COVID-19 survivors allegedly have an almost 60% increased risk of death up to six months after infection compared with non-infected people, according to a “massive” study published in Nature:
“When we are accounting for COVID-19 deaths, the actual total of deaths is much higher,” Ziyad Al-Aly, director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center at Washington University in St. Louis and the head of Research and Education Service at Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System, told The Jerusalem Post. He was the lead researcher on the study.
Most deaths caused by long-term COVID-19 complications are not recorded as COVID-19 deaths, Al-Aly said. As such, “what we are seeing now is only the tip of the iceberg,” he added.
To reach their conclusion, Al-Aly and his research team leveraged data from the electronic health databases of the US Department of Veterans Affairs. The study involved more than 87,000 COVID-19 patients: 74,435 users of the Veterans Health Administration who survived at least the first 30 days with COVID-19 after diagnosis and were not hospitalized; and close to five million VHA users who did not have COVID-19. In addition, it included 13,654 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and 13,997 who were hospitalized with the flu.
The veterans were mostly men (about 88%), but there were still more than 8,800 women with confirmed cases who were analyzed.
All patients survived at least 30 days after hospital admission, and the analysis included six months of follow-up data.
Even those patients who were not hospitalized with severe disease could have health implications months later, the report showed. Ailments could include respiratory conditions, diseases of the nervous system, mental-health diagnoses, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal conditions, and poor general well-being.
“Even people with mild disease – some people who got COVID and seemed fine with just a fever and a cough – months down the road they have a stroke or a blood clot; some manifestation related to COVID,” Al-Aly said. “The risk is small, but it is not trivial.”
The report was concerning, Prof. Cyrille Cohen, head of Bar-Ilan University’s immunotherapy laboratory, said, adding that “in this study, we are not talking about severe cases. These are people who were not supposed to die at all.”
The risk of death and the associated health challenges increased with the severity of the disease, and hospitalized patients who required treatment in an intensive-care unit were at the highest risk for health complications and death, the study showed.
Among patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 and who survived beyond the first 30 days of illness, there were 29 excess deaths per 1,000 patients over the following six months, or a 50% increased risk of death compared with hospitalized flu survivors, the study showed.
“It is really remarkable that such a virus can produce this huge number of long-term consequences,” Al-Aly told the Post.
It is unclear if the same percentages would directly translate outside the US to other countries, such as Israel, since there are differences in the characteristics of every population, he said. Nonetheless, it is a powerful indication of the long-term burden that the disease will cause, he added.
For now, the only solution to stop these effects is to avoid contracting COVID-19, Al-Aly said. “The best way to prevent long-COVID is to prevent COVID,” he said. “The best way to prevent COVID is vaccination.”
Cohen agreed. When people are considering not vaccinating “because [they think] I am young and not at risk of severe disease or death, I think the issue of long-COVID with the percentages we are seeing now is something that people should take into account.”
Responding to a Health Ministry report that some Israelis who took the Pfizer vaccine have experienced potentially deadly heart inflammation, Cohen admitted that that there is still little data regarding the long-term effects of the vaccines.
The interim analysis report, which was reviewed by the Post, showed that during the first three months of Israel’s vaccination campaign, some 62 cases of myocarditis or pre-myocarditis were reported, mostly by people under the age of 30.
…The study was too preliminary to draw a direct connection between vaccination and the myocarditis cases, Prof. Nadav Davidovitch, director Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s School of Public Health, told the Post, adding that it was “not even clear if these rates were higher compared with previous years.”
“It seems the risk is quite minor, and the risk of getting sick from COVID-19 is much higher than from the vaccine’s adverse events,” he said.
Al-Aly said the important thing is for health systems to prepare for what could be an influx of sick patients, even as countries vaccinate and active COVID-19 cases decline.
“We need to figure out how to build the healthcare system to deal with this load,” he said. The world was “caught unprepared for COVID” and in some cases “dropped the ball on COVID,” Al-Aly said. “Let us not drop the ball on long-COVID.”
