(Jerusalem Post) Dara Horn — the author of the jewishly provocative book entitled People Love Dead Jews — has found a new and maudlin way of looking at Jewish “suffering” that allows them to continue to wallow in self-pity and retain their proudly coveted title as the world’s most universally loathed people.
The Jerusalem Post published an interview with Dara Horn which gave her the opportunity to critique “gentiles” for allegedly using the suffering and death of Jews in order to feel better about themselves — that somehow when we show sympathy for dead Jews, we feel morally superior — a mental projection that says more about Jews than it does about “gentiles”:
People Love Dead Jews….is a collection of anecdotes, her own and of others, reports and stories, all highlighting the seeming paradox of non-Jewish Western society accepting – even showing interest and fascination in – the stories of Jews but having trouble allocating space in the present world for ones who exist now.
Nearly a year after its initial release,….[Horn] discussed the year, the book and the impression its release has left on her and on the world at large:
JP: Your book addresses live issues, issues that any Jew in the Diaspora has to deal with.
“It’s very emotionally different from novels. As a writer, you’re thrilled when people want to read your book and are interested in it, but with this one, I kind of wish people liked it a little less.”
“I don’t want to be right about this, [and] I was much more right than I thought I was. That’s been disturbing.”
As an author, especially of a book like this, Horn gets reader mail, but the ones from Jews stand out, and all have a slightly similar structure.
“The Jewish readers are from all walks of life but all say the same thing: ‘I’ve felt uncomfortable my whole life and I never knew why. Your book articulated this for me, thank you.’”
They always follow with a retelling of an uncomfortable interaction they had that follows the model of the book.
One woman wrote to her about how, as an actress, she had been going to auditions for two years, and every casting director would tell her that she looked too Jewish for the part, even when it was a Jewish part. The woman is now a voice actor.
Another told of his [student] exchange experience at a university in Germany, where he received a warm welcome and was even asked to do a presentation for Kristallnacht. The end of semester exam was scheduled for Saturday, so the student asked the professor for an accommodation. The professor said they couldn’t accommodate, and the student failed the course.
That’s poignant.
From schoolchildren wondering aloud in the Dallas Holocaust Museum if Jews still exist today to the bizarre experience Horn’s children had in their elementary school study of ancient civilizations, she is convinced the root of the problem is a combination educational and cultural.
In her school district, sixth grade is when students study ancient civilizations. “At some point during the year, each kid came home very confused because they learned about all these ancient civilizations. But at home, for each of these civilizations, we have a holiday about how they tried to kill us. Are they great or are they not?
“There are some baseline problems in the way that people talk about Jewish history in non-Jewish societies,” she said, “and people want this problem solved.
“Across America, you have so many people who just don’t know [enough] because most Jewish communities are concentrated, not spread out. The only thing they know about Jews is what they learned in their high school history textbooks, which is that they died in the Holocaust.”
What’s missing?
“Jewish civilization is this counterculture that runs through the whole history of the West, challenging it. That’s why people don’t want to talk about it because it would ruin the story to see Jews as anything other than powerless victims,” she explained. When, in reality, “it’s hard to understand the history of the West without understanding Jewish history. The textbook model doesn’t fit with that.
Does Israel have a place in this conversation?
“Israelis don’t need this book because Israelis have solved this problem: Israelis don’t understand antisemitism because they don’t have to,” Horn explained.
“For Israelis, antisemitism is only about violence, so they only understand it as that. The psychological compromise with people who don’t respect you is not there. That’s the triumph of Zionism.”
That’s why it resonated.
“What’s been really heartening is the responses from non-Jews. People have a lot of goodwill [and want to learn more,] which is encouraging,” Horn said, adding that other minority groups have reached out saying they identify with the problem…
Yes, Jews just can’t figure out why white civilizations don’t bend over backwards to accommodate them — or any other racial minorities — who are trying to subvert them from within.
If white people go to live in Japan, they don’t complain about being treated differently and demand laws be changed to make them feel accepted — only Jews do that.
