Members of an nationalist youth movement in Poland left tons of building debris outside the Israeli Embassy in Warsaw to protest Israel’s criticism of legislation that would limit reparations for the “Holocaust” and Jewish-led communism:
Members of the All-Polish Youth group left large chunks of brick walls on Wednesday with a sign reading “this is your property,” the Polska Times news site reported.
According to the site, the protesters were arguing that claims for restitution by Jews whose real estate and other possessions were confiscated after World War II pertain to places that largely had been destroyed during World War II and thus are worthless.
[Their statement read, “Just to be clear: Jewish circles do not even deserve a contribution. But let them know the grace of the lord — we decided to throw away a whole ton of rubble at the Israeli embassy, in the end our country after the war there was practically only rubble.”]
The action follows the passing last week of a bill in the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament, that sets a 30-year limit on appealing administrative decisions. If passed by the Senate and signed by the president, the law would make the bulk of post-Holocaust confiscations of property incontestable in Polish courts.
Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, an outspoken critic of Poland, condemned the bill.
“This is a direct and painful attack on the rights of Holocaust survivors and their descendants,” he wrote Thursday on Twitter. “This is not the first time that the Poles are trying to turn a blind eye to what was done in Poland during the Holocaust.”
After bilking the Germans for billions in “reparations,” the Jews are going after every country in Europe which — they claim — “collaborated” with the Germans — and from their perspective, that means all of them.
This demand for reparations is particularly galling to the Poles, considering how the Jews had exploited the Polish people for centuries, keeping them in medieval serfdom through usury and sharp business practices.
And to add insult to injury, after the devastation of WWII, the Jews brought communism to Poland — and further exploited and destroyed the nation.
Now the Jews have the audacity to demand reparations for property they lost at the hands of these Jewish communists.
The Soviets are responsible for laying waste to much of Poland in WWII, as they pushed the retreating Germans west through Poland, destroying everything in their path — but no one talks about that.
We know why the Jews aren’t demanding reparations from Putin — because he’d laugh in their faces.
If you are White and not anti semetic (read: wise to the JQ) you clearly have a sick death wish
Glad to see the Poles getting done what is overwhelmingly needed in the US. I hope they take the bigger step and kick the is***li embassy staff packing or face a firing squad and DEMOLISH the embassy. This cancerous plague needs to hear the word ‘NO’ to isolate and destroy it once and for all. If it is destroyed in the US…all the dominos will follow. The Great Satan (US) time is up and hell is being unleashed even more as it dies a very deserved death. It seems the youth of every country has the determination their fore fathers neglected to resist this tyranny. How symbolic they piled up ‘bricks’ in front of the enemy embassy as these parasite jews love nothing more than worship a damn wall. Well done Poland!!!
Like their filthy tricks in the US and as the rat Netanyahu pronounced, ” “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Here is another 9/11 like caper done in Miami, the over populated jewish/israeli stronghold being exposed for what it is. (I knew this was a caper the moment I heard about it.) UNSPEAKABLE Miami Condominium Collapse Even more unspeakable cohencidences – Miami Condominium Collapse
They took away Rudi Giulliani’s law license and started investigation against the Trump family accusing them of corruption, but he made the connect and said Communism, exactly Bolshevik communist Jews left and right are afraid of losing their privileges and mighty positions of power, but like I see it going after Rudi and Donald both from New York, the communist bastion of America is putting their wicked ways in the spotlight, the world is watching. The enemy is within the gate,
My sentiments exactly……”If it is destroyed in the US…all the dominos will follow.” Germany is on guard.
Germany is on guard?
Well, it is “selling” superb German-made submarines/nuclear capabilities/ to the jews.
And it is selling/handing over all kinds of German technology to the jews.
Plus the German people born after WWII still are forced to handover their hard earnings every month/year to the jews. Of which I think there is something not right here.
BTW, when in Germany you are denying the jewish haulocast the German Justice System take care you are landing in jail. Remember what President Lukashenko said in his speech about the jews lately?
Yahweh will take care of them. They are His chastisement against us. When we understand why He is chastising us and repent of our errors, He will remove them.
