(The Jewish Chronicle) A new coffee table book — that seems destined to be an international best seller and Nobel prize winner — will attempt the impossible — to convince non-Jews that there’s no such thing as a typical “Jewish look”:
Black-hatted, black-coated, bearded Jews walking down the street, their backs to the camera. Who among us hasn’t seen photos of Charedi men illustrating all manner of stories about Jewish life in the UK – and sighed? It’s a stereotype, visual shorthand, that misrepresents the diverse people we are.
Lecturer and author Keith Kahn-Harris has been sighing and writing about the problem for years. Now, he has collaborated with photographer Rob Stothard and produced a book of portraits entitled What Does a Jew Look Like? that showcases Anglo-Jewry’s dazzling diversity.
“There are only about 300,000 Jews in Britain so it’s quite easy to live here and never meet a real, live one. The way we are portrayed in the media, in public, is important, it’s how impressions are formed,” he says. “So the aim of the book is simple – we want non-Jews, and even some Jews, to understand that there is no such thing as the generic Jew.”
Stothard, who isn’t Jewish, was open to the book’s thesis from the outset. Kahn-Harris first contacted him in 2018 after discovering he was the photographer of what has become picture editors’ go-to image of British Jews, a photo of two Charedi men in Stamford Hill that has now been published hundreds of times…
…So they decided to work together to produce some different images of British Jews. There was a clear division of labour. Kahn-Harris tracked down people to photograph – “some I knew, some were recommended, others I had heard of online,” he says – and when Stothard took their pictures it was generally without Kahn-Harris in the room.
“I didn’t want a box-ticking exercise, but I did have some markers,” says Kahn-Harris. “I didn’t want everyone to live in London, and I wanted to include Orthodox, non-Orthodox, LGBTQ, Zionist and non-Zionist Jews, the old and young. And I definitely didn’t want everyone to be Ashkenazi – there are a fair number of non-white people in the book.”
But he stresses that some Jewish demographics have been left out. “This is not exhaustive coverage. We’d have needed hundreds of images to achieve that…
And each picture is accompanied by the person’s own words. “I either interviewed them, or they wrote something themselves. This approach makes it difficult to see the subjects as representative of any particular way of being Jewish.”
The book will be hand-delivered, he says, to the nation’s picture editors and “people who are generally in the public eye. We are putting a list together.” Stothard was The Times Young Photographer of the Year, in 2012, and went to work for the paper and also the New York Times and New Yorker, so “we are drawing heavily on Rob’s contacts”.
“There is nothing else like this book out there,” says Stothard. “We hope it will become a reference point for editors, make them think more carefully about how they illustrate stories about Jews.”
The book already has the endorsement of one high-profile journalist. Associate editor at the Financial Times Stephen Bush, who chaired the Board of Deputies’ commission on racial inclusivity in the community, has written its foreword. In it, he admits he has been “one of those awful journalists” who has been guilty of illustrating a story about Jewish life in Britain with a picture of the Charedi community. “I’ve made all the usual journalistic excuses: the desk wanted a picture, it’s hard to illustrate abstract stories, harder still to illustrate stories about race or religion in a sensitive way.” He even “engaged in special pleading about the fact, look, I’m Jewish, so of course I know there’s more to Jewish life in Britain than living in Stamford Hill.”
But the truth remains, says Bush, that everyone deserves to have their own story told. And Charedi men merit more than being a journalistic crutch to illustrate every story about British Jews.
Yes, every Jew in the world “deserves” to have their “story” told — and listened to with all due respect and reverence.
Every Jew is a unique snowflake — and any similarities between Jews can be dismissed as purely coincidental.
That said, the Jewish editor laid his cards on the table and admitted that he chose the photos specifically so as to create that impression in the reader — “Jews could be literally anyone we meet on the street.”
And his desire to de-emphasize Ashkenazi Jews — the single-most powerful and representative group of all Jews worldwide — reveals how he’s really “cooked” this book to satisfy his agenda.
And given how Jews — by their own admission — still struggle to define what a Jew is, it’s no wonder that a “Jew” can look like anyone from Lenny Kravitz to Marilyn Monroe.
Jews — especially Ashkenazi Jews — are often devastated to find out that they don’t pass as White — that they do have distinctive physical features that set them apart — glitches in the matrix, as it were.
