly unreliable method by which to diagnose COVID 19, the “case” numbers for Ireland are no longer valid pending review & daily briefings are & have been inaccurate
Horrors of vaccination exposed and illustrated, petition to the President to abolish compulsory vaccination in army and navy 1920.
Why Didn’t Bill Gates Vaccinate His Own Children?
Bill Gates And The World’s Elite DO NOT VACCINATE Their Own Children
Bill Gates’ Vaccine Crime Record
“Personally, I think Gates has just proven he is a psychopath. He just admitted that 700,000 people would die from his vaccine and that’s OK, its collateral damage I suppose.”
Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon Request a Stop of ALL Corona Vaccination Studies, Call to SIGN THE PETITION
Do You really Believe that the Puppets will get the real VAXX
Why the Govt puppets BS gains so much traction…
The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media INFOGRAPHIC
These 10 Companies Secretly Control The World.
With all the links/research you’ve done, I don’t see any in here which show the history with the failures in animal testing with the attempts to develop an mRNA vaccines over the last 20 years and the results there of.
Can you point me to anything? Google has severely censored the research results and I’m having a hard time finding scientific studies about this.
Finally , good news. They will spare innocent animals . The bad–no dedicated congressman or Fauci himself will take this vaccine like the priest, Father John and show us the way.
Where is their devotion and faith? I liked especially the theme of this good report. Promoting the natural and healthy resistance that “science” always desires to circumvent .
And the photo graph cartoon is no exaggeration. In my state, the governor is already boasting that all will soon be vaccinated . Except him.
Orthodox Realist
Off topic, but can someone PLEASE suggest to me some good CI video channels?
(I’m already subbed to TruthVids on both Bitchute and YT)
J. Polk
Try this YouTube channel:
Orthodox Realist
Thanks for the link.
A good collection of videos, the channel got.
But I was looking for a CI content-creator.