(Israel National News) At least 90,000 alleged descendants of Sephardic Jews who were expelled during and after the Inquisition have been granted citizenship of Portugal or Spain since 2015, when those countries passed laws offering a naturalization process for such applicants as a form of “reparations” for past wrongs:
The laws were meant to atone for the Inquisition, a campaign of religious persecution unleashed at the end of the 15th century on the hundreds of thousands of Jews who had inhabited the Iberian Peninsula and flourished there.
Spain has received at least 153,000 applications for citizenship, while Portugal has received at least 86,000 applications, according to data published in Spanish and Portuguese media recently as part of annual reports on immigration trends. Spain has granted citizenship to 36,000 applicants, or about 23% of the total who applied. Portugal has granted citizenship to 63% of applicants, or more than 54,000 people. Many thousands of applications are still pending review in both countries.
More than two-thirds of the applicants in Portugal are Israeli, according to a report Sunday in Lisbon’s Observador newspaper. In Spain, the share of Israelis was lower than 5%, according to data from late 2019. The latest data do not include figures from 2021 in Portugal. In Spain, there is data available only from the first three quarters of that year, when the country for the first time rejected a large number of citizenship-seekers under the reparations law.
Spain has rejected at least 3,019 applications, all but one of them in 2021, when the procedure for naturalization was toughened following fears of criminal activity by applicants. The country has also declined to decide on many cases, eliciting protests from applicants abroad. Portugal has rejected only a few hundred individuals.
The window for descendants of Jews expelled from Spain to complete their citizenship applications is closing. Spain’s citizenship law initially allowed applications for only three years, but the government extended the deadline twice, including last September to account for bureaucratic issues connected to COVID-19. Applicants who applied before September 2021 have until February 2022 to complete the notarization of their application.
Meanwhile, Portugal’s law is open-ended. But the revelation last month that Roman Abramovich, a Russian-Jewish billionaire, was naturalized in Portugal in April has reignited debate there over the 2015 legislation. Some Portuguese lawmakers proposed limiting the law’s scope last year but withdrew their proposed changes amid an outcry from Jewish groups.
In Spain, the 2015 law has also prompted debate about whether the descendants of Muslims who were also driven out during the Inquisition should be given a path to citizenship. In both countries, the official Jewish community vets applications and pass on for the government’s approval only the ones that it deems credible.
The Muslims invaded Spain and Portugal — conquered and occupied them for centuries — and they were rightfully driven out during the Reconquista.
By this logic, the European descendants of the Crusaders who conquered the Holy Land — but eventually were driven out — should be entitled to Israeli citizenship today — don’t hold your breath for that to happen.
But the fact that there are literally thousands of “Spanish” names that have Jewish origins shows just how profoundly these nations were Judaized — and the “hispanic” race has been mixed with them.
So now the Jews want to rewrite history and portray their Muslim conspirators and their descendants as “victims” — as a justification for importing the Third World into Europe and destroying the white race and Christianity.
The Muslims and Jews literally worked hand-in-glove during the “Convivencia” to destroy Christian Spain and Portugal — and destroy the original race of Europeans — the Visigoths — who originally established those nations.
And the Inquisition, ironically, was orchestrated by Jews themselves — the lead inquisitor and torturer was Tomás Torquemada, a crypto-Jew — whose reputation for sadism and cruelty was matched only by the Bolshevik Jews who butchered 60 million Christians in Russia — in the greatest genocide in history.
In 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella issued the Alhambra Decree — the final edict of expulsion of the Jews to preserve Spain as a Christian nation for the Spanish people — fortunately at that time, the true Spanish people were not yet imprisoned by Marxist political correctness as they are today.
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The same idiocy over and over again.
Unless you grasp the fact that Jews hate and despise you, you will forever lose.
Arthur Sido
They will come to regret this action, everywhere they go they undermine the values of the people who let them in.
Patrick White
What a dreadful, dreadful mistake to make.
And, that’s a great idea! No doubt the vast majority, if not all of us, are decended from crusaders: we should all apply the law of what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and get reparations for being kicked out of the Holy Land all those centurys ago. An eye for an eye! Waaaaaa boo hoo My heart bleeds for my ancestors… send me money and israeli citizenship! LOL
“Spain has rejected at least 3,019 applications, all but one of them in 2021, when the procedure for naturalization was toughened following fears of criminal activity by applicants.”
I love it! Hahahahahaha
So, they kicked them out for their dodgy ways then, only to now let them apply to bring their dodgy ways back again! Just shows that whilst being “politically correct” in the gubbmint is all just a show when whoever it is running the show at immagration must be well aware of the natural criminal ways of the small hats.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“… alleged descendants…”
How do they prove something from 530 years ago?
Spain & Portugal will regret this, as a wave of fraudsters, shysters, con artists & flim flam men will bleed them dry.
Next, they’ll be bellyaching bout HoloHOAX reps.
Captain RAMSAY : The Nameless War
— 6 —
Edward I banished the Jews from England for many grave offences
endangering the welfare of his realm and lieges, which were to a great extent
indicated in the Statutes of Jewry ( 1), enacted by his Parliament in 1290, the
Commons playing a prominent part.
The King of France very shortly followed suit, as did other Rulers in
Christian Europe. So grave did the situation for the Jews in Europe become, that
an urgent appeal for help and advice was addressed by them to the Sanhedrin,
then located at Constantinople.
This appeal was sent over the signature of Chemor, Rabbi of Arles in
Provence, on the 13th January, 1489. The reply came in November, 1489, which
was issued over the signature of V.S.S. V.F.F. Prince of the Jews. It advised the
Jews of Europe to adopt the tactics of the Trojan Horse ; to make their sons
Christian priests, lawyers, doctors, etc., and work to destroy the Christian
structure from within.
The first notable repercussion to this advice occurred in Spain in the reign
of Ferdinand and Isabella. Many Jews we re by then enrolled as Christians, but
remaining secretly Jews were working to destroy the Christian church in Spain.P6
Brahmin Believer
Iberian clergy (just like all clergy everywhere) has gone batshit crazy.
So jews will only add to the heathenization already going strong.