It is always good to remind each other that we incurred this punishment whilst enjoying our racial homogenous society. It is also an echo on repeat: sin will not enter the kingdom. Not just “bastards won’t,” but sin itself.
Yes, if God would allow unrepentant sinners into the Kingdom simply because they are born white, then why do we need Jesus Christ at all? And yet many “Christians” believe their white skin is their “get of jail free” card….for those who believe this, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth….
Yes unfortunately many of our kin have become duped into believing all they have to do is hate the beasts and they have “made it.” They dont consider that lying, accusing etc puts them in league with the devil despite their race wokeness.
And because of this belief they dont lovingly oppose sin in their midst unless it is mixing, sodomy or pork consumption. I have witnessed the total lack of concern over slander and accusations. Its almost completely pervasive in that camp.
And when you seek to point this out you are treated similarly as leftists treat us over race.
There is no equality in Christ. Within our race we can still find ourselves bowing at the altar of false equality. Doing so does not honor the spirit of God.
Do as Jesus did.
Right @Ghr. It is that simple. Even if the majority of our kin were anti-jew, it wouldnt matter as long as they rejected Christ and His gospel.
I think pride is a big stumbling block. Admitting being wrong is hard for our folk.
Patrick White
Israel is a very rich country. And no one living today in Poland had anything to do with the Holocaust.
Also… it never happened.
Titanium born
Most people don’t know that the Mafia was started by Jews. The time will come when the Gentiles trample Jerusalem as per scriptures a time for rejoicing!!!
Poland has always been used as casus belli for the jew. Are the Poles unified or is this a few “extremists”, that like the sausage before the jws, home was left by a wandering jew? The jews have EU of which the Poles may not even belong. They have NATO and if necessary thier American mercenary . Poland was used as a toilet as the jews from America marched into Ukraine and intimidated Russia. I fear in the end , when the nationalist Poles will not be tolerated , they will be an example as they were during thier purges during ( Katyn) and after the war.
john m
The Party is over Globally for the Jews. Even the Jew Porn Industry, easy free porn now dominates 1
Odin's left eye
“The Party is over Globally for the Jews.”
Indeed. We see increasing signs of jewish loss of control. Corona Con is merely the latest failure (at least for awake ‘goyim’) of an attempted jewish deception.
More challenging to answer are questions such as “How and when will our 2,000 year suffering of jewish psychopathy end?” Give us the event, year and season + your reasoning. 🙂
The event is when the Mother of all Harlots and Abominations (Mystery Babylon the Jew) is utterly burned with fire by the ten kings of the new multi-polar world order. The timing is when the first beast can get on its feet being constantly undermined by the Harlot’s mono-polar old world order who believes she is the Queen . . . . .
I posted too fast but here it is, Jews confirming what I said……”pointing to the power of legislation to “comply with the needs of the times”, British lawyer and fellow EP committee co-chairman Gordon Hausmann responded that “legal action can only be taken if there is a law – in many EU countries there are no such laws”, adding anti-Semitism could often only be addressed legally through the criminal courts.
I am not a lawyer but a Jewish guy in New York asked me if hate crimes laws in America were unconstitutional, because I did a lot in the area of law to protect my interest and did it must better job of building a case than a lawyer with school credentials. Flat on their face the hate crimes law put in place by the Congress, Senate and state politicians are in violation of the Constitution for the United States of America…..but who really cares about that?
all legislation in last 160 years in USA are unconstitutional !
If you hold them up to the Constitution of Philadelphia and the Bill of Rights, they all need to be send the to dustbin of history, taking the criminal, parasitical and predatory Federal Reserve with them. CFT wrote an interesting piece about David Rothschild who told DJT to shut the F….up when he dared to challenge the criminal enterprise
Account suspended but he is still on twitter,
running his mouth about Trump. A supposed economist, like Karl Marx and many other loud talking parasites….
The brilliance of the self-proclaimed god chosen Jews is that they can talk a good game and have people drink the snake-oil that they sell….they create nothing, steal, plunder, confiscate wealth and power, and brag about how superior their IQ is.
