Owners of the Ark Encounter, a Noah’s Ark theme park in Kentucky, say excessive rain in 2017 and 2018 caused nearly $1 million of damage after a landslide on an access road, and are suing its insurers who refused to cover damages caused by the deluge:
And their federal lawsuit is demanding that their insurance companies, including Allied World Assurance Co. Holdings of Switzerland, cover the cost.
The insurance carriers refused to cover any of the damage costs, arguing that ‘faulty design or workmanship’ on the road is not covered by the owners’ policy, according to the suit.
Ark Encounter’s complaint says the insurer later agreed to pay a fraction of the cost that it said was covered by the policy.
Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, is based around a 510-foot-long wooden ark – intended to be a replica of the biblical Noah’s Ark.
In the famous Christian story, God sent a worldwide flood to destroy all living creatures except for the ones which were taken two-by-two onto a giant ark.
The $102 million replica ark took six years to build and is one of the largest timber-framed buildings in the world.
Opened in 2016, it features an animatronic Noah and lifelike models of animals including bears, giraffes and even dinosaurs.
It was constructed using 3.3 million feet of wooden boards, and funded by donations, junk bonds and tax rebates from the state.
The ark was built by Answers in Genesis, a fundamentalist Christian organization headed by Creationist Ken Ham.
We won’t quibble over the fact that Noah was pre-Christian, not “Christian” as stated in this story. Nor will we quibble over whether or not the flood was “worldwide” or just among the lands where the Genesis 10 nations dwelled. Nor will we quibble over the assertion that the purpose of the flood was to destroy “all living creatures” which were not on the Ark. Nor will we express our dismay that the amusement park depicts Noah and his family as dark-skinned Middle Eastern types who descended from Ishmail who hadn’t even been born at that time (see photo below).
What we can say, however, is that this insurance dispute provides the jewish-controlled mainstream press with yet another “reason” to hold Christians up to public ridicule and contempt while at the same time making “evolution” seem a more credible alternative. While this extravagant theme park may seem to be a good way of getting Christian children interested in the story of Noah, what it fails to do is sufficiently explain why Noah and his family in particular were chosen to be saved to repopulate the “world”, or how the multi-racial world population as we see it today could possibly have come out of this one family’s DNA. And without persuasive answers to these fundamental points, this media story certainly will succeed in turning more people away from the Bible.
CFT team I wanted to ask you a question:
Since lately you’re writing a lot of useful articles, revising some of the old ones and exploring other Biblical arguments, I was wondering if you would do the same with the Flood argument?
Like if it was really global or just local, if as Bertrand Lewis Comparet said it happened in north-western China etc…
Also always related to this question, How did the children of both Adam and Noah proliferate since in both those occasions they were supposedly the last White people remaining?
I refuse to believe that they may have commited incest since that is disgusting, immoral and God would never allow it, my guess is that there were already other Whites around or maybe God just created them on the spot?
I really would like to hear your take on this.
Thank you.
If the Flood was worldwide, how did the waters recede? Receding waters always flow into the seas, but the seas would have been deep underwater, making that impossible.
On the other hand, if the Flood were localized, there would be no barrier to flood one area of the world and not any other. From a physics point of view, both scenarios are impossible, no?
In order for either to happen, they would require some sort of divine intervention to circumvent natural laws of physics. And if it required divine intervention, then why speculate at all?
The flood Indeed was local and it happened in the Tarim Basin in China but by the time of Noah there were other White people around that his children could intermarry with, I don’t know who did Adam’s descendant marry with though, maybe CFT can shed light on this.
Cameron O’Rourke
The same thing that applies to Noah applies to Adam, if I am not mistaken I read somewhere on this website that Cain’s wife and descendants were White too.
Adam was a White man but maybe not the first and later his descendants mixed with all other Whites.
That’s an alternative.
I don’t take the story of the Flood and Noah’s ark literally. For me, what’s important about the story is its meaning, not how it may or may not have happened literally.
I do not believe it’s possible from a purely scientific point of view; it requires too many guesses and “what ifs” to explain how it could have literally happened. Local or worldwide, I don’t see how either is possible given how gravity works on bodies of water.
The Flood would have destroyed or contaminated the entire fresh water supply on earth, especially the aquifers. Even if the flood waters somehow receded, which isn’t physically possible because water flows down hill into the oceans, the devastation to the ecosystems would be irreparable.
“But all things are possible with God!” If that’s your attitude toward the unexplainable, then it shouldn’t matter whether the flood was local or worldwide.
The Flood is best understood as a parable. That way you don’t have to find yourself trying to explain all the absurdities associated with it, such as there were millions of boats worldwide at the time, and many people would have jumped into their boats to save themselves from the flood. It’s not as if Noah’s Ark was the only boat that could have survived the flood. And if anyone in those boats survived the flood, then it defeats the whole literal interpretation of the story. Too many holes to account for.
You sound like a reddit-tier atheist, this website is clearly not for you and (((science))) is gay, only God matters and his word is always true.
The Bible tells us that it rained for 40 days in a row, which literally submerged even the highest mountains. In modern recorded weather history, the longest stretch of continuous rain was 331 days:
“In the U.S., the longest periods of daily rain have occurred in Hawaii, where easterly trade winds blow toward the mountains. An incredible 331 consecutive days of measurable rainfall were recorded at Manuawili Ranch, Maui, in 1939-40. If you include a trace of rain, the record is 881 consecutive days, or nearly three straight years, at Honomu Maki, Oahu, from 1913 to 1916. This dependable and continuous rainfall is the reason that region is a tropical rainforest.”
And yet the world didn’t flood, nor was Maui itself even locally submerged. There’s not enough water in Earth’s entire ecosystem to submerge all the land underwater. Water continuously drains into the oceans, no matter how hard it rains, and continually evaporates, creating a system equilibrium.
God would have had to create much more water to submerge the whole planet under water, but if He did that, there would be nowhere, no oceans for the waters to recede into as they naturally do after a rain. So how did the water’s recede? The only way would be for God to make the Flood waters disappear out of existence.
“The only way would be for God to make the Flood waters disappear out of existence.”
And is that impossible for God? is there anything impossible for him?
I doubt the flood local or worldwide was just a metaphor in the Bible.
Protestant wrote —
“……….@westwins – I can’t, because [some of….Ed.] my comments are now being blocked [because they are evasive and repetitious….Ed.]. So much for Freedom of Speech and Thought.
If I were “allowed” to answer your question………………..”
Protestant — I have a hard time believing the admins here are “blocking” your comments. I’m sure they, as well as myself, would appreciate a LOGICAL answer as to why the European/Caucasian Peoples of history and present, are NOT the literal descendants of Abraham.
If not Europeans………………….WHO???
Who are the Israelites, if not Caucasians? Did they disappear from history?
I would tend to believe that Protestant’s ensuing comments probably were ‘moderated by the editor’ if but for one reason: that they refuse to acknowledge anyone else’s comments and opinions concerning their unquestioning position on the ‘Israelite/Jew’ paradigm. If they are doing nothing but regurgitating jewish propaganda in an effort to bolster their own position instead of an open and honest debate, it would be a disservice to other sincere readers and commenters by allowing it, and would invite any and all trolls to just spam lies without a civilized debate. Trolls will always scream “freedom of speech!” when they are moderated.
If informational websites like this were but a free-for-all, it would cease to be informational and would simply be a chaotic mess. If commenters cannot respond in kind to each other in a civilized debate, admins should justly moderate for the sake of the integrity of the information being presented, as well as for the authentic readers who come to learn and discuss and not get brow beaten by those who do not return the discussion in kind.
Let me leave another piece of information (though most of you probably know it already, but this is for those like Protestant) which I believe is absolutely critical to understand the entire dynamic of Christ vs. the “Jews” (better translated Judeans) in the NT, and why some believed on him and others did not (indeed, could not, as explained in the Gospel of John and elsewhere).
“Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the Jews; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision, and of the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time therefore this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews.”
Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus
Book 13, Chapter 9, Paragraph 1
(Then follow King Herod’s history, also in Josephus, what he did to the Sanhedrin and so forth)
Just cogitate for a moment the fact that when we read about “Jews” in the NT we are talking about a people composed of both Edomites and Israelites. And once you are aware of this, you see it referenced EVERYWHERE in the NT, and yet it was totally invisible to you before. You thought all those passages were referencing some nebulous, purely spiritual principle with no grounding or relation to the God created physical (I know I did). Sounds dangerously Gnostic, and yet this is what is generally taught. Once I learned this I basically had to, and am still in the process of doing, re-evaluate my entire understanding of the NT and the New Covenant (coming from a Reformed Baptist background). It’s truly astounding how much this one little piece of background information brings clarity to the entire NT.
Just as a black man with a Scottish driver’s license will NEVER be a Scott…..
Just because a person resides in “Judea” does not make them a Judahite. Huge difference.
When will the Brick and Mortars preach/teach this basic principle??? 🙂
It never ceases to amaze me the naivity of christian Americans: They dogmatically believe everything shoved down their throats by the churches. The same apply to the leftists, social Marxists.
True, Karl, and yet you seem to enjoy this website which is apparently run by Christians. Go figure!
The naivete of denominational Christians (and leftist libtards, lol)…I absolutely concur. That is why they are stuck in their man-made denominational boxes, accepting whatever fits into said box.
A true Christian, however, is a free man – a free thinker who loves the truth, and therefore his God, who is the author of truth. As the Bible states, true freedom (for our people) can only be found through Christ, our kindred redeemer.
Protestant, your heart is in the right place, but it’s almost as if you are deliberately missing the boat here. Do you refuse to acknowledge the existence of ‘race’ and its relevance to ethnicity, culture, and religion – so ultimately, history? Do you refuse to acknowledge the direct association between the white race and Christianity? And it is only through Christ that we can find our Father, the God of both the Old and New Testaments.
Christ never referred to Him as our Stepfather or even Adopted Father, though the concept of Scriptural adoption is another matter. Christ came for the very same people for whom, by whom, and about whom the Old Testament was written: the descendants of Adam through Shem through Abraham, then Isaac, and then Jacob Israel, the patriarch of the 12 tribes whom God promised to make as innumerable as the stars in the heavens and the sands of the seashore…that promise alone does not describe the jewish race now, or throughout history. But it does totally describe the white race. Or did God just get it wrong? So many prophecies that absolutely have nothing to do with the jewish people, but are in lock-step with white history. Every single one, in fact. The Book of Revelation is literally the symbolic prophecy of the last 2000 years of white history – right there to prove without a doubt that only God is true!
So why waste your time on a god who wants us to throw away the first 5000 years of ‘man’s’ history because it was all a mistake, only to believe that somehow the teachings of a man who taught from out of that very same collection of writings somehow got it right, and we only need to concern ourselves with that point forward, hoping that somehow this guy has more sense than this god himself. Let’s believe in a God who is our Father, who has never lied to us, and loves us above all because we are His literal children – not some ‘backup plan’ for some lonely old spirit in the sky incapable of fulfilling his promises…
The author is right about the Jewish Old Testament “turning people away from the Bible”. Again and again, not only atheists, but also potential and lapsed Christians point to the atrocities of the Jewish Old Testament “putting them off Christianity forever”. So many missionaries and well-intentioned evangelicals make the same mistake, focusing on the Jewish Old Testament instead of God’s New Message & New Covenant. They lavish money on translating, publishing & distributing combined Old & New Testaments to the Third World, large heavy books which end up being seized and burnt by the authorities, instead of focusing on distributing just the Christian New Testament, which is only about 300 pages, and can be easily transported, distributed, and hidden if necessary. It is Christ’s teachings which are the basis of our faith, and His teachings are found only in the New Testament, which is all any Christian needs.
There has been so much focus on the Jewish Old Testament among African Christians, for example, that many have easily been misled by Jewish activists to believe themselves to be the original “Black Hebrews/Israelites”, whose God-given duty is to enslave and exterminate “Esau/Edomites”, which they have been led to believe are Europeans (“whites”).
That’s funny, Protestant, you claim the Old Testament is “jewish”, but that word does not appear even once in either Old or New Testament. And the word “Jew” does not appear at all in the entire book of Genesis which is allegedly the basis for Judaism. Nor do those words appear in Exodus, which every Jew claims is their foundational myth. Someone is lying, and when it comes to lies, as Arthur Schoepenhauer once stated, the Jews are the “Masters of the Great Lie,” and the greatest lie they ever told is that they are the people who wrote the Bible.
As far as Africans and any other non-Whites claiming to be the “lost tribes of Israel,” guess who originated that bogus lie? Another Jew, of course, Menassah ben Israel, a 17th century Amsterdam-based Jew, whose books were very popular among the English Protestants, like yourself and Oliver Cromwell, who conspired with those same Jews to foment the English Revolution whose sole purpose was to readmit the Jews to England after having been exiled for over 300 years. Menassah also convinced these deluded Protestants that if the English readmitted the Jews, it would hasten the Second Coming. Sound familiar? They later pulled the same con game on Christians with Palestine.
So you are repeating two of the biggest lies the Jews ever told: that they wrote the Old Testament, and that they are Israelites. Time for you to do some real reading on this clown Menassah before you dig yourself into a real hole by repeating his nonsense:
1) I am aware of the history of the various incursions into the British Isles by Jewish invaders such as William the Bastard, his Jewish mother Herleve, the Jewish merchants from Rouen he brought with him in 1066 AD, and about Oliver Cromwell’s Jewish wife and her family.
2) Jewish/Hebrew/Iberos/Israelites, etc. are all well-known terms for the same desert tribe, so quit nitpicking. If you want to assume the identity of the Old Testament rape, incest, ritual human sacrifice, genocide and bashing babies’ heads against rocks, you’re welcome to do that. I am not interested in Atheist Schoepenhauer’s views on religion.
3) If you had read my comment more carefully, you would have seen that it was Jewish activists in Africa who PERSUADED the Africans that they are “Black Hebrews/Israelites”. Yes, THEY are lying in order to manipulate the Africans into killing us off, and I am merely pointing it out to those like yourself who have never seen their YouTube videos. Do not falsely accuse me of lying because you are too lazy to read what I said.
4) And don’t witter on tediously about the “poor Palestinian Muslims oppressed by the Jews”, because the Muslims & Jews are allies in viciously persecuting the Palestinian CHRISTIANS, who lived in Palestine for 600 years before the Jews invented the Moon Demon Cult.
5) I have also been reading about your own peculiar brand of religion, called “British-Israelism” or “Christian Identity”. It is totally wrong, but you can believe it if you wish.
You must hate Christ if you believe he’s a direct blood descendant according to His genealogy in both Matthew and Luke to today’s Jews. Christ and his disciples cite the Old Testament hundreds of times to show the unbroken lineal connection between Christians and their non-jewish Israelite blood ancestors, but you’ve ignored that because you hate today’s Jews so much you can’t believe you’re hating two completely different peoples.
And, no, Protestant, I’m not a British-Israel follower. That’s a jewish cult now headed by a jew in Israel and was long ago infiltrated by the UK Jews, most famously by Benjamin Disraeli, who convinced Queen Victoria that the Jews were Judah to justify their existence in the British Isles. Nor do I consider myself Christian Identity, which is just another denomination like Protestantism full of people arguing about doctrine and behaving like Pharisees toward those who disagree with their take on it. I’m an independent thinking Christian without denominational allegiances which are based on false history, baseless tradition, and bad Bible translations. Try it sometime.
” I’m an independent thinking Christian without denominational allegiances”
Same here, it has become impossible to support, or even defend the behaviour of our christian establishments. It’s sad that it has become this way.
“…………………………“Christian Identity”. It is totally wrong……………..”
Please explain to us how the fundamental principles of CI are ‘wrong’.
Wasting your time with that question, because he can’t. ‘Christian Identity’ – which is nomenclature we probably shouldn’t use now as it has been co-opted by [[[them]]] – is absolutely correct and cannot only be proven Biblically but also historically.
The FACT of who the TRUE Israelite people of the Bible are is why [[[they]]] malign it so ; when the goy wake up to these FACTS, the gig is up for the parasitic jew. The jew knows this, but also knows that the dumb goy are easily fooled. Look at the jewish encyclopedia sometime; in it they admit/acknowledge that it is incorrect to call a modern jew an Israelite or a Hebrew! They KNOW they are mostly khazars, and the small percentage who are Adamic are the literal descendents of esau, amaelk and some of cain. And we know what the Bible says about esau and amelek…
Are there differences of opinion among ‘CI ‘ people on certain topics? Certainly. May some be worng? Certainly. Are some being pharisetical? Certainly. But that can be said about ANY religion or school of thought; don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
Oh, and Mr chesterton – I assume Mr – sorry, but in no shape form or fashion is Jesus a jew on his ‘physical/human’ side. An antiChrist Christ?!? Jesus was/is an Israelite from the tribe of Judah, direct descendent of Adam, Abraham and David, but none of them were jews. Check your own translations my brother and you will see.
I would take issue with calling CI , or maybe we should call it ‘those who understand the Israel Identity Truth’ another denomination; my experience has been that CI folk are some of the more anti-denominational people you will find! The only thing the people I have encountered who understand the true identity of Biblical Israel are interested in is unvarnished truth. maybe you have more experience than I.
But the fact remains that the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples are the Israelite people of Scripture. Jesus Himself said that He ‘came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel’. Yes, ‘outsiders’ are welcome to the fold and may be ‘saved’, but only Israelites may be redeemed, as We are the ones who were ‘sold for nothing’ and will be ‘bought back w/o money’.
But hey… read the Law, act on Acts 2:38 and study to show thyself approved – we can discuss the other stuff! 🙂
Luke, I was using irony in attempting to show Protestant the logical implication of believing that the ancestors of today’s Jews are actually the “Jews” in the OT. He’s projecting onto the Israelites in the OT the mentality and venality of today’s Jews, like many people who believe that “Jews” wrote the Bible, as a way of discrediting it. I apologize for the lack of clarity. The idea that Christians worship a Jew is the height of absurdity, but the denominations can’t get out of that mental trap.
My observation over many years has indeed been that different CI groups develop schisms just like other denominations over doctrinal disputes, with lots of finger pointing and accusations at those who disagree, calling them “judaizers” or “Jews”. I find the disputes tiring and distracting from what’s most important: that we know who we are, where we came from, and most importantly, that we conduct ourselves as Christians toward our brothers in this understanding.
To paraphrase Mark Twain, it’s easier to convince a Christian of a lie than it is to convince them they’ve been lied to their whole lives.
@westwins – I can’t, because [some of….Ed.] my comments are now being blocked [because they are evasive and repetitious….Ed.]. So much for Freedom of Speech and Thought.
If I were “allowed” to answer your question, I would say [without offering any proof….Ed.] that maybe Christian Identity has been invented by the same desert tribe who invented the “Black Hebrew/Israelite” nonsense, because you know they always like controlling both sides of everything.
Protestant, your historical knowledge is admirable, and I hope you continue to post new information. I also hope you can humble yourself as a true Christian and admit you may have gotten a few things wrong along the way and be willing to honestly re-evaluate what you’ve been sincerely challenged on.
Take the Jew down off your cross and replace him with the only God who is truly deserving your worship and who promised to redeem you according to your birthright, as it is clearly spelled out for you in both the OT and NT. (1Corinthians 10:18)
Protestant, you have a wealth of knowledge, but it is a shame it’s misplaced. What was the purpose of those 6 points? You did not address ANY of our well made points refuting your regurgitation of jewish identity – a very important issue that we seem to be making perfectly clear in tons of ways, but you want to continue to muddy the waters, making it more difficult for readers to understand exactly who the jews are…not to mention making God a liar in the process.
Where are your Scriptural refutations? Where are your actual rebuttals to direct questions posed here? While you are given a podium to be heard, you are refusing to acknowledge that you share that podium and there are others deserve your respect in being heard and their thoughts considered. We come here to humbly learn – so I suggest you start taking into consideration the replies you are getting to your “teachings”.
I am in complete agreement with fundamental dual-seedline Christian Identity. But I refuse to belong to any ‘cliques’. I am a follower of the Way, which makes me a student of Christ, and therefor a Christian. I love my Father, and I love my brethren (no matter how difficult they get)…that is what being a Christian is all about. That is missing from every Christian sect that wants to nitpick each other to death over frivolous details of doctrine – although the milk of Scripture must be agreed upon, or else your ‘religion’ is not Christian, but some judaeo mockery intent on making a liar of The Word.
Jeremiah 31:31-34 offers proof that the New Covenant would be with the Israelites, and the Israelites only. There is no way to explain away Jeremiah 31:31-34 and force non-Israelite “gentiles” into the New Covenant. No denominational Christian has ever offered any plausible explanation of how this essential prophecy and their gentile replacement theology can both be correct:
“Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Europeans (or what we can broadly call the white race) are indeed descendants of the Hebrews/Israelites, and this knowledge is absolutely required to understand what is going on today and why the Jews hate us. Kane is once again trying to murder Abel. Esau is trying to regain his lost birthright. The seed of the Serpent is trying to destroy the seed of the Woman. This isn’t even speculation it’s historical fact (I invite you to test that assertion) and becomes very apparent once you give it some study and put the pieces of secular history together with the Biblical record.
Trace Israel to the Assyrian captivity; now the Biblical record concerning the vast majority of the people ends, but with assurance of restoration and an unfulfilled Covenant promise, that Abraham’s seed would become a multitude of nations. At this point however the “secular” record begins, starting with, but not exclusively, the Assyrian cuneiform. Israel was settled on the northern border, the Caucasus. The Caucasians didn’t just appear in those mountains, they came from Israel. From here they migrated north after Assyria fell through, what is to this day called the Pass of Israel.
They then became the Scythians and associated peoples, and eventually ended up in Europe, as is well documented history. Read the relevant section of the Declaration of Arbroath, 1320. for the extremely summarized version. Look at Josephus, Strabo and so forth for the rest. Forgive me for any typos in this, I am typing it much later than I should. The Lord guide you in your investigations.
Good points Protestant.
I completely agree that the Jews are pulling the strings and architecting the subversion of Israel’s identity. The modern day Jews (whom I believe to be the descendants of the Edomites) are using this as a tool to destroy their arch enemy, the Caucasians/Whites (the descendants of Israel). Additionally, I completely agree that distributing the Gospel via only the NT is a good idea in areas of the world where Christianity is not allowed as it is smaller and it does contain Christ’s and the first apostles’ teachings. But, search within yourself, do you really believe that Black Africa is a place where God’s Word is meant to be?
Also, Christ is the Word. He is God. The entire scripture is His. The Jews deny Christ today just as they did back in the time of Christ. If this is the case, is it fair to call the OT Jewish?
Chesterton, Brother, Galatians 5:22-23 😉 I’m confident we are on the same side here.