They know that there is going to be a delay between vaccination and a large wave of deaths — because of the way the mRNA “vaccines” are designed — which is why “experts” have been telling us not to be “alarmed” by the coming post-vaccination deaths.
This scenario was explained by former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer — Dr. Michael Yeadon — how this intentional delay between vaccination and debilitating symptoms and death will provide the vaccine manufacturers and government stooges “plausible deniability” as to the real cause.
The mRNA shots hijack your cells by reprogramming them to constantly produce the spike proteins allegedly associated with COVID viral infection.
Once started, there is no way to turn off this spike protein manufacturing process — which will cause an ever-increasing level of these spike proteins in your blood stream and internal organs.
The slow build up of spike protein levels will eventually overwhelm your organs — whether kidneys, liver, brain, and heart — leading to massive organ failure — or in the case of your brain — Mad Cow Disease.
They are warning doctors about what they can expect to see from so-called “Long COVID” in the next 6 months — “respiratory conditions, diseases of the nervous system, mental-health diagnoses, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal conditions, and poor general well-being.”
Clearly, the real purpose of this study is to pre-emptively blame these diseases and deaths on the dubious COVID virus itself — not the “safe and effective” mRNA vaccines.
These mRNA vaccines act like ticking time bombs — with a delayed fuse — which was discussed in detail on a recent Alex Jones show — yes, sometimes when Alex takes a break from shilling for Israel and the Mossad, he provides some good content:
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Concerned Citizen
🚨🇮🇪 Ireland-excess death stats 🇮🇪🚨
Insane numbers – obviously the MAINSTREAM SCUM MEDIA won’t report these figures.
If they did – an expert would quickly in under 2minutes – calmly & clearly be able to articulate why this is VACCINE GENOCIDE.
i saw this thought more info to add to this corona psy ops to get the depopulation jab into people
Thailand to give PFIZER Gene Modification Shot to as young as 12 Year Olds
Vaccine producers have not been able to sell a huge amount of vaccines to Thailand due to changing demand in their respective countries, he said.
On whether people will get to choose the vaccine they want, Mr Anutin said which one they receive will depend on each vaccine’s suitability for different groups of people.
The Pfizer vaccine, which had been tested with children aged 12 years and older, would be given to children aged 12–18 years, he said.
Stay Away From The Vaxxed, It Is Official, From Pfizer’s Own Documents.
1,047 Dead 725,079 Reported Injuries following COVID19 Experimental “Vaccines” Reported in the U.K.
8,430 DEAD 354,177 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”
There is much deception surrounding this pandemic. So at the end of the day the truth I rely on is this.
John 14:6 KJVS
[6] Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
I take great comfort and solace in the Scriptures. Which I urge you all to do. There are very trying days ahead and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will help you to get through them.
Amen. The Lord Jesus is the answer to everything.
I read your article “Justified freely” and agree. True faith must result in righteousness, or it was not faith.
“But the one who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds will be revealed as having been performed in God.” (John 3:21)
Curious what you think about the stance on salvation in this article:
I hope you will stay a little while with us and talk…
Exactly. And encouraged by Johan, I too read some of your articles and find them well written and excellent testimonies to which I concur. I also pray you stick around and add to the commentary here 🙂
Luke, That is the best advice of all. These are dangerous times we live in. Jesus will be with you always if you ask him to come into your heart, and give your entire self — mind, body, and sole — to him.
Fiona Cullen-Skowronski
I suspect they are setting up their excuse for when people start dropping dead from the vax. When people start dying they will blame it on the virus and say everyone else who didn’t get vaxxed needs to get vaxxed now. It will be all a lie but the sheep will believe it even as they are dying. This way they will blame it on a virus (covid or a new one they invent) when in fact it’s the vax that is killing. Everything about this is fake. Fake virus, fake test, fake vax, fake narrative. Covid -19 is the definition of fake news.
