[CFT Note: To help celebrate International Holocaust Remembrance Day this year, we are republishing a previous article that explains why so many Jewish “Holocaust” survivors — along with their children and even grandchildren — have decreased mental functions because of the psychological impact of the official Jewish Version Of World War II™.]
(The Jewish Chronicle) A new study claims that the alleged trauma of what Jews refer to as “The Holocaust” has permanently altered the brain structure of survivors and may have even had a biological impact on their children and grandchildren:
Groundbreaking research which saw Holocaust survivors undergo MRI scans of their brains has revealed not only the psychological cost but also the biological toll of Hitler’s persecution of Europe’s Jews.
Over the course of three years researchers examined the brain function of 28 Holocaust survivors living in Slovakia and the Czech Republic and compared them with 28 individuals from the same region who were unaffected by the Holocaust.
The research, presented at the 5th European Academy of Neurology Congress in Oslo this week, revealed that the survivors — who on average were aged between 79 and 80 — showed a significantly decreased volume of grey matter in the brain compared to the similarly aged control group.
The Holocaust subjected millions of people and their communities to significant traumatic stress, through killing, propaganda, persecution and legislation, and researchers set out to explain the effect this has had on the behavioural, psychological and neurobiological functions of survivors.
According to Professor Ivan Rektor, who led the study, the reduced areas of grey matter affect parts of the brain responsible for stress response, memory, motivation, emotion, learning and behaviour.
The study differentiated between survivors who were 12 or under in 1945 and those who were older. Researchers found that the reduction in grey matter was significantly more evident in younger survivors. This, they believe, may be because a child’s developing brain is more vulnerable to stressful situations.
The researchers are now investigating the impact of the Holocaust on survivors’ offspring and even their grandchildren. Early results in their children show reduced connectivity between structures of the brain involved in processing emotion and memory.
Further research is set to identify biomarkers of stress resilience and post-traumatic growth as well as determining whether transmission to offspring is based on behavioural and psychological factors or on genetic factors.
Speaking to the JC from Oslo, Professor Rektor — who is head of the research centre at the Centre for Neuroscience at Masaryk University in Brno in the Czech Republic — said his research had a personal motivation. His parents, both Jewish, survived the Holocaust as they fled to the mountains of the former Czechoslovakia and joined a partisan group to fight the Nazis.
At 95, Professor Rektor’s mother was the oldest participant in the study, while his then 15-year-old daughter was the youngest. Born in 1948, the professor said: “Preliminary results from the second generation show that some changes in certain aspects are similar to the first generation.
“After more than 70 years, the impact of surviving the Holocaust on brain function is significant. We revealed substantial differences in the brain structures involved in the processing of emotion, memory and social cognition, in higher level of stress but also of post-traumatic growth between Holocaust survivors and controls and early results show this is also the case in children of survivors too.”
Of his own experience, he told the JC: “I feel myself that I am unable to look at a movie of a concentration camp. My emotions are involved, so I know that it’s had an impact on me and probably my children too. But the question is whether the transmission is social or genetic.
“Essentially, the findings suggest that we have the history of our ancestors in our biology.”
The Jews have been furiously trying to prove that Holocaust trauma can be genetically passed on from one generation to another so as to make sure that their “reparations” payments from Germany continue indefinitely even after the last official jewish Holocaust survivor dies around the year 2027, according to some experts.
Geneticists long ago abandoned this spurious Lamarckian idea that traumas can be transmitted from one generation to another, but jewish “scientists” like Rektor are trying to revive it for obvious financial incentives.
And given Professor’s Rektor’s Jewish personal stake in this study, we can hardly expect him to be objective in its method, results or conclusions.
What is remarkable, however, is that an entirely fictitious event like the Holocaust can potentially affect someone’s brain structure and function — and no doubt, believing in such a phantasmagoric fairy tale over the period of many decades could tend to reduce one’s ability to think logically.
However, if what this study shows is true, and Holocaust survivors do, in fact, have reduced brain capacity and function, then this would go a long way to explain why so many survivors, such as Morris Hubert or Irene Zisblatt, have been caught making up completely fabricated stories about their alleged experiences in the concentration camps.
