(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Michael Weinstein — the Jewish head of the so-called “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” — has for years worked feverishly to remove all traces of Christianity from the military under the guise of “religious freedom” — and now he claims to represent a group of enlistees who are “outraged” by a historic painting that depicts Christ rescuing sailors at sea — as recounted in Matthew 8:23-27:
The painting in a key room in the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy was as striking as it was massive: Jesus, his arms outstretched, hovered over a lifeboat packed with grateful sailors, lost at sea.
Eighteen people — including five Jews — among the school’s thousands of midshipmen, alumni, staffers and faculty decided they did not want to see such a sectarian symbol in a room that is home to events, classes and ceremonies where attendance is mandatory.
Last week, they asked the Military Religious Freedom Foundation to appeal on their behalf to the academy, which reports to the U.S. Department of Transportation.
The foundation aims to help troops across the U.S. military services seek redress for religious discrimination, often helping them remain anonymous in a culture where complaints have been met with retaliation. The group asked Joanna Nunan, the academy’s superintendent, to remove the painting to a more appropriate venue, perhaps a chapel.
In a Jan. 10 letter, Mikey Weinstein, the foundation’s Jewish founder, said the role the Elliot M. See room played at the academy made the presence of the massive painting especially inappropriate. It has served as a classroom, a venue for advisory board meetings, the room where incoming classes have their IDs processed, and as a court for disciplinary hearings, among other uses.
“The outrageousness of that Jesus painting’s display is only further exacerbated by the fact that this room is also used regularly for USMMA Honor Code violation boards where midshipmen are literally fighting for their careers,” Weinstein wrote.
Nunan replied immediately, a pleasant surprise for Weinstein, who often is involved in extensive battles with government and military officials. The size of the painting meant that it was impossible to move, she said, but she had another solution.
“I have asked my staff to purchase a curtain to be placed in front of the painting,” she said. “This will completely block the painting from view, but also allow those who wish to view it the opportunity to do so. Second, I have asked the Director of the American Merchant Marine Museum to prepare a plaque that explains the history of the painting, which will be installed near it. Given the size of the painting, there is no other location to which it can be moved.”
Curtains were in place by Friday, although the simple white one in place now is temporary; Nunan said she would soon have in place curtains that “befit the elegance” of the setting and would leave them over the painting during any events that required mandatory attendance.
Weinstein said Nunan’s solution was appropriate, even though he had sought the painting’s removal. “We think this is a superb solution,” Weinstein told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “It will be a teachable moment every time somebody asks why those curtains are up there.”
Of course, Jews like Weinstein had no problem with hundreds of thousands of Christian soldiers dying — under the cynical rallying cry of “judeo-Christian” values — while coming to their rescue from the clutches of the “evil Nazis” in World War II.
Yes, Jews love to talk about “teachable moments” — but they won’t tell anyone who asks why those curtains are covering the painting — because Jews hate Jesus Christ.
When a Navy chaplain posted an article about Easter in 2021, Weinstein had a meltdown, frothing at the mouth, describing the Christian sentiments in the article as a
“…wretched screed….absolutely base, evil, vile, hateful bigotry and rapacious racism being vomited out of the mouth.”
Weinstein isn’t concerned about “religious freedom” per se — what he wants is to live in a Christian nation without ever having to be reminded of that fact.
This temper tantrum is not unlike the one pulled by a Jewish politician in Canada wanted to introduce legislation that would criminalize “offensive” public displays of Christianity.
Imagine if a politician wanted to criminalize public displays of Judaism — his career would be over, as would his ability to find future employment anywhere.
If it were up to Weinstein, the painting in question wouldn’t have ideally been removed, he would have had it burned — and thrown a party to celebrate it.
And notice that only 18 people out of over 1,000 at the academy “complained” about the painting — that over 98% of people there had no problem with it is completely irrelevant.
If Jews had the choice to ban public displays of either the swastika or Christianity, they would definitely choose to ban “offensive” Christianity — after all, many Jews actually agree with “Nazi” racial supremacists — they just think the “Nazis” were wrong about which group were the rightful supremacists — the Jews themselves.
Let’s not forget — Jews blame Christianity for the rise of the “Nazis” — not their own degenerate, nation-wrecking behavior.
After all, the original fascist movements in Spain and Italy arose out Christian groups who opposed the scourge of Bolshevism in Russia — and if you are an anti-communist, you therefore must be an “antisesmite.”
I’M NOT WHITE I’M JEWISH -THE NOTICER. (Jews fake being White)
Desert demon JHWHs chosen tribe for sly conspiracies may own politicians + media,
and rule the money world, but they don’t own truth because their father is master of lies .
