[CFT Note: We are republishing this article from 2018 — in the 6 years since its first appearance the divides between the “liberal” and atheistic west and the Christians to the east have intensified. And Poland has come under attack by the EU — while their recent rigged elections installed a liberal government which intends to flood Poland with Third World refuse.]
(Outono.net) In a recent interview, Polish Member of Parliament, Dominik Tarczyński asserted that western Europe has lost its soul, and that in order to survive it must return to its Christian roots as Poland has:
Transcript of Interview:
Q: What can you tell me about the difference between Western Europe and Eastern Europe? How and when did this difference originate?
A: Values. A nation which are losing their values are losing their soul. This is what is happening now in Poland. Our soul is alive, the west’s soul is dead. In Eastern Europe we don’t want to see our Christian values lost. The West has lost its soul. Poland’s soul is still alive.
“We’re going to get Europe back to the Christianity. This is who we are. This is what it is about our continent.”
Q: You have been very forthright about your views on Islam. Poland has been against taking migrants since the start, why is it such an important issue for Poland?
A: During the campaign we went to the people of Poland and talked with them. We asked them what to them is most important. We are doing what they want. The issue of illegal immigrants and our safety was the most important.
Q: What is your hope for the future of Poland?
A: Well first of all we are going to change Europe. That’s the most important thing. We’re going to reorganise the European Union. And we’re going to get back to hold Europe to the roots of the European Union and Europe.
We’re going to get Europe back to the Christianity. This is who we are. This is what it is about our continent. This is what it is about our way of thinking.
European doesn’t mean diverse, European means Christian European this is what it is for our continent
If the politicians would decide to become Muslims, I don’t mind. You know Poland and Europe, most of the Europe states are democratic and anyone can believe whatever he wants to believe, but in Poland I will fight for Christianity for what my ancestors were fighting for. It’s what my grandpa fought for and that’s it, it’s very simple.
I want to be a European. And European doesn’t mean diverse, European means Christian European this is what it is for our continent. Unless, well, Saudi Arabia will decide to be diverse and they will let us build the Cathedral there.
I can pay for it, I don’t mind. I’m serious if they want to have mosques in Warsaw they will have to let me pay for the Cathedral in Saudi Arabia. I will pay for it.
[The Polish government have put together a brilliant video of the history of Poland and as Dominik says, this is why the people of Poland will never allow their country to be overtaken by Islam. It is a compelling and moving video that I highly recommend.]
“Every single country has a history and heroes and beautiful stories. It’s not about your history itself, it’s about what you DO with your history. Do you care about your history and the future? We care about our future.”
White Europeans who believe that they can have a future without returning to their Christian cultural and spiritual roots are only fooling themselves.
The battle lines couldn’t be more obviously drawn up — the “pluralistic” and “democratic” multicultural western European countries are falling apart before our eyes, as they’ve embraced the values of their jewish overlords and allowed themselves to be flooded with parasitical Arabs and Africans who will suck them dry.
Historically, Europe is known as Christendom, and the term Christian was synonymous with “White man”.
The Poles and Hungarians have made this simple equation the foundation of their post-Soviet societies — and over the next 25 years they will continue to prosper and grow while atheistic western Europe strangles on its godless multiculturalism and egalitarianism.
Tarczynski is not exaggerating — without Christianity, Europe has lost its soul, literally.
Polska potrzebuje edukacji, kretynie… Ludzie cierpią z powodu niewiedzy, a ty ich w niej utwierdzasz…
Poseł Dominik Tarczyński: “Dusza Europy musi pozostać chrześcijańska, aby przetrwać” – mocne słowa podkreślające znaczenie chrześcijańskich wartości w obliczu wyzwań współczesnego świata.
English translation:
“‘The soul of Europe must remain Christian to survive’ – strong words emphasizing the importance of Christian values in the face of the challenges of the modern world.”
Andrew Klavan (of the daily wire) – ‘Christ is King’ is Anti-Semitic
Well there ya go… if I wasn’t so humble, I would say “I didn’t know I was so famous”. Haha!
