Norway’s Institute Of Public Health has decided to treat COVID-19 like other common respiratory illness because the epidemiological evidence confirms that it is no longer any more dangerous or life-threatening than the common cold or seasonal flu:
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health FHI has made the remarkable, but statistically supported, decision to classify Covid-19 as a respiratory disease that is as dangerous as the common flu. It is clarified that the pandemic is not over, but that it has entered a new phase where Covid-19 is now equated with a common respiratory disease, such as a flu or respiratory infection. This is done, among other things, due to the mutations that the Coronavirus has undergone, which makes it less dangerous, together with increased natural and vaccination-induced immunity that has been achieved in Norwegian society.
Although the infection itself continues to circulate in the population, this does not mean an increase in hospital stays, which in itself means that the Coronavirus no longer creates a large burden on healthcare in Norway. This is because the vast majority of those at risk are protected. Those who are vaccinated also get severe symptoms and those who are not in the risk groups also usually only get ordinary mild cold symptoms. FHI thus makes the assessment that the Coronavirus now joins the ranks of other respiratory viruses such as the common cold and seasonal flu….
The FHI believes that the pandemic itself is not over because it is still out in the world and is spreading at the same time as the proportion of people vaccinated worldwide is low. As long as it spreads outside the territories of rich countries, it will be a continuing pandemic, it is said. With fewer in the high-risk groups who are in need of healthcare, the burden on healthcare decreases sharply.
The second factor is one that is well known, namely that viruses with very few exceptions over time on purely evolutionary grounds develop towards becoming more contagious but at the same time less lethal. Sars-CoV-2 has undergone thousands of mutations and different variants have replaced each other in the rate of spread and degree of infection, but which have continuously proved less and less deadly. This spread also continues among vaccinated people as the degree of vaccine protection against this variant is lower than against previous variants, which also enables its continued spread, even in countries where the majority of the population has been vaccinated.
In the studies conducted by FHI, it has been found that both partially and fully vaccinated people who receive Covid-19 have a low risk of having to go to hospital for care, but that the same also applies to healthy people who do not belong to risk groups. In those who were partially vaccinated, it has been concluded that the degree of protection against the Delta variant is only 22 percent, which increases to 65 percent for those who received two doses of vaccine. There are still low degrees of efficacy compared with the Alpha variant of the virus, where the degree of protection was instead 55 percent and 84 percent for those vaccinated….
It is also believed that the risk of needing medical care increases for those who are completely unvaccinated, but this is otherwise dependent on the risk group you are in. Around 40 percent of those who needed to be admitted for care in Norway during the past week have, for example, been fully vaccinated but have then an overwhelming majority belonged to risk groups. Around 5 percent have been partially vaccinated and around 55 percent of those admitted have not been vaccinated at all. A total of 11 people died with Covid-19 during week 37, a decrease from 13 deaths the previous week. The average age of those who died in week 37 was 80 years and thus in the risk group.
In Norway, 90 percent of the population over the age of 18 have received their first dose and 83 percent have received their second dose and are thus considered fully vaccinated.
The significantly improved situation in Norway means that they choose to classify Covid-19 as a respiratory infection of the same degree of danger as influenza. This does not mean that it is seen as harmless, but rather that just as in the case of influenza, it is believed that it can be managed and that the risks for patients with a Covid-19 or influenza infection are comparable and that it is for people in the risk groups.
“The total societal costs for virus-caused diseases can be tens of billions of kronor every year, without us having a pandemic,” Arnberg told Swedish daily Aftonbladet. He cited common colds and stomach ailments as causes for this. Every year, between 300,000 and 1,5 million Swedes fall ill with the flu, but few still die, only between 700 and 2000 annually, with fairly large annual variations within this range. As in the case of Covid-19, it is in the risk groups that the overwhelming majority of deaths occur, but no mass vaccinations are carried out at the societal level despite this.
More children aged 10-19, for example, die of the common flu each year, between five and ten children, which is more than what died with Covid-19 in 2020 and 2021, as according to the National Board of Health and Welfare’s death register only four children who died with Covid-19 so far. In terms of this age group, the flu is more dangerous than Covid-19. This is interesting in itself, because in Norway, unlike Sweden, they have chosen not to vaccinate children under 12 years of age.
By the winter, it is suspected in Norway that the hospitals will not be burdened with patients who have fallen ill with Covid-19, but instead there will be a mixture of Covid-19, other respiratory infections and common flu….According to FHI’s assessments, the infection is on the decline, fewer people become seriously ill, very few die and Norway’s assessment that Covid-19 is no longer more dangerous than a common flu looks increasingly correct.
The CDC admits that the symptoms of COVID-19 and the seasonal flu are often virtually indistinguishable — and the only way to tell them apart is using the bogus PCR “test” which gives between 80% to 100% chances of false positive results.
And as this article rightly points out, any flu strain, as it mutates, becomes less virulent and eventually becomes harmless — COVID-19, however — we are told — magically defies these tried and true characteristics of viruses and somehow gets more virulent and more deadly over time.
After all, if you need a pandemic that will never end — and require endless booster shots — your virus does indeed to be magical and defy all logic and previous experience.