Jewish power relies on their ability to “pass” as White — and then shift back to being Jewish when it’s convenient and beneficial.
If we disregard all the distractions and gaslighting — such as this book — that Jews create to make us doubt the reality we see in front of our eyes — we will indeed see very clearly that the Ashkenazi Jewish cabal that is wreaking havoc on our nations do have a particular “look” about them — which shouldn’t surprise us considering how highly inbred they have been compared to their White host nations — who have historically looked at Jews as having “tainted” bloodlines.
However, since the end of World War II, this Ashkenazi cabal has been interbreeding with the White elite of all Christian nations — making it more and more difficult with each subsequent generation for the average person to easily identify who “looks Jewish.”
By their own admission they do have “tainted” bloodlines — which is why they can merely pretend to be living descendants of the Israelite people — and why they hate — and fear — any talk about racial purity among the “goyim”.
Jews are now trying to sell themselves as the new “Everyman” — someone that everyone can identify with — after all, if any of us could be Jewish, then antisemitism can magically disappear.
The Bogeyman
“No Such Thing As A ‘Generic’ Looking Jew”
The Happy Merchant begs to differ.
With (((MLB))) making this weekend all about its favorite nog, Jackie Robinson, instead of Easter, Pee Wee Reese is getting mentioned.
Reese doesn’t look like a WASP in his picture, and his (((Wiki))) page mentions the odd trivia that he was immortalized in a comic commissioned by Chabad Lubavitch.
He’s the judas goat who helped normalize nogs ruining MLB but, in light of this article, is he a jew?
On one hand, the TV series “The Chosen” would be delighted to use this as justification for why all of their Judeans are a motley crew of brown folk, with Joseph and Mary even cast as different races from one another.
On the other, this would mean that they could regularly cast Whites as Judeans, rather than relegating them to being distinctly-Nazi-esque evil Romans. That might send cast and crew into conniptions.
Mercifully, the series casting Mary and Joseph as different races, with Joseph being a negro, has jarred some folk I know who watch the series into being receptive to the idea that the Judeans were White.
By the way, I have been told that Acts 22:25 and Acts 16:37 “prove” that Paul, and by extension all in the early church, is not White. To me, those verses establish evidence that Paul was White.
Has anyone else been told that, and what would be some pithy ways to refute that?
carl lyle
Those verses prove that Paul was a Roman citizen because Roman citizens were not allowed to be subject to torture. Nothing to do with his skin color. The centurions would have been in big trouble if they tortured a Roman citizen, and they took Paul’s word for it not wanting to risk the consequences. Having white skin was not “proof” you were a Roman citizen, as many whites were not Roman citizens.
My view of the verses is that because all of the people in the Roman Empire were White that the soldiers could not tell that Paul was a Roman citizen just by looking because everyone, subject or citizen, looked much the same.
The Churchianity types tell me that the verses “prove” that Paul is brown and that is why the soldiers were so stunned to hear that he is Roman as a brown Roman would have been rarer than hen’s teeth.
Cohencidentally, these verses play into the pop culture fantasy of Southern slave owners statistically whipping nonwhites, and that tends to come up in these conversations.
“New Book Aims To Convince Non-Jews There’s No Such Thing As A ‘Generic’ Looking Jew”
Filed under ‘FICTION’ at your local book store.
The only solution to the “jewish question” is to strip them of whatever they have stolen from “gentile nations” and quarantine them. They would have to prove they did not use their “jew” to jip to the head of the line.
The “jew” is the only anti-semite on the planet
From biblical times the *Jews* mixed racially with other Semitic/Canaanite peoples and also with some white groups that inhabited Palestine. Later there was the phenomenon of massive conversion among the Khazars … not to forget the black Ethiopians who accepted Judaism since ancient times and of whom there are also today many residing in Israel; in short, a whole amalgam of ethnicities and races of different types make up this “racial”–“religious” complex which call themselves Jews (?).
Taking into account this undeniable historical fact of their varied ethnic origin the only thing left for us to understand is that in truth the only fundamental element that unites them among themselves and separates them from the rest of us, the point that deeply ties this group, is their deep-rooted ideology contained in their scriptural sources called Talmud, it is the Talmud, that nefarious tradition that defines them as *Jews*. Judaism is the Talmud.
