French immigration authorities deported a 19-year-old immigrant from Algeria who was jailed for refusing to deliver food to Jews after it was discovered he was living France illegally:
Dhia Edine D. was sentenced in January to four months in jail for declining to deliver food made by a kosher restaurant in Strasbourg while he was working there as a food courier for the Deliveroo delivery company.
Upon his arrest, following a complaint to police by the restaurant’s owner for discrimination, the courier was found to have been living illegally in France.
In announcing the deportation on Saturday, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin wrote on Twitter: “Anti-Semitic hatred has no place in France.”
So in other words, if this Muslim had refused to deliver to infidel Christians — or had beheaded a white Frenchman in the streets in broad daylight, he wouldn’t have been deported.
His unforgivable sin was not that he was “living illegally” in France — but rather that he had refused to make a delivery to Jews.
But this shouldn’t surprise Jews in France in anyway — they are well aware that Muslim airline baggage handlers intentionally reroute Israeli luggage out of spite.
And the French Jews know exactly why these Muslims “hate” them — because of the ongoing genocide of the Muslims in Palestine.
But antisemitism in France isn’t apparently confined to the Muslims — as the native French also have their historical distaste of Jewish shenanigans.
The French government, at the behest of powerful Jewish interests, allowed illegal Muslims to flood into France for the sole purpose of undermining and destroying the ethnic French and Christian identity of France.
And they did this knowing full well that many of these Muslim migrants held virulently antisemitic views — but that was a small price to pay to attain the bigger prize — the impossibility of resurrecting the native French identity that could oppose Jewish hegemony.
After all, the French military is now providing armed guards to protect Jews in the streets — a sure sign that Jews are doing absolutely nothing to deserve this “hate.”
With the largest Muslim population in Europe, France is no longer a cohesive nation in any real sense as it was only 50 years ago — and in another 50 years, France will unrecognizable — and the term “French” will become just as meaningless as “European.”
And as France grows progressively darker, and more violent — more and more Jews are leaving — more making aliyah to Israel every year — despite the pleadings of French President Macron.
SC Rebel
Look at the bright side, France.
At least you aren’t speaking German!
The most frequent theme in the letters is a discussion of the “Soviet Paradise.” Communist agitators spread this idea for years to the masses of Europe. Moscow claimed it was “a hell for exploiters and a paradise for workers.” The words of German soldiers are a blow to the face of the Bolshevist world deceivers.
Wherever we look there is filth, decay, desolation, misery, death, and suffering! Everywhere we see the ghost of Bolshevism in the tortured look of farmers, the blank stares of captives, the hundreds of murdered people, the farm houses, desolate buildings, and ruined houses. I sometimes think it is all the work of the devil. The land was rich when it was inhabited by German, Ukrainian, Czech, and Polish farmers. Then Bolshevism came, and with it enormous misery. Everything that was prosperous or cultured was killed or burned. I spoke with dozens of people whose family members, fathers, husbands, brothers and sons perished somewhere in Murmansk, Siberia or the icy north. Thousands died during the great famine, particularly in 1932-1933. Thousands more ended up in prisons and jails. The misery of those freed from Bolshevism is indescribable. Any free expression was prohibited, any movement banned. Everything in nature that was beautiful, good, and free was destroyed. Everything created by God was exterminated! They took the blessing from the land and the soul from the people. They reduced them to the level of animals, impotent, miserable enslaved animals with no hope of life who did not know if they would be alive tomorrow, who lived from hand to mouth, and were happy only when someone killed them. Hell can be no worse that this “Soviet paradise.” There is no hope of salvation. What Bolshevism has done to humanity is a sin against God, a crime one cannot begin to understand.
Here is Barbara Spectre….American born Jewish supremacist,
“With the largest Muslim population in Europe, France is no longer a cohesive nation”, oops what did American born Jewish supremacist Barbara Spectre said, ….Europe has not yet learned to be multicultural and Jews are playing a leading role in the transformation, Europe will no longer be the homogenous societies that they once were in the last century. Well and she gets funded by the government of Sweden to spew her hatred against White people and of course using the gullible Blacks in America who blame White people for all the crap they called on themselves by jumping on the Marxist Bolshevik communist hate White people agenda of the Jews and their White allies.
Rabbi Glickman
Oy vey! The Jews must survive.
Especially rabbis. L’chaim!
I repeat…..”The French government, at the behest of powerful Jewish interests, allowed illegal Muslims to flood into France for the sole purpose of undermining and destroying the ethnic French and Christian identity of France.” All European countries engage in this human trafficking scam thanks to the Jewish supremacist who dictate America’s foreign policy. The minority group rights regime is a racket set up by Jewish supremacist to engage is crimes against humanity with impunity with the help of Europe and America.
Now that’s jewish humor, right there…
Rabbi Glickman
Our schemes are coming together. Today France. Tomorrow the World!