In the accompanying video, Nick Griffin of the British National Party explains how Zionist Neocons offered them much-needed funding in 2007, but in return he was asked to focus on the evils of Islam and never criticize the jewish banking system:
Where they couldn’t buy off established parties, they created their own, hence giving rise to pro-Israel groups like the EDL, Britain First and Pegida.
When Tommy Robinson created the EDL, it was started with its own Jewish section run by Jewish extremist Roberta Moore, who now runs the Jewish Defence League.
This is why there were always Israeli flags flying at EDL rallies.
This is why all ‘new right’ parties are ardent supporters of Israel.
This is why it’s highly doubtful that anything will change for the better with them in power.
The BNP became a ‘hate group’ in the eyes of the jewish-controlled media when it refused to be bought off by these powerful jewish interests. Clearly, Tommy Robinson had no problem accepting these conditions from his “conservative” jewish backers who provide him with political and financial support only so long as he focuses his criticisms on the “islamification” of England while steering clear of the cause of that “islamification”. It’s kosher to focus on the symptoms but strictly forbidden to pull back the curtain and discuss the hidden hand pulling the levers of power.
Nick Griffin and the BNP are hardly “extremist” in their views, but that’s how the media portrays them in order to make Tommy Robinson’s EDL seem like the voice of reason. England has adopted the working definition of antisemitism to include any criticism of Israel, which suits Tommy Robinson just fine, as he is on record as stating, “I am a Zionist.” Any political figure in England who isn’t pro-Zionist is an antisemite and portrayed as a ‘pro-Muslim’ sympathizer, like Nick Griffin. You’re either with the Jews or against them.
View video here:
Paul O'Donohoe
wikileaks led by zionist julian assange was used to attack bnp british national party,_reference
looking on wikileaks nothing about gordon bowden and his expose on finchley road fraud money laundering that goes all the way to rothschild bankers who also back subversive common purpose too
What do Jews Not do for us.
Nick Griffin is a national hero who will one day be honoured so. Tommy Robinson is a dupe and a race stirrer of note trying to inflame tensions between nationals and Islam. As he is backed by the Jew monies we mat say that when Europe erupts Israel has its right to steal the residue of the Stolenland. So they created the diversity problem to get to their promised land. Even the local Muslims are aware of there ongoing action to disposses the Palestinians and usher in their ZOG ot the NWO. Jews know full well they are on the wrong side of history so they have brought the mass migration even paid for it in some cases to get their stolenland. God help them as no one with a sentilla of logic cannot grasp the horrors of destroying 21000 homes in Gaza. Your God is a schmuck. clearly.
The jewish agenda is ‘hiding’ in plain sight. It is the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’.