Al …..
You wrote —
“…..not to forget the black Ethiopians who accepted Judaism since ancient times ……”
Where do you come up with this idea?
Define “Ancient Times” ……………… like, put a date on it.
I highly doubt blacks were any where near Ethiopia during the time of Christ. Not to mention, blacks practicing Judaism??? What on earth are you talking about.
If you browse internet for a while you can find a lot of things … I don’t have time ….:
Al ….
From wiki —
“….The first Ethiopian Jews who settled in Israel in the modern times came in 1934 along with the Yemenite Jews from Italian Eritrea.[citation needed]…..”
1934 ………… is this what you mean by “Ancient”?
Why this rare tendency not to investigate, not to scrutinize, to believe what appears at first hand what any “authority” can say … this inclination to the superfluous in general …?.
… and if you go out of wikipedia you will find many more things, remember that the Queen of Sheba paid a visit to King Solomon … do your own research, don’t believe what I or anyone else can tell you!.
Peace of Christ.
The thinking behind all this misconception that leads many to believe that *Jews* are a race is of clever Jewish construction for the sole purpose of erecting a shield of “racial attack” defense against anyone who denounces the filthy Talmud and identifies the Jews as a synagogue of Satan — don’t be fooled, they are the ones who write such things!
And more about …: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Beta-Israel
Black nubians did not found the ancient kingdoms in Ethiopia or Sudan….the original Kushite peoples were Adamic/white. Eventually nubians overran these white kingdoms, and yes some of those nubians converted to Judaism, but that was much later after the time of Christ, perhaps in the 9th century AD, around the same time the Edomites were overrun by Arabs. Judaism, as a religion, is not as old as Christianity. It arose in reaction to Christianity, as did Islam. Judaism and Islam are religions of conquest, conceived to destroy the Adamic race.
Al …………
You wrote — “…Why this rare tendency not to investigate, not to scrutinize, to believe what appears at first hand….”
There is a name for this — -when someone is rebuking others when they themselves are the ones needing the rebuke.
Read Kale’s comment.
I’ll post here my last message on this forum because strangely I don’t see the option ‘to reply’ below:
“… they themselves are the ones needing the rebuke.”
After reading more comments on this site, I see that apparently most of those who post here (not the blogers) maintain that *Jews* are a race, this can only be the result of either great historical ignorance, or that the site is infested with ‘Jews’ posing as Christians; they distill the well-known Jewish theory that they are a racial or ethnic identity to cover up the true source of their evil: The Babylonian Talmud, the scriptural tradition that binds them together only as an ideological group, not a religion (Judaism) against the rest of the world. In this way, and using such a ruse, those who call themselves “Jews” and are not Jews but ‘synagogue of satan’, can attack anyone who criticizes them accusing them of being racists or “anti-Semites” — there are many paid trollers on the Internet doing this work of sapping.
Who really needs to be reprimanded here?.
I would like to recommend to those who run the blog to bring more articles related to the historical/genetic issue that could clarify and combat this nefarious idea that Jews are a race.
Peace of Christ
If you are still reading the comments —
Please explain to us your understanding of “Race” from a Biblical perspective.
Anthropologists from the 19th and early 20th century, where all pretty much in agreement that there are 4 distinct or original groups or tribes of people
White, black, yellow and red.
We here at CFT believe that only the White race is part of the Adamic Creation.
Where the other 3 groups or classifications of people come from is open for debate. Most here believe simply that the other peoples are part of the animal creation.
As far as Jews go ……………….. it is difficult as they are not an ORIGINAL creation. They are a mixed race peoples.
The only jews who could remotely come close to claiming Israelite DNA would be men like Paul Newman and David Beckham. As just as example.
What say you?
Al wrote, “After reading more comments on this site, I see that apparently most of those who post here (not the blogers) maintain that *Jews* are a race, this can only be the result of either great historical ignorance, or that the site is infested with ‘Jews’ posing as Christians.”
Clearly, you have done only a superficial study of this website, its articles, and its commentaries, and have misrepresented our position on this issue. There are a couple thousand articles on this site, and we doubt you’ve barely scratched the surface based on your facile comments.
There were “Jews” long before the Talmud was ever written down, so your thesis on Jewish identity has some serious logical problems of its own. Not only that, 99% of Jews have never read the Talmud, nor have a clue as to what’s in it, and yet they are still “Jews”.