Seriously though, jews are pushing their luck with the sheep with mouthpieces like him saying things like that. How are all the judeo zionist loving Christian fools gonna explain that to themselves, that saying Christ is King is jew hatred? Sleepless nights ahead deep in thought for some judeo-Christians I pray!
Klavan is another Jew who “converted” to Christianity but still plays both sides of the fence.
He claims that uber-Jew Ben Shapiro is doing God’s work by not becoming a Christian and running the zionist shill site Daily Wire. Klavan implies that if Shapiro converted to Christianity, his life would be ruined, so it’s best that he doesn’t.
In other words, Klavan doesn’t want Shapiro to convert to Christianity, because that would put an end to the Daily Wire, and if that happened, Klavan would lose his well-paying job there.
Klavan is a perfect example of how Jews cannot truly and sincerely ever convert to Christianity and stop being Jews.
There will be no peace for White Christian Adamic race, till jews, synagogue of satan are on planet Earth. Even among us so many our people so stupid that Christ Yahshua as he said he will rule with rod of iron.
There is no political solution.
Any politician who threatens the Jewish status quo will be destroyed one way or another.
They always give us a “choice” between evil and the “lesser” evil.
They fear popular politicians the most.
They prefer politicians who are hated because it makes people think that if only this “evil” guy were replaced, we’d be fine.
Never going to happen.
This guy is a jew loving faggot whose party brought in millions of sand niggers and poos and profited from it. Just search visa affair Poland. He’s another zionist puppet talking out of both sides of his mouth.
Robert….not sure where you get your information, but the conservative party in Poland has not “brought in millions of sand niggers and poos” into Poland. Poland has the smallest population of brown immigrants in Europe.
Not even close to “millions” or even hundreds of thousands. And most are in Warsaw.
Poland did allow millions of Ukrainians in during the war against Russia, but many of them have already returned to Ukraine. And they aren’t taking any more.
Poland’s population is almost 99% ethnic Poles. Compare that to America, which is barely 55% White. Less than 50% of the populations of Paris and London are White. 20% of the population in France is now Arab Muslim. Most of the Indians in Poland are not permanent residents but are allowed in on student and work visas, and Poland does not allow them to overstay the visas.
You are wrong, “Pole” in the census is meant to indicate all people with Polish citizenship, it has nothing to do with race or ethnicity.
Poland is around 2% non-White and the birthrate of Polish Whites is extremely low, the population is very old, degeneration is common, drug/alchol abuse is rampant, the economy is shitty and young poles are leaving the country en masse.
Regardless of them staying or leaving it’s a fact that most non-white male immigrants race-mix with Polish women who are notorius for being easy and having an attraction for dark skinned men.
This article by american renaissance perfectly shows the current situation of Poland.
Legi –
You just contradicted yourself…I said Poland was still about 99% ethnically Polish, and you claimed that was “wrong” – and that it was 98% ethnically Polish.
Are you really hairsplitting over barely 1% difference?
I read that Amren article you linked to, and all I can say is that the Poles are among the most openly racist people in Europe, as I have been there. They do not take kindly to seeing Polish girls with non-whites. The hostility is palpable.
And the Polish men will beat down non-whites who get out of line.
Is it a perfect white ethno-state? No.
The Catholic Church in Poland is openly nationalistic, openly pro-Polish.
Do the Jews want to destroy Poland with diversity? Yes.
The Poles will not lay down and take it the way the English and French have.
There will be blood.
Yeah, what’s the point of bragging about how much white Poland is when, because of the extreme aging they are having, even a single black man with a family can pose a threat to the nation?
In all of Europe less than a third of people can have a child and most of them aren’t gonna have more than one at best.
Also ironically the birthrate of white French people in mixed France (1.7) is still higher than the birhtrate of supermajority White East Europe (1.2-1.4).
Adam –
The “aging population” crisis in Poland, and the West in general, is a Jewish myth.
I am old enough to remember that they said the same thing about the Japanese in the 1970s, almost 50 years ago, that they had in irreversible “aging” population.
Now Japan is still doing fine, even better.
Because with advanced technology, our societies are no longer dependent on huge populations to sustain the required manual labor.
