Speaking at recent “family” conference, Father James Martin, a homosexual activist priest, revealed that Pope Francis has appointed a number of influential bishops and cardinals who will work toward normalizing homosexuality in the Catholic Church:
Speaking at the Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice 2018 in Washington D.C. on Saturday evening, the Jesuit priest and America magazine editor-at-large told students that “things are changing” in the Church regarding homosexuality under Francis’ watch.
“…Just look at what has happened in the last five years–since Pope Francis has been elected,” he said.
“First of all, Pope Francis’s comments about LGBT people like ‘Who am I to judge’. His five most famous words were in response to questions about gay people, right? He’s the first pope to use the word ‘gay’, you know, in a sentence,” Martin continued.
Martin emphasized Pope Francis’s relationships with people who identify as LGBT. He pointed out how the Pope has appointed bishops and cardinals who support the homosexual agenda.
“He has gay friends. He’s talked about wanting gay people to feel welcome in the Church. That’s a big deal. He has also appointed gay-friendly bishops and archbishops and cardinals, like Cardinal Tobin, the archbishop of Newark who, for example, held a ‘Welcome Mass’ for LGBT people in his Cathedral… So that’s one trend,’ Martin said.
The Jesuit priest noted that Francis’ words and actions show the pope’s commitment to advancing homosexuality within the Church. “What Pope Francis says and does, right?” he said. “What he says about LGBT people and what he does in terms of who he appoints,” he added.
Martin’s statements about Pope Francis deliberately appointing “gay-friendly” bishops and cardinals — such as Joseph Tobin — become all the more significant when read alongside statements made by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò in August about Pope Francis going around normal processes to make such appointments.
About this, Viganò wrote: “The appointments of Blase Cupich to Chicago and Joseph W. Tobin to Newark were orchestrated by McCarrick, Maradiaga and Wuerl, united by a wicked pact of abuses by the first, and at least of coverup of abuses by the other two. Their names were not among those presented by the Nunciature for Chicago and Newark.”
Basing her doctrine on Sacred Scripture, the Church teaches that homosexual acts are “acts of grave depravity” and are “intrinsically disordered” since they are “contrary to the natural law” in that they “close the sexual act to the gift of life.”
“Under no circumstances can they be approved,” States the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
…Martin told his young listeners in Washington, D.C. this Saturday that the more “LGBT Catholics” who identify themselves as such, the more the Church will be affected by it.
“That trend is unstoppable,” he promised.
The problem with pedophilia in the Catholic Church is a direct result of the problem with its rampant homosexuality among the clergy. A huge percentage of pedophiles are homosexuals, so there is no way to curb the pedophile problem in the Church without curbing the homosexual infiltration. The more gay-friendly the Church becomes, the more pedophiles it will attract, and the more scandal it will suffer, which will ultimately lead to its undoing in the eyes of the public. This destruction of the Church is by design, not by accident or incompetence.
When the Church announced 500 years ago that race would not be a consideration in being a Catholic Christian, it opened the door for its infiltration and subversion by converso Jews who publicly pretended to convert but privately remained true to their jewish beliefs and biology. It was these crypto-Jews who have slowly but steadily liberalized the Church from within to the point today that it is no different from any other watered-down denomination that is Christian in name only. The Church should appoint a jewish rabbi to replace Pope Francis because at this point there is virtually no difference.
I always looked up to the Catholic Church hierarchy with the highest respect for their authority. I was naive. If I had known any of these scandals were happening when I was a kid, I may lost my faith altogether. Not to mention I am extremely scandalized by this pope and several bishops.
“When the Church announced 500 years ago that race would not be a consideration in being a Catholic Christian”
Hey didn’t the Mormons do this too? I read somewhere that they looked at blacks as having the ‘mark of cain’ or something, but then they decided that blacks could also be mormons, for some reason.
Yes, Mormons were once racist. So were the Amish and Mennonite. They are all being universalized…jewish influence pervades even the the whitest and strictest Christian communities!
I would love to see this crypto-jew usurper ‘consumed by worms’ in public just as what happened to the Edomite usurper in Judaea (whose name escapes me atm) around the time of Christ. Christians all around the world should be recognizing that satan is sitting at the head of the still largest Christian denomination in the world.