In 1272, Pope Gregory X issued a Papal Bull entitled “Letter To The Jews” which attempted to reassure Christians that the widespread reports of Jews abducting and murdering Christian children for use in their secret occult blood rituals were completely unfounded.
In his “Letter To The Jews” Gregory writes,
“Gregory, bishop, servant of the servants of God, extends greetings and the apostolic benediction to the beloved sons in Christ, the faithful Christians, to those here now and to those in the future.
Even as it is not allowed to the Jews in their assemblies presumptuously to undertake for themselves more than that which is permitted them by law, even so they ought not to suffer any disadvantage in those [privileges] which have been granted them.
Although they prefer to persist in their stubbornness rather than to recognize the words of their prophets and the mysteries of the Scriptures, and thus to arrive at a knowledge of Christian faith and salvation; nevertheless, inasmuch as they have made an appeal for our protection and help, we therefore admit their petition and offer them the shield of our protection through the clemency of Christian piety.
In so doing we follow in the footsteps of our predecessors of blessed memory, the popes of Rome Calixtus, Eugene, Alexander, Clement, Celestine, Innocent, and Honorius….
Inasmuch as the jews are not able to bear witness against the Christians, we decree furthermore that the testimony of Christians against Jews shall not be valid unless there is among these Christians some Jew who is there for the purpose of offering testimony.
Since it happens occasionally that some Christians lose their Christian children, the Jews are accused by their enemies of secretly carrying off and killing these same Christian children and of making sacrifices of the heart and blood of these very children.
It happens, too, that the parents of these children or some other Christian enemies of these Jews, secretly hide these very children in order that they may be able to injure these Jews, and in order that they may be able to extort from them a certain amount of money by redeeming them from their straits.
And most falsely do these Christians claim that the Jews have secretly and furtively carried away these children and killed them, and that the Jews offer sacrifice from the heart and blood of these children, since their law in this matter precisely and expressly forbids Jews to sacrifice, eat, or drink the blood, or to eat the flesh of animals having claws.
This has been demonstrated many times at our court by Jews converted to the Christian faith: nevertheless very many Jews are often seized and detained unjustly because of this.
We decree, therefore, that Christians need not be obeyed against Jews in a case or situation of this type, and we order that Jews seized under such a silly pretext be freed from imprisonment, and that they shall not be arrested henceforth on such a miserable pretext, unless-which we do not believe-they be caught in the commission of the crime.
We decree that no Christian shall stir up anything new against them, but that they should be maintained in that status and position in which they were in the time of our predecessors, from antiquity till now.”
Despite the fact that the Old Testament provides a literal laundry list of venal sins committed by Israelites in direct disobedience to all commandments and laws — so much so that God divorced the Israelite tribes and sent them into captivity as punishment — Pope Gregory X claimed that the Jews would never murder Christian children, drain their blood and drink it and eat in their Passover rituals simply because the Bible strictly forbids it in Leviticus 17:13-14,
Any Israelite or any foreigner residing among you who hunts any animal or bird that may be eaten must drain out the blood and cover it with earth, because the life of every creature is its blood. That is why I have said to the Israelites, “You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eats it must be cut off.”
Let’s be clear here — these commands in Leviticus were given because the Israelites were, in fact, indulging in these pagan practices, which often involved the use of blood in their rituals.
Over and over again, even after these pronouncements in Leviticus, the Israelites continued to disobey God and follow after the “strange gods” of the nations — which is why marriages to people from these nations were strictly prohibited.
Of course, today many atheistic White racialists and nationalists will often cite all these instances in the Old Testament of Israelite venality as “proof” that today’s Jews must be of the same ancient stock as these Israelites — ignoring the fact that Jews themselves have admitted that they are neither Hebrews or Israelites.
And by the time that Gregory issued this papal bull, the Jews in Europe most certainly were not the same people as the biblical Israelites — for the very fact that they had fallen into apostasy, taken forbidden wives and husbands, and adulterated their bloodline with “strange flesh.”
