A bipartisan bill was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday that would authorize a new partnership program to reduce U.S. dependence on China while enhancing cooperation between the United States and Israel to develop innovative approaches for treating and potentially curing COVID-19:
Reps. David Kustoff (R-TN), Chris Pappas (D-NH), Lance Gooden (R-TX) and Tom Suozzi (D-NY) introduced the Expanding Medical Partnerships with Israel to Lessen Dependence on China Act…
“The United States and Israel are world leaders in the medical technology industry,” said Kustoff. “It’s long past time we end our dependence on China and enhance our partnership with our great ally Israel to develop innovative medical technologies to treat and cure COVID-19. It’s in the benefit of not only our two countries, but also the rest of the world.”
In addition to the bill, the House members are also pushing for the inclusion of $12 million, which would be matched by Israel, to fund the new research partnership in any future legislation to address the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
A similar bill was introduced in the Senate last month by Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), in which they announced they would seek to appropriate $12 million in upcoming legislation to enhance partnerships between companies in the United States and Israel to develop innovative medical projects aimed at detecting, treating and curing coronavirus.
“I’ve long said that China poses the most significant, long-term geopolitical threat to the United States. Our dependence on China for life-saving medications and treatments is deeply problematic,” Cruz said at the time. “Israel is not only our friend and ally, but also a global leader in medicine with which we already cooperate on exactly those issues.”
“The United States and Israel are world leaders in the medical technology industry, and it is in the interest of all Americans, Israelis and the rest of the world that we work together to fight COVID-19,” said Coons. “This virus knows no borders, and our bill underscores the importance of international collaboration in the face of a truly global pandemic.”
So, in other words, instead of buying all of our cheap and tainted drugs from China, we will soon be buying them from Israel, notably from Teva, the Israeli pharmaceutical giant which was recently caught in a “massive conspiracy” to bilk U.S. consumers out of billions of dollars in a price fixing scheme on generic drugs.
The “scam-demic” is merely a pretext here to allow Israel to further tighten its tentacles around lucrative U.S. drug, high tech and surveillance markets.
And since the fall out of this “scam-demic” will involve far more government surveillance of its citizens, Israel is conveniently right there to step in and monitor the U.S. population for us.
But don’t worry, goyim, Israel is “our greatest friend and ally”™.
Yes, the same Israel that orchestrated the 9-11 attacks and put the blame on a rag tag group of illiterate Muslims.
Handing our drug production over to Israel — and making us dependent on them — has been in the works for some time now — and our own FDA is coincidentally opening a satellite office in Israel to fast track Israeli drugs to the U.S. market.
Is there any particular reason why we can’t just manufacture our own drugs so that we aren’t dependent on any foreign power, especially Israel — a country that is the lynch pin of the endless wars in the Middle East?
@Stevie, here is the famous Constitutional lawyer telling people that the Bolshevik communist hiding behind the US government have to right to genocide people with their vaccines…..https://youtu.be/bLbp2uw5sZQ
That was the plan all along….but I get called antisemite and nazi for facing this reality. The founding fathers fought against tyranny and foreign domination but their posterity embrace and defend it.
Yes, “posterity” means literally the blood descendants of the Founding Fathers. They founded and then left this country to their posterity–but their posterity has handed it over to the Jews and their minions from the nether reaches of the globe, brought here under the false premise that America was founded for everyone in the world to inhabit one day. America’s pathological altruism will be its undoing, and the invaders from around the globe will devour it like a swarm of locust until its reduced to a wasteland like the ones from which they came.
Exactly, their posterity who embraced the Marxist ideology (secularized Judaism) handed it to the anti-white people Jews. Jews who put the trans-Atlantic slave-trade in motion and sold Africans to Christians for a profit, exploit the history of slavery to pit black people against white people….black people world wide embraced the Marxist garbage which enslaves them under a new formula, but they constantly cry victim of white people.
America as the nation of immigrants is extreme BS of the power hungry supremacist Jews who walk the echelons of power in America, but nobody dares the challenge the falsehood. I challenged Eliot Engels of New York about the hypocrisy…..flooding America with illegal alien and using the “nation of immigrants” line to justify the fraud. It’s been a helluva ride, but I am glad I took the risk.