Titanium born
The Constitution was written by Freemasons, the Jew wannabes they used it to protect themselves and their Jew buddies. God never wanted a separation of Church and State that’s a Jewish thing so the mostly Christian America would not come down on these evil doers. So now they want to take it away because it stops them from Ruling the World
Here is another report about the emotional black that these predatory and parasitical Jews engage in “Anti-Semitism is part of Europe’s DNA”….
Europe is so bad for Jews but they are all over the place getting their privileges from all those European countries. They use the official logo of the European Union to represent their NGO…..and nobody question their arrogance and sense of entitlement. Intellectually dishonest and unconscionable bunch.
The “minority groups rights” in that put people in boxes/categories comes from the Jewish supremacist. They first exploited the history of slavery and Black American’s to foment hatred against White American’s and set up their Bolshevik communist New World order from the comfort of America they dictate and Europe follows.
shlomo shekelstein
>> “Anti-Semitism is part of Europe’s DNA”
apparently Guatemalans have this same anti-semitic DNA since they kicked jews out in 2017
That’s right, Brazil kicked them out too…..”The first Jews who arrived in South America were Sephardic Jews who, after being expelled from Brazil by the Portuguese, settled in the northeast Dutch colony. Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue was the first synagogue in the Americas, established in Recife in 1636 and a community of about 1450 Sephardic Jews lived there. When the Portuguese retook Recife in 1654, 23 Jews from the community escaped to the Dutch North American colony of New Amsterdam (New York) upon which they became the barbaric slave-drivers in Suriname (my country of birth)
Slomo Shitlessstien
Jews have been kicked out of over 110 nations throughout history not just for destroying a nation by Usury
but by the sinister evil they call Jewish Ritual murder of Christian children and molesting little 3year old girls and 9 yr old boys as ordered by their Babylonian Talmud.
Unfortunately, Latin America cannot truly expel the Jews because pretty much their entire population is of Jewish descent:
Don’t you see the trick, the majority of people in Latin and South America are Catholic, come up with a scam and tell them that they have Jewish heritage and you expand your army to take over and plunder with impunity. If those people know the true history of the region they would call it bluff…the first slaves the Jews brought to Queen Isabella of Spain were native American’s, I believe that’s was triggered Columbus and his tribe to be expelled from the kingdom. If this Jewish heritage is true, America has more that 22 million Spanish speaking illegal aliens of Jewish heritage.
Just like they are trying to convince people from Suriname who are finding out who the real Dutch slave-drivers, that they and the Jews are both victim of the you know who, Christians. Just like they already convinced Africans that they are better than Christians and they plunder natural resources with impunity hiding behind communist China.
In Europe Muslims are their natural allies…their Muslim brothers against post Christian Europe. The more minority group they can get on their side the better. I am sure those people will drink the cool-aid, move to Israel and make way for the Jews to plunder the natural resources of the region.
Just like I been saying they come up with a bunch of BS laws to trick people into the social construct of power and oppression…..”A new law proposed to the Israeli Knesset would create an official memorial day for the victims of the Inquisition — who fled Spain and Portugal for the New World where they were instrumental in creating the Mestizo “race”
The Mestizo race tell you much, because their is no such thing, only Racist, supremacist power hungry, parasitical natural resources plundering slave-driving Jews would come up with such a scheme and perverted law. Why didn’t this law come from the US State Department? Because they knew it wouldn’t fly, but knowing people, they fall for feel good garbage, just like the Ethiopians did, and people world wide, including White people swallowed the anti-Christian Marxist garbage, these people would do the same thing follow the anti-Catholic drum-beat.
Slomo Shitlesstien
That’s a lie ?
You can’t believe a Jew
Thanks for pulling up this CFT article…..‘Swedish’ Jew Wins Legal Right To Use National Symbol To Mock Sweden’s Nazi ‘Collaboration’……abusing the legal system and the “minority rights regime” is how they play the game. Frederic Bastiat made the case about the abuse of law and said….”The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!”
