The European Parliament has finally taken a largely symbolic stand against rising state-backed ‘homophobia’ in Poland, where more than 80 towns have now declared themselves “LGBTQ-free zones” amid a heated culture war over so-called ‘gay rights’:
MEPs voted by 463 votes to 107 Wednesday in favor of a resolution condemning discrimination against LGBTQ people in Poland, and explicitly calling on the Polish government to revoke discriminatory measures such as the “LGBTQ-free zones,” established by dozens of conservative local authorities that have symbolically declared themselves free from “LGBTQ ideology.”
“The European Parliament urges Polish authorities to condemn these acts and to revoke all resolutions attacking LGBTI rights,” the European Parliament said in a statement.
Gay rights have become a hot-button issue in Poland this year since the ruling right-wing populist Law and Justice made its opposition to “LGBTQ ideology” a central platform of its campaigns for national and European elections. The party’s anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, echoed by Catholic hardliners, nationalist groups and state-run media, has painted gay rights as a dangerous, alien ideology — imported from the decadent, liberal West — that threatens the traditional, Catholic family unit.
Law and Justice chairman Jarosław Kaczyński, Poland’s de facto leader, warned in April of an “imported” LGBTQ movement that “threatens our identity, our nation… and therefore the Polish state.” In October’s elections, his party was returned to power comfortably with 44 percent of the vote.
This unabashedly homophobic stance has resulted in an increasingly hostile environment for sexual minorities in Poland, with many local authorities banning support to projects that back equal rights for LGBTQ people. Rising homophobia has resulted in ugly scenes such as when right-wing mobs attacked marchers at a Pride rally in Bialystok in July. And last month, the annual edition of an annual Independence Day rally organized by nationalist groups had a markedly anti-gay theme.
…Another Law and Justice MEP, former interior minister Joachim Brudziński, accused supporters of the resolution of “destroying the image of Poland for their own interests.”
When the Poles dog whistle that the LGBT ideology is ‘imported’ — just like communism was ‘imported’ — they are telling the world they know the Jews are behind this nation-wrecking agenda, and Poland is in their cross hairs.
Unlike the rest of Europe, the Poles understand the modus operandi of the Jews, having hosted the largest population of Jews in Europe at one point, which is why they have become very adept at sparring with the ‘rootless cosmopolitans’ in the EU Parliament who are actively trying to subvert and destroy Poland.
There are still many communist-era apparatchiks and young sympathetic Bolsheviks causing problems in Poland, but they are so far being kept in check because Poland has refused to accept Muslim ‘refugees’ who, they know, become the foot soldiers for these socialist revolutionaries still lurking in the shadows.
And the Poles fully understand that the LGBT agenda is merely a tool of the neo-Bolsheviks to bring Poland back under the boot heel of the nation-wreckers who dominate the West.
And let’s not forget, Poland is a beautiful example of how a white nation can arise from the subterfuge of jewish dominated society. All is far from lost in any (((formerly))) white Christian nation – unless that populace prefers jewish dominion…
What allowed Poland to rise from the ashes of judeo-communist rule is that it is still a nation that is over 95% ethnic Polish. A non-White population would have never recovered.
Imagine how long ago America was 95% White. Maybe 100 years ago? I don’t think people fully appreciate just how White Poland still is and how important that is not only to its survival, but also the survival of the entire European people as an example and reminder of Who We Are.
Look on a map: it is literally the heart of Europe, especially if you consider western Russia part of Europe, which I do.
I’m in the supermarket I regularly shop just outside Boston in a mostly White neighborhood and it’s typically (almost always) 30 minutes before I hear any customers speaking English. No exaggeration. I can remember only one family I knew of speaking a foreign language (Italian) when I was a kid decades ago.
Notice the lack of common (American) obesity in the picture above?
It’s got nothing to do with color; Poland is very heavily tied to God and still maintains a moral standard against evil. As long as a nation stands as a nation under God and Christ, color is irrelevant. Poland is over 90 percent Christian.
Now the United States on the other hand, with its abandonment of capital punishment for murderers and perverts, combined with the extreme decadence of pornography, drunkenness and material possession, has largely forgotten God and actively worked to kick Him out of the system.
Wrong, if Poland were 97% Black and Arab instead of White, it would be a Third World country rife with crime and degeneracy. You are blind to reality. Poland’s morality cannot be separated from its race. Culture is a reflection of biology. And so is our innate sense of morality.
If Poland becomes multicultural and embraces “diversity”, it will become a moral cesspool, guaranteed.
Well of course they will, because guess what? THE AFRICAN AND ARAB NATIONS ARE HEATHEN, GODLESS NATIONS. Do you really think that if Arabs/Muslims followed the God of the Holy Bible instead of Allah that they’d be marrying six year olds and shitting in the streets? They’re no different than the heathens of California and Chicago.
We have Godly men of all nations in America, the same as we have the Godless of all nations. The Godless and the wicked reprobates need to all be equally wiped out, regardless of what sewer or rock they crawled out from.
What? Poles don’t want to see gays prancing down the street, in S & M gear, holding and using massive dildos and recruiting youngsters to their life of depravity?
Or have pedos sneaking into their libraries and schools, pretending to read to the kiddies, while they’re actually coping feels and trying to pollute their minds.
That’s no way to be inclusive!
Way to go Poland, at least one European nation is fighting off the Jew Commie onslaught of degradation.
As long as Poland stands firm against the queers and the Muslim/African invaders, God will help preserve it as one of His last White nations. And that might necessitate leaving the EU when push comes to shove. They have gotten a taste of prosperity with one of the fastest growing economies in the EU, thanks to its racial homogeneity and lack of a permanent non-White social underclass. Stay true to who you are, Poland!
God bless Poland.
Poland keeps proving that it is the Polish people, and not just this ‘Law and Order’ political party or the Polish gubmint in general. The Poles are standing up as the example for all (((formerly))) white Christian nations – as a people, not as a gubmint!