Apparently this Christian Pope didn’t fully understand that the Old Testament provided endless documentary proof that many of these laws and rituals laid out in Leviticus were nigh impossible to keep — which made the coming of the Messiah in Jesus Christ necessary, as Paul writes,
For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh.
–Romans 8:3
Yet for some reason, Pope Gregory seemed to believe that not only did Jews faithfully keep the law and God’s commandments — despite all the evidence to the contrary — he also believed that their “Jewish” flesh was not uniquely weak and prone to sin — the way it is with mere “gentiles.”
We also find it ironic that Pope Gregory believed Jews were innocent of ritual murder because Jews who had converted to Christianity told him that Jews don’t commit ritual murder of Christian children because the Bible told them it was forbidden.
It’s quite possible that these converso Jews who denied that their fellow Jews practiced blood rituals had never witnessed such behavior — as we know from a book published by Chief Rabbi Neofito of Moldova in the 19th century, most Jews were not privy to the “secret of the blood” — because it is handed down from generation to generation orally to a select few — who are threatened with death if they reveal the secrets.
We have often seen how such converso Jews cannot truly convert to Christianity — because Jews will always feel an instinct to come to the defense of their racial brethren — even those who have proven themselves to be in direct disobedience to God and rejectors of the promised Messiah.
As the Slovakian Catholic priest, Father Andrej Hlinka once observed,
“A Jew remains a Jew even if he is baptized by a hundred bishops.”
By the time Pope Gregory wrote this “Letter to the Jews,” he must have been well-aware that the Jews’ “holy book” was the Talmud, not the Old Testament or “Torah” — and the Talmud provides Jews with a blueprint for not only how to circumvent all the laws of God, but also how to lie to, cheat and steal from the “goyim”.
In fact, one of Pope Gregory’s recent predecessors — Pope Innocent IV — had issued a papal bull in 1244 ordering that all copies of the Talmud be burned — and Innocent’s predecessor — Gregory IX — had ordered the Talmud seized because of the blasphemies it contained against Christ and the Church.
Despite all this, Pope Gregory continued to gaslight his fellow Catholics, claiming that these Jews who lived by the blasphemous Talmud — and sucked the blood off infants’ penises during their bizarre circumcision rituals — were incapable of committing ritual murder.
Jews would have us believe that all of the hundreds of cases where Jews were caught and prosecuted for ritual murder were all based on Christian “antisemitism” — and had no basis in reality — that Christians had a hysterical and irrational “hatred” of Jews because they “killed Christ.”
Instead, Pope Gregory would have us believe that Christians abducted their own children in order to extort money from innocent, wealthy Jews — bringing the gaslighting to the height of absurdity.
We can only speculate why Pope Gregory chose to gaslight Christians about Jewish blood sacrifice — perhaps he believed that these sensational accusations would be an impediment to Jews converting to Christianity — even though their conversion ultimately caused great harm to the Church — and the European bloodline.
Or perhaps Pope Gregory was compromised because many of the clergy in the Church had taken money from the Jews in the form of usurious loans — as did many of the powerful aristocracy who felt that these accusations against the Jews would threaten their financial position with the Jews.
Either way, despite Pope Gregory’s exoneration of the Jews, these accusations persisted for the hundreds of years following his issuance of this papal bull — and the evidence against the Jews in Catholic archives remains damning — just as many secular books are.
We also know that even non-religious Jews have engaged in ritual sacrifice of Christian children — as witnessed during the Red Terror at the hands of Bolshevik communists.