So , if Jesus is a Jew as the Jews say, why do they care if he saves sailors unless they don’t see any depicted that resemble Jews being saved. Maybe the Jews wouldn’t be so unhappy if a hook nosed Jew was depicted being saved. Another proof Jesus is not a Jew .
But if a Christian made the painting , he would have thought of any sailor. , of any race, country , war being saved . He would not of been so prejudiced as the Jews to make sure to always have a Jew in the story who is used to gain sympathy. A Christian would just paint his concept of faces, not considering race or nationality unless that was his purpose. Maybe the Japanese , Germans, American Indian, Eskimo, Mexican, and other nationalities should complain. But they don’t . Only the Jew sees prejudice everywhere and he has instilled it in the blacks to always be conscious of it .
Gene ………….
…… if Jesus is a Jew as the Jews say, why do they care if he saves sailors ……. Another proof Jesus is not a Jew …..
A very astute Observation Gene. It seems obvious to us, doesn’t us. Why don’t our Brethren see the same thing ……………
They hate Jesus (and Christianity) because inwardly they know they are not one of us. If only “Christendom” could embrace this reality.
I recently shot the breeze with a man who believed that the Europeans were Israelites, citing that the Danes called their land Dan-mark. Yet he was also infatuated with a “Jews for Jesus” fella who broadcasts sermons from Israel. I was at a loss to work at that doublethink.
Meanwhile, Kanye West only needed minutes to see through the scam of a Jews for Jesus sermon and be disgusted by it. Indeed, why can’t our own be as perceptive?
To the OP, I am reminded of an E. Michael Jones vs Jew for Jesus debate that was posted on here some time back, as the Jew in it repeatedly stressed that he was a “messianic jew” and not a Christian.
What, I wonder, do they consider the difference to be?
“The American people have been easily ruled through our propaganda that the pen is mightier than the sword. We virtually get away with murder, and all the goy do is to talk about it, which is ineffective since we, the masters of propaganda, always publish a contradicting account. If the Aryan would review history and apply those lessons of the past, then the pen will be thrown down in disgust and the sword wielded in the heat of passion. (A recurrence to history would edify our minds and show us that the European countries solved their Jewish problem only by use of force.) Thus far, we have escaped the sword, when the only reprisal is some periodical of no repute, or some pamphlet with limited circulation. Their pen is no match for ours, but our constant fear is that they may open their eyes and learn that no change was ever brought about with a pen. History has been written in blood, not with ink. No letter, editorial or book has ever rallied the people or stopped tyranny. We understand this principle and are continually propagandizing the people to write letters to the President, to Congress and to their local media. We are safe to continually exploit, intimidate and disenfranchise the white American as long as they are preoccupied with the illusion of educating the masses through printed material. Woe be unto us if they ever see the futility of it, lay down the pen and employ the sword.
“History confirms the fact that the passions of an aroused minority, no matter how small a group, have exerted enough power to topple the greatest empire. The movements that control destiny are not those that rest on the inactive majority; but on the sheer force of an active minority. Will is power, not numbers, for a strong Will will always rule the masses!” (In examining the extent of Jewish power and control over America Henry Ford stated this control “can be explained only by the Jewish Will to Power.” The International Jew (1920) Vol. I, p. 210.)
Audio Book Version 46 MINS.
How is Jesus saving sailors offensive to Jews? Everything Jews are offended by is their own spin on what Jesus represents to them. In other words, Jews are simply offended by their own take on reality.
They are offended by Jesus. One only needs to know what the Jewish Talmud says about him to understand.
The above article by Joe Sobran is worth reading. There is a c-span documentary of Joe Sobran´s blacklisting by Esau, who is “the jew”.
Considering that Jacob-Israel is the Semite, those whom Esau, who calls himself the “jew”, hates, are the real victims of anti-semitism.
This guy is a lot of laughs putting the truth at their doors:
Talmudic evil is self-terminating. Karma explained in two images: https://evolutionofconsciousness.health.blog/
Jews use the term “Yeshua” instead of Jesus Christ, and to them, “Yeshua” means “may his name be blotted out”.
Forcing a curtain to hide the painting of Christ is consistent with the judaic desire to blot out Christ from all of our lives.
The correct Hebraic name for Christ is “Yah-shua” with “Yah” referring to “Yah-weh” God. “shua” meaning “saved”.
