Newsweek is reporting that PayPal is working to end their services for ‘far-right’ YouTuber Stefan Molyneux, the jewish internet personality behind such viral videos as “The Story of Your Enslavement,” “Take the Red Pill” and “The Flat Earth Conspiracy Debate”:
The online payment platform confirmed the termination in a statement shared with Newsweek, writing that “After conducting an extensive review, PayPal has made the decision to discontinue our business relationship with Stefan Molyneux.”
PayPal’s decision to remove Molyneux from their service is an injurious rebuke to the far-right personality, as much of his income has come from fan gifts, including recurring donations through PayPal.
Many of Molyneux’s videos feature him simply looking into the camera and sharing his views. Views that have “grown more blatantly extreme and anti-Semitic” of late, according to Right Wing Watch. The self-described philosopher’s musings also caught the attention of Sleeping Giants, an activist organization that aims to convince advertisers to pull promotions from news outlets that promote bigoted ideologies.
His show “Freedomain Radio” often features him discussing ideas that the alt-right has embraced such as white genocide conspiracy theories, the men’s rights movement and gun rights. The Canadian vlogger’s videos often feature sensationalist titles such as “The Truth about Canada’s Elections Part 1: Immigration”, “Sugar Baby Feminism”, and “Dangerous Snowflakes-Where ‘Triggered’ REALLY Comes From.”
Sleeping Giants co-founder Nandini Jammi first made efforts to bring Molyneux’s content to PayPal’s attention in April, she told Right Wing Watch. On October 14, she retweeted a post displaying screenshots of Molyneux’s Twitter activity promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories regarding the media. Jammi encouraged her followers to contact PayPal directly and ask why Molyneux was still allowed to use the platform.
… While PayPal has previously severed ties with extremist groups and individuals including the Ku Klux Klan, the Proud Boys and Alex Jones, Jammi theorized that Molyneux managed to evade investigation by calling himself a “philosopher” rather than a white nationalist. “Suspending Stefan Molyneux should have been an open-and-shut case,” Jammi told Right Wing Watch.
Jammi also said now that PayPal has cut ties with Molyneux, he will probably face some difficulty finding a new service to accept donations. “No one’s going to want to touch him.” She also noted, “I think he’s going to find himself bouncing around between payment processors.”
No one except PayPal, the Canadian Revenue Agency, and Molyneux knows how many of millions of dollars he’s raked in from his viewers as a reward for his “edgy” pseudo-philosophical and largely kosher approach to world events and politics, but even without PayPal, Molyneux appears to be a millionaire many times over, with his Bitcoin wallet having in excess of $6 million.
Molyneux has received approximately 690 Bitcoins, as you can see here.
With today’s Bitcoin value, that is approximately $6.3 million.
Molyneux’s fortune is probably much larger, since most donations likely come in through PayPal.
On his donation page, you can see that he is setup to receive one-time and recurring donations, up to $100 per month.
He also accepts other crypto-currencies, in addition to Bitcoin.
Like many of the high-profile figures in the so-called “Alt-Right” movement, Molyneux has admitted to being jewish, claiming jewish lineage through both his mother and father.
Mother’s side:
Father’s side:
One does not become a multi-millionaire many times over by telling the truth. The quickest road to poverty, social marginalization, and unemployment is telling the truth — the real truth — not the kosher libertarian pablum that Molyneux peddles.
Keep in mind that Molyneux lives in Canada, which has some of the most draconian ‘hate speech’ laws among any White nations, and yet he’s never been investigated, censored, or deplatformed by the Canadian Human Rights Commission which has sent people to jail for far more innocuous “offenses” such as the case of James Sears, which we have previously reported.
Yes, the same Canada where even a Black high school student was recently suspended for refusing to wear a mandated LGBT pride button.
Predictably, Molyneux’s blind followers, just like those who defend Alex Jones, will use this PayPal deplatforming as some kind of “proof” that Stefan isn’t the “shill” that he’s often been accused of being.
At a bare minimum, if it ain’t Christ, it ain’t right.
Look, Molyneaux has Jewish ancestry so we should be very dubious about his motives. He is certainly not shy about asking for cash, if your bitcoin numbers are accurate.
He has, however, taken Jews to task for ethno-centrism and for their role in ‘cultural marxism’. He has openly discussed immigration as a major threat to the West, albeit he is not openly ethnic nationalist as far as Europeans go.