For those who doubt the veracity of these accusations, we strongly recommend the banned books:
Blood Passover: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder by the Jew Ariel Toaff
Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese
Jewish Ritual Murder Paintings–debate-politics:4
Jewish Ritual Murder
Jack The Ripper Jewish Ritual Murder
Lyutostansky Ippolit Iosifovich – The jews and ritual murders of christian babies. Book Pdf.—The-jews-and-ritual-murders-of-christian-babies:7
The Missing Preface to the King James Version 1611
The Missing Preface to the King James Version 1611
The following thesis by a modern manuscript scholar, now deceased,
protests the omission of the Translators’ Preface to the 1611 King James
Version from King James Bibles for the past 100 years. We are left to
wonder why it has been left to a “modern” scholar to issue this compelling and legitimate objection to the removal of the Translators’ Preface.
What other book would be published without its preface, the preliminary
essay in which the author or authors explain their intentions and methods
of research, define the scope of their work and present invaluable background information to the reader? Why is it that a modern scholar
endeavoured for years to restore the Translators’ Preface to the King
James Bible, but among the multitude of KJV-Only leaders who claim to
defend the KJV, not one has so much as registered a complaint about the
removal of the Preface and demanded its restoration by the publishing
houses and Bible societies – nor have any of them independently published King James Bibles which include the Preface. Neither do the
so-called defenders of the 1611 King James Version educate KJV readers
as to the contents of the Translators’ Preface; nor do they cite the Translators’ own words in their defense of the KJV, but invent dishonest
explanations concerning the various translation issues. Why? We submit
that dissemination of the Translators’ Preface would provide Christians
with invaluable facts concerning the translation of the 1611 KJV – facts
that would enlighten and protect them against the great quantity of false
and misleading information that has issued forth from the leadership of
the KJV-Only movement. It is for this reason that we offer Professor
Edgar J. Goodspeed’s “Thesis on the Translators’ Preface” – not as an
endorsement of modern scholarship – but to inform our readers of the
ramifications of the disastrous and, we believe, deliberate suppression of
the Preface to the 1611 King James Version.
Jewish Ritual Murder .. current thread ..
James Smith
“Of course, today many atheistic White racialists and nationalists will often cite all these instances in the Old Testament of Israelite venality as “proof” that today’s Jews must be of the same ancient stock as these Israelites — ignoring the fact that Jews themselves have admitted that they are neither Hebrews or Israelites.”
Atheism is a dead end for white nationalism. Even if you are able to convince one generation, atheists will always be more left-wing on immigration and have fewer children.
I see nihilistic, ostensibly pro-white atheist types on 4chan ridiculing CI, but they should stay out of our way. One of the most effective ways to destroy (((the 1948 state))) is by shattering the “Jews are Israelites” hoax.
You are not defeating Jews by believing in evolution. (((Stephen Jay Gould))), (((Richard Lewontin))), and (((Jared Diamond))) all corrupted Darwinism so much that pro-whites will never again have a foothold in anthropology. Anthropologists are asked to deny the existence of the White race. LARPing as a Neanderthal and surrendering our claims to ancient Mediterranean civilizations is a loser.
James, I agree….white nationalists don’t understand that their atheistic racialism can and will be outlawed, as it has been in many European nations as “inciting hate”.
However white Christians still have the right to practice their religion under freedom of religion, even in the EU. Look at Poland….
They still have massive celebrations of Polish nationalism, which is tied into their Christian religion, even if it’s Catholic. In Poland, you cannot separate the Catholic faith from their nationalism, which the EU cannot deny them. They know that if they stay Catholic, they will remain White and can deny any form of islamification as against their religious identity.
Vanguard is a an atheistic White Nationalist site that states Christianity is Jewish.
For whatever it’s worth, sharing:
Biden Regime Lumps Christians, Conservatives, and Republicans into Same Category as Nazis in New DHS Anti-Terrorism Program
By Jim Hoft May. 25, 2023 11:00 am1921 Comments
Gleaned from Fitzinfo:
Two men charged with arson after 120-year-old Alberta church burnt down
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Someone must be attacking your servers–or maybe mine–cause CFT takes a LONG time to download.
I have noticed the same thing. It started this morning.