Seth Friedman
Take Off Your Mask And Get Off Your Knees ! COVID-19 IS FAKE !
Unquestioning Gullibility And Obedient Compliance
Are Unbecoming Of A Patriot !
FACT : Thousands of highly credible and qualified doctors and scientists from around the world are adamantly insisting that Covid-19 is either completely fake or practically harmless and are being deliberately and systematically censored by the Mainstream media and governments.
FACT : Covid-19 has never been scientifically proven to exist as it has not met any of the four criteria of Koch’s Postulate which is known as the Gold Standard of proof of a virus’s existence. The scientific study of germs is known as Germ Theory because it’s a THEORY ! Germs have never been proven to exist yet have been used to sell vaccines for over a hundred years. Exosome Theory is far more plausible.
FACT : The creator of the PCR Test used to detect Covid-19 said it was never intended to detect any virus. Every Covid-19 death was caused by something else and falsely attributed to Covid-19. Do you believe hospitals would be tempted to claim that a patient who died of the Flu had instead died of Covid-19 if the Government gave them $50,000.00 to say so ? Dr. Genevieve Briand, Assistant Director for MS in Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University, has proven the alleged Covid 19 has resulted in no excess deaths.
FACT : Wearing a mask is utterly ineffective at blocking a virus. A virus can pass through a mask as easily as swimming under the Golden Gate Bridge. Prolonged mask wearing causes brain damage and respiratory illnesses. The first step to overcoming your mask fetish is to admit you have one. Do you wear your mask in your vehicle or outdoors when no one is near you ? Until recently it was common knowledge that hand sanitizing inhibits one’s immune system while exposure to dirt and filth strengthens one’s immune system. “ Mask Mouth ”. If the Mainstream Media and Government could convince you to do the Hokey Pokey they most certainly would. Unconstitutional and criminal mask mandates are a mass Asch Conformity Experiment. If you’re worried about getting sick, then suffocating yourself is probably not a good idea. Any person wearing two or more masks is actively engaging in Natural Selection.
FACT : The Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ was planned years in advance and has been surreptitiously introduced into the public consciousness through popular culture. Many news articles reporting on Covid-19 are bizarrely coded with strange numbers.
FACT : Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are destroying your freedom and your economic livelihood and your future. Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are causing the starvation deaths of millions of people in poor countries and soon in formerly wealthy countries. Is it wise to inject yourself with a drug falsely labeled as a vaccine, designed to alter your DNA and sterilize you, to prevent a virus that has never been scientifically proven to exist ? Is it wise for the U.S. Military personnel to be injected with this ‘vaccine’ ? A perfect analogy to comprehend the social dynamic surrounding the public’s enthusiastic willingness to embrace the Covid-19 narrative without question can be seen in the video titled “Key & Peele, Pegasus Sighting”. Simply change the word “Pegasus” to “Covid-19”. Orson Welles’ War Of The Worlds broadcast also comes to mind. Throughout history rulers have used human being’s deep desire to feel like they’re contributing to the greater good to manipulate the public to act against their own best interests. “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.” – Napoleon Bonaparte. The Emperor wears no clothes. Educate yourself or perish.
FACT : Lawsuits are currently being pursued against governments and other players that deceived the public to accept unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws based on a fraudulent test to detect the nonexistent Covid-19.
FACT : Four out of five Stanley Milgrams surveyed recommend critical thinking for their patients who want to live in reality and not blindly follow orders from whomever they consider to be an authority.
FACT : Decades of thorough documentation of placebos and nocebos conclusively and irrefutably prove that human beings can both heal and sicken themselves with their thoughts and feelings alone. Ray Charles. Thalidomide. Catherine Austin Fitts: Planet Lockdown, the missing 21 Trillion Dollars and FASAB.
