Only just over half of Poles (56%) say they would take a vaccine for COVID-19 if one were available, a global survey by Ipsos on behalf of the World Economic Forum has found:
That puts Poland second from bottom among the 27 countries included in the study, alongside Hungary (56%). Only Russia (54%) came below them.
Globally, 74% of adults surveyed said they would take the vaccine. The countries with the highest proportion of positive responses are China (97%), Brazil (88%) and Australia (88%).
In a separate survey conducted in Poland by SW Research for Rzeczpospolita in July, just under half of Poles (47%) said that they would use a vaccine if one became available.
In the latest Ipsos study, among Poles who said they did not intend to take the vaccine, the most common reason – chosen by 65% of them – was that they were worried about side effects.
Almost half (44%) said they did not think the treatment would be effective, while 18% said they were opposed to vaccines in general.
Poland, like many countries, has seen a growth in anti-vaccine sentiment in recent years. The number of people refusing compulsory vaccinations grew thirteenfold in 2008-18, reaching 40,151 in the latter year, and the proportion of children being vaccinated against measles has fallen below the 95% threshold required for herd immunity.
Last year, Poland recorded 1,423 measles cases – the fourth highest number among EU member states and more than in the previous 18 years combined. Many cases were found among immigrants from neighbouring Ukraine, leading the government to consider an entry ban on unvaccinated foreigners.
Antivax groups have been present at anti-lockdown protests in Poland during the coronavirus pandemic. A “Stop the Plandemic” demonstration in the city of Poznań on Saturday was led by Justyna Socha, who in 2018 fronted a successful effort to gather the 100,000 public signatures necessary to submit a legislative proposal to parliament that would ban compulsory vaccinations.
Socha is a parliamentary assistant to MP Grzegorz Braun, one of the leaders of the far-right Confederation (Konfederacja). Braun has been present at anti-lockdown protests, including one in Berlin at the end of August, which Socha also attended.
During Poland’s recent presidential election campaign, incumbent Andrzej Duda declared that he was “not a supporter of any kind of obligatory vaccination”. Following criticism, he clarified that he was referring only to a potential coronavirus vaccine, and not to vaccinations in general.
The self-admitted Jewish-controlled press habitually portrays those who oppose the useless lockdown or the dangerous corona vaccine as Far-Right extremists, Nazis and dangerous antisemites — which is exactly how they characterize Poland in their press coverage.
Not surprising, considering that Poland is ultra nationalistic, anti-communist, anti-immigrant, and pro-Christian — everything the Jews hate.
Surveys in America show that people who oppose mass vaccination tend to be highly educated and White — both Liberal and Conservative, cutting across the political spectrum — which makes it harder for them to argue that their opposition to vaccines is born out of ignorance or a lack of education.
And the Poles know that the mass vaccination plan for the manufactured conorona crisis is a vehicle to usher in communism across Europe — and the Poles want no part of that having endured it for over 70 years already.
There is also a correlation between Poland being the most avowed Christian country in Europe and also the most resistant to mass vaccination — Christians are less likely to go along with what the rest of society is doing, especially if that society is perceived to be atheist and anti-Christian.
The most Christian society in America — the Amish — do not accept vaccines.
And if a survey were taken among so-called “antisemites”, no doubt 95% of them would probably not be inclined to take the corona vaccine anytime soon.
When I was growing up as a child, we were somehow led by the adults to poke fun at the Polish by telling jokes about them. This was out of ignorance, and I would not advise to do such. Looks like in this case, the Polish now have the joke on us.
Inasmuch as the world media vilifies them for their immigration policy, they have the proper, time tradition response. All immigration is to be done legally, according to the accepting country’s laws. Anything less is not anti-Semitic nor anti-you-name-it culture. It is called, respect, something truly lacking with many of today’s world leaders including AU, UK, CA and US.
It is time to put such arrogant hubris aside, and respect the laws of all countries. All peoples need to resist the people of Apollyon and Abbadon (Apocalypse/Rev. 2:9, 3:9, 9:11).
Spanish police attempt to arrest a woman for not wearing a mask , and FAIL.
Wow. This site makes me proud to be half Polish. I’m Irish and Polish – the two European states with the gonads to stand up to the stinking jews and do what’s right!
Christians For Truth
Matthew/Boston, we’ve written extensively on Poland, and you’ll find numerous informative articles here:
Thanks! I’ll bookmark this link.
Will the Rothchild’s be taking the Gates vaccine? If not willingly, will they be forced or pressured into taking it? Will Lloyd Blankfein be rolling up his sleeve? How about Zionist Trump?
Those leaders who get vaccinated on live TV are not taking the deadly one, they take a saline solution or some other non-harmful substance placed in the syringe.
So Israel’s second greatest shabbos goy governor in the USA, Greg Abbott, is just lying about having had the vaccine?
They always occupy the best positions to inflict the most harm ..
Latest statement from mass murderer Commisioner Hahn…..
FDA Commissioner Hahn Will Consider COVID Vaccines for Fast-track Approval Before Phase 3 Trials Finish.
FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, who already has the blood of tens of thousands of Americans on his hands because of his refusal to issue an approval for the outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine according to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, now is saying publicly that the FDA will consider issuing a fast-track approval for the many COVID vaccines still being developed, even if they have not completed Phase 3 trials.
