(National Affairs) Ruth Wisse, a professor of Yiddish at Harvard — that bastion of Jewish learning — has written an essay for the philo-semitic journal National Affairs on the perils of liberal Holocaust education programs which universalize Jewish suffering — thus trivializing it by removing that suffering from its larger historical context — which undermines its intended goal of reducing ‘antisemitism’ and the age-old “war against the Jews”:
“…This reasoning — that hate groups promote hate and that studying the Holocaust will prevent hate — prompted the establishment of the Holocaust Museum in 1980 and continues to undergird Holocaust education in all its facets.
…But is there any evidence that Holocaust education decreases hatred of the Jews among those Americans who are susceptible to it? In reality, anti-Semitism in the United States has spread in tandem with increased teaching about the Holocaust. And there is really no sound theoretical underpinning for this expanding educational initiative. Societies that concentrate on their self-improvement generally rely on positive instruction and reinforcement…
Already 30 years ago, in a Commentary Magazine article titled “How They Teach the Holocaust,” noted historian and intellectual Lucy Dawidowicz raised serious concerns about the distorted curricula and questionable outcomes of Holocaust-related projects like Facing History and Ourselves. Consulted as an authority on what she called the “war against the Jews,” Dawidowicz undertook a thorough study of these materials, leading her to question the wisdom of encouraging “oppression studies” in the absence of any robust teaching of history. Essential reading for anyone approaching this subject, her study identified problems ranging from the failure to suggest that anti-Semitism had any history before Hitler to teaching American children raised in unprecedented freedom and permissiveness that “obedience to the law is not necessarily the determinant of a moral person.” What’s more, Holocaust education is routinely appropriated for activist agendas.
…The decisive Allied victory made right-wing anti-Semitism so out of fashion in America that villainy has been portrayed in Nazi uniform ever since….
The idea of Protestant, Catholic, and Jew came into fashion as the ecumenical model of religion in America…
These developments, in time, transformed the post-war images of the Jew from victim-turned-hero to exploiter and villain. Holocaust education of the time fit anti-Zionism like the protective sheath of a sword.
…[The] potential for corruption begins with the impulse to make the Holocaust a universal symbol of evil, Nazism synonymous with “hatred,” and Holocaust education a redemptive American pursuit.
…The [Holocaust Museum] depoliticized, de-historicized, and universalized a political and historical process to prevent teaching anti-Semitism or the war against the Jews.
…In the early years of planning the [Holocaust Museum] project, Wiesel was defeated in his attempt to keep the focus on anti-Semitism. He eventually quit the Holocaust Museum commission, but without going public about his scruples. He tried to split the difference by saying the “universality of the Holocaust lies in its uniqueness: The Event is essentially Jewish, yet its interpretation is universal.”
This sounds like a liberal version of the Crucifixion. The term “holocaust” means a burnt offering — a sacrifice by fire — and the sacrificed Jews became the secular-liberal version of martyred Jesus who died for the betterment of humankind. Christians believe that the martyrdom and resurrection of Christ are redemptive, but they also erected a religious structure that makes certain demands on its adherents. Liberals imagine the immolation of the Jews as a similar teaching on a larger scale, but as an article of faith with no specific application.
…Yet even the best of students — the ones accepted to places like Harvard — are being forced to learn about the Jews first and foremost as victims of the Nazis. Among those being introduced to Jews in this form are many American Jews who have no other Jewish education, and certainly none as dramatic as this federally supported curriculum.
Historically speaking, Jews are demonstrably the opposite of victims — they are builders, creators, innovators, facilitators, perpetually adaptive, the model of entrepreneurial resilience under circumstances beyond imagining.
…The perversity of teaching about the Holocaust rather than American and Jewish struggles for freedom extracts the wrong lesson from a horrifying precedent.
…Many docents, teachers, and others involved in this project obviously trust that Holocaust education will protect Jews — and “other threatened minorities” — from harm.