The idea that our populations can’t shrink without dire consequences is a theory, not fact. Europe, during the Black Death, was decimated, but it came back even better than before.
America was the strongest nation in the world when it had only 100 million people. We don’t need to maintain 300 million to “survive”. And that’s true of any White nation.
Population expansion is necessary only for one thing – Jewish capitalism with its expanding markets. They use this fear to justify flooding our White nations with mud races. Mixed race people are not nearly as productive as Whites. A small White nation will succeed far better than a large mixed race nation.
They are not a conservative party. They not only brought in tons of browns but profited from it:
Polska staje się krajem docelowym dla imigrantów
Jak czytamy w syntezie raportu, o imigrantach w Polsce wiadomo, że ich liczba stale rośnie i przy utrzymaniu obecnej dynamiki możliwe jest, że w 2030 roku będą stanowić oni już 4,26 proc. całej populacji naszego kraju. Wzrasta też ich znaczenie dla polskiej gospodarki. Obecnie wytwarzają ok. 2–3 proc. PKB Polski, a także wpłacają rocznie ok. pół miliarda złotych w składkach z tytułu ubezpieczeń społecznych. – Polska staje się dla imigrantów krajem docelowym.
PiS is the most pro immigrant party
Did you know that Kraków already has two mosques? The second one opened recently, although it is called an “Islamic center” that offers prayer 5 times a day
PiS is just leftists on the right just like KO are leftists on the left. Both serve Israel. Both have sold out. Stop talking nonsense, Petr.
Yeah, you are completely right Robert.
It’s funny too cause you seem to know Polish and understand what’s going on there, considering the sources you posted, but americans on this website go mad if you dare to point out that Poland too is controlled by the jews.
Their cities are completely taken over by non-whites and what helps them sleep at night is the delusion that Poland somewhat is completely protected and jew-free.
“Petr” will see the video you posted of hundreds of brown muslims celebrating the opening of a new mosque in Krakov and make up some cope about it.
This is the stupidity that Christian Israel is up against.
And yet they opened the Eastern border from which the refuse and illegal migrants were smuggled into Poland thanks to ukrainian smugglers.
Ukrainians themselves are causing huge problem which has risen in crime as never before, resulted in home invasion, burglaries and even murder.
Enough is enough !
…and no mention (zero) of the jew elephant in the room that took Poland over (Bolshevik) pre WWII ? That murdered the ethnic Germans there? The elephant that shapeshifts and morphs into little lambs but who is behind ALL TERRORISM the world over ?
“Christian” is historically synonymous with “white man” …ok, so why did you complain so much when Germany gave you Auschwitz?
Eye roll at the hackneyed reference to the ‘evil’ whites who murders talmudics. Can’t the trolls ever think of a more substantive example of evil… like the Jewish Bolshevik torture and murder of over 60 million Russian orthodox Christians?
Praise God someone over there gets it. It seems that while Eastern Europe has learned to appreciate their Christian roots, Western Europe has spit on theirs. The cause and affect is as easy to determine as 2+2=4…no need for jewish ‘Common Core’ education here!
Western Europe “spit” on their ” Christian roots” when the sided w/ the jews AGAINST the Catholics way back during the “Reformation”!! The United States did the exact same thing in the 20th century!!
This is true, Rosemarie, but there’s a lot of evidence that the Catholic Church also fell under the influence of Jews, which culminated in Vatican II, a total capitulation to them in some ways.
Fr. Malachai Martin wrote about the extensive infiltration of the church by Jews, which is ironic considering he himself was probably a crypto-Jew.
So both denominations in Protestants and Catholics have compromised themselves to Jewish power…..
Every ‘pope’ since the 1100s has been jewish. The Apostle Paul was already warning us against practices popularised by the ‘catholic church’ in the first century. catholicism has strayed so far from anything actually Christian for so long, an excellent argument may be made that it – catholicism- is not Christian at all. The Reformation sought to address some of catholicism’s unBiblical tenets. It was at least a step in the right direction…
Yup. You know when you get clergy that’s pay-for-a-position it’s over. Lord so-and-so giving donations to stick that third son in the “church” made the infiltration inevitable.