Bill Gates says we dont have a choice but to accept the vaccine. He can go back to Hell where he came from ,I am not having vaccination of any type ever,end of story. My choice….
Mercury, Autism & The Global Vaccine Agenda Dr David Ayoub M D YouTube.
What is shocking is the high numbers willing to accept, Australia and China for example.
The vaccination program wil be tied in with a passport that you will need to function in your life at all,if you survive.
As dr Judy Mikovits said the vaccine will kill 50 million Americans with the first dose.An interviewer asked Dr Sherri Tenpenny her thoughts on that statement ,she agreed and added the caveat that million more will wish they are dead.The Final Solution said Bill Gates the Jew.
Tony Bliar statement:
Tony Blair’s plans to bring in ID cards were dropped, but he thinks people will need digital ID in the fight against the virus.
The former prime minister said technology had come on by “leaps and bounds” and people will want to have any virus vaccine officially recorded.
Why this War Criminal mass murderer is not at least behind bars for the rest of his life is beyond me.
I would like to personally administer many injections to Mr Bliar.
The Fabians(Communists) have accelerated the Jewish agenda to destroy White Britain.They are adherents to the Frankfurt School a Jewish constuct, one of many to deceive the Goyim into joining them in the debauchery and destruction of their own Goy sheeple.
The link in my previous comment:
Merely highlights that it was a Jewish construct and plays down its destructive nature as its a Jewish website. Here are better links to describe its destructive nature and devious intentions.
[2009] The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt By Timothy Matthews
the School recommended (among other things):
1. The creation of racism offences. [Yes]
2. Continual change to create confusion [Yes]
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children [Yes, done]
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority [Yes. Getting worse and worse [2011 April] One-in-10 head teachers ‘attacked by parents’]
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity. [Multiculturalism New Labour–something like 3 million immigrants]
6. The promotion of excessive drinking [New Labour hugely expanded drinking hours and access to cheap alcohol]
7. Emptying of churches [Yes]
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime [Yes]
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits [Yes]
10. Control and dumbing down of media [Yes]
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family [Yes Family Abuse]
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children. [Yes Feminism Fathering]
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’ [Yes Feminism]
Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.’
“Sexual morality — as society in its extreme form, the American, defines it — is contemptible. I advocate an incomparably freer sexual life.”—Sigmund Freud
“If only Americans knew, we are bringing them the plague!” —Sigmund Freud
The Polish have good reason to know about Jewry and their communistic way of life, which the jews are attempting to spread around the world to afflict everyone else who are not a jew, while jewry controls the ruling Presidium. The jews had heavily established themselves in that territory during the 1400’s and 1500’s.
“Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Kingdom of Poland. Teaneck, NJ: Avotaynu, 1996. (TE, JHC)
A compilation of more than 32,000 Jewish surnames with origins in the part of the Russian Empire known as the “Kingdom of Poland”.”
Poland has as many very good reasons to reject the Covid scams as do the rest of us.
“Bill Gates Funds Invisible … Tattoo Hidden In Coronavirus Vaccine…”
“The researchers showed that their new dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots, can remain for at least five years under the skin…”
Funded by Bill Gates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have developed a clandestine way to record your vaccination history: storing the data in a pattern of dye or tattoo ink, invisible to the naked eye, that is slipped under the skin hidden in your vaccine.
The researchers designed their dye to be delivered by a microneedle patch rather than a traditional syringe and needle. The microneedles used in this study are made from a mixture of dissolvable sugar and a polymer called PVA, as well as the quantum-dot dye and the vaccine. When the patch is applied to the skin, the microneedles, which are 1.5 millimeters long, partially dissolve, releasing their payload within about two minutes.”
The Jewish communist and their non-Jewish handlers used America to wage two wars against Europe. They hijacked US foreign policy to spread their communist garbage to people around the world, starting with the subjugation of Western Europe, the rest of the world followed under the anti-colonialism and spreading freedom and democracy (the soft-variant of communism) banner adopted by the Eurocommunist, social-democrats, liberal, leftist imperialist.
The communist revolution in America happened without a bang….and now their power is finally coming to the surface….Joe McCarthy was right. The Iron Curtain Over America is not a conspiracy theory…..
COVID 19: World Bank document shows Covid to end in March, 2025
– PER, This docment shown here:
Flanders own search on the “project p173789 multiphase” showing on the document above, though I don’t know the significance although the date shown is interesting, found several links to the government of Paraguay and World Bank. For instance, “acuerdo para la adquisición de bienes – Ministerio de Salud Publica…”,
“Jan 22, 2019 … Nombre del Proyecto: PY: COVID-19 Emergency Response Project (P17380) … Emergency Multiphase Programmatic Approach Program were held … 1 P173789”
“In the aftermath [of the Paraguayan response to COVID-19, there are now restrictions on various fundamental constitutional rights such as freedom of movement, freedom to enter into the national territory, freedom of assembly, and freedom of demonstration.”
Maybe Poles see through the ‘communist-19’ scam, thus they suspect there is no ‘vaccine’, only injections with dna-altering nano-particles for connecting people with the 5g-grid, id2020, sterility, brain-machine-interface etc aka communist transhumanism…