According to the “jewish”, Edomite/Pharasaical Talmud as well as the “Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion”, Esau, who calls himself the “jew”, has undertaken to wipe out Christianity and his brother Jacob-Israel, whom Esau calls the “Goy”, from the face of the earth. These “learned elders” are of the edomite Sanhedrin, representing counterfeit “Israel” and are the self-proclaimed “chosen people” due to the “genius” granted them by their “King of the jews”, AKA the “Despot of the blood of Zion”. The “Protocols” are available for perusal on archive.org and should be read by every “Goy” on earth to understand the plot – the new world order of the ages – being undertaken by our greatest enemy with calculated vehemence and merciless hatred, of which Jacob-Israel is by and large still in complete ignorance.
Jews use the term “Yeshua” instead of Jesus Christ, and to them, “Yeshua” means “may his name be blotted out”.
To make such an statament dictates that you may know Hebrew. Which you have no clue. Yeshua translated to English is ‘salvation,’ Genesis 49.18. The word Yashua does not exist in the Hebrew language, therefore, is a made up nonsene. The made up word ‘shua’ doesn’t exist in Hebrew and it means silch.
Yeshua does not mean ‘may his name be blotted out.’ One single word could not possibly have so may meanings. “ישׁוּעָ” = salvation. The english word Christ comes form the Χριστός = Christos — anointed.
One can only argue with facts, not with made up–nonsense. Now go study!
See – this is why I hate westerners, and sometimes even hope that they will perish.
Do you think those five Jews who find this objectionable would have found traction without the support of the other 13 (non-Jewish) complainants?
98 per cent of people at that location had no problem with the painting, just as I would have no problem with any other painting not to my taste and sited in the work setting or other public place.
They only succeed because weak westerners allow them to.
Patrick, those few non-Jews who went along with these 5 Jews are “Judas Goats”, the enemies within, and they are always the bigger problem than the Jews themselves, because the Jews could never succeed without Judas Goats to do their bidding and convince other whites to do their bidding.
Whites are their own worst enemies, and it’s time that whites start calling out these Judas Goats and socially shame them for betraying their fellow whites. But at this point Judas Goats act without fear of reprisal because racially aware whites focus on what the Jews are doing, not what their white foot soldiers are doing from within.
Nationalist Corneliu Condreau said, “The first and fiercest punishment ought to fall first on the traitor, second on the enemy. If I had but one bullet and I were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.”
Thank you, Robert, for your excellent response, and for introducing me to the term Judas Goats. What odious people. And how sound your concluding antidote for them!
That’s why Bill Gates has an army of body guards. He knows he’s a Judas Goat, and he knows we know, and he’s afraid.
Bill Gates looks quite odd and his father was a well-connected attorney. I suspect ole Gates is born into the Tribe.
(((Brother Nathaniel))) theorized that the more diabolical a jew acts, the more he begins to look like a mutant. if Bill Gates is a pure goy then something similar must apply to da goyim as well.
RB …..
If Gates is a full blooded Adamite, I’d be shocked.
Bill Gates is an Edomite “jew” as are many of the “jew” mafia who go by “Italian” and “Irish” names.
I still say Bill Gates is Jewish. I read his family is Scotch, Irish, German, or some such combination going back to the 1700’s. Why not , then before that because maybe that is where his Jewish background is hidden. He has the appearance, sensation, pallor of skin and unkempt hair Jews love.
Gene …………..
This is just semantics, but I believe it is more accurate to describe Bill Gates as a non-Adamite. He is clearly not 100% Adamic. To say that he is “jewish” is a misnomer as there is no where in his record that he either practices Judaism, or has a jewish mother or father or grandparent on either side.
So, it makes those who say “everyone is jewish” lack credibility, in my opinion.
By definition he is a jew in that he is not a pure Adamic Man. This, in my opinion, is the Foundation of what becomes a jew.
Let’s assume that every Israelite circa AD 70 were pure Adamic(White). Those Israelites who did not receive the New Covenant and Follow Jesus, most likely at some point mixed their seed with a non-adamic person. This is now the foundation for the first “jew”.
It is my opinion — some may disagree — that Cain, who was a pure Adamic man, who was then banished from Eden, found a non-adamic people were he found his wife and of course then built a civilization.
I can’t prove it, but I believe this is the beginning of the first “jew”.
To me a jew is the result of an Adamic person mixing their seed with a non-adamic person.
If I am wrong, I’d enjoy hearing any argument against this theory from anyone who may read this comment.
Hope this makes sense. Cheers, Gene.
I’m not trying to convince anyone that Bill Gates is a Jew. But if the Jews are trying as some or many say to depopulate the world, subvert the world, he is in league with them. Many have put the video on the internet in which he says that if we do a really good job with vaccines, we will be able to reduce the population, but didn’t say to increase it or improve it.