I have little faith in the honesty or efficacy of the medical community anymore. 800 billion a year(Medicare), for what? These people are incompetent, and some are criminal ripoff artists that need their credentials revoked and a prison sentence. Audit the Medicare system in toto independently of HHS mgmt. Institutional rot and corruption are the real sickness here. These people know @#$% about nutrition and exercise. They just want to build a bigger ‘healthcare system’. That the US taxpayer will pay, pay, and pay and pay for. Forever. Audit some hospitals, publish some results, use FBI resources to clean some house. Healthscam.
Third COVID Wave Will Kill Or Hospitalize 60 To 70% People Who Took Both The Vaccine Doses Says Official UK Govt Model.
FDA ;Refusing To Approve VAX’S
The Covid-19 coronavirus vaccination campaign in Russia has been underway since last December, but so far, only four percent of the population has been vaccinated.
The country’s flagship shopping mall on the Red Square was the first vaccination station in Russia to be opened outside a medical institution. Direction signs posted among the window displays state that the station is situated on the second floor, on the premises of a former bookstore. Reminders are broadcast on the public address system that anyone who wants to can be vaccinated, without appointment. But there is an absence of long lines at the entrance to the vaccination station and at some hours it is quite literally deserted.
Fiona Cullen-Skowronski
And Russians are gaining natural immunity, their economy has not been destroyed, and they are living normally. Babies are welcomed and maternity care is second to none. Whatever Putin’s faults, he doesn’t seem to want to commit genocide on the Russian people.
We can’t have this conversation until we include compound radiation poisoning effects and activations and the fact that the SARS-CoV2 “virus” does not exist – never isolated and purified. Why? If they allowed the world to identify it properly, the world would see it is an engineered bio-weapon containing interactive pieces that will lock/spike in to the secondary layer of injection weaponry and then use the radiation to finish the job, so they simply forced the “genetic sequence” story globally and because so many are sleeping, they accepted this. They drove spikes through Christ’s body, and the scalar waves are the spear. THIS IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE. Otherwise, they would have gassed us with mustard and called it a day. They had to go BIG. The End of Humanity. And they have been promised massive profits if they pull it off. And they are winning those one year in. BILLIONS are being earned off “Covid19” at the expense of humanity. It is a multi-layered financial, media, medical/biotech ambush, and they relentlessy roll out injections, manipulations, propaganda (emotions affect health too), and 5G mass coverage simultaneously…these are some sick and very organized assassins. Only Team Satan could pull this off. People should be praying, not taking injections, disabling their cellular masts now or unplugging their devices at the first signs of aches, pains, and flu – and using every means necesssary to detox and avoid vaccinated people who are gassing off the nanoparticulates and fibers as they exhale. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I’d be writing this comment. Full Armor of God is a literal direction. Do it. Do it now. Let no man take your crown…funny they called it the Crown Virus. The next 2 months it will be impossible for them to hide the carnage.
That was quite the comment. I am curious about one thing you said —
You wrote, “If they allowed the world to identify it properly, the world would see it is an engineered bio-weapon…”
What is an engineered bio-weapon — Covid or the Vaccines?
You said this Flu Strain has never been isolated. Which I agree. So, if never isolated, why do you believe there is anything real about it? This whole thing seems to me just another Hoax like the holocaust, where they just make things up — lie whole cloth.
Or perhaps you meant the Vaccine is the bio-weapon.
Clear that up for me please.
Joseph Fong
They anticipate a huge surge in strokes from the COVID vaccines, so they released another study that will blame the strokes on COVID itself:
John Irwin Reston
Three members of my family and several friends have received their ‘vaccines’ but I’m not going to surrender myself to the thing and I’ve opted to stay on as an unvaccinated member of society.
I’m not an anti-vaxxer but I’d rather watch than participate and I tend to think, like so many others, that we’re very likely to see delayed deaths of those who have taken this shot, all which will likely be attributed to any number of different sources, within a year or two of their receipt of that little governmental love tap.