People all too often have accepted their questionable testimonies at face value, but now we have scientific evidence that shows how they could lie about what happened to them with a straight face, and when confronted with the truth, as Herman Rosenblat was, they merely say, “It was real in my mind.”
Chebar Killian
just creating account
In defense of the Jews, I must say that the smaller brains of the holocaust story tellers proves that the more intelligent among the Jews actually resisted the temptation to make up holocaust lies. Bravo!
I see you
Jews have a lot of issues with their brains, but I don’t think shrinkage is one of them
Check out these intelligent kikes in Israel, trying to demolish the middle of a bridge with their heavy equipment up on the bridge itself, instead of doing such demolition from safely on the ground. This is the equivalent of sitting up on a tree branch and sawing on the branch between yourself and the trunk. CRASH! DOH!
Basil Rathbone
This study is a perfect example of Jewish “science”. Findings that conform to a marxist political agenda, straight out of the Jewish Soviet Union.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
The ones behind all these Hate Speech laws are Jews, as they are scared that their biggest con job, the HoloHOAX is being outed as a big lie.
If Jews lose the holohoax, they lose everything.
No wonder the brains of Jewish concentration survivors shrunk. At 78 and over years of age they have no use to use it for anything but to remember their Halocaust experience and remind the world of it. We all go through this as we get older.
But the Jews and blacks just love to blame all of their inferiorities and weaknesses on the Halocaust or racism.
I think my brain has shrunk because I never experienced being wealthy, having my name exposed as a success, achieving my dreams. Gee whiz. I never realized how miserable my life was. It must be true that what you don’t know won’t hurt you.
Jews have a smaller brain because of the preadamite dindu blood they are packin around mixed in with all that schizophrenia and Tay Sachs. That sloping forehead and lack of a proper frontal lobe. Loathsome, unlovable creatures.
Daily life in occupied Palestine.
https://israelpalestinenews.org/israel-advocates-push-aba-to-adopt-anti-palestinian-definition-of-antisemitism/. Death to israel.
Paraphrasing Waldo Emerson’s “The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions”, can we say that brain, gradually shrunk by perpetual lie, never regains its original volume?
Boycott The Jewish Weapon by Eustace Mullins
The fanatical self-discipline of the Jews is shown by their use of the boycott. In 1933, the German people democratically elected a non-Jewish government. During the 1920’s, the Germans had suffered under a victorious Jewish government called the “Weimar Republic”, which dominated every aspect of German life. The German people defeated this Jewish dictatorship in 1933 by voting against it. Immediately the Jews called a world conference in Amsterdam, the diamond capital of the world, forming the “Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League” with a multimillionaire Jewish lawyer from New York, Samuel Untermyer, as its president. Untermyer demanded a “sacred war” against Germany. The League was hardly non-sectarian, since it was one hundred per cent Jewish. Gentiles paid little attention to this declaration of war, not realizing it was the first shot of World War Two. They supposed that war meant armies marching against each other, and did not understand that for the Jew, life is war. He is born battling against the gentiles, and spends his entire lifetime in a state of war. Gentiles know little of the subterranean type of warfare waged internationally by the Jew, in which poison, arson and murder are the most typical weapons.
While Untermyer presided over the visible attack against Germany, a worldwide campaign of terrorism was launched against Germany by Vladimir Jabotinksy, founder of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, the terrorist wing of the Zionist movement. Jabotinsky’s mastery of terrorism ensured the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, and Jabotinsky became a respected member of the Israeli Parliament. In January 1934, Jabotinsky declared in his newspaper, Natcha Retch, “The fight against Germany has been carried on for months by every Jewish community, conference, congress, trade organization, by every Jew in the world. Our Jewish interests demand the complete destruction of Germany.”
These are the types of information from the Jews mouth that should be put together for use against their criticism of the White race , and to show their hatred and opposition to it.
I read it in one of these news articles or somewhere else something about the Jews saying that the White’s don’t know or have or use the information available to fight the Jews attacks. Something like that. Any more, I find I read for curiosity and knowledge , but don’t have the memory any more , for one reason, I’ve never had anyone to share it and imbed it in my mind and consciousness.