Given the fact that the legal profession is one that they could easily get into all over the western world, they abuse the law to engage in tyranny with impunity. The first law the Bolshevik communist enacted after slaughtering the Romanov family in Russia was the anti-semitism law signed by Lenin. The one thing people need to understand Jewish supremacist abuse the law and their government protect minority group status to make their crimes against humanity look perfectly legal. America became fertile ground for this experiment and they perverted the meaning of the Constitution to further their agenda.
America became a corporation in 1871, and in 1913 Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve enslave every man, woman and child Act, which paved the way for them to use the American military to wage war against Germany, which fiercely opposed the Bolshevik communist tyranny. They bankrupted America morally and economically and are coming back to finish the job in Europe. Despite the overwhelming evidence of their cruelty, the majority of White people still worship them as gods chosen people and victims of Hitler and the Germans.
Thank you @CFT, your reports help me put my personal crimes against humanity and reparation case in the proper perspective. The Jews who were kicked out of Catholic Spain and Portugal became the brutal slave-drivers in my country of birth Suriname, thanks to the Kingdom of the Netherlands which hated the Catholic monarchs. Jews call me racist, Nazi and anti-semite but they cannot dispute the facts of history.
Lissette good lady, where did you find that information on the incorporation of America in 1871. I was under the impression this happened in 1913 when they declare The united Staes Bankrupt on the senate floor. I think I saw that in Money masters Movie. Please if you can remember I would appreciate your help. Thanks.
Recently I read the Tax rebellion and revolution in America was for monies paid directly to the Bank of England at that time owned by the Rothschilds of England.
Hi Birnie,
I’ve been on the issue for a longtime, watching America and American’s being sold down the river to the Jewish supremacist who control the printing presses. I was also under the assumption that is started in 1913, but when somebody alerted me that the communist take over of America started earlier, I started digging and found this treasure….”The Act of 1871: The “United States” Is a Corporation – There are Two Constitutions” Slavery by Consent…….
Moving America away from its creed happened with the law thanks to those corrupt politicians. This phenomenon is has infected the body politic of all western countries….they all follow the drum-beat of the corrupt parasitical and predatory Federal Reserve System, that is not operating in the interest of America, Europe or any other majority White country on the face of the planet.
Here is another interesting article about the topic at I (Between the Lines) dared them to come up with the anti-semitism charge…..
The communists took over the country formerly known as America before that ; they made it official in 1865.
My sentiments exactly, the financed the brothers wars, pitting the North and the South…..
Jewish hypocrisy in a nutshell
“The Civil War divided Jews as it did all Americans. Southern Jews supported the Confederacy; Northern Jews favored the Union. Prior to the war, Jews as a group never took a public stand on slavery. Although many shared antislavery opinions, they viewed the Christian-oriented abolitionist movement with suspicion. A report to the 1853 meeting of a leading antislavery society accurately described Jewish attitudes:
The Jews of the United States have never taken any steps whatever with regard to the Slavery question. As citizens, they deem it their policy “to have everyone choose whichever side he may deem best to promote his own interests and the welfare of his country.”
Jews put in motion the trans-Atlantic slave trade selling African’s as cattle to Christians in America, from the comfort of Amsterdam, the Netherlands selling African’s as cattle to Christians in the America’s. Part of the history of slavery that is not told. They were suspicious of the Christian oriented abolitionist movement, because abolishing slavery would take them of the throne as slave merchants and masters. Since than they have been pitting Blacks against Whites, Whites against Whites and America against Europe.
I am glad Polen takes a stand against these unconscionable predators. They tricked America into war and slaughtered over 100 million with the Bolshevik communist garbage. They used America to spread their anti-Christian, anti-White people death and destruction anti-colonialism Marxist non-sense to people around the world, and use America to engage in perpetual wars, genocide and plundering the natural resources of non-western with impunity. The Poles need to demand Nuremburg for Communism and reparations and give these parasitical supremacists a taste of their own medicine….
jon m
your right , forgot about the destructive Jew Porn Industry in America designed to fck up all of whitey!
God bless the Poles!!! This action was brilliant.