He’s a mixed bag, riling up the right enemies while not quite coming onboard with either Christianity or the traditional peoples of Europe. He is at his best presenting unpleasant truths, as in his analysis of immigration in Ireland that was quickly censored in that country. The rest of his philosophy is far too rooted in economics for me to find appealing, and he pins down mass immigration to the welfare state and the interests of existing state actors in securing power. That’s a mistake, as he ignores the entire stream of anti-white activism from the Jewish community, the freemasons, etc.
He’s one of those people who says enough bad stuff to make the mainstream left upset, but then he doesn’t point out the true culprits in powerful organizations, preferring to talk about an abstract ‘state’. Anyone who denies the influence of social networks, ethnic groups, and secret societies really isn’t on the level.
Stefan Molynuex shill, Laura Southern shill, Alex Jones shill, Bill Cooper shill, David Duke shill, Henry Makow shill, Jordan Peterson shill, Jared Taylor shill, Irish Savant shill, Morgoth shill, Me shill … it never ends.
Good men do bad things, bad men do good things. Sitting on the sidelines we will never truely know exactly if, who and when ‘truthers’ have been comprised. All of the above have made massive contributions to a growing awakening among christian Europeans around the world regardless of any compromises made at the bequest of the Synagogue of Satan and all its foot soldiers.
Let’s enjoy the good parts.
You are engaging in a logical fallacy known as ‘reducto ad absurdum’, and it’s persuasive only to those who fail to understand the big picture. I would not compare the Jews you mentioned — Molyneux, Southern, and Makow — to the others. And no they have not made “massive” contributions to Christian Europeans because, as Jews, they are part of the Synagogue of Satan.
David Duke? The guy has consistently called out Jewish power for decades. He has books on Jewish Supremacism, the Jewish role in Communism, etc.
Southern, Jones and Peterson are clearly controlled opposition. Peterson is an outright leftist.
Duke is the poster child for promotion of one of the most pernicious of jewish lies – the existence of the ‘good’ jew…
Duke is far from an expert on jewish perfidy. The only true expert on the nature and purpose of the jew is Christ himself!
. . .one of his books was dedicated to israel shahak. . .
Stepping stones are stepping stones – nothing more. Once it is recognized as such, it needs to be presented as such. Christians who truly converted to Christ understand that bad men do ‘good’ things…because Christ worked through them. Give the credit where credit is due.
BS ! ((( They ))) are willing to feed their mothers to the dogs……for a little bit of EXTRA time.
I believe many of those reading this article, having defended or want to defend Molyjew, absolutely need to read this ‘core topic’ article –
Real Christianity is not a stepping stone – it is THE WAY. Until white people wake up to this FACT, they will continue to “cast their pearls before swine” in hopes of ‘canonizing’ the next cult of personality who tickles their ears. How about you wake up to the fact that EVERYTHING out of the mouth of Christ BLOWS AWAY the rhetoric of every ‘Alt-right’ and ‘WN’ personality…
Shouldn’t all of you mouthpieces out there be a bit more concerned about the “DEEP STATE”, leftist bags of shit out there sand leave Molyneux to HIS demise, if any, instead of falling to your own? Seems to me that even an educated fool would see this! It doesn’t require a degree of anything accept common sense and at least a somewhat high double digit I.Q. to realize that we are defined by what we do and not by what others say or think of us. You folks need to find a more credible reason to CRY and BITCH about what he has and you do not, and Religious preference should not be in the Matrix, so to speak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny you felt the need to question the I.Q. of Molyneux’s critics, which is one of Molyneux’s hobby horses. He loves his sacred idol, the I.Q. score, as if that explains everything we see. No, you’ve got it backward, what we do is defined by who we are. What sets White culture apart from all others is a reflection of biology and spirit, a spirit that was uniquely given to us by God. It’s not our I.Q.s that set us apart, it’s our spirit.
The “deep state” is just another polite way of saying “The Jews”, and if you are truly interested in fighting the “deep state” then enlisting Jews like Molyneux to accomplish that is going to be a losing battle.
“DEEP STATE”……………………..
Oh yes………..that elusive “deep state”. You know Michael, this past holloween I went to my local costume shop and asked for a “deep state” costume. I suspect the costume would be the most scary of them all!
Michael — What does a member of the Deep State look like? Please tell the world so that we can make sure to avoid them in dark alleys.
Good luck trying to stop them when you can’t even identify them. Or maybe that is the whole point?!!!
a picture of the deep state:
Nailed it.
Molyneux is a fast talking jewish huckster who would be selling used cars if it weren’t able to sell his schtick on YouTube.