This is an example of why Alex Jones never went to Washington to reveal who is behind the New World Order, or defend his followers because he can lie and deceive on his own radio program, but if he lied or denied or didn’t name those behind the New World Order , publicly and truthfully, there are many patriotic sites that would have condemned him.
It’s the Secret Service he claims that set him up. Just as he claims Trump asked him to call the rally.
I see Gerald Celente, a regular guest on Alex Jones show on another site. I was so surprised I didn’t notice if it was his site , or an old video. I believe he gives financial advice. Funny when we have so many financial advisors who claim to know where we should put our money as the world comes closer to End Times and prices are rising and our national debt is enormous and Biden spends money like he is watering his lawn.
And if you give your money for an investment, you pay taxes on it and a penalty for withdrawal . Eventually you end up broke if your not a millionaire. Another scheme to draw money to investment firms to keep them in business.
Another example of Eustace Mullin’s clearsightedness: Murder by injection (1986!)
On HOLOHOAX remembrance day…..what a coincidence.
They found M. Atta’s ID, Damar’s cancelled check and hoodie, AND JFK’S magic bullet down the street.
But strangely, no bodies to be seen.
Odin's left eye
To some extent jew obsession about the “Holocaust” = fear of imminent punishment. Such anxiety is seen in obsessive-compulsive disorders: the person (a) subconsciously fears a situation (e.g. retribution) over which they lack control and (b) manages this fear by focusing on something (e.g. germs / cleanliness) over which they do have control.
The cure for such anxiety is facing it (exposure therapy). “Holocaust” trauma specialists can help with a 100% effective drop: https://evolutionofconsciousness.health.blog/
The insurmountable damage this abomination has done to the world is enough to cause the gross madness, lie upon lie all the way to heaven. Keep slaying the liars with the Truth.
The mass executions happening now in Palestine is sickening. Death to occupying liars monsters from hell edomjews and their descendants where they stand. May their tongues rot away with the gangrene that they spew. And let their dreams burn them from inside out. Let the world rejoice at the sight of it. Blot their memory out forever. Lol my phone won’t let me type k i k e ! It changes it to like.😝
Everyday is holofraud remembrance day! I’m in a rental home for the Winter and the house has cable. I’ve been watching “Newsmax” for a new’s cycle daily. Usually the Chris Salcedo show. I think he must be a Crypto-Jew as he brings up Hitler almost every broadcast.
Newsmax is a total joke BUT ….. it’s like the ONLY Media outlet that speaks truths.
It is amazing to watch how the jew operates. It is easy to see how so many White people, who are not filled with the Holy Spirit, are absolutely, positively and totally duped.
Newsmax pretty much lays it all out — they just conveniently leave off the JQ. And “Diversity is still our Strength” according to them despite the many non-white on White crime they point out.
In the same story they will worship MLK, but then follow it up with a story like this — https://www.foxnews.com/us/lsu-student-madison-brooks-case-four-people-charged-alleged-rape-before-she-died-hit-by-car
It’s a mind bender. Totally Orwellian.
Brian George
Chris Salcedo is a “Mexican-American”, aka Mestizo, which means he probably has some sephardic jewish ancestry, though he’s Catholic, so he’s probably not conscious of it, though his DNA may make him instinctively sympathetic to the Jewish cause. Most successful news casters figure out pretty quickly who pays their checks and therefore who you don’t dare criticize.
Same thing I was thinking.
Herr Voice Of Germany
Crystal clear the Neanderthal physiognomy.
Herr Voice Of Germany
Bradley Wash
Maybe they’re genetically inferior to begin with. That would explain the inherent supremacy, corruption, and blood lust that so horribly affect the other humans they share the planet with.
Crab Apple
WOW!!! The hell you say? What other nonsense are they going to be pulling out their white behinds?
Just when you think youve heard everything….
Karl Hammer
“Real in my mind” and smaller brains –
What a sign a mental illness…but what more could we possibly expect from children sired by the Father of All Lies?