CFT was ‘down’ almost all day yesterday from my end.. No problems with any other site. Hmmm…makes one wonder…
Yes, CFT is constantly under attack by you-know-who. We take it as a compliment, but we also have very advanced security that protects the site from constant attacks and hacking attempts.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Back when I still had a blog, before Joogle took my blog away, I received threats all the time.
Was called all sorts of names, accused of bestiality & incest with my Mother. But NEVER, not once did they day “What you wrote is erroneous, I’ll show you why.”
One even threatened to send a Mossad team to take me out, so it easy easy to figure out who the bullies were & still are.
All for writing truths bout the Israeli masterminded 9/11 false flag & pointing out that Americans don’t need the thieving FED, they need us & supporting Palestinians.
This article tells me that Rome and the West has gone to dogs long before 1054… Maybe the year 500 or so they began doing things that were not reassuring, and tell the rest of the Christendom that they truly have apostatized to Lucifer Satan…
Saint John Chrysostom preached over 15 hours sermon on Jews. His liturgy we celebrate more than any other throughout the calendar year… That says a lot about expose on cockroaches, sewer rats and tapeworms.
FujianX …….
You bring up a very interesting Talking Point.
I see Chrysostom was circa 400 AD. Thats very early to be considering mixed race Israelites.
Again……..I wish we had photographs to SETTLE THE MATTER.
I’ll do some digging — anxious to read what he said about “the jews”.
St. John Chrysostom ……………..
I found this hilarious from Wiki —
“…..Steven T. Katz cites Chrysostom’s homilies as “the decisive turn in the history of Christian anti-Judaism, a turn whose ultimate disfiguring consequence was enacted in the political antisemitism of Adolf Hitler…..”
Do we think Mr. Adolf actually read Chrysostom??? I hardly doubt it. He was too busy.
But of course ………… STEVEN KATZ ………… has to interject what drove AH. It’s always the jews, telling us how we think. LOL
Those “jews” circa 400 AD who wanted to go back to the “Law written by Moses after Sinai” could very well have been simply Israelites.
I knew of a very large group of White peoples who got suckered into “Hebrew Roots”.
Nothing New Under the Sun.
This is just a random question. I can’t imagine we would be able to answer it.
What did the “jews” look like in the Middle Ages?
I can’t imagine they were the ugly 10% white jews versus the larger percentage of white jews that we know of today.
I look at those photos of the Bolsheviks, and I ask myself —– How would we allow those peoples to live amongst us?
But a bunch of jews who look more like Paul Newman — now that makes more sense.
The “history” of modern jewry — where they came from — how did they become who they are today — what’s with the Khazars ……… I just find it fascinating. It’s supernatural. I use that word often, but it’s the only explanation.
Your example of Paul Newman highlights – to me at least – the differences in the mongrelised jew. A small percentage of ‘jews’ are Adamic – downstream of esau for example – and exhibit White traits.
Like any animal, recessive genes pop up occasionally also, so you might have a couple of ‘jewish’ looking parents that pop out a White looking kid. Sorta like Dinah Shore had a mulatto looking kid; come to find out there was a ‘african’ in the woodpile 4 or 5 generation before her on one side.
As far as the middle ages… we have only contemporary accounts to rely on along with some artwork, and yes, it appears that most were the stereotypical ‘jew’ in appearance. Why they were/are allowed to dwell amongst us [?] I don’t know. The love of money and duping of the gullible Christians in society was undoubtedly at least part of the answer then, as it is today.
Dinah Shore was Jewish on both sides of her family. Born Frances “Fanny” Rose Shore, her mother’s name was “Stein”.
Not sure why you say Shore’s daughter looks like a mulatto….she was not very attractive, but she doesn’t look like a half-black or whatever to me…..her wedding photo….×594
I think it’s because the mismatched and I’ll proportioned facial features are a hallmark of a mulatto.
Aren’t most all Jews some hodgepodge of mystery meat genetics? From this recent article, genetic testing shows that jews across the board tend to have up to 5% black blood.
