After receiving a strong dose of diversity, the ‘new normal’ for New Years celebrations in the Netherlands involves downplaying death, riots, arson, violent attacks, and where even the torching of an iconic Dutch windmill is barely worth mentioning amid all the other mayhem:
At midnight the Netherlands rang in 2020 with firework shows in Rotterdam and The Hague, where the thick fog cleared just in time. While Justice Minister Ferdinand Grapperhaus said he feared a “wild west party” this New Year’s, there were no major incidents. There were, however, a very large number of car fires, especially in The Hague region, and multiple incidents of aid workers and first responders being attacked or harassed, according to various Dutch media.
The Hague was expected to be very restless over New Year’s, given riots and incidents in Duindorp and Scheveningen after the annual New Year’s bonfires were canceled. There were no major riots, though the police did bar access to Duindorp as a precaution. There were a massive number of car fires, however. By 1:30 a.m. a total of 64 car fires were reported in and around The Hague, according to Omroep West. For comparison, last New Year’s the city counted 28 car fires.
At this stage there is not yet a complete overview of all incidents in the country, but the police had to intervene in multiple places. For example, riot police were deployed to a car fire in Utrecht to assist aid workers who were being pelted with fireworks in the Kanaleneiand district. First responders also had fireworks thrown at them in Vianen, De Bilt, Ede, Zeist and, The Hague, among others, according to NOS.
Fire departments also had their hands full with other types of fires. A man and a 4-year-old boy were killed, and a woman and girl seriously injured, in an apartment building fire in Arnhem. In Bovenkarspel, Noord-Holland, the historical Ceres windmill from 1848 went up in flames. In Veendam there was a fire in an empty store, in IJsselstein in an old school, and in Amsterdam in a paper storage center, according to
Non-Whites now comprise an astonishing 25% of the population in the Netherlands and growing, but that 25% commits the vast majority of the violent crime and mayhem, even in the small towns. Yet media-brainwashed White people in the Netherlands will insist that, no, it’s the White people who are just as violent.
How much of historic Holland needs to go up in flames before the Dutch people have had enough of this experiment in diversity?
They have been cowered into not complaining as their way of life has been irrevocably changed for the worse, and any objections to their own replacement and destruction is considered ‘hate speech’.
It’s hard to imagine, but there are places in Holland that experience violence that even American cities have yet to see, such as daily hand grenade attacks and robberies, and now routine mail bombings.
And migrants use “fireworks” as weapons to terrorize and destroy, not just celebrate like ‘normal’ Dutch people.
But the Dutch have learned to grin and bear it, pretending that once they get past this difficult ‘adjustment’ period, their new multicultural Holland will become the Marxist Utopia that their overlords keep promising them.
It is time to expelled the diversity aka muslims et al, who all do not wish to assimilates to the West Christian VALUES, instead they’re busy pushing their EVIL IDEOLOGY aka DEATH RAPE CULT on the West. It is time we RISES up and fight back, and destroy them before we’re destroyed. There is no other way to save our world from these murdering evil dogs!
Are you sure that Muslims were responsible for the fire? I’ve seen nothing to support this assertion anywhere. Mind you I’d be totally unsurprised if they were responsible.
Muslims and other migrants set fires all across the Netherlands last night, including over 100 cars torched, but they weren’t responsible for this fire? Is that what you’re seriously asking? Do you honestly think Muslims deserve the benefit of the doubt? That’s a White concept that White’s reserve for other deserving Whites.
I simple don’t know and think that we should not descend to the level of the Lying Press. And no, I have no illusions whatsoever about our uninvited guests’ proclivities.
I daresay there is a big difference between lying and ‘taking liberties’. To unequivocally publish that 19 muslims with boxcutters took down the WTC buildings and the Pentagon is lying. To say that muslims burnt down the historic windmill is taking liberties, hypothesizing, or theorizing. I don’t think I need to break down the differences.
Independent press depends on the independent thinkers who read it to be able to understand the logical equation of “if a=c and b=c, then a=b”. The msm depends on the fluoridated sheep to stay bleating while being indoctrinated to think “2+2=5”.
Christians For Truth is NOT a news site. We provide commentary on news events from a non-denominational, independent Christian perspective. If you want an ‘objective’ news site, you will never find one, and we certainly don’t pretend to be one.
No, there’s no “proof” that Muslims set this fire, but since the police will intentionally not ever determine who did it because the answer is not politically correct, we can assume that it was a holiday gift from vibrant and violent Muslim migrants who are responsible for most of the recent wonton destruction of property in the Netherlands. But just on the safe side, we changed the title to “Diversity” instead of “Muslims” so that no one’s ‘feelings’ are hurt.
Shame on the Netherlands media for being so unbelievably contradictory in their reporting in the effort to downplay the destruction of their country and way of life.
None of the outright destruction of DUTCH property is a ‘major incident’, nor is any of it being investigated as ‘hate crimes’, but yelling at a jew for hazardously driving like an inconsiderate jackass constitutes a ‘serious threat’ to all jews everywhere and they need to be on high alert because ‘anti-semitism’ is the most prolific and destructive evil there is.
The tone of the original article is so matter-of-fact, no big deal, nothing to concern yourselves over, just another night, nothing to see here. As Rome burns. Sure, Dutch women are being gang raped, but at least they are paid just as much as men for the same job!