(Times Of Israel) Buried within a new book Spies of No Country by Jewish-Israeli writer Matti Friedman is a frank admission about why Jews are so effective at international espionage: because of the range of their skin color, they can pass as almost any race, especially White:
“Spies of No Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel,” which tells the captivating tale of Israel’s first spies, young Jewish men originally from Arab countries who could slip across borders undetected. They were part of the “Arab Section” of the Palmach, Israel’s prestate force that would turn into the Israel Defense Forces…
As Friedman explains, “In the Zionist movement in those years — we’re talking about pre-1948 — almost everyone is European or Eastern European. Nine out of every 10 Jews were of European descent. The community of Jews who came from Islamic communities was marginal; they didn’t seem like Jews. These people spoke Arabic — they had a different kind of Judaism. And the Zionist movement didn’t know what to make of them. Sometimes they were considered really interesting and exotic, but [most] times they’re disregarded and pushed aside.”
In the nascent world of Israeli intelligence, in a country in which Mizrahim still complain of discrimination, the book’s heroes saw their identity as Arab Jews respected for the first time.
…As Friedman writes, “In retrospect, we understand that our men had found their way into one of the only corners of the Zionist movement where their identity was valued.” Double identity, he argues convincingly, has always been a part of life for Jews. But particularly for Arab Jews.
“That was their secret weapon,” Friedman says in the interview. “The people who set up the Arab Section were British, and they understand that ethnic impersonation is impossible. A lot of British officers had been undercover in Greece during the war; they could fool the Germans, but never fool the Greeks. That was really hard to pull off! But the Jews in Palestine offered this incredible opportunity. Jews had people who could pass for anything you want: Polish, German, Arab — because Jews had these double identities. That’s what makes them such good spies, and explains the success of Israeli intelligence in the early years of the state.”
Richard Nixon knew exactly what Friedman is talking about here, as he once stated, “The Jews are born spies….they are just in it up to their necks.”
When Friedman brags that Jews make natural spies, no one bats an eye, but when Nixon says the same thing, he’s a vicious antisemite who needs to be driven out of office.
Jews know full well that they can pass as White — and they rely on that ability to literally spy on all aspects of White Christian society and make sure that the goyim don’t start asking the wrong questions.
This “double identity” is what allows Jews to play a racial shell game, claiming to be a “religion” when convenient and also a protected “ethnic minority” when necessary.
This is what’s at the heart of the expression “White privilege” — it’s the privilege that Jews have to be White whenever it’s to their advantage as they worm their way into all levels of White society.
When asked if Jews are White, even White “race realist” Jared Taylor at American Renaissance stated, “Jews look white to me.”
And that’s the naive and undiscriminating opinion that Jews love to hear from the sleeping goyim.
robert edward
you forgot their other great accomplishments pornography, sodomy, white collar crime and hebrew national hotdog.
Chaplain Bob Walker
I found out today that master spy John A Walker (no relation) had a father who worked for kosher Warner Brothers. I can find almost nothing for information on this.
Well soon all these zio pre trib rapture believers will either discover the true meaning of the 2 seedlines or end up denying Jesus to save their lives. Blessing those who hate Jesus has consequences.
2 Chron 19:2 – And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly,
and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.
Anton Chigur
As a White person I’m going to find my disguises and put on my yarmulke. Infiltration works both ways.
Doug Provenzano
Yes…BOTH ways!
Allen Ahrens
That is exactly what we should be doing….Its time for this war to be a two way war, instead of one side sleeping while the enemy is actively destroying….
Notice, for example, that EVERY controlled op shill on the right (which is ALL that is still up on any mainstream platform) repeats over and over
“BLM is mostly white people”
“Look at Antifa- its mostly white middle and upper class kids”
“White Liberals are to blame”
And so forth.
Yet is that really the case? No.
“Rosenbaum” is a Jewish name (The staged Kyle Rittenhouse psi-op”. All parties were NON whites/Jews with the exception of Rittenhouse, whom is OBVIOUSLY hispanic, most likely Mexican.
