Cats are the the most popular and loved household pet in Sweden, which makes the recent “epidemic” of maimings and mutilations even more disturbing:
The peaceful and pet-loving Scandinavian country has been hit by a wave of attacks against cats; the unfortunate felines were brutally mutilated and had to be put down.
Cat owners across Sweden have been taking steps to ensure their pets’ security amid an upsurge of animal brutality.
“Someone here is out to hurt animals. I do not know how to keep my animals safe,” Marie-Louise Davidsson, a troubled cat owner from Stockholm, told the Expressen newspaper.
Earlier, Davidsson had to take the heart-wrenching decision to euthanise Alibaba the cat, who returned home from a walk brutally maimed. According to Davidsson, Alibaba’s tail was fleeced, the fur and skin completely removed. The injury left the pet in so much agony that Davidsson had no other choice.
By her own admission, Alibaba was free to run in and out of the home, as were her three other cats. Now she is afraid to let her pets out of the apartment area.
“I cannot understand how there is someone who can do this sort of thing to a poor innocent animal in this way,” Davidsson said.
Her Facebook post sparked strong reactions among cat-loving Swedes; condolences to Davidsson and curses against the animal tormentors poured in. The culprits were called “perverts,” “sickos” and “evil idiots,” among other things.
In the post’s comments section, cat owners shared stories of their pets suffering similar torture, sharing pictures of their mutilated pets. Recently, cats from other regions of Sweden were reported to have been subjected to these kinds of attacks. Earlier this week, a cat in Dalarna had to be euthanised after it got its tail and feet chopped off in what veterinarians called an act of animal abuse.
According to the animal insurance company Agria, there are about 1.4 million cats in Sweden, a nation of 10 million people. Cats are the most popular pet, outnumbering dogs, rabbits, birds, hamsters and mice. In total, 34 percent of Swedish families have pets.
This Swedish woman cannot understand who would do such a thing to cats because the political correctness which dominates Sweden won’t allow her to even acknowledge that it’s Muslims doing it. The entire article avoids the obvious — that this problem materialized during the Muslim invasion of Sweden. Arabs and Africans do not treat animals the same way White people do, nor do they treat other people the way we do, so it’s foolish to expect them to respect something defenseless as a household pet, which they see as either lunch or something to torture for fun.
Animal cruelty has swept across Europe along with the migrants, but the media rarely reports on it, of course, but even more pathetic is that these Swedes are more outraged by these cats being tortured than they are about Swedish women and children being gang raped and murdered by these Muslim animals. Accepting these migrants in the first place is proof that the Swedes themselves are sado-masochistic, and what’s happening to these cats is what’s happening to their society as a whole.
1. This went on 2015 watched on CSPAN wasting 500 million of our tax dollars to arm & train 5000 Syrians to fight ISIS of which only 60 men were trained the rest were even paid to participate they took the money & ran in less than 6 months the mass illegal migration began in Europe overwhelming the countries & devastating their economies. All arrived with Apple cell phones & using military rafts, life jackets arrogant & demanding all planned & orchestrated. Congress was in an uproar. Read & witness long & hard folks 185,000 migrants came into Europe in just three months ……/uk/585501/3-months-migrants-flood-Europe
Jun 18, 2015 · In the first three months of this year alone, 185,000 immigrants have sought refuge in Europe. The number is 86 per cent up on last year and underlines the migration crisis threatening Britain.
1. Viktor Orban: Leaders Who Allow Migrants To Flood Europe … › News
Hungarian leader Viktor Orban has vowed to punish EU leaders who allow millions of illegal immigrants to flood into Europe. Millions of migrants have wreaked havoc in Europe since Obama opened the flood gates in the Middle East and implemented his irresponsible foreign policy
George Soros collaborating with Face Book, Google & SNOPES to play down crimes & the truth.
1. Europe in crisis over sex attacks by migrants amid calls ……
Jan 08, 2016 · Europe was in crisis on Friday night as mounting fury over sex attacks by Middle Eastern and North African migrants threatened to divide the continent east …
A reality tour of ICE facilities for illegal immigrants. The Dem/lefts despicable lies they try to feed you. Creating anarchy & at the expense of your tax dollars. Risking national security & public safety
Better take a look folks what the left has done is despicable.
Jenny sampson
Why on earth should a civilized country have to take in these backward thinking cruel sick thugs? Get rid of them, send them all back before they take over completely.
Do not let these mentally deficient inbred mucus bags breed.
We’ve all been lied to!
Ehite people can’t be racist:
Here’s a list of “white slave trades”: 1.barbary slave trade 2. arab slave trade 3. irish slave trade 4.crimean slave trade, 100’s of millions of white people were enslaved over the last 2,500 years, half were white women!
We need to WAKE UP! and stand up for ourselves and our beloved country!!
Your commentary says it all. But what else can we expect from Europe’s most atheist nation? The most obvious cause and effect that is right in our face, but we refuse to see…