They want us to believe that the COVID-19 “virus” — which has never been properly isolated and confirmed to even exist — according to the head of the Chinese CDC — is “sui generis” — or somehow “novel” — so that they can make any outlandish claims about it whenever their draconian agenda defies common sense.
And somehow during this pandemic, the average lifespan in Norway increased from 2020 to 2021 — and this is not attributable to the efficacy of the vaccine because that increase has remained consistent each years — at about 1.5% — over the last four years.
If there were a real pandemic we should have seen a marked decrease in life expectancy in 2020 prior to the vaccine roll out — again, this is simple common sense.
In many other countries, the average lifespan of people who “die of COVID” is actually longer than the average life expectancy in those countries.
Yes, people who contract and die of COVID, on average, often live longer than people not infected — making this virus certainly magical to say the least.
Jews and the pandemic:
Latest on the Real Medical Experimentation.
Another mom who didn’t look into things.
Elizabeth’s Humbling Experience After Moderna.
John Stokes Compilation.
Joelles’s Journey After Her Pfizer Shot.
Brittanys Journey After Covid Shot
Shelly’s Journey With Pfizer
Vaccinated And Died Of Covid
Camila Alves Pfizer Testimony
Look who is going away.
Strange (NOT) how the FLU just seemed to disappear. Could it be that the “Flu” simply had a name change?
That bulge in my cheek is not Gum.
Could it be my tongue 🙂
I agree! My family and my doctor kept telling me last year and this year to get my flu jab… why? said I, when the flu has disappeared.
It’s so widely reported that flu season was nonexistent all over the world; so why would anyone bother getting a flu jab? They kept urging me, but I didn’t, and I didn’t get sick at all from anything. However, as soon as the borders reopened here in NZ I got a mean cold though… but no flu or covid 19.
Where did the flu go? How come flu season disappeared, but every man and his dog gets covid 19? Could it be that covid is just a bad flu? Hmmmmm…
Where’d the flu go?
On a 2 year vacation with his buddy Pneumonia.
Look at the picture at the top of article. All those young, good-looking, Nordic Whites. Compare that to any pic of a group of blacks, or a group of the short, chubby Amerindians crossing our southern border daily. Our great White aesthetics cannot be denied. As a race, we will always be the hallmark of human beauty, with the added bonus of our high IQs, creativity, and civility. May God inflict epic wrath upon all the militant minorities, White traitors, and (((others))) who are calling for or working toward the elimination of His real chosen people.
The more symmetrical one is the more beautiful and/or handsome because Symmetrics is a sign of better DNA and our Subconscious is programmed to be attracted to BETTER DNA, preferably for people of our own “RACE”,TRIBE,COMMUNITY etc.
NO RACE can have a monopoly on BEAUTY.
It is quite natural to be more attracted to “our own”
“NO RACE can have a monopoly on BEAUTY.”
I repeat, the White race has always been the hallmark for human beauty. Skin color, blue eyes, blond hair, etc. Even in non-White places such as Asia, White men and women were often featured prominently in advertising. In Korea a local told me I looked like a movie star. In Turkey I was followed by a nice-looking young lady who caught up to me, and in fairly good English asked if she could be my friend. And it wasn’t about symmetry, I assure you. A friend of mine was in Haiti briefly, and was begged by a coal-black Haitian woman if he would father her baby, so he/she would be “better-looking” and be higher up the social ladder in that country.
“It is quite natural to be more attracted to “our own”
Tell that to all the black and arabic men who crave White women to an absurd degree.
And that’s why Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis are the most beautiful women in the world and most white men are thirsty for Beyonce and Rihanna.
You know that Scarlett Johansson has undergone multiple plastic surgeries, right? Here she is before she got addicted to the knife and professional make-up artists:
Mila Kunis is “beautiful” only with smoke and mirrors, and a lot of make-up. Beautiful women don’t need make-up, but Mila certainly does:
Most White men (that’s a capital W, next time you write it), are thirsty for Rihanna and Beyonce??? That’s news to me. First of all, both of those creatures have a lot of White admixture. Second, I don’t know one single guy who has ever mentioned liking those two. Just where do you get such ideas? Watching lots of the electronic jew?
“As long as it spreads outside the territories of rich countries, it will be a continuing pandemic“
Will it though? I’m sure Coof is raging hilariously out of control in places such as…Afghanistan. I’m also quite certain “India” variant disappeared before the Indian government heard the news and said, “Ayo, hold up! What’s this shit?!? We haven’t heard about this!”
“Those who are vaccinated also get severe symptoms and those who are not in the risk groups also usually only get ordinary mild cold symptoms.”
Intredasting. That doesn’t sound like what I was lead to believe a vaccine does when I was a wee lad. But, hey, that’s not my personal problem.
Yes, it’s almost as if the vaccine doesn’t really work, as if maybe the strategy of a new vaccine method using mRNA turned out to be a bust but the jews in charge of it created a hoax to get governments (always the customer with the deepest pockets) to panic buy it all up before anyone realized it doesn’t work…it’s almost as if.
Did y’all see that a Richard A Rothschild owns the patent on the covid pcr test that he applied for in 2015?
It’s almost as if there never was a COVID-19…..