Only Jews spend millions of dollars each year conducting surveys — and even operating a centralized “command center” — to monitor and determine how much they are hated in every country in which they happen to dwell.
And when they act as the “counterculture” in white nations — a revolutionary fifth column — they become universally resented — and then complaining that a white nation doesn’t “understand” Jews or their culture is the essence of Jewish culture — they must feel to be outsiders to feel Jewish.
This demand for attention and accommodation — while at the same time insisting on remaining separate and subversive — shows a profound pathological narcissism.
Why should white people accommodate — that is, judaize — their own nations just so that Jews feel welcomed and “normal”?
To do so would be national suicide — erasing our heritage and identity and replacing it with a universal Jewish zeitgeist which is irreconcilable with our values and traditions.
Horn claims that white people like Jews only when they are dead — and she couldn’t be more wrong — because when they are dead — or alleged to be dead — they never let us forget it and force our children to study dead Jews in our own schools from the time they are barely able to read so that they won’t grow up and hate Jews.
After that non-stop “education” about Jewish suffering, the Jews turn around and claim that the only thing we know — or want to know — about Jews is their suffering.
I made a comment under an article somewhere about an interview with a Rabbi Abraham Finklestein who was interviewed, when it was revealed that the meat in McDonalds was said to contain human meat, cells or DNA. I heard the interview somewhere years back, but don’t remember who had it on their program
I just noticed a note I made to include it , but forgot: Rabbi Abraham Finklestein is supposed to have died shortly after the interview in January 2007., was the comment made by someone under the video on the internet.I don’t know if this is true. I can’t spend the time to look up details like this as I found that unless I am familiar with research processes and sources where such information is found , that it is hard to find some things to verify news and it becomes time consuming when one feels one is getting no where unless your an investigative reporter, news man , author etc.
I saw an article warning people to stay away from the Dark Web. One day searching, I came upon it by accident. It scared me because I didn’t know what to expect. It is supposed to be a place where one can find anything. Anything.
When Trump was President , I occasionally saw many times comments on the internet that Hillary Clinton was assassinated, In Guantanamo Bay, a double was replacing her. Not only about her , but some of our other figures in Congress and various occupations. I’ve seem enough of Hillary Clinton photos to know if she has been replaced by a double. She has not. It was made to seem that Donald Trump was doing what he said he would do as President, :Drain the Swamp. Well, he drained enough {listen to his State of the Union
speech again} that the Jews got rid of him and gave us Joe Biden who is selling out the United States as quickly as possible while he has the chance since at his age , he too may not get two terms to finish his treacherous presidency.
Some claimed that Q was an agent within the government feeding secret information and others that it was just to deceive. Hillary is still around, the Clinton’s are still around, the Obama’s are still around, and as far as I can tell, so are the rest of the people Q said were in Guantanamo , assassinated, or replaced by doubles.
And where is Q? Marjorie Greene , I just read, admitted that she too was sucked into the Q conspiracy.
