Chicago is looking for a solution to their “diverse” array of problems – by handing out more money, of course:
Chicago Alderman Ameya Pawar is worried about the future. He is concerned that a coming wave of automation could put millions of people out of work and result in more extreme politics.
…Pawar thinks that one way to battle racial resentment is to address the economic precarity that politicians have used to stoke it. He has decided to endorse the universal basic income — an idea that has been picking up steam across the world.
The UBI is based on a simple premise: People don’t have enough money to provide for their essential needs, so why not just give them more?
UBI schemes entail giving a standard cash grant to everyone — regardless of need. Traditionally, the United States has addressed poverty by delivering in-kind goods. For instance, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the food stamp program, issues electronic cards that can be used to purchase certain types of food.
Chicago – and the entire State of Illinois – is on the verge of bankruptcy, and this liberal thinks the answer is to shower the largely non-White population with free, unearned money. He clearly doesn’t understand that a large percentage of Blacks in Chicago already have a guaranteed universal income – it’s called “welfare”.
This is a blueprint for creating Third World conditions in Chicago, something he and his ancestors are clearly familiar with.
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