Stefan Molyneux goes along with the official “Holocaust” narrative of course, and even claimed in the video below that it was an “over-reaction” to the German fear of jewish communism. In other words, according to Molyneux, the Germans were so terrified that the communist Jews were going to repeat the genocide they pulled off in Russia that the Germans “over-reacted” by rounding up 6 million Jews, gassing them, cremating their corpses, then making tens of millions of pounds of ash, teeth, and bone fragments disappear into thin air without a trace.
This is a guy who is on “our” side. This is what passes as the “philosophy” that he claims is going to “save Western Civilization”. Seriously?
moly cribbed his views from alice rosenbaum [ayn rand]. his harping on reason and facts has jew roots. the real inspiration for facts and reason is Aristotle, one of our kind. be kind to the ancient greeks, not to modern geeks
Yep, two of Molyneux’s intellectual role models are the Jews, Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard, both so-called libertarians. Jews love to promote libertarianism as an answer to the fake jewish capitalism/communism dialectic…..
I have seen both rand and rothbard try to stick the blame for inflation on government, instead on kikery. rothbard wrote what has government done to our money? In article egalitarianism and inflation, rand wrote. . .”only government. . .” can inflate. . .
Knowing that I had millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin, I could not continue to ask my followers for donations, nor could I use my de-platforming from PayPal as an excuse to hit up my followers for more money, but that’s exactly what you will hear from Stefan Molyneux in the weeks to come, proof of his jewish love of money.
An obvious multimillionare who will be ‘hurt’ by no more PayPal? Only duped white nationalists would see this as a check mark in the ‘good jew’ category…
A bit unfair on SM. Especially in recent times he has become genuinely edgy and has been less afraid to address, or at least deflect from, the JQ. There’s wall-to-wall globohomo multicult propaganda on the media against which SM is a breath of fresh air.
I disagree. This article nailed Molyjew perfectly. A PSEUDO-philospher making tons of shekels without being deplatformed. And as a previous article on this site said so accurately, Molyjew has only recently been doing some jew talk in order to remain relevant and not be left behind.
And regardless of what he says, even if tomorrow he began exhorting people to become fervent Christians, ultimately nothing good can come from Molyjew. He’s a poisonous tree and can only bear poisonous fruit.
If White people have to rely on a Jews like Molyneux to tell the truth, we are done as a race. He cannot tell the truth because the truth is not in him. He’ll give you some of the truth, enough to seduce you and tickle your ears, but at the crucial moment, he’ll take a radical left turn and lead you down another rabbit hole. Part of his schtick is making his followers feel like they are “smart”, a false appeal to people’s intellectual vanity. At best, he’s a stepping stone for people on the path to the real truth, but too many of them get stuck there and never move beyond his honey trap.
To chersterton and forbesmag…in effect you’re requiring the likes of SM to be 100% on message. Or else he’s in the enemy camp. But this is a sure way to strategic defeat. You take help from anywhere you get it. And SM provides help in possibly the two most vital areas of our struggle. First that a war is being waged against straight White males. Second that the MSM are massive frauds. If he can awaken Whites to just these two factors he’s doing a marvellous job and we’re on the way to winning.
If you’re interested I expanded on this vital topic here:
As I said Molyneux can be useful as a stepping stone to the real truth, nothing more, and given his wealth, a lot of people think they’ve found something worth “investing” in with him.
By your standard, almost everyone, including the Jews themselves, are a help in our struggle against jewish power. The radical Left is so absurd that it discredits itself. They are indeed as much help as Molyneux. Every time the Jews open their mouths, they put their collective foot in it, helping us as much as Molyneux does. Violent Black behavior helps us wake people up, but does that mean we shouldn’t criticize it? Muslim rape gangs “help” us wake people up. That’s what White people are good at: turning a negative into a positive. But that doesn’t mean you get a free ride just because you saying something helpful. That’s short sighted. This isn’t going to be won in the ballot box. We will win because Christ is with us, not Jews like Stefan Molyneux.
Well why then are the vast majority of Whites still unaware of the war being waged against them? A number of recent surveys showed that White students favoured the introduction of even more stringent “hate” laws which as we all know are aimed exclusively at Whites.
very simply because Satan, the serpent, that great dragon, has deceived the whole world. Again, someone who believes what the Bible says understands this. The Bible is our manual for understanding our heriditary enemies, and how to AVOID them…
I guess that they can’t make it too obvious.
If they are going to silence us; may as well silence the Gate Keepers as well.
We can only hope some of our sleeping Brethren will finally start asking questions.
IF this person – i have no idea who he is or what he says – is indeed telling the truth, then it shows how scared (((they))) are; his crimes against the narrative trump his jewishness?!? Seldom if ever…
The antiChrist is worried that too much fact is getting out.
And they should be.
The TRUTH will set us free, my people!