Alex Jones brags that he read all of the White Papers of the globalists as though they are some secret source of information in some secret place , that he had, got access to, was given access to , or someone secretly gave them to him . I got on sites that told me the purpose of various groups and their purpose or goals were called White Paper. Alex Jones pretends to be the source who gets secret information from various government agents , but he can’t reveal them. Yes, a government agent is going to betray his own country and government to give secret information to a 48 year old world domination conspiracist, who dropped out of a community college. But maybe so, because Alex also brags of Fox News offering him millions to be on the employ, his father worked for the CIA and other crap. Alex Jones is nothing but a news commentor like all of the hosts on Fox News, MSNBC,CNN, NBC, CBS, and others. He takes daily news and interprets it to his ideas and purpose to fit his show. When I worked 3-11 shift and would go to work early, Rush Limbaugh was always on the radio from 12-3 PM. So one day when I turned my radio on, knowing some things about so called conspiracies, I was amazed to hear him, thinking that he was revealing secrets about our government and openly criticizing it and our politicians and others. I was shocked. How could he get away with this out in the open and on the radio? After a few times, I realized , Rush Limbaugh did nothing, but give his interpretation of the news that already happened and revealed nothing, just as Alex Jones. Knowing about the New World Order written of by many others, when Pat Robertson ‘s book about the New World Order came out, I wanted to read it and see if there was anything revealed that I hadn’t already known or revealed by other authors. All the material was taken from other authors and put out under Pat Robertson’s name . And he is one of the causes of the trouble for 9/11. There was nothing new and later I read the book was ghost written for him. After Bill OReilly was fired and started to write books, Who killed Patton, Who Killed Kennedy, Who Killed Lincoln etc., I glanced at his books in Barnes and Noble to see what he revealed that was new that I hadn’t already knew and learned from other authors. But he now has the title of “author.” Nothing new. the same old information, but just with a different idea of presenting the same old material revealed by others to make money and improve his publicity. Just like some of the sporting events , like boxing where two old boxers are promoted as the fight of the century, I’ve come to believe is done at times maybe to make some extra money for someone.
Did Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein really die soon after his interview laughing that the Jews when they kill gentiles, send their bodies to Jewish owned packing house and mix it with animal meat ? Or did a real Jew pretend to be a Rabbi , pretend to admit it , and then , we are made to believe his penalty for revealing it was death ?
I’ve come to believe that there has to be some spiritual law that makes or requires the Jews and other evil people to reveal their plans. Otherwise why do they do it for centuries.? But they are not the only ones said to be involved in the world domination scheme. There are the Black Nobility, The Pilgrims, the Jews, Jesuits, Freemasons, various families, the Jesuits, Catholic Church and many others all said to be working for world domination, so that when I read always of the Jews being as though they are the only ones, in the back of my mind I know that they are not and if they are the only ones and others name many more groups , and it is not true , that others are involved ,than through the centuries we have been deceived. I have seen comments that Texx Marrs always picks on the Jews . But everyone, I believe attacks the New World Order from their own feelings, knowledge, and emotions and spiritual insight about things or maybe the reason they were put on this earth for what they do.
It seems to me that the reason, Dora Horn has no problem with believing that the Jews in Israel have no problem with antisemitism is because they have taken over the land, by force, made the world recognize it, organizations to back it, support it, defend it, give it money, resources , and any population living within it like the Arabs which the Jews were supposed to live in harmony with and have a part of the territory as their own , have slowly absorbed the whole area and no matter what the world or UN says about the jews stealing more and more ‘Palestinian terrority , treatment and killing of Palestinians, the Jews just ignore them and go on as though no one dares tell them what to do. But the Jews are a minority within this country and with their news media , and lawyers , and our congress, make laws to suppress any dissent about them.
When the Jew talks of “peace” , he is talking about the day when his race has conquered the world and has achieved his dream of world conquest and each Jew has his 2800 slaves. I just wondered if that means that each Jewish child will also have 2800 slaves?
But the United States is paying now for the price of taking in so many foreigners during various hard times and wars with the minorities gaining more and more control over our institutions and government.
Notice now that White characters in stories, plays, history are now made with black actors and actress’s. and even shows with all black casts. Who are the programs directed to? Surely not just the blacks. But maybe like Archie Bunker and In the Heat of the Night to subvert our morals and religious beliefs. The White super hero’s of the Jewish comic books and others are now made with blacks as the superhero. I noticed on a program , blacks singing in operettas and even as ballet dancers. One can say that they have a right to these professions , yet they never create their own, because they could not make the money and fame if they depended on blacks to make them the millions of dollars that determine the success of a movie or project. Tiger Woods would be an unknown and ordinary without the blacks being allowed by force and law into golfing, White organizations, institutions, etc. I have been in public libraries and looked in the black and Jew sections to see the kinds and amounts of books. Most cover a section , like 4-5 feet , and several shelves, yet we read that there are great and famous black authors. Where are they? I’ve never read books on oceanography, archaeology, space exploration, zoology, language interpretation or discovery or explorations by blacks of other civilizations. medical discoveries, inventions of any worth, deciphering ancient languages, searching and plotting sea wrecks. and many other things. Oh, I just remembered that I read a black invented or developed the traffic signal. And George Washington Carver invented peanut butter.
