Payment processing giant PayPal has frozen the account of anti-immigration activist Tommy Robinson and banned him from using the service indefinitely:
Robinson, who had been using Paypal to help fund his ongoing legal battles, described the ban as “fascism.”
“They just don’t like my opinion and want to silence me,” the 35-year old said. “The government and establishment can see I have public support, they can see I have the ability to fight back.”
For its part, Paypal says it reserves the right to ban anyone that “promote[s] hate, violence, or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory” saying that Robinson’s views did not fit within the user guidelines.
“We do not take decisions like these lightly, and we work hard to be rigorous and fair-minded when reviewing PayPal accounts,” the company added. “We work hard to achieve the right balance and to ensure that our decisions are values-driven and not political.”
Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, was jailed in May for contempt of court for filming defendants in a child grooming trial, threatening to ruin the prosecution’s case against the men in the process.
He alleges that PayPal has frozen “a lot” of money that had been in his account for up to 180 days and has been vital to funding his ongoing legal defense.
…PayPal has a history of bowing to public pressure: in the aftermath of the recent Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooting, the company banned the free-speech social media site Gab, which often gives a platform to extreme views. It also previously dropped Infowars, the website run by controversial commentator Alex Jones.
Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was also suspended from Twitter for breach of the company’s “hateful conduct policy.”
Reports suggest that Robinson could stand to make up to £1 million ($1.3 million) during an upcoming tour of the US where he has been invited to speak by a group of Republicans. It remains to be seen whether he will be granted a visa.
This is a positive development for Robinson’s duped supporters, as their well-intended donations will no longer end up in the pockets of the jewish lawyers and publicists who are grooming Robinson’s public image. Without those public donations, his jewish support team will have to get their funding from other jewish organizations that support Robinson, such as the Middle East Forum, which has admitted to financing him.
If a White political “dissident” like Robinson stands to make over a million dollars on a U.S. speaking tour, then you know he must be controlled opposition. If he weren’t aided and abetted by jewish power, he’d never get the time of day anywhere in America, and he’d be boycotted at ever venue where he tried to speak. Tommy Robinson and Alex Jones are birds of a feather — fake opposition to the jewish agenda, and that is why they’ve been given “credibility” by being banned by PayPal.
“Controlled ops – Zio-Tommy Robinson and The Zionist Counter Terrorism Industry – [Robinson is on the bottom right]”
Again, this ‘slap on the wrist’ is nothing but public acknowledgement for the purpose of lending more ‘credibility’ to yet another jewish puppet. Jews will always try to infiltrate opposition groups. The only ‘opposition group’ that they can’t are the small, but growing, communities of knowledgeable and faithful Christians – those who have awoken to the Truth as only the Scriptures can tell it…those who test every spirit to see if it is of God!