Israel has fallen to 35th place in Transparency International’s 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index, down from 34th last year, the third consecutive year that Israel has fallen in the index:
Prior to that between the years 2014 and 2016, Israel had risen in the Index.
The Corruption Perceptions Index ranks 180 countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, according to experts and businesspeople. Transparency International said, “This year’s analysis shows corruption is more pervasive in countries where big money can flow freely into electoral campaigns and where governments listen only to the voices of wealthy or well-connected individuals.”
Transparency International added, “More than two-thirds of countries – along with many of the world’s most advanced economies – are stagnating or showing signs of backsliding in their anti-corruption efforts,
New Zealand and Denmark tied for first place as the world’s least corrupt countries followed by Finland, Sweden, Singapore, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany to complete the top ten. Iceland was 11th and Australia, Canada and the UK tied for 12th place. The US was 23rd. Syria, South Sudan and Somalia rounded out the table in 178th, 179th and 180th places.
Israel came in at 35, behind Botswana and tied with Slovenia and Lithuania.
And if we were to take a close look at the corruption in Slovenia and Lithuania, we’d probably find an over-representation of Jews at the top of the political food chain in those countries as well.
Just do a Google search of “corruption” and “Israel”, and you’ll have a days’ worth of reading in front of you. As one famous 20th century statesman once warned us almost 100 years ago, if the Jews ever got a country of their own, it would become a “gymnasium” or school for international organized crime.
What’s surprising about his poll is that Israel is ranked so high–no doubt they greased some palms to ensure that the results weren’t too much of a public relations disaster for “our closest friend and ally” and “the only democracy in the Middle East”.
Wow, I am glad that others see what I see…..a corrupt place is a dangerous place…..and “the light onto the nations and the world”is massively corrupt and thus a dangerous place.
I believe this to be true
Well, while I have no doubtr that israhell is the most corrupt of the group, one must question the stats / methodology; denmark?!?!?!? Denmark openly states that truth is no arbiter of fact and basically is not welcome in their court system. new Zealand – with which I have some familiarity – is just a little better…
I guess the weasel word here is ‘perceived’ – so the danes are the most fluouridated it appears… Plus, if one hangs ones hat on that, then israhell should probably be number one on the list as the jew sees nothing wrong with corruption, theft and lying…
I have to wonder how much of the corruption in those countries ahead of Israel on the list can be attributed to Jews within government and business in those countries. Since Jews are such “high achievers”, no matter what country they find themselves in, they can always be found at the highest echelons of power.
Therefore, it’s safe to conclude that in White countries especially, they are the greatest corrupting influence. Without them, such a list may not even need to exist.
The anti-Christian Marxist liberal progressive everything and anything goes culture corrupted all Western countries including America (there was corruption during the times of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson) but that corruption it didn’t go unpunished. I am taking New York as an example of massive corruption and violation of law by this government protected minority group and it goes unchallenged…when one of them in Amsterdam, the Netherlands told me straight to my face that women in my position had not other choice but accept violence and oppression, I told her that time would tell if I had a choice. Well, she is death and I am still rocking, because I remained through to myself…..and the story will be told by the grace of the Almighty.
The fact that there is a Corruptions Index speaks volumes. Even more so that there are 180 entries…
the jew has been very busy for a long time…