The slow removal of news hosts, night show hosts, talk shows, advertisement with black males and White women or White male and black women, White male with a black child, etc.
How many things can be shown that White’s are slowly being eliminated from their own civilization, just as we helped the blacks and Jews to take over Rhodesia and South Africa by feeling sorry for the blacks because of apartheid?
What we allowed to be done to the White civilizations of Rhodesia and South Africa , we are allowing to be done to us. It’s easy to talk , but when we do, we are taken out one by one.
I noticed now that David Duke considers himself as a peace activist. Does he still consider then , himself fighting for White survival?
Alex Jones marries two Jewish women, is a video or photo of him dancing the Jewish version of arms on shoulders in a circle among Jewish men with a big grin on his face. Is he really a true patriot? The Jewish Cohn , years ago, when I saw articles and photos of him , could tell immediately he was Jewish and wondered why he had followers. I’m beginning to believe the one who said that everyone who patronizes such sites give themselves away. Why didn’t the news or January 6 Committee mention Alex Jones? I believe because as many said, he is backed and supported by the Jews and is an agent provocateur and he called the rally which he claimed Trump asked him to do ,just as he called the rally to Virigina to intimidate the legislature to be afraid to pass the anti gun laws made a big issue in the news.
From what I’ve seem of “MASH” and other war movies with Jewish actors playing German so called Nazi’s, I have come to believe that the black uniforms worn by Jewish actors fascinates them and they love to wear them and pretend to be German’s or Nazi’s. I remember as a boy how the Jews were portrayed in movies as being able to pretend to be German’s and trick or betray the German’s as spies etc. What do we have in anything we know of the Jews except that a few certain ones were kings? Maybe that is why they love the British titles so much, because they have nothing like it and if they have , I’ve never read of it.
Some have pointed out that the word Ashkenazi has the word Nazi in it. And I have tried to figure out how and why if it is true , how the German’s got to use it and why. Authors have told us that many Jews served in the Military and were faithful officers and soldier’s. So why do the Jews lie about their concentration camp experience when we know from other Jews , they had swimming pools, musicals, money given to them to spend and other things we are never told by them as a whole but by individual Jews.
The Jews can create their version in a comedy of WW11 and the Viet Nam War, with Mash and Hogan’s Hero’s , but Christians are not allowed to criticize the Holocaust because the Holocaust apparently belongs to the Jews , while WW11 belongs to anyone and everyone, except David Irving and other authors.
Britain’s White Slavery under Jewish occupation
“Democracy loudly contends that it abhors that period of ‘Western’ history. Of course it is fine to despise when one is laying the blame on the White European but the truth is African Slavery in America – Jewish-Made black slavery was largely the domain of Jewish merchants and ship owners. However, manipulation of reality is the illusion the Jewish tribe always seeks to maintain. The deception currently in play is based round the fantasy of separate political parties. Cameron and Ed Miliband with Menorah Yet the reality is led by Jewish leaders Miliband and Cameron who both follow the ideology of the Talmud that considers Europeans cattle (goyim) put here to serve Jews-Jehovah created the Goy in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The Goy is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night. Midrash Talpioth p. 225-L Consequently what Britain and the whole of Europe faces is a one party slave state under the control of Judaism.
The forbidden video about war crimes in WWII – other than normally told:
“White nations love jews only when they’re dead.”
He says that like it’s a bad thing.
Just as Jesus warned, they “say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” and here is the video evidence of that. They were all there, worshipping their ancient tribal god and celebrating the coming war which would lead to a new world with Jews at the top.
I wasn’t going to post this here because it goes a bit beyond the scope of this project but when I posted it on my personal social media, nobody had seen the footage before. I hadn’t either. I found it shocking so I thought I should share.
