Five months after the fatal shooting attack on the Congregation Chabad synagogue in Poway, the congregation’s rabbi, Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, somehow got his finger back, which he allegedly lost while trying to “save children” in his synagogue from alleged gunman John Earnest on April 27, 2019:
The synagogue was full on the day of the shooting, the last day of Passover. One congregant, Lori Gilbert-Kaye, was killed and three others injured, including an 8-year-old girl whose family had move to California to escape rocket attacks in Sderot, Israel.
The attack was a jarring experience for Goldstein. “I did not know what it was,” Goldstein said in a phone interview with The Jerusalem Post. “I thought Mrs. Lori fell or a table fell. I turned around and I was face-to-face with the murderer-terrorist, who was holding a weapon and looking straight at me.”
Since the attack, Goldstein has spoken publicly about antisemitism and even met US President Donald Trump. In each appearance his hands were clearly bandaged. Thanks to Dr. Sam Heifetz, Goldstein has his finger back.
“It was an honor to meet Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein of Chabad in Poway and help him restore his hand and function,” said Dr. Sam Heifetz told Baltimore Jewish Life. “His lost finger during the horrific attack in his synagogue is a physical reminder of hate but his counterattack of inner strength, trust in God and bringing good to the world sheds light over and over,” Heifetz continued.
Goldstein drove home the importance of learning from the attack in an address to the UN General Assembly:
“Antisemitism is not a Jewish problem – this is a problem for the world and we need to recognize that.”
He allegedly lost his right index finger, but as you can see from the picture of his “restored” finger above, there is no evidence whatsoever of heavy scarring or reconstruction. The finger was allegedly “shot off” only five months ago, and according to other sources, he received a “prosthetic” finger, which can be made to match a person’s skin tone, as is the case here.
But no pictures of the rabbi’s missing index finger without bandages are available online.
If you know anything about complicated reconstructive surgery in the hand, it often leaves purple bruising and scarring that can take years to fade away. The picture of the rabbi’s “new finger” looks perfect, no bruising or scarring, which is unusual, to say the least.
Until pictures are released of the rabbi’s hand without the prosthetic finger in place, we should maintain our healthy skepticism, especially considering this “event” will certainly be used to justify passing draconian and unconstitutional ‘hate speech’ laws.
Here’s a video of a guy who really did have his index finger shot off:
And our White Evangelical kin will buy it hook, line, sinker and Gelfilte fish.
I’m the crazy one!
It doesn’t surprise me at all unfortunately. I have seen actual quotes by zionist jews not only taking the entire blame for the rise of Adolf Hitler and their support for him and holocaust lie they said was a very small price to pay and that non jews will kill far more of their own kind all for us jews.
I never underestimate them and the power they wield with guilt and shame while calling anyone ever highly critical of them and with any disdain for the jewish religion are antisemites. If you are a Christian and a follower of Jesus then he is the teacher and that is only man that we are to follow all of his teachings to letter in every word. Jesus said that because of him everything had been fulfilled and the only other person’s words given by God that we are to follow are the laws of Moses, which are the ten commandments and the two commandments that Jesus gave us, to love God and to love each other and to love yourself. God is love and anyone that does anything with love and loves themself and others will know God. Anyone that teaches people to go against any of those commandments will never enter the kingdom of heaven. If that makes me an antisemite by people that are not even semitic people, so be it, while the real semites are both christian and muslim and actually believe that at the very least Jesus was a great prophet sent by God. Jewish people say, Jesus is in hell boiling in hot excrement. Who are you going to believe and follow? I don’t believe in the guy with the miraculous returning finger nor a lot of other claims made by Jewish people to only lie and deceive people. I only need to love and know the way the truth and the life that leads to the light, while they and the people that believe in them are wandering in the darkness. It makes people do the damnedest things.
As rabid Zionist Christians will declare, “Proof that the jews are God’s chosen!”
You are so right! I didn’t think of it that way. But I can see my mom saying this very thing.