As I understand it, the story goes that the Khazars were a bunch of dysgenic “oompa-loompas” who were living in isolation until, one day, they stumbled upon a copy of the Talmud and, from it, learned how to be the embodiment of the jewish stereotype.
I find that hard to believe, and the jews themselves have produced a counterargument.
For some reason, Jews in modern times have pushed the Talmud onto South Koreans, to the point that it has more students of the Talmud than does Israel. Despite this, the South Koreans have not transformed into jews, neither in body nor of mind.
One rabbi, Jonathan Tokayer, who has been involved in this Talmud pushing, offers explanation by lamenting that Koreans, like all goyim*, are held by jews to lack a “neshama”–a soul–and therefore cannot truly become Jews.
If the Khazars were indeed just goyim who stumbled upon the unholy book of the Talmud, how then did they truly convert when no other group can?
Anecdotally, I have never encountered a White convert to Judaism who behaved in as depraved a fashion as a born & bred true jew, the convert retains some honesty and integrity, “burdens” which a true jew does not bear. I believe this is because of Romans 2:14-15.
(* “goyim” used in the Jewish sense, as Koreans aren’t goyim in the Biblical sense)
My understanding is that the first physical copies of the Talmud weren’t written down until about 1,100AD long after the Khazars converted. Prior to this, the Talmud had always been transmitted orally, like herpes from rabbi to child, intergenerationally.
goylent green
Right, well female jews have been mixing with the most European looking men they can find from their host countries for centuries as the jew strives toward becoming physically indistinguishable from their host. The more European a female jew looks the more attractive they will be and the higher the odds of acquiring a mate with European features. This is precisely the kind of behavior one would expect from a brood parasite masquerading as a people. While they may have managed to slightly increase the number of jews that look European, this plan does not appear to be working out for the critters as the vast majority still look like drowned rats.
Or people form relationships with people they’re around and get to know.
You can’t even call a Jewish woman she?
DNA is the way Israel has to have at least 25% jew to be A citizen . So thats the future test for A people that want to have there own kind in any power . And you will know them by their fruits . This is A important topic like A trojan horse A parasite A spy and all the different contradicting white or jew and name changing and make sure who’s doing the DNA tests is not A jew company and test everyone . I think the USA is alot more than 2% also .
So the jews wish to be seen like everyone else… but still wana be special at the same time. How hypocritical.
I knew a Russian girl who had a Russian jewess for a mate. I asked the Russian girl if she was also a jewess, and she said she didn’t know as the soviets had destroyed family records and forbid anyone from pointing out jews. I asked how her mate knew she was a jewess, and she said “because she looks like a jew, and acts like a jew.”
Didn’t they try this prior to the Inquisition? They pretended to convert to living as Christians, but secretly and stubbornly held on to their Jewish identities?
Among themselves Jews act far more Jewish than when they are in a crowd of gentiles. It’s almost as if there is a switch in their heads that they can turn on and off depending on the situation….
You can add a drop of raw sewage to a glass of milk, a glass of water, a glass of Coca-Cola. All three will look different, but they will all make you sick in the exact same way. In this example, jew genetics is the raw sewage.
Swedish Ashkenazi
This article is the absolute truth. Getting back to phenotypes, teutonic European jews can come off pretty damn close to passing themselves as white; but there’s always some little imbalance distinguishable within their features that indicates they’re mixed blood. I’m such an individual. Always thought I was white, was even raised to think I was, then someone told me they could see Jewishness in my features! Needless to say, I took a genetic test and sure enough! Had a solid Ashkenazic bloodline running right through my father’s side Swedish family! Good eye! It takes a lot of effort to study and train oneself to see these subtleties but probably a very necessary study for European folks to take up so as not to inadvertently inter-marry with ‘the Tribe’. My family’s all Christian and none of them practice Judaism to my knowledge, but still goes to show the need for due diligence.
eke out
How did your father not know he had Jewish ancestry? People who have Jewish blood usually know because the family always talks about it and hands that information down through the generations.
goylent green
Jeez, your story sounds like a nightmare I had once. I’m truly sorry for your loss. That said, I’ve always maintained that my opinion of the jews would not change at all even if I found out tomorrow that I was 100% jew.