July 3, 1933. Over 100,000 Jews gather at Soldier Field in Chicago to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history and nationhood by worshipping a fire-breathing statue of Moloch and feeding it children which we can only hope were not real. The event was called “The Romance of a People.” It was organized by the Zionist Organization of America, sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and produced by Meyer Weisgal, with help from Rabbi Solomon Goldman as well as Maurice Samuel, the author of “You Gentiles.” One of the big speakers at the event was none other than Chaim Weismann, first president of Israel and the guy who alongside Lionel Walter Rothschild authored the Balfour Declaration, which was the agreement that dragged the US into WW1 in exchange for the British stealing Palestine from Ottoman Turkey and allowing Jews to settle there.
The event’s Moloch-worship and child-sacrifice rituals as an expression of Jewish history confirm that the modern Jews do in fact descend from the Canaanite, Ammonite, and other tribes which the Bible tells us they were cut off from God for mixing with and worshipping their idols (their fire-god Moloch) and offering their children to them (re-enacted above), which they still do today. The Bible tells us that the descendants of these tribes “shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the LORD for ever”, confirming that Jews can not be saved. Just as Jesus warned, they “say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” and here is the video evidence of that. They were all there, worshipping their ancient tribal god and celebrating the coming war which would lead to a new world with Jews at the top (the event took place within months of Hitler taking power).
I believe this event and who made it happen demonstrates the inseparability of our spiritual and racial struggles, both connected and in perfect line with the Biblical timeline and its account of tribes and bloodlines. But whether or not you agree on that, the footage speaks volumes to the character not only of the leading minds of early Zionism and organized Jewry, but of the Jewish spirit and people. Who builds a big statue of a bull with an oven in its stomach, makes it breathe fire, and then stuffs children (real or fake) into that oven while crying out like banshees and dancing around it? Jews. In the middle of Chicago on a Monday.
While I’d earlier learned the old adage, “The only good Communist is a dead Communist”, my times as a Marine in Viet Nam reinforced that learning. It became obvious then that the main Communists were in D.C. and the MSM.
It wasn’t until years later that I learned that 9 out of 10 Communists were, in fact, jews.
I’d never been around jews when I grew up, and had always bought into their “struggle” stories until more investigation showed those to be delusions of over-active jew imaginings.
I now see that the entire international jew kahal and kehillah structures have historically been, and remain, a communal Communist system, and it’s obvious that they intend to encompass all of the rest of us [who survive] into their lower communist [slave] ranks while all of Jewry remain as the Great Presidium directing our lives.
That is treason. Communist treasoners deserve the appropriate penalty which is their due. True knowledgeable and cooperative Americanism among White people is the overdue cure.
The jew and their paid off goy puppets, the dems in Washington DC.
Obviously whites don’t hate dead Jews nearly enough when they let them run the planet.
Matt Smythe
All the Jews who wrote the author had the same experience:
“I’ve felt uncomfortable my whole life and I never knew why.”
Hmmm. Seriously? All Jews feel uncomfortable in their own skin but don’t know why. How about that their entire existence is based on a series of monstrous lies that they are expected to believe and defend, such as the holocaust and that they’ve never done anything wrong to deserve the hate directed at them? How about the lie that they are Israelites and that “Jews” have a right to return to the land and slaughter the arabs living there?
Every Jew lives each day worrying if they are going to be found out. Worried that the goyim are going to suddenly wake up to their shenanigans. They live their lives looking over their shoulders and pretend that everything is fine. When you are subverting your host nation, you always wonder when they are going to catch you with your hand in the cookie jar. That’s Jews in a nut shell. That’s why they are paranoid.
Ironically, that pile of corpses at the Gusen concentration camp (in the photo) are probably not Jews. None of the concentration camps in German were so-called “death camps”, and many of the inmates were non-Jews.
“New Book Claims White Nations Like Jews Only When They Are Dead”
Aahh… if only that were true.