The Observatory, which conducted the investigation of prostitution in Paris’ Muslim ‘No-Go Zones,’ had access to 19 files of judges of children of the court of Bobigny and analyzed about forty reports of the child protection of childhood:
First lesson: most minor prostitutes (only three boys were concerned) are very young. The age of victims reported to child protection ranges from 6 to 17 years, and a third of them are under 15 years old.
Rape, touching, harassment at school … Most young prostitutes, 89% according to the study, were also victims of violence in the past, according to the judges’ data. 40% of the violence involved is physical and sexual, and is often committed in the home. It should also be noted that the mothers of 61% of the minors were victims of domestic violence.
“The life, course, of these girls is marked by violence, ” says Ernestine Ronai, which highlights the serious physical or psychological consequences. The result is ” fugues, a bad report to the school institution, even a lack of schooling ” for 60% of minors. Factors that promote entry into prostitution.
Pimping in the neighborhoods: the phenomenon that worries the police officers of the Parisian PJ.
The investigation also estimates that 72% of cases of violence reported to the competent authorities have not been the subject of judicial follow-up. ” The consequences are dramatic, ” say the authors, who point to the importance of taking into account victims to fight against the phenomenon of prostitution of young people.
The authors of the study also return to the role of social networks, which today represent 50% of the places of approach of prostitution clients . Their conclusions call for the launching of special reception facilities for the minors concerned, but also for better training professionals to take care of them.
” If we made this unprecedented survey in France, it is because the subject seems to us to be a blind spot of the public policies “, estimates besides Stéphane Troussel , president PS of the departmental Council. The elected representative calls for the phenomenon of prostitution of minors, which affects 5,000 to 8,000 young people today in France, to be “integrated ” into the measures expected from the Grenelle violence against women.
Arab (and African) fathers rape their own daughters and nieces, grooming them for prostitution, then send them out on the streets to make money for them. Just because Muslim women walk around dressed in black garbage bags doesn’t mean they are chaste and have been treated well. Their husbands own them and can discard them whenever it suits them.
Underage marriage is common in Arab countries, yes, because Islam condones it, being founded by a pedophile with a nine-year old wife himself. But just because she’s your nine-year-old wife doesn’t mean she can’t also get out on the streets of Paris and earn some money to pay for your drugs and gambling habit.
The French authorities have a bad habit of over-intellectualizing social problems because they aren’t allowed to talk about what’s really going on, especially when it comes to racial matters. Despite France’s famous motto, these Arabs will never be your brothers or your equals, and you will never be free as long as they are in your country as alien occupants.
While my facetious tone may seem to make me an ignorant racist, I am a racial realist. And as such, I will patently refuse to allow my people to be lumped into the same category as the non-whites. For that matter, have any “high and mighty ‘we’re all human’ believers” ever asked the other “humans” if they even agree to be considered the ‘same’ as one another? If we were all the same, deserving of equal treatment and respect, why is the earth dominated by Western culture? Why do many non-white “humans” still live in the shadow of ancient architecture that they cannot rebuild, let alone emulate? The world we live in was built by whites, corrupted by non-whites. That is why the OT is replete with stories about the Israelite struggle to stay “holy”. To stay separate, as that is what ‘holy’ means: separated unto God. Under NO circumstances were our people EVER commanded to accept racial aliens into our midst. Let the “good” non-white individuals be the leaders of their own people. We don’t need to be greedy and take them away from their own where they are obviously needed. If we want to feel good about ourselves ‘philanthropically’, there are tons of our own people in need of a bleeding heart…
Cryptic Jews posing as christians again, blaming Muslims and Africans for the Jewish Child Trafficking worldwide ring.
I’m atheist but Islam is right about women.
But these people are human too! It is the failure of Western governments to properly assimilate these people through sheer lack of “trained professionals to care for them.” If the “French” people weren’t so racist, they would give these people a hand up and give them hope, then they would abandon their ways and act “French”…
I can’t believe people actually believe that sh*t!
They are and as such they deserve our sympathy. But the failure of western government is not to assimilate these people, because these people actively resist assimilation and are supported in their efforts by the left who pushes the idea that they should keep their own culture and ways, and we should embrace their culture. The failure of the governments is that they don’t know how to deal with immigrants who don’t want to assimilate, and are essentially invaders, who grow their numbers every year through mass immigration and governments who refuse to acknowledge the danger this poses to our own culture. Meanwhile the populace is indoctrinated, misinformed and guided towards political correctness as their main response.
Opposite value systems don’t mix. They clash.
I have no interest in seeing non-Whites “assimilate” into White society. Assimilating ultimately leads to race mixing, and race mixing is the destruction of our race and our societies. I want separation or deportation, the only reasonable solutions.
Well said, Chesterton.
Also, it’s not that governments “don’t understand”. They know exactly what they’re doing.