Ohio public schools in the Youngstown, Ohio area, afraid that their schools are going to become too “enriched” by students of color, have decided to forbid White students from transferring to safer White schools of their choosing:
An Ohio school district with a growing proportion of minority students says it will stop allowing white students to attend a neighboring district through open enrollment and take public funding with them because it wants to avoid becoming segregated.
The Liberty Local Schools board just north of Youngstown unanimously backed that resolution this week, stepping into the knotty intersection of education funding and race. It cited a nearly 30-year-old state law that districts can object to students enrolling elsewhere tuition-free “in order to maintain an appropriate racial balance.”
The situation is an unusual reversal of how racial issues typically play out in disputes over inter-district open enrollment, said University of Oklahoma professor Deven Carlson, who has studied such enrollment. Those disputes tend to be about affluent, mostly white districts trying to exclude students, Carlson said, not about lower-income, more diverse districts trying to retain them, as in this case.
It’s been tried before in Ohio and ended up in court. When Akron schools similarly tried to stop white students from switching to suburban schools two decades ago, a judge blocked enforcement of that effort when Akron was accused of discrimination, and the district quickly changed its policy to more broadly ban open enrollment out of the district.
Liberty Superintendent Joe Nohra, who started looking at enrollment when he took that job this school year, found himself defending his district’s approach this week.
“Our board is not making a statement that we want to increase our white population or that we want an all-white school district,” said Nohra, who is white. “We just don’t want the school district to become segregated.”
Liberty gets about 125 students but loses about 250 through open enrollment. More than half the incoming students are minorities, while most of those leaving are white, Nohra said.
The Diversity Police know full well that students will always voluntarily self-segregate by race, whether the schools allow it or not. Black students perform better in schools that do not include Whites and Asians who out-perform them, and Whites perform better in schools where they don’t have to dumb themselves down to the level of most Blacks. No one benefits from mandatory desegregation in public schools where inter-racial violence and bullying — against Whites — is a common, everyday occurrence.
But of course, the school cannot admit that they are holding these White students hostage because they don’t want to lose the funding that comes with every White student that they can keep. They don’t honestly believe that Whites are a necessary ingredient of a “diversified” student body. Diversity means no White people, and White people will gladly oblige and leave to be among their own people in safe, efficient, and successful White schools.
It’s called “white flight” and it is as natural as breathing.
To show how bussing was used to infiltrate Blacks and minorities into White life, society, organizations, jobs, power positions , in somewhere about the 1950 ‘s, a basket ball player was not allowed to go to a school outside his district to play basketball even though the school district wanted that him for their team and even though the district was next to his school. And that is the area , this article is talking about. In Ohio, people have lived across from each other , down the road from each other, , yet had to attend different school districts because of the school district or town or city lines.. Sometimes a school bus would come and pick children up for a particular school district on one side of the road and another school district bus pick the neighbor children up on the other side of the road due to the school district lines.
In one case , a family on one end of a road went to school on a bus about a mile or two away and another family’s children at the other end of the road went to a school district 5 or 10 miles away.
Isn’t it strange now that the Blacks were allowed by Matrin Luther King’s so called civil rights marches and Lyndon Johnson’s civil rights laws to infiltrate our schools by allowing Blacks or so called disadvantaged students into White dominated school districts called ” busing” under the pretext that they weren’t getting good educations in their own school districts and needed to be bussed to White dominated areas ,now make it against the law for Whites to send their own children out of a district for better education , because the Blacks are lowering the quality of life and education standards? Now that the
Blacks have become so dominant is White school districts , attempts are made to keep the few Whites still left , so that the schools again do not become Black dominated, but keep a mixture of Whites to maintain the forced integration of Blacks within White society. The news about the Democrats wanting to give free education to those making up to $125,000 and “Dreamers ” will mean that the minorities will take over again our education system , and we will further be dominated by Blacks and other minorities in more areas of life than even now.
Harvard is said to be a minority dominated college. What are the grading standards or intelligence standards if it was a White institution and now a minority dominated one. That is where the OBama’s sent their daughters. Two more Blacks not having to work at a MacDonald’s to get an education and pay their own way. .I can’t believe that the One Worlders, Committee of 300, Black Nobility, Jesuits, and all of the other groups claimed to rule and want to rule the world would allow the Democrats to get away with this scheme unless they are behind it themselves and put the word out in to waste money and wealth of this country to create more minorities that will not have to work at MacDonald’s , burger King, coffee shops , digging ditches to maintain our utilities, do physical work to maintain our services etc., unless it is a deliberate attempt to slowly suppress White’s and degrade them morally, financially, spiritually, mentally , culturally and family wise.
Is it any wonder Blacks have so much trouble in society and crime? Are they remodeling their homes, cutting trees for , or to sell firewood to make money, restoring cars, inventing in their garage, reading books, painting their homes, and many other things to keep them busy so that they do not have the time for the troubles that seem to plague them in the news ? The black President of South Africa claimed “racism” after all these years of Black rule of South Africa. A Black South African in an internet video having 200 pairs of shoes, The Blacks are a materialistic, worldly dominated people. where do they get the money for their clothes, cars, guns, homes, education, hair do’s , jewelry, food , fast food , and other things in life if theey are so deprived in this racist White world that they hate so much and still, after all of these 70 years of special treatment under civil rights laws claim that they suffer deprivation because of racism. That is their excuse for not admitting they are not progressing in the white world except by forced integtation, self improvement, inter marriage or like so many today, have been allowed into the white world by laws being passed requiring and forcing white organizations to let them in.
Look at the pornographic sites and see the Black males and how they use and degrade White,females. that is another thing the Blacks have wanted: intermarriage. And why women do not need to be in politics, Government, Military , Police and other such position because they can be led to sympathize in such positions, yet seem equal and strong when they are few among several men. It is a man’s responsibility to defend his family, government and country and women to take care of the family,. Our ancestors warned us that when the United States has served its purpose, ” it will be be laid low.” the day is coming. Under Biden, we will decline . We stagnated for over a year over this virus and many business’s have suffered. We are operating under the b;lessing of the Federal Reserve printing the free money we think we are getting because of the virus affecting the economy.
We have been told by the news media for decades that we are the most powerful country int the world. but our wars have been fought with us helping or being helped by other countries. We have ganged up on countries like Japan, Germany, Afgaastan, Iraq, North Korea, etc. but so far, we have never been ganed up on by other countries to defeat us, but tjheir are those who want to keep russia and china and Iran our enemy, because they want to see bible fulfillment .
BS; the issues are NEVER about white schools trying to keep out minorities as claimed – we lost that battle 50 years ago, The ‘issues NOW are ALWAYS about white people trying to leave for their own safety and well-being. period.
take your kids OUT of public indoctrination centres now, if not sooner!
No liberal can ever answer the question, “How do we know when we have achieved the ideal level of diversity?” Or, “Can we ever be too diverse?”
The answer is obvious: when there are no more White people left.
We can never be too diverse, and we’ll know we’ve reached an ideal level of diversity when white ppl start to complain about it.
They probably know deep down that more white people means higher pass rates and better stats for their schools.
If I was told I wasn’t allowed to remove my child from a public indoctrination center with a burgeoning non-white population, I would immediately takes steps to MOVE FROM THAT BOLSHEVIK AREA AND NOT LET THE DOOR HIT ME IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT!
The only thing ‘good’ about this situation is that this ‘phenomenon’ will pick up speed, and majority white communities that are left may start to feel the ‘white flight pinch’ a bit too harshly, and may actually start asking questions, and/or allowing their inherent desire for racial survival to start kicking in. I pray.