…The liberal conscription of the Holocaust as a moral exemplum was misguided from the start, and as presently conceived, it conceals rather than confronts anti-Jewish aggression, falsifies both the nature of anti-Jewish politics and the nature of the Jewish people, advances political causes under false pretenses, and cultivates identification with victims rather than with the soldiers who protect and, if necessary, liberate the victims.
…As the biblical story of the Exodus has inspired other oppressed peoples to gain their freedom by demanding, “[l]et my people go,” the passage of the Jews from Holocaust to Homeland can teach how a people wins and maintains its freedom.
This is the education we need — an education whose meaning is universal. It will take time to revise thinking on this, so we had better begin now.
Just as the Jews have insisted on making World War II about Jews and their “unique” suffering — by creating the false narrative of the “Holocaust” — they now bristle at the idea that they have to share center stage of this myth with other marginalized — and victimized — groups, especially Blacks who suffered under slavery.
Jewish suffering — we are told ad nauseum — is sui generis — unique and cannot be compared with other suffering — primarily because other suffering is real and Jewish suffering is largely imaginary.
But Wisse reveals here is rather remarkable — she is claiming that the power of the “Holocaust” narrative cannot be taken out of the context of a larger Jewish myth — that they are the Israelites of the Exodus — God’s chosen people.
And it is this false identity that she and many other Jews now demand be taught in schools and history classes along with so-called “Holocaust” education.
What she fails to understand is that Christianity was undermined by the same Jewish tendency to universalize the suffering of Christ and offer salvation to the entire world, rather than just to the Israelites for whom he came and died to redeem.
The ersatz suffering of the Jewish people at the hands of the “Nazis” cannot — and will not — replace the suffering of Christ as the foundational narrative of our western culture and civilization — despite their best attempts to do so.
And Holocaust education will fail to stem ‘antisemitism’ not merely because it universalizes Jewish suffering but rather because it’s based on a monstrous lie — and that’s a cold, hard fact that some Jews have been willing to confront — and that this Harvard professor of Yiddish lacks the moral courage to even acknowledge.
And that’s why all efforts Jews make to reduce antisemitism have the opposite effect — it’s a house of mendacious cards that will not stand.
Ever wonder why the Jews don’t push for a “Jewish History Month” instead of holocaust education? I think we all know the answer to that question.
The only thing Holocaust education produces is “Holocaust fatigue” where people just throw their hands up and say, “Enough already!”
For real education on what “holocaust” really is, look no further than Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary of 1948 which reads:
“A species of sacrifice in use AMONG THE JEWS and some pagan nations”.
Then we hear 6 million jews are suffering, blah blah blah, over and over again in published articles even before Hitler was in office. They even used the word “holocaust” at times.
The census reports for that time, the Red Cross reports, the observers sent by Cordell Hull to check on jews in camps, the absence of Zyklon traces in the walls, the fake holocaust chimney at Auschwitz, the countless “witnesses” that have later been proven liars, and much more evidence ALL TESTIFY that the jews’ holocaust story is a big fat lie that we can now see came from the minds of disgusting perverted jews who truly believe the world and our very minds all belong to them as a play toy to do with as they please. F the J’s!!!!!
ACTUALLY, I believe “holocaust rememberance” is teaching and reinforcing the concept that there is only ONE way to deal with Jews …………
The jew intellectual Wisse plagiarizes Jesus of Nazareth with “obedience to the law is not determinate of a moral personl.” Does the jewess imply that law should be abolished or interpreted to her own purposes. The holycost ed. is not working ; then what is left but legislation that coerces belief and compliance– -faith .
It does not conceal the obvious replacement of the Heiland with this cheap , contrived holycost. I hope CFT are correct that the Truth of Christ and his life,work , murder, resurrection and Holy SPirit will prevail. However to observe the churches today it is a hope that depends upon a true reawakening and resolve to silence the jew blasphemy and expose it as the anti christ.
Were a Nobel prize given for shameless lying or greatest delusion this Haaaaarvd Professor should have no competition.
Patrick White
The very thought of one group of inbreeds making the Second World War – in which 60 million people died so unnecessarily – all about themselves, repulses me beyond description. It makes me want to wish a real holocaust on them.
