(Fort-Russ.com) When President Trump strongly suggested that the Polish government pay billions in restitution to the Jews for their complicity in the “theft” of Jewish property during WWII, the Poles expressed their concern that such payments may result in the rise of antisemitism:
The construction of Fort Trump in Poland is in serious question following a major diplomatic row now brewing, which has gone under the radar screen due to the western media focus on other matters. FRN has learned from reliable Polish media sources that Polish President Duda is facing a public fiasco. This has been compounded by even more recent allegations from Jewish groups that Poland, as a country and a society, is rife with anti-Semitism. Evidence of this is claimed to come in the form of a recent major newspaper cover, carrying a sensational story ‘How to Recognize a Jew’. The Trump administration appears to now be using this to back-peddle on what appeared as a previous commitment to increase NATO activity in Poland.
While the Trump administration has made moves to decrease its own relative liability for NATO’s budget, Polish leadership have believed they would be exempt from this, as they already meet Trump’s proposal of 2.2% of GDP towards NATO. Most western NATO countries do not meet this figure.
But instead of thanking Poland for its example – Poland a country which borders Russia and following its present anti-Russian course would absolutely be among the first zones of occupation or assault in the event of a major war between Europe and Russia, a veritable nuclear cushion – Trump has backed away from furthering the spectacle of NATO building in ‘New Europe’. Moreover, Trump has increasingly insulted the Polish political class and public, through its tacit insinuation that modern Poland is responsible for the crimes committed against Jews during the Holocaust. The Trump administration in response to Polish politicians upset with the sudden change of position, is said to have unofficially responded to Poland’s commitment to increase spending on its part of NATO and to instead ‘hand property to Jewish holocaust groups’.
Instead of military cooperation with their satellite in Eastern Europe, Trump proposes that the United States may return to the issue of the return of Jewish real estate and property now owned by Poles. Such sensational news about the realities of US-Polish relations was published today, March 14, in the Gazeta Wyborcza .
According to the leading Polish newspaper, the United States did not live up to the expectations of Warsaw regarding the construction of a permanent military base, which was named Fort Trump in advance. “In the case of criticism from Poland, the United States will return to the question of the restitution of Jewish property,” warns the publication.
In response to criticism from Warsaw, the United States has returned to the issue of the restitution of allegedly Jewish property in Poland, which remained unclaimed after World War II and became the property of the Polish individuals or the state. At the same time, Warsaw understands that the prospect of returning lands and houses worth hundreds of millions of euros to Jewish Holocaust groups threatens to increase anti-Semitism, which is already present in Poland. These Holocaust groups have significant lobbying power, and while they collect these moneys in the name of the families of Holocaust victims or survivors, rarely do these funds wind up in the hands of actual survivors or their families. Most victims’ families or survivors continue to live modestly and do not see these funds. The last scandal on this topic was a major scandal in the Polish Sejm (lower house of parliament).
So it appears that Trump is using the carrot of Poland’s membership in NATO to leverage “reparation” payments to the Jews for alleged crimes that the Poles do not feel responsible for.
And apparently Trump isn’t too worried about the much-promoted threat of a Russian invasion of Europe, because if he were, he certainly wouldn’t want to lose Poland’s support of NATO, which is instrumental to NATO’s plan of “defense”.
Poland gets its “Fort Trump” when the Jews get their “Holocaust” reparations.
This is the second direct demand from a high ranking member of Trump’s government directly to the Polish government to cough up some reparations to the Jews.
We recently reported that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had tried turning the screws on Poland on behalf of the Jews.
The conflict could be solved quickly if Poland merely withdrew, or threatened to withdraw, from NATO as it does not serve the interests of Poland to be put in the middle again between the West and Russia.
We should expect this pressure on Poland to only increase.
Trump has become a complete shill.
No offense, but he always was. I am glad that you have recognized this. I just pray that the rest of white America, and in turn the white world, sees the same thing.
If anyone knows how to spar with the Jews, it’s the Poles who, historically, had the largest jewish population in Europe prior to WWII. Of course, the Polish government isn’t concerned about the rise in antisemitism that would result from reparation payments–but it’s a legitimate warning, which could be true.
But the Jews don’t care about the rise in antisemitism–as long as they get their money. They are literally unconcerned that they will be hated for falsely extorting money out of the Poles for a Holocaust that never happened–or for their fellow jewish communists who stole jewish property which the Christian Poles will be held responsible for. What a scam.
Wasn’t Poland’s post-war Communist government pretty much Jewish? What did they do with these assets?
Any divulgence of pertinent information in regards to your second question would require admission that said government was indeed jewish, and that admission would have to come from the jews, which then you must bypass the first question and move on to the third, unwritten question – “Is the admission good for the jews?” The answer is ‘no’. So there you have it: They did nothing with any assets because they were not in control of the Polish government. That’s they’re answer and they’re sticking by it…until that story no longer serves them, or a better, more lucrative one is able to be woven…
Polish governement was created by ZSRR after II WW.
According to the law, property left over from the killed Jews during World War II is transferred to the state treasury.
Now other Jews want to get back what they have no right to take it.
Does it look like a forcing attempt?
Trump has really come out of the closet now.
May the Poles continue to stand their ground and remain a beacon of hope to the rest of our severely diminished white Christian nations.
The Poles – nor ANYONE ELSE in the world owe those antiChrist war mongering nation wreckers anything…save expulsion and maybe more.