“The Netherlands has passed a controversial new law making everyone a potential organ donor unless they specifically opt out. Similar donation laws already exist in Spain, Belgium and France.
The Netherlands narrowly passed new legislation on Tuesday that will register every citizen aged 18 and over as a potential organ donor, unless they explicitly choose to opt out.
Senators in the Dutch upper house of parliament voted 38 to 36 to pass the draft bill put forward by the progressive D66 party.
Under the new law, every Dutch adult who has not yet registered as an organ donor will receive two letters asking them to indicate whether or not they want to become donors. If they don’t respond after the second mail they will automatically be added to the list, but are free to amend their status at any time.”
This default organ removal program gives a whole new meaning to “donation”. The marxist approach to medicine – State-mandated redistribution of body organs. Perhaps, the progressive Dutch will next introduce default euthanasia – if you don’t explicitly sign standing resuscitation orders, they will pull the plug on you when given the chance.
Those who don’t open all their mail – or like to read complicated contracts – just might find themselves without kidneys or corneas.
They’ve been stealing organs from British people in our Hospitals for a number of years now, the Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool been the one that’s hit the headlines. They are also responsible for the death of a little White child Alfie Evans.
This is not the first time the National Health Service has been hit by scandal. The first NHS organ scandal broke in 1998 when a Bristol hospital was caught retaining hearts following surgery without familial consent. This escalated into the Alder Hey organ scandal that had been stripping organs from babies without permission from 1988-1996. Again this is a money making scheme. Donner organs are highly profitable and hospitals that had been harvesting organs, Birmingham’s Diana Princess of Wales Children’s Hospital and the Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, in Liverpool, were also caught up in the cash for tissues row. Both hospitals had given Thymus glands, removed during heart surgery from live children, to a pharmaceutical company for research and received payment from the company involved.
Alfie Evans was born healthy but after his 2-month shots started seizing. According to his auntie Vickie Evans, they believe vaccines triggered his condition. There are suspicions that the hospital is trying to cover up malpractice, and both hospital and judge are desperately trying to kill him off before Alfie turns 2 on May 9th because you can only sue for vaccine damage once a child turns two years.
Bobby Jones
Wouldn’t the term “mandatory donation” be an oxymoron?
And I suppose there has been absolutely NO connection between the oft reported on black market organ trafficking and the disgusting, hushed mandatory organ “donation” policies of these (inter)national governments?!?!