Just wait, and in the not-too-distant future, the Jews will officially rename World War II as “The Holocaust”, and it will be taught primarily as “The Holocaust” during which a world war was fought as a cover up for it. All books will be required to substitute the words “World War II” for “The Holocaust”. It’s coming.
John Anon
Not if we can remove them, first. Just saying.
That was 60 Million to 80 Million, mostly White people who were killed during the war. Meanwhile, the Red Cross during WWII times kept very accurate numbers – “Red Cross death numbers”
World Almanac – World population of Jews increased between 1933 and 1948
Before and After the “Holocaust” – Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948
Holohoax survivors list is continually growing:
Rabbi Glickman
In Auschwitz, or maybe it was Treblinka, there was a *terrible building*. A dark building! The SS would march Jews into one end of the terrible building and five minutes later soap, lampshades and shrunken heads came out the other end. Oy gevalt!
Given this proof how could anyone doubt the Holocaust?
Bernard Holstein published a book “Stolen Soul” in which he claimed that the Nazis used masturbating machines on young boys to extract semen from them to prove aryan superiority.
Holstein also claimed that when he and some other boys escaped Auschwitz, they were protected and fed by a family of wolves in the forest.
Seems like wolves loved to take care of escaped Jews–Misha Defonseca wrote a book about her escape–and it was made into a movie–wolves and all:
They all got busted for fraud…Jews continue to poison people with their fairytales because White people enable and allow to do so.
Rabbi Glickman
Oy vey! I too escaped from Auschwitz. Or maybe it was Chelmno. And I too was rescued by wolves. Because I learned to outrun them all, on all fours, and had opposable thumbs and could climb trees, I was elected Alpha Male. Ultra Alpha Male in fact. L’chaim!
We caused the Nazis so much grief they were forced to deploy an SS company… no, it was a regiment! Wait… it was *a full SS panzer division* to counter our rampage.
“Also, why are the survivors mainly Jews? If the Jews suffered the most, and were most likely to be killed, then why did allied soldiers find the work camps full of Russians, Gypsies, Communists, homosexuals, radical trade unionists, anti-Fascists? What of these survivors? Many of them were in bad condition, and most who did survive died soon after the war because of the affects disease and starvation due to allied bombing of food and supply trains into the camps, and yet they are silenced. Are we supposed to believe that more Jews survived the death camps than non-Jews survived the work camps. They must have been pretty pitiful “death camps”, then, when it seems like they produced some of the most prolific and long-lived people to have emerged from the war!
It is claimed that as many as 90% of people who claim to be Holocaust survivors and, with the numbers of supposed survivors increasing each year, I believe this is true. As those who did live through WWII are aging and dying off, the Holocaust still remains a huge money-maker, and I imagine more and more people will be found out to be frauds, making a living by leeching off “reparations funds”, writing false memoirs, and speaking to schools, churches, and other groups about their imaginary persecutions.
For quick reference, here are just a few more “Holocaust survivors” who have been proved to be liars & fakes:”
The Jews have failed miserably to “sell” the Holocaust to Blacks in America in order to deter them from raping, robbing, and killing them, especially in Black neighborhoods where Jews have invaded, bought up, and pushed out the Blacks. Besides that, Blacks are way too caught up in their own “victim status” thanks to the encouragement of the Jews, that they really don’t care what the Jews have been through, imagined or not.
The Blacks who are antisemitic are so because of their bad experiences dealing with Jews in business, housing, sports and entertainment. And showing them pictures of Jews allegedly killed by “Nazis” 80 years ago isn’t going to convince Blacks not to have a sour attitude toward Jews in the present day.
How do you like this…. Oprah Winfrey: America’s Racial ‘Caste System’ Was the ‘Template for Nazi Germany’…https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/10/06/oprah-winfrey-america-was-the-template-for-nazi-germany/
Where do you think this connection comes from…..yes, you guessed it from the Jews, the very same Bolshevik communist barbarians who exploit Black people to incite hatred against White people in America.