But I don’t believe we’ll see the deaths of those who have promoted this wonder cure because in all likelihood, those thugs have not subjected themselves to the actual cocktails that the public is receiving. That means that our illustrious politicians who have been trying to shove these ‘vaccines’ down our throats will not be dying from anything related to an injection of whatever bug juice the faithful have received and they’ll be on hand, glaring at you from a TV camera, telling you just how sorry they are when the carnage begins, etc.
In this world you cannot rely upon anyone, including the bloody government, to respect you or treat you fairly because everything government does is just a part of “The Big Sell”. Don’t listen to all of the hype and think for yourself.
Here are my thoughts: Today in this day and age all creatures are considered equal; we have been told that all living things are equal in status and deserve our respect, of course God says otherwise, but bare with me. Equality is being pushed everywhere it seems (except of course for unborn babies, they don’t seem to count as alive, apparently according to some).
So, why are chemical weapons banned in war, yet we can buy fly spray? Why is a fly worth less than a man? (if you follow the “equality for all” way of thinking)
If all the animals died with the vaccines they were testing for coronavirus miracle cures, why would a man want to take the vaccines? Surely this is chemical warfare, and I thought chemical weapons were banned?
I would wager that if Jesus were here on earth, He would call them Hypocrites!
Pandemics aren’t what they used to be!! And they weren’t perpetual courtesy of Jabs..
Cohen and Carter state that the WHO changed the definition of an
influenza pandemic by excluding reference to the words “with enormous
numbers of deaths and illness.
Thailand full steam ahead with AZ gene mod shot.
Local AstraZeneca jab ready by June.
Malaysia drops AstraZeneca from national vaccination plan,
The coordinating minister for immunisation, Mr Khairy Jamaluddin, said that the British-Swedish vaccine would be excluded from the national immunisation programme owing to growing hesitancy over its usage following reports of blood clots in those vaccinated in several European countries.
You just can’t make this stuff up.Why does anybody trust the Medical Culling Industry?
I learned about the harmful effects of “Vaccines” through falling in love with Dogs.
I had a pack of 3 dogs that were all vaccinated as puppies and every 3 years blah, blah, blah. When they turned about 8 they all started having serious health conditions. Very sad. Hard to talk about.
My Point — Holistic Veterinarians have “remedies” that help Detox the body and repair the body from the harmful effects of the Vaccines.
I have also done several Heavy Metal detoxifications to help remedy the Vaccines my parents gave me as a child. My brother and I had severe illnesses as children. Both of us almost dying as a result. I had horrible tonsillitis constantly with very high fevers. My brother had horrible croup cough and almost died one night. My brother also suffers from debilitating migraine headaches.
My point or my question is —- will there be Holistic Remedies to help someone repair from THIS vaccine???
Imagine you “wake up” after having received both doses. What a depressing reality that would be.
Is there any hope for these people apart from a Spiritual Intervention.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is recommending high doses of powdered ascorbate Vitamin C to detox from COVID vaccines. Most Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, and not as effective. I would also recommend high doses of Vitamin B complex for neurological damage.
Thank you Elle. If any of my family or x-friends ever “wake up” I will tell them there is still some hope. Cheers.
Fasting. Fasting repairs your cells, its said to repair DNA damage, and you build new healthy cells. I think God has put in some defense mechanisms for us. Also fasting strenghtens your immune system.
I hope not ALL will die from the jab. Some definitely will but I really hope some people are strong and their bodies will fight it off. That the body sees the foreign cell material and eliminates it for good. See the cells containing the foreign mRNA and killing those cells for good.
Fasting definitely increases this process.
Joseph Fong
Jason Shurka:
“Do you know of any way to heal yourself from the current injection?”
Dr. Mikovits: “There’s an antidote. Bc these people wouldn’t be injecting people if they didn’t know the answer. SURAMIN.”
Suramin is in PINE NEEDLE tea. ?