As Muslims continue to invade traditionally White Christian countries, they have begun to make increasingly vocal demands to accommodate their supertitious “cultural norms,” including their irrational aversion to our pet dogs:
In one of his latest reports, John Zmirak, a social and business writer, as well as a senior editor at The Stream, has cited a number of flyers that were circulated in Hoffman Park in Vancouver, asking dog owners to keep their “filthy” pets on leashes due to “Many Muslims living in the area”.
“Please keep your dogs on a leash and away from the Muslims who live in this community”, CTV Vancouver quoted the flyers as reading back in 2017. Mayor John Becker then notably came up with a vague reaction: while arguing that the notices had not been produced by the city, he said that there were “current bylaws in place that enforce areas for dogs to be on leash, except in designated off-leash areas”.
Zmirak went still further, citing another “weird, hyper-polite anomaly”, as Muslim politicians in the Netherlands, which has also seen a vast influx of immigrants over the past few years, had attempted to ban dogs from The Hague, the third biggest city in the country. In Spain, the author went on, local politicians managed to reject such a ban; however, by a twist of fate, a dog-poisoning spree followed closely.
In Britain, meanwhile, the situation is not much different, and perhaps even more glaring as Zmirak cited an earlier report by the Gatestone Institute that branded the UK as “ground zero” for Europe’s canine controversies, as blind passengers “are being ordered off buses or refused taxi rides because Muslim drivers or passengers object to their ‘unclean’ guide dogs”.
The author called out the controversies as a suggestive “sign of the times”, with the notices in “the Canadian dog park” telling the public much of “what we’d rather not think about”. “That kind of sign notifies you when your country has been colonised”, Zmirak stated resolutely,
The Muslims would never have the temerity to make these ridiculous demands unless they knew there were very powerful forces behind them to run interference for them and protect them from the inevitable backlash. And if you haven’t figured out who is aiding and abetting this Muslim invasion, you need to wake up from your sports/porn coma before it’s too late. The Muslims and their jewish enablers have announced their common cause against White Christian “racist” America, in case you haven’t noticed, and this is just the beginning.
White Christendom saw a Muslim invasion of Europe in the early 17th century, and thanks to the Poles, the invaders were defeated and expelled, but today there is virtually no resistance to this new and much larger invasion. What accounts for this difference? Europeans have largely abandoned their Christian faith that for over 1,000 years protected them from the machinations and subversion of the Jews and their proxy warriors, the Muslims.
After WWII, every Christian household signed its own death warrant when they put televisions in their living rooms and abdicated their parental responsibility to that one-eyed jewish babysitter which told their children Black is White, up is down, wrong is right, and to resist is “hate”.
The author’s mention of the corrosive role of television reminds me of a commentator some years ago, who described how television first arrived in his community in Scotland, when he was a young boy. He described how every evening after supper, families would walk to a hillside meadow outside the town with fantastic views, where the children would play together and the adults socialize, until it got dark and time to go home to bed. Then salesmen for television companies arrived, offering each family a “free black & white television” for a trial period of a year, which later cost only a few pennies a month. How could anyone resist?
The effect on community life was devastating, as he described walking down the nearly empty streets in the twilight, lit by the flickering bluish glare of televisions coming through the windows. Soon people stopped going to the hillside meadow of an evening, and stayed indoors, glued to their new television sets.
Funny you mention that. There was a Scottish commentator on the RBN Network named Alan Watt who used to tell that exact story, and I also remember it vividly. Alan Watt had a lot in interesting insights, but at the end of the day, I found out he plagiarized much of one of his books, and he spread disinformation about race and Christianity, and avoided the JQ, probably because he lived in Canada, but who knows… And when he began showing up on Alex Jones InfoWars, I knew the guy was a shill.
Jews in America merely pretend to be outraged by the “antisemitic” statements by Muslim Congress member Omar Ilhan. Her tenure in Congress will do far more to damage White America than it will hurt Jews in any significant way, which is why they don’t completely discredit her with her well-known crimes, such as marrying her brother to fraudulently gain citizenship, and embezzling campaign money.
The only reason Muslim immigrants in America don’t call for the death of Christian infidels is that they have not amassed enough power yet, but they need to get in line behind the Jews who have already instituted their Noahide Laws in Congress, which considers Christianity idolatry whose punishment is death. This is not a joke, and that is why they will ultimately gang up together with common cause against their common historical enemy, the White Christians. Wake up, America, this is serious and real.
Martin Luther clearly saw the real intent that the Jews have for us, whom they consider Amalek. He wrote:
“If they had the power to do to us what we are able to do to them, not one of us would live for an hour. But since they lack the power to do this publicly, they remain our daily murderers and bloodthirsty foes in their hearts.”
– Martin Luther (1483-1546): On The Jews and Their Lies: 9/11, p. 141
Yes, go to any Muslim country and start making demands that they accommodate your Christian faith and see how quickly you get thrown off a roof top, stoned to death, or decapitated.