(NL Times) When the Netherlands decided to flood its quiet, boring, and much-too-White country with some much-needed Third World vibrancy, who could have foreseen that one of the “new normals” would be thousands of car fires and skyrocketing automobile insurance premiums?
A record number of 4,941 car fires were registered by insurers in the Netherlands last year, an increase of 12 percent compared to the 4,399 cars that burned out in the country in 2018, the Dutch Association of Insurers reported on Wednesday.
According to the Association, car fires are mainly caused by arson. “The Association of Insurers find the increasing trend in the number of car fires very concerning. A car fire in a residential neighborhood has enormous impact on the feeling of security of the residents,” the association said.
Between 2016 and 2019, Rotterdam had the most car fires with 573 claims filed with insurers. The Hague came next with 541, followed by Amsterdam with 533 and Utrecht with 448. By province, the most car fires were reported in Zuid-Holland at 3,051 claims.
These figures do not include lease cars and third-party insured cars, so the actual number of car fires may well be higher, the Association said.
5,000 cars torched may seem like a lot compared, say, to France where Muslims routinely set fire to over 1,000 vehicles in just one night in Paris alone — for New Years.
But the Netherlands is a tiny country compared to France, and its ‘vibrant’ migrants have a much larger impact on the “quality of life” there.
Put into perspective, America has 20 times larger population and is vastly larger in area — 4 million square miles vs. 16,000 square miles — each migrant’s behavior has a disproportionate effect on the Netherlands.
The native Dutch have nowhere to go to avoid diversity — “White flight” is not an option in this tiny country as it still is in America.
The “Dutch” media does its best to ignore these car fires aside from releasing these annual statistics — without mentioning the identity of the perpetrators or any plans to discourage this expression of Third World joy — that would be ‘racist’, and in the New Netherlands ‘racism’ is a crime that carries much more social stigma than capital murder, which has also become far more common.
Not to worry, though, the progressive and ‘enlightened’ Dutch are on top of it — they’ve instituted a new government program to discourage all this ‘antisocial’ behavior — just be nice to each other. Literally.
“Swedish boys tortured, raped and buried alive by immigrants”
“Both suspects have “non-Western immigrant backgrounds” but are “Swedish citizens”.
More post 911 Jewish propaganda to serve Satans agenda; the candle burns at both ends; you will find them stoking the flames of division falsely blaming Muslim immigrants for all kinds of criminal activities that they have nothing to do with and are not engaged in what-so-ever. Supremacist Christians lap it up because they do not understand the true meaning of Christs words, nor do they care and thus are not real Christians.
Mulsims have no business being in White Christian lands. We have battled to keep them out over the last 2,000 years. The only reason they are here now is that the Jews want them here to help destroy Christendom, the eternal enemy of the Jews. Muslims need to stay in their own countries and build them up the best they can, not come to White countries and turn them into Third World arab slums.
Muslims are about 1% of the U.S. population but commit about 15% of the crime. Like Blacks, Muslims have the reputation they do for good reason. Look at the countries they come from–Third World, invent nothing, use or copy White man’s technology. What value to do they add to any White country? Nothing. Go home and stop complaining about what White people do in America, a country they built for themselves not the rest of the world.
Islam is Jewish. The Jews created Islam to overthrow Christianity. Jihadism is talmudism. Every one has a right to self determination and these immigrants are being used to overthrow the western world.
Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you…