John Earnest, the accused gunman in the deadly shooting at a San Diego-area synagogue, allegedly told a 911 operator in the moments after the attack that he did it to save white people from Jews:
The recording was played Thursday at a preliminary hearing in San Diego to determine if the case should proceed to trial, the Associated Press reported.
One woman was killed and three people were wounded in the April 27 shooting at the Chabad of Poway synagogue.
“I’m defending our nation against the Jewish people, who are trying to destroy all white people,” John Earnest told the operator, adding that he believed he had killed people. Earnest gave detailed descriptions of the San Diego intersection where he was parked shortly before he was taken into custody.
The hearing featured witnesses including a combat veteran who confronted the suspect and a medical examiner who described the wounds of the woman who was killed, according to the AP report.
Earnest, 20, has pleaded not guilty to murder, attempted murder and an unrelated arson charge at a mosque. The murder charge, classified as a hate crime, would make him eligible for the death penalty if convicted, but prosecutors have not said what punishment they will seek.
During the 911 call, Earnest said without prompting that he would leave his AR-15 rifle on the passenger seat and step out of the car once law enforcement arrived.
“You guys are taking a long-ass time,” he is heard saying before police arrived.
John Earnest is a very naive and disillusioned young man if he thinks he’s helping solve the “Jewish Question” by shooting up a synagogue and killing Jews. Every time someone like Earnest irrationally lashes out with violence, he is literally handing his race and country over to the Jewish supremacists on a silver platter.
Violence, real or staged, toward Jews will be used to enact even more draconian laws to make it impossible for Whites to not only defend ourselves but also to identify the real nature of the problem.
As the Romanian nationalist Corneliu Codreanu astutely observed, “A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.”
Jews have indeed amassed an enormous amount of power in America, but only in direct proportion to how we as a race have turned our backs on God and ignored his Commandments.
Just as God used the other races to punish our ancient Israelite ancestors when they turned away from Him, He is doing the very same thing to us, their descendants, using Jews as His rod of chastisement. If we were to turn to God and obey Him, the Jews, the Blacks, the Muslims, and any other non-Israelite peoples would be powerless to harm us because God would simply not allow them to.
As long as we as a people believe we can fight the Jews without obeying God, like John Earnest has foolishly done, we are doomed to failure, and we will indeed become enslaved by the Jews, which their “holy” book, The Talmud, has promised them.
Isn’t this the same ((( shooting ))) were the rabbi magically regained a finger???
Something seems fishy. He thought he killed three Jews then returned to his car hoping that his arrest and subsequent trial would lead to some great awakening? Makes no sense at all. Surely he’s seen the fallout of every mass shooting, real or not. They only lead to calls for tighter gun control and restrictions on freedom of speech. If this wasn’t a false flag op, which I highly suspect it is, then John Earnest truly is an idiot with a glaring lack of foresight.
Imagine how much Jewish power would evaporate if just half of all White people permanently turned off their television sets. It would be game over.
I dunno…seems AWFULLY convenient…
Given that these young disenfranchised White men have Jews like Weev at the Daily Stormer egging them on to violence, what’s surprising is that not more of them have acted out…
and never forget uss liberty or that jesuit & jews has spawned judeo-christianity.
they tell you ONLY whats already have leaked to the civilians long time ago. no big deal.
liek daily stormer which is owned by jews funny isnt it ?
once they get the trust of the readers by “exposing” stuff which is already well known.
they can inject small lies most ppl wont ever notice.
someone who lie always is a bad liar. jewish lies are special you need to know how they work.
a lot of ppl know they lie but wont notice were and when.
dont worry there is a creator of this world. but following a man made cult/sect is sick.
when ppl get used to a sect for decades they call it RELIGION.
or Operation Paperclip ect ect