Memory is that the mulatto child was male and was her first; it was quickly adopted out and basically denied. Only came to light years later. I dont really keep up with hollyweird types.
Of course, her jewishness could have had something to do with it also as modern ‘jews’ carry a statistically significant amount of ‘african’ dna/genes in them.
Either way, the point was recessive genes pop up on occasion; had some Pointer puppies once that one of them ended up looking VERY Chesapeake Retriever… and yes, we know there was not another ‘father’ in the mix. But somewhere way back in the sire’s line there musta been some Chesapeake…
Luke …………………
You wrote —
“…..A small percentage of ‘jews’ are Adamic – downstream of esau for example – and exhibit White traits……”
Could they not also be “downstream” from an Israelite ie., Jacob? I figure Post AD 70, our White Israelite Brethren, who rejected Jesus as their Messiah, had no “Spirit” to guide them. They could have taken non-adamic wives as soon as they migrated out of the Levant.
The further we progress into time, those “teachings” they learned, passed down through the ages, became less and less remembered/understood.
I’m reminded of a visit I took to Greenville South Carolina. The town is built around a Scottish man. That was 10 years ago when I was still trying to figure out how “Race” played into Christianity. I was on the fence at that moment on “race mixing”.
I remember feeling very sad over this fact — “…..A wealthy settler from Virginia named Richard Pearis arrived in South Carolina around 1754 and established relations with the Cherokee. Pearis had a child with a Cherokee woman and received about 100,000 acres (40,000 ha) from the Cherokee around 1770…”
Pearis was a man from Scotland and he founded Greenville. They have monuments of Pearis all over town.
I thought to myself — Jeremiah tells us that God’s ways will be written upon our hearts. Why did not Pearis have the conviction NOT to take the Red Indian for a wife.
But then I came to the conclusion that, although Whites do have God’s characteristics instilled into our being, it doesn’t guarantee we will always choose God’s will in all things. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit and I would assume then that “Pearis” did not have the Holy Spirit.
Off track ………………… I’m certain you would agree that “modern jewry” is not exclusive to Esau’s descendants. Jacob’s descendants are just as capable of disobeying God’s Design. But I am speaking of course to those “jews” who look more White than they do non-white. There are a few. Some one brought up Amy Schumer the other day. Schumer’s baby photos — you’d think she was 100% White. But as she ages —- age gives her away.
That’s all. Cheers.
From what I understand, they were really stinky and they had lots of bugs and lice. They all looked like Amy Winehouse, and they wore tattered suits. They would stand and huddle together in groups like gay sardines, looking for White Adamite kids to snatch away and torture.
….It’s been the fatal flaw of Christianity to not stay firmly grounded on White Adamic reality.It has given Pope Gregory X and countless Christian leaders the opportunity to allow satan in and promote the jew and (((its system))). If there is one thing the White European stock should have never ever been allowed to forget , it is their White Adamic Identity.
Was “the science settled” on Paul Newman being a biological jew? I recall this being questioned a ways back here.
I wouldn’t put it past the jews to convince a goy that he’s one of (((them))), and promote him as an actor, in order to have da goyim say “this jew looks like us, maybe these heebs aren’t all bad”
Also, a few weeks or so back it was mentioned that the (((Khazars))) were warlords who had militarily conquered much of Europe for centuries. It stuck with me because I find it hard to fathom that the yids could be conquerors like that. I could believe that they would conquer like their (((tool))) Emperor Xi does nowadays, through issuing predatory loans, but if the yids of the yesteryear were conquerors then how did they become Woody Allen stereotypes today?
Ken Marchon
I did a search for the depiction of Jews in paintings in the Middle Ages, and found this…..
Pretty consistently, they are depicted as having distorted faces and hooked noses….very different looking from white Europeans….
Former child actor Ricky Schroder describes seeing a VHS video tape of a satanic blood ritual by (((Hollywood))) elites….