Openly homosexual presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (pictured on right with ‘husband’) spoke at the LGBTQ Victory Fund’s annual brunch in Washington on Sunday, and described how he ‘reconciled’ his unnatural desire to engage in homosexual perversions with another man with his ‘close’ relationship with God:
“It’s hard to face the truth that there were times in my life when, if you had shown me exactly what it was inside me that made me gay, I would have cut it out with a knife,” Buttigieg said. “If you had offered me a pill to make me straight, I would’ve swallowed it before you had time to give me a sip of water.” Thankfully there was no knife or pill, he added, and now he understands believing there’s something wrong with being gay “puts you at war not only with yourself, but with your maker.”
“My marriage to Chasten has made me a better man — and yes, Mr. Vice President, it has moved me closer to God,” Buttigieg said. “And that’s the thing I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand, that if you’ve got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”
Pence is a conservative evangelical Christian who opposes same-sex marriage; Buttigieg’s Episcopalian. “It’s unusual for Democratic presidential candidates to talk about faith as often as Buttigieg does,” USA Today notes. “It’s groundbreaking that he uses his marriage to another man to illustrate his personal relationship with God.” The LGBTQ Victory Fund audience appeared appreciative of his Christian left beliefs, even if they don’t share them.
“He talked about God in a room that’s probably full of atheists — that’s what I am,” said Jack Jacobson. “He does it unabashedly and in a way that doesn’t come across as threatening, dismissive, or negative.”
As the Methodist theologian John Wesley once warned, “What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.” Ironically, his fellow Methodist adherents today largely support the gay ‘lifestyle’ and marriage. The new tolerance for homosexuality which emerged from the American Bolshevik Revolution of the 1960s has now transformed into not only enthusiastically embracing homosexuality but also all forms of sexual deviance, including pedophilia.
Pete Buttigieg’s viable candidacy is merely the logical conclusion of this misguided tolerance of sexual deviancy. Clearly, he is being groomed by the (((king makers))) to be among the Democratic front-runners for the 2024 presidential election. The purpose of his appearance in this 2020 primary is to sell this openly homosexual politician as a moderate “Christian” candidate among the other liberal ‘extremists’. Christians will be given the opportunity to prove to the world, and to God apparently, that they are no longer “homophobic” by voting Buttigieg into the White House.
If you’re queer, if your stated religion is based on a book, and that book describes queer behaviour as an abomination, you are NOT a follower of that religion. Either you believe – and live – the book or you don’t. You can’t pick and choose. You either are or you’re not, and queers are most definitely NOT. They can’t be when they indulge in behaviours expressly forbidden by (what they falsely claim to be) their religious book.
Look at Nature. Every species has two sexes, male and female. It’s the way they reproduce, and it’s exactly the same for us. Deny that simple and obvious fact, and we die out as a species, which is what (((they))) want.
Whatever we believe regarding the Creator, it cannot be denied that Nature is the direct work of that Creative Force. We can choose to reject any book, but Nature itself can be regarded as “a Bible written in the Creator’s own handwriting”. Whatever our religious beliefs, we defy Nature at our peril.
Excellent point!
Revilo Oliver on homosexuality:
While I am glad Mr. Oliver was anti-gay and ‘anti-semitic’, his (as well as Dr. Pierce’s) understanding of the identity of the jew is way off base and further obfuscates the veracity of the Scriptures, and therefor the viability of true Christianity. We don’t need some puffed up lecture on the ‘history’ of faggotry or a scholarly breakdown of the negative impact of homosexuality on a given society…it’s all a no brainer. It should suffice that the One and Only Creator deems homosexuality an abomination. He should certainly be recognized as THE authority.
While I respect many of Revilo Oliver’s writings and lectures, especially concerning the Jews, his analysis of Christianity shows a remarkable lack of historical and scriptural understanding. He knows the Jews lie about virtually everything, but he believes their “authoritative” take on the Bible? For a guy who considered himself to be “Jew-wise”, Oliver revealed himself to be very naive and trusting when it came to repeating many of the jewish lies about Christianity.
Yes, I agree with Mr. Buttplug – if I hate fags, then I have a problem with the god of faggots. He can make inference to the God of the Bible as the god he worships all he wants, but clearly he missed the part about how He is the same then and now – the very same God who incinerated the faggotry capitols of Sodom and Gomorrah – so I’m positive Mr. Buttplug CANNOT be referring to the very same God…
Ummm…sorry there buttplug, the problem IS you. According to the Creator, being queer is an abomination and is due the death penalty. See Leviticus 20:13 and others. It is a choice. Period.
Oh, and for all you who ignore the first two thirds of the Word, be sure and look at Matthew 5:17 if you cant understand that God says He does NOT change.