Look at the “Antifa unmasked” mugshots! Nearly all are visibly Jewish for those who know a Jew from a European.
Their greatest fear, is people finding out that this is NOT white Liberals vrs white conservative republicans….Its Jews vrs Europeans, and BLM, Antifa, and the “White Liberal” gangs are all Jewish controlled creations largely run by Jews themselves.
They know if this secret gets out, the gloves will come off, and there will be hell to pay.
Norm Ehren
Bombing of the King David Hotel murderous terrorist attack in the ’50s in order to blame Egyptians is one example.
It’s not “smarts” or “IQ” that gives jews an advantage over gentile whites, but is their rabid insistence on cultural and social cohesiveness, insularity and nepotism (but only for themselves) that gives them an “advantage”.
This same cultural and social cohesiveness that is prized so highly by jewish interests is denied to gentile whites. Jews, to a man, will fight to deny this same cultural and social cohesiveness to gentile whites that they themselves enjoy as it is a major part of the jewish purpose–the destruction of gentile white culture, which IS superior to any jewish cultural or social society.
If jews did not possess this power, they would most likely be rag merchants, liquor merchants, or furniture merchants–nothing more. As I have previously stated, jewish success is based on cultural and social cohesiveness and insularity–NOT “smarts” or “IQ”.
Once enough jews get into a position of power in the work world or education systems, they will hire and promote their own, even bypassing more qualified gentile white candidates.
Jews have latched on to cultural cohesiveness and nepotism, as it serves their purpose exceedingly well.
At the same time, jews pushed the concept of racial “equality”, (but only for gentile whites), backing it up with “civil-rights” and “equal accommodation” laws which are enforced by governments–but only against whites. These “civil-rights” laws are used as a “battering ram” against gentile whites to diffuse and fragment any semblance of gentile white solidarity and cohesiveness that may arise.
A great reckoning dealing with the jews is coming. As gentile whites become more marginalized, the accusation of being tagged as “racist” or a “holocaust denier” is rapidly losing its “sting”.
Increasingly, jews are more wary of being “called out” and recognized as “jews”. One can call a jew a shyster, shylock, bankster, criminal or ne-er-do-well, and it will roll off his back like water off a duck, BUT call a jew a “jew”, and he will recoil in horror, having been “found out”.
Great anarchyst!
“If some random Joe out in the sticks of Minnesota or the Dakotas questions the ) e w i s h cultural vaccinators in the US, Tel Aviv hears about it.
If a soccer mom in the Palisades donates to a Palestinian orphanage, Tel Aviv hears about it.
If a shopper in New York boycotts half a pound of I s r a e l i cherry tomatoes, Tel Aviv knows about it.
If an antisemitic ant in Yellowstone Park detours from the picnic of a ) e w i s h visitor, Tel Aviv knows about it.
You bet Tel Aviv has your information and your vital statistics – it didn’t even have to buy it – it has for years now burrowed its agents and schemes right up every orifice of your American life and body – and ironically, you’ve paid them for this invasive service yourself with your tax dollars.
You may think DC answers to you, the law-abiding taxpayer and voter, but DC answers ONLY to Tel Aviv.
Tel f*cking Aviv. Your Big bastard ) e w i s h Brother.”
Plato’s Guns Jewish Terrorism
by Taxi
(Should tickle your fancy)
Aaron Fitzgerald
They certainly can’t, us Germans can tell Jews apart right away! We know untermensch when we see it. Der juden sind untermensch!
Boy do they love to brag. And they do it knowing that it will be mainly dismissed by the goyim…because they engineered it to be so. The silver lining is, more and more goyim are falling through the cracks of their bloated, beastly machine and there is plenty of evidence available for them to wake up and opt not to re-enter satan’s beastly prison.
Yes, Jews brag about their accomplishments among themselves, and they are always shocked to find out that others don’t praise them for those “good works” like bolshevism, communism, feminism, zionism, and transgenderism. It’s the ultimate sign of self-absorption to think anyone outside of Jews would find these “accomplishments” positive in any way.