According to New York City Police Department crime statistics, as interpreted through the jewish lens of the self-serving Anti-Defamation League, more “hate crimes” were committed against Jews in 2018 than against all other minorities combined:
Anti-Semitic incidents rose by 22 percent from last year, NYPD figures show, according to a report Wednesday on Patch. Of the 352 hate crimes this year recorded as of Sunday, 183 were anti-Semitic incidents. Brooklyn has seen a spate of hate crimes against Jews in recent months, but the Patch report did not break down the figures by boroughs.
Overall, the tally of hate crimes in New York is up about 6 percent from 331 in the same time last year.
Evan Bernstein, the Anti-Defamation League’s New York Regional director, told Patch that those holding anti-Semitic beliefs are feeling emboldened. ADL believes that 12 to 14 percent of Americans hold such beliefs.
The Oct. 27 slaying of 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue by a lone gunman unleashed a spate of incidents in New York and “opened up people even more to act out on these feelings,” Bernstein said. “I think for certain people it gave them (a) green light and that’s what is so concerning.”
The ADL has recorded a 60 percent increase in anti-Semitic assaults this year, according to Bernstein.
Crimes targeting black, white and Asian people also have increased this year, as have those based on sexual orientation, the NYPD figures show. Those categories combined still include fewer crimes than the number of anti-Semitic incidents.
Anti-Muslim incidents dropped by nearly half, according to the same figures. There have been 18 this year, down from 34 last year and 31 in 2016.
When Whites are slaughtered en mass, such as at the infamous Columbine High School in Colorado, when two jewish students, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, murdered 13 people, it’s not a “hate crime,” but when any Jew is killed or even called a naughty name, it’s reported to the police as a “hate crime”. That’s how Jews falsely create the impression that the “goyim” are out to get them, and also how they use these cooked “hate crime” statistics to leverage millions of dollars from our government to protect them from “violent” antisemites, but we never get a cent to protect ourselves from violent minorities.
If we are to take the ADL’s word for it, a whopping 14% of the American public holds “antisemtic” feelings, whatever that means. Doing the math, the ADL is claiming that there are over 45 million antisemites in America. If that is true, why aren’t all Jews getting on planes and moving to the safety of Israel? With 45 million, potentially “violent” antisemites walking the streets, how do Jews even have the courage to leave their own gated communities every day?
The fact is that Jews are cooking these fake statistics to justify the “hate crime” legislation that they’ve already written and want our representatives to sign, which will make criticizing any Jew anywhere for any reason a jailable offense.
I think Muslims are always worse than Jews. Just my opinion.
If it weren’t for Jews, you’d never have a single Muslim in your nation to begin with.
Antisemitism is a disease. You catch it from jews!
Of course the statistics on ‘anti-semitic hate crimes’ will continue to go up. That’s what happens when there are constantly laws written and rewritten, policies changed, and rules amended for the purpose of CREATING these statistics in the first place! I remember when there was no such thing as a ‘hate crime’. As a matter of fact, I remember how reviled I was at the political inception of the concept.
First, the phrase is totally redundant. I always thought that anything considered a ‘crime’ was a malicious act in the first place, which would certainly include the element of hate (but that’s because I am a white Christian man).
Second, it made me realize instantly that that would be the government’s way to start re-legislating morality. I say ‘re-legislate’ because our already legislated morality exists within the pages of the Bible! I never imagined at that time how right I was, or that I would come to the full comprehension of how this all came to be…and ultimately understand the TRUE endgame, Praise Yahweh!
The ADL included the threatening phone calls made to Jewish Community Centers by a Jewish teenager in Israel in their statistics on anti-semitic hate crimes. They have no shame.
The jews place themselves into prominent positions, via their constant jew networking, which makes the jew’s wrongdoings and cultural subversions even more obvious to those who are intelligent enough to get past the conditioning and can recognize them as being jews, despite the jew media’s attempts to whitewash their harmful activities.
“Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome plague within the state than this race, which impoverished the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible.”
Queen Maria Theresa
40 year reign / Sovereign of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands and Parma”
“The Secretary of the US Treasury is Jack Lew (Jewish). The Director of the Congressional Budget Office is Doug Elmendorf (Jewish. The Director of the IRS is John Koskinen (Jewish) — whose predessor was Douglas Shulman (Jewish).”
“IRS unable to recoup nearly $1 billion in Obamacare subsidies” [December 27, 2018]
“The IRS overpaid nearly $4 billion to Obamacare customers through tax credits last year, and because of the way the law is written it can’t even try to collect on a quarter of that, the Treasury Department’s inspector general reported this week.
All told, the Treasury Department paid out roughly $27 billion in Obamacare subsidies in the 2018 tax-filing season, with overages accounting for $3.7 billion of that. Only $2.7 billion was recaptured.
The $1 billion left over is small compared to the overall federal budget, but it is 20 percent of the president’s border wall funding request that’s spurred the current government shutdown.”
Lest Morgenwacht!
Jews love to portray antisemitism as a “feeling” or an “irrational” emotion rather than a rational reaction to jewish behavior.
Even the jewish Henry Kissinger once stated, “Any people that has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.”
Kissinger also stated, “If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be anti-Semitic.”
The cunning jew always expresses his “surprise” when the people have come to realization about the jew’s plans:
“Basic Precepts of the Jewish Problem”
“The fourth precept is — ” WHATEVER AMBITIONS YOU MAY HAVE, YOU CANNOT REALIZE THESE GOALS BECAUSE OF THE PRESENCE OF THE JEW”. It is the function of the Jew to systematically destroy the habitat and the life style of the host people. This renders them unable to resist or to dislodge his parasitic presence. At the beginning of this biological relationship, it is the Jew who is the displaced person, seeking a place for himself, while the host is secure in his home. In establishing his biological presence among the host people, the Jew works furiously to replace The life style of the host with a totally synthetic environment, tailored to the needs and purposes of the Jew. With spider-like precision, the Jew spins his web about the host people, using satire, pornography, and the host’s own system of communications to entrap them in the web of the Jew. When the web is complete, the host is unable to move, and finds himself at the mercy of the Jew, who is not slow to administer his fatal poison.”