Powerful Jewish supremacy groups are increasing their pressure on President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress to award U.S. citizenship to illegal, undocumented migrants — without the approval of Republicans:
In a letter sent Wednesday addressed to Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the groups said such a pathway [to citizenship] should be included in “in any economic recovery or infrastructure legislation.”
Bend the Arc, a liberal [Jewish] social justice advocacy group, initiated the letter. Organizations representing the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist [Jewish] movements signed on along with a number of major mainstream groups, including HIAS, the main Jewish immigration advocacy group.
Others included the Anti-Defamation League, the National Council for Jewish Women, Jewish Women International and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella body for public policy groups. In addition to 19 national groups, a number of state-level Jewish groups signed.
“Permanent protection for individuals who live under the fear of detention and deportation, as well as the constant threat of exploitation, is not just the moral action but also the most sensible choice,” the letter said.
The letter requests that the pathway [to citizenship] be included in a bill that can be passed via “budget reconciliation,” which would not require any Republicans to sign on. “Reconciliation” is a Senate maneuver that allows the majority party — currently the Democrats — to pass measures deemed spending bills without first gaining the 60 votes needed to bypass a filibuster.
Notably the letter is not addressed to the GOP minority leaders in each chamber. Republicans in recent years, and particularly since the Trump presidency, have vigorously resisted pathways to citizenship for undocumented migrants.
It’s not clear whether the Senate parliamentarian would allow a pathway to citizenship to be included in a spending bill. The parliamentarian has nixed previous such efforts to bypass the filibuster.
Jews are the greatest exploiters of illegal Third World migrants — they cynically use them as “golem” to undermine and destroy the cohesion and stability of White Christian nations.
Mainstream “conservatives” accuse “liberals” of encouraging “immigration” as a way of expanding their voting base — but they are always careful never to bring up the racial identity of these migrants.
These so-called “conservatives” are all for immigration — after all, America is a “nation of immigrants” — but only as long as immigration is done legally — in other words, “conservatives” also support the “browning” of America, but only the “legal” browning of America.
Oddly, Jews aren’t concerned that China and Japan don’t have enough Mexicans or Arabs — only White nations are allegedly on the verge of collapse without the constant infusion of rivers of “energetic” Third World blood.
A racially homogeneous White nation cannot be dominated by Jews — and White nations will always look upon the Jews as a “foreign” and subversive element — and while Jews revel in being that foreign and subversive element, they don’t want the White society at large to know that — for fear of Pogrom #110.
Through Third World immigration and encouraging race mixing, Jews can ensure that soon almost every White family in America will have a non-White member — which will make that family susceptible and sympathetic to further browning of America at large.
And White Christians have enthusiastically jumped on this Jewish immigration bandwagon — after all, nothing makes a White Christian feel more condescendingly virtuous than “uplifting” brown people out of their savage darkness — and lead them to worship the God of White People — Jesus Christ.
Eric Kaufman, the Jewish author of the dystopian book White Shift, which predicts in the near future formerly White nations will become majority mixed race — ruled over by “elite” Jews like himself — just as the Kalergi Plan predicted would happen 100 years ago.

I’ve ben trying to find an article that fits this comment. There is a video called : “Tucker Carlson; Why would Joe Biden do this to his country.” It tells, years ago when Joe Biden said that he wanted to fill this country with immigrants and replace the White’s as a majority with non White’s. Thanks to Carlson, Joe Biden has given the reason, he ran for President and has appointed women, Blacks and other minorities to positions of power in our government at his advanced age This is his dream. Where did he get this desire? Joe Biden is a Catholic. I attended Catholic church from the age of about 12 to 26 years of age. I heard at Sunday mass , a Catholic Irish Monsignor preach at mass that the Catholic Church rules this world and the Pope is its king. Where did Biden get his feeling for minorities to take over our country ? ‘ve never heard it preached in Catholic Church, or among Catholic’s . What I know about it is what others have written. I know the Pope wants to unite all religions under the Catholic Church and has held meetings with various religious leaders. I said that someone put a note on a wall bulletin board in a restaurant that I took about the 1980’s , written to a friend or someone warning her to spread the word that what was happening in South Africa was going to happen to the United States and to warn us. Our ancestors warned us that the Democratic Party was Communist. But we have heard so much of the party being for the working man, which is what Biden pretends to be , a background in the blue collar worker class. Biden is a traitor to the people and our country. I wish everyone would get the video and spread it. The Jews have bragged for decades they control both parties. I’ve tried many times to find the real population of the Jews in the world . They still seem to be the same as the amount at the time of before, during and after WW11. How do about 16 million Jews rule over the world of , I believe about seven billion people. I believe there are more than 16 million Jews in this world or they have many converts or secret supporters like Joe Biden. As I looked at your articles, I see you have an article that Biden says that if he weren’t Catholic , he’d be a Jew. That is proof who tells him, teaches him and controls him in his hatred of the White race and his fellow man. I just watched a video of the Black’s and their mis rule of South Africa and Black corruption. It make one’s want to cry to see the beautiful country developed by the Dutch and German’s and others taken over by savages and running the country into the ground. Our news media for years pushed apartheid against Rhodesia and South Africa, and now we can see the result, Now we have a vivid picture of Joe Biden ands his vision for this country. To flood it with peoples from all over the world, from non White countries, to make Whites’ a minority and replace us or absorb us or replace us. See what the foreigner’s are doing in Europe. Our day of reckoning is coming. The young people who are so sympatric to the Blacks and minorities will rue the day . I wonder what Fox’s position was , when Rhodesia and South Africa was being demeaned as a racist country until the Blacks got control? Joe Biden gives himself away when he says that if he wasn’t a Catholic , he would be Jewish as there are videos of the Jews wanting mass immigration into white Christian countries in revenge for the suffering they feel they suffered under Christianity over the ages. No matter what the Jews are accused of , they deny they are guilty of a single thing.
Organized jewry long ago launched a program of genocide against white Christian people….but most whites are far too stupid to figure it out.
Sustainable development
Jews are Black lives Matter
Patton Quote:
The More You Know.
An Interview with Sergei Khrushchev.
That is a great compilation of the multicultural cabal. The last on the list Ervin Kohn was shocked when I told him on twitter that he was a racist…where does that come from, he asked. Exploiting race and crying racