Litigious Jewish victims of John Earnest’s shooting attack at the Poway synagogue appear to be suing everyone associated with the attack, including the shooter’s parents, the gunmaker Smith & Wesson, and even the gun store in San Diego that sold Earnest the weapon he allegedly used:
The lawsuit, filed Monday in San Diego Superior Court by the gun control advocacy group Brady United, also targets alleged shooter John Earnest and his parents.
Lori Kaye, 60, was killed in the attack on April 27, 2019. Three people were injured, including the rabbi of the San Diego-area synagogue, who lost a finger.
The lawsuit asks for monetary relief and demands that all parties reform their business practices.
Earnest has pleaded not guilty to federal hate crime charges, which make him eligible for the death penalty if convicted.
Following the attack, he told a 911 dispatcher that “I’m just trying to defend my nation from the Jewish people … They’re destroying our people,” according to the affidavit. He then told the dispatcher that “the Jewish people are destroying the white race.”
The lawsuit alleges “irresponsible and unlawful conduct by a firearms manufacturer and seller for making, marketing, or selling weapons in an unsafe and illegal manner,” the Times of San Diego reported. It also claims that San Diego Guns unlawfully sold Earnest, 20, the rifle used in the shooting, as he lacked a valid hunting license to buy such a weapon at his age.
Smith & Wesson illegally designed and marketed its M&P 15 Sport II rifle to appeal to a “dangerous class of would-be mass shooters,” including by falsely associating the product with the US military and law enforcement, according to the lawsuit.
The suit also alleges Earnest’s parents “negligently facilitated their son’s (the shooter’s) ability to gain access to one or more pieces of weaponry/tactical equipment used in the incident, upon information and belief, having prior knowledge of his avowed, virulent anti-Semitism and propensity for violence.”
So allegedly Earnest’s parents should have reasonably foreseen that their son had the potential to carry out a mass shooting at a synagogue because they allegedly knew his political views about Jews.
Finding them liable would open up anyone who owns a gun and holds ‘antisemitic’ beliefs — and anyone who knows an antisemite — to being sued.
Despite the fact that 99.999% of people who hold ‘antisemitic’ views will never act violently toward Jews.
For Jews, it’s all about that 0.001% of mental cases who go off their meds and attack them.
Or else it’s Blacks lashing out at Jews for economically exploiting them and pricing them out of their own neighborhoods.
Clearly, the intent of this frivolous lawsuit is to potentially make both the sale and ownership of guns such a serious financial liability that it becomes a de facto annulment of the Second Amendment.
There can be no doubt that Jewish gun grabbers want to tie all “hate crime” legislation to gun ownership — those convicted or even accused of “hate speech” will not be able to own a gun.
No doubt, John Earnest’s attack on the synagogue will now give Jews the pretext to continue “destroying the White race,” the exact opposite of what he apparently intended.
Violence toward Jews plays right into their hands.
Specific laws conceived exclusively by the victims of terrorism were anointed in congress and have been used by Israel in mideast for international jews to enlarge thier treasury after a claim of terrorism . The aggressor is usually a CIA Mossad invented enemy.
The parents of Rachel Corey attempted to receive restitution for from Caterpillar the maker of the combat vehicle used to murder their daughter; just as these eternal victims are declaring responsibility from the gun manufacturer. The mother and father received an obscene response from Israel and their appeal to congress was scornfully refused .
Sorry, typo corrected here:
“Violence toward Jews plays right into their hands.”
but its all they understand; reason, logic and especially Truth is anathema to them and does no good. These things USED to work on/for our people, but seem ineffective now in the face of jewish media onslaughts of propaganda.
The only way to make a body riddled with cancer whole again is to remove the cancerous cells. ‘By whatever means necessary…’
Whatever power that Jews have to destroy our nations is given to them by God (see Isaiah 10)–who uses the Jews as a rod of chastisement to punish us for turning away from Him. God will not allow us to remove the Jews from our nations, regardless of the method, until we repent and turn back toward Him.
As Corneliu Zelea Codreanu once observed, “A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.”
Do you believe that America (or Europe) does not deserve the Jews it has?
The ascendance of the jew is a curse. Recalling the aphorism , ques deus vult pedara dementat prius. WHom God decides to destroy he first makes mad. Are we not living in a time like no other?
Wanna become immortal? Shove a Jew. They’ll be talking about the incident for a thousand years.
And I guess the ‘miracle surgery’ that reattached the ‘lost finger’ without scarring has magically disappeared down the memory hole as a blessing amid the cries of “anti-semitism”. Let’s kevtch about a ‘lost finger’ that is no longer lost and sue everyone and everything remotely tied to the psy-op…er, heinous anti-semitic crime as if THAT is going to solve everything. Well, it does for jews – and we still think they are “God’s chosen”???
Oh BooHoo We DINDU-NUFFIN —– OOoooooppps!
See jews think they have a “right” to mess with your life but you have no RIGHTS.
HIAS-Jews & CAIR-Muslums work together to genocidally flood Christianity:
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) Imports “Refugees” to White Countries, Even from Israel
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) organization—targeted by the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers—works full time to bring fake refugees to America and Europe, while at the same time helping to expel them from Israel and ship them to white countries, a review of that organization’s activities shows.
The blessed Pittsburgh synagogue of Satan shooter who 2 or 3 cops on the live news footage called “the actor” as did 2 news reporters. Whoops! Kiked again. (Some of that footage is still out there to prove it)
I thought the fake chosen ones (spawn of the devil) insisted they were the smartest beings on earth? I guess rampant incest for centuries also causes such delusions, as well as this evil controlling tribe to be the most mentally deranged on earth, (according to their own scientists).
Good grief. What utter parasites.
A member of the synagogue sued the synagogue for inappropriate use of Dept. of Homeland Security grant money intended to by security equipment such as surveillance cameras. (Jewish institutions get about 90% of these grants) Anyone know what happened with this lawsuit?