Universal mandatory vaccination will be pushed down the throats of Americans when thousands of young children start dying “of COVID” — and the only way to make it appear as if they are dying in large enough numbers is to get FDA authorization to begin vaccinating them with these deadly experimental COVID “vaccines”:
Even while pediatric COVID-19 cases remain high in the United States, there remains significant resistance by parents to vaccinate their children. Amid this reluctance, Pfizer and BioNTech have asked the FDA to authorize their vaccine for children aged 5 to 11, the companies revealed on Thursday.
An FDA advisory committee has scheduled a meeting on Oct. 26 to discuss authorization. The submission potentially sets up the vaccine for emergency use approval late October or early November, but the companies may face a tough sell trying to convince parents that the shot is safe.
Last month, only 34% of parents in the U.S. with children ages 5 to 11 said they would vaccinate them “right away,” according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll. The survey was taken after Pfizer and BioNTech revealed that their vaccine was safe and effective in children of this age group.
In the late-stage study of 2,268 children ages 5 to 11, doses a third of the size given to adults provided antibody responses comparable to those seen in people aged 16 to 25. Side effects for the age group also were comparable to those observed in those aged 16 to 25. “With new cases in children in the U.S. continuing to be at a high level, this submission is an important step in our ongoing effort against COVID-19,” Pfizer said on Twitter.
Even if the companies secure an authorization, it seems many parents will not be on board. In the KFF poll, 24% of those with kids ages 5 to 11 said they definitely would not vaccinate them, while 32% said they would “wait and see” how the vaccine is working. Although the risk is very small, myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart, has been seen in adolescents and young adults, mostly male, after a second dose of the vaccine.
The Pfizer vaccine is fully authorized for people 16 and older. Those age 12 to 15 are authorized to use it on an emergency basis. Since the rise of the delta variant, children under age 18 have become more readily infected, accounting for one in four cases in the U.S. in September, said (PDF) the CDC. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the rate of child infection for children was one in six.
If “only” 34% of children — ages 5 to 11 — get the COVID vaccine, that’s still millions of kids — and thousands of them will end up dying or being maimed by the side effects, including myocarditis, which isn’t a “rare” side effect at all.
As we’ve previously reported, one of the more common — and deadly — side effects of the COVID vaccine — as admitted to by the CDC — is Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) — which will be blamed on the new COVID variant rather than the true cause — the vaccine itself.
And we know that this grand plan to kill off children this fall is being disseminated to health care organizations throughout North America — for example, during a town hall meeting on August 23rd, the CEO of the Grey Bruce HMO (Canada) — Gary Sims — made the startling prediction:
“The greatest fear, quite frankly, is…going to be the pediatrics that’s the issue in the Fall. And if there ever was a division between the personal rights and the social rights, you will see it this Fall, if the children start to die. Because there will be an uprising by the people who have children, or the people who are vaccinated, that might get ‘not nice’ at all. And as an organization that cares for those people, we have a responsibility to protect them.” (19:00)
Hospitals across the U.S. are being told to prepare for a massive surge in pediatric COVID cases this fall — after the FDA has given authorization to begin vaccinating young children — their vaccine side effects will be blamed on a new variant from Pakistan, Afghanistan, or some other “unsanitary” Third World country.
And even though none of the current COVID vaccines or boosters will work against these new variants, that won’t stop the satanic Merchants Of Death from blaming the unvaccinated for the death of these children.
If killing thousands of innocent children is what it’s going to take to get everyone to submit to these kill shots, then so be it — as Vladimir Lenin observed, “To make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs.”
COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus — their plan is to continue to execute children — with heart-wrenching stories on the nightly news — until we beg them to do whatever they need to do to Save The Children™.
And when you give communists carte blanche to solve a problem, you should expect millions of eggs to get broken.
I Dunno
Great video, Pfizer executive caught on tape saying vaccine is not needed.
“Even while pediatric COVID-19 cases remain high in the United States, there remains significant resistance by parents to vaccinate their children.”
They imply that high “pediatric COVID-19 cases” necessarily means parents need to vaccinate their children, else they display “significant resistance”.
Average Joe who watches the news after his nine to five really doesn’t stand a chance against this stuff.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
If we the unvaxxed dont get the Clot Shot, we’re kid haters that want to see kids die. Probably also anti-Semitic!
The ones that murder millions of babies each year, calling it abortion, will have no problem killing millions more, especially if they’re WHITE babies, the race scheduled for extinction, using the toxic Covid vaxx.
Very good point you make there, good sir. One of the emotive pleas for getting vaxinated against coronavirus the world over is “do it for your family. Do it for your kids. Etc”. Are these same people concerned about abortions? and children that get ill from other sicknesses and diseases? What a guilt trip they are taking people on!
Vaxinating kids against coronavirus is unethical. With a few exceptions, it is mostly just fat old people, or very old people, with pre existing health problems (like being fat) that are dieing from coronavirus. The world wide death rate is nothing compared to a huge number of other things, like, the flu, for example… are we gona have passports for the common cold next?
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
A digital passport is what the House of RATschilds needs to impose a digital currency on everyone to replace the increasingly worthless FED notes, made that way by bailing out those TBTF Wall Street casinos in 2001, 2008 & 2019, the last bailout is still ongoing since those criminal enterprises run up bad bets of over 1.5 QUADRILLION. A number I didn’t know existed till the latest bailout.
That’s why we’re seeing articles bout Israel thinking of dropping Uncle Sucker as an ‘ally’ & getting cozy with Commie China, who has over 8,000 tons of gold, real gold, not the tungsten bars painted gold, like the ones in Ft Knox.