The men who wrote the Constitution had dignity and moral viber, but hunger for power corrupted those who came behind them. The same hunger for power is driving the Jews who claim superiority over others. America has been devoured already, it’s a skeleton that just doesn’t want to crash. I can’t remember where the quote comes from but one of my letters to the editor of a newspaper regarding started with….”the destruction of a nation starts in the homes of its people”…Europe is in the same predicament.
Chi-com Cronies
Ironically, Jews were behind the Chinese communist party from its very beginnings. Mao was a puppet of the Jews. Jewish financiers were behind deindustrializing the White western nations and moving those factories to China, getting rid of tariffs so our White nations could be flooded with cheap products from those factories, and then enriching the Chinese so that they could literally use all that money to buy up our nations’ infrastructure and real estate. And quietly, Israel has developed trade deals with China–the “Silk Road Initiative” that will enrich them both at our expense. Why? Because the Jews want Israel to replace America as the world’s unopposed Super Power. No joke, people. Wake up!
I have to second that Billyboy Clinton….transferred US manufacturing and technology to communist China. They used Reagan to bring down the Berlin Wall giving western countries the illusion that communism was death, while communist from the comfort on America kept pulling the strings. The tragedy is that they do so with impunity unopposed because they use the law to make their crimes look perfectly legal. They exploit especially black people to foment hatred against white people and do so with the help of those white in positions of power. Netanyahu brags about Israel becoming a superpower with the help of America, Republicans and Democrats…..start at 12:35 and listen for yourself…..https://youtu.be/jkFLM4uacEE
Jews will always call you an ‘antisemite’ because they can’t call you a liar.
Woke Truther
WOW! This is the most intelligent short statement I have EVER heard in my life. Please copy-paste it and reuse it non-stop, everywhere. “Jews will always call you an ‘antisemite’ because they can’t call you a liar.” Wow… just wow!
Christians For Truth
We made a meme for distribution:
That is a great point…..they call me racist, nazi and antisemite but they never dispute my facts. I am still trying the find out why white Europeans/Americans are afraid of the Jews who as people say are not white Europeans…..
The Ashkenazi Jews worked hand-in-hand with the Nazi regime in their handling of other Ashkenazi Jews. The best of them were sent off to the Middle East to seed what is now called “Israel”. The lesser, dumber Ashkenazis were sent to the work camps and those that couldn’t survive that environment died. Ashkenazis have a long history of killing their own kind if it benefits their “Top Tier” Masters (eg Rothschilds, Sassoons, etc).
Most of them deserve to be in prisons, in solitary confinement for life, for crimes against humanity, treason, and a very long list of other crimes. They also need to be expelled from the Middle East and Israel needs to be fully dismantled. These Ashkenazis are White Europeans. They have no claim to any land in the Bible. The Bible isn’t a legal document anyway.
These sociopaths have been torturing, child raping, baby blood drinking, and killing others for centuries. They should be vaccinated to prevent them from procreating also.
The Ashkenazi Jews are NOT White Europeans. They have a completely different genetic haplotype than White Europeans. Ashkenazis are a Turkic/Mongol/White/Arab admixture that has acquired genetic material from most people among whom they have dwelt. Many of them do share a common genetic profile as the Palestinians, but that, in no way, justifies their claim to that God-forsaken land. They are kissing cousins, and if they want to fight over it, so be it. Neither of them belong in White lands.
Yes, there is a reason why America can’t manufacture it’s own drugs. Because we can’t be trusted to poison ourselves and damage our children with vaccines. We can’t be trusted to reduce ourselves from the population (if you’re white or Christian). It’s because the jews know how to kill us off covertly, so therefore we have to position ourselves to be dependent on them.
Nunn B.
Jews need us. We do NOT need them. It’s an asymmetric, parasitic relationship. We saw Germany flourish once the National Socialists had marginalized and expelled most of the Jews. The same thing would happen to any White nation which did the same thing, and the Jews know it, which is why they can never allow it.
The Jews are literally an albatross around our necks, but we’ve gotten so used to them being there that we have no idea what our lives would be like without them suffocating the life out of us.