I read the WIKI article about him saying he is Irish, Scotch and or also German, I believe. But it only goes to 1700’s. What about before that. We would declare the Chaney’s to be White, but Dick Chaney’s wife claimed that she found that they are related to Barack Obama. If she never revealed that , would Dick Chaney and his background be considered Adamite or White? I read of a women years ago, who married and had a black child and didn’t know until then, that a black was in the family line. How far back does DNA go that carries our family background, traits, behavior, ancestorial knowledge to be creative, ambitious, honest, intelligent, loving, decent, spiritual, moral, etc.? At what point or who do we marry that makes the DNA unite to produce Whites at a particular time for generations and suddenly a black?
I believe that this is what the Jews are doing to our bloodlines and ancestry, degrading and changing it ,, slowly by slowly.
Is Bill Gates a Judas Goat, a Short Robe, to deceive us , to degrade us and a member of the Elite.? I know that every time I mention the New World Order that there are Freemasons, Jews, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Black Venetians, the Black Nobility, and the families that Michael Collins Piper mentioned in his book, and many other groups and organizations created to subvert this world, that many have named in the plot to subvert this world under One World Rule. and not only is the Catholic Church mentioned, but so is the Mormons and a few others. Also the Watch Tower Society
If Bill Gates isn’t Jewish, then is he a part of the scheme to depopulate the world? Most people in the world don’t need vaccines. They need food, progress, medical care, heath knowledge, education, development, , growth of civilization, a home to live in, a job, career, mental growth ,etc. a future to dream about that looks forward everyday like we do going to work , waiting for the weekend , going to the store, reading, visiting, entertainment and many other things that make life worthwhile, not drugs, alcohol.
Years ago, a policeman went to Russia , I believe it was after the Berlin Wall fell and said that many Russians are addicted to alcohol. It would make a decent person cry. Were Russians addicted to alcohol as a means to degrade their mentality and outlook on life to make them submissive and lack the ability to throw off the Jews and their communism? We associate sports with alcohol , hot dogs hamburgers, pop, tail gating, travel to stadiums, sports clothes, etc.
Is Russia a White civilization? Were the Czars of the White race? The Jews from what I’ve read tried to overthrow the Czar’s in 1849 and when it failed, many fled to the US. and ended up in the New York -Boston area. They tried again in 1905 and failed but succeeded in 1917 when Russia was in turmoil of WW1. The Jews deny the Protocols of Zion are their plan of world conquest. But the Jesuits when they were formed, traveled East in their journeys of religion towards Russia, Japan, China etc. So if it isn’t the Jews plan who wrote it, then , how about the Jesuits plan.? And Ignatius Loyolla was a Jew or conservo Jew, and many claim the Jesuits are behind our woes.
Is Ukraine a White country or part of the Khazar empire? Are we supporting Whites in Ukraine or keeping Jews in control through Zelensky and future leaders. I’m not sure anymore what a Ukranian is.
How do we know a German is not of Mongolian or Jewish, or Chinese blood that suffered under communism and married or was made to marry foreigners after WW11, because their fathers, and other male members never returned from war and the children did the same.
I’m not arguing about any comment or anyone. I’m just expressing thoughts about what others say .
Gene ……….
My apologies. It seems I touched a nerve. I hope you re-read my comment to you.
I was only having a dialogue with you.
Michael CollinsPiper in his book uses the word “Judas Goat “ to describe a goat who is taught to lead a flock of sheep, goats , hogs , etc. into their slaughtering area. Or to lead them wherever it’s desired for them to go and animals like these will usually follow a leader.
One could call the Jews or their dupes who entice others to do things to harm themselves or take advantage of others as Judas Goats.
It must be Holocaust Time as the news is filled with news and dinners for Holocaust survivors to remind the world of Jewish suffering.
Judaism creates “Serpents,” and ” brood of vipers”, Mat 23:33 .
So, for those deluded “Christians” who think that they can have an “Ecumenical Dialogue” with “Serpents” and “Brood of Vipers” this is a repeated warning by The Lord Himself;
“I repeat, you will be able to tell them by their fruits.” Mat 7:20
Good point.
Fascism arose out of Catholic Christians to make sure that communism did not take root in Spain and Italy….and it did grow in Spain, causing the Spanish Civil War, until Franco put the hammer down on the hammer and sickle.
Fascism is proof that Christianity, not atheism, is a bulwark against Judaism and communism, in case any white nationalists think Christianity is good for nothing.
Matthew 13:39-43 ……THE {{{{{{{TARES}}}}} go directly into the ETERNAL OVENS OF TRUTH….
According to the Messiah for the Children of Israel who can never be the {{{{{JEWS}}}}} !!!!
curiously no one on Earth HAS to be a {{{{PROSELYTE}}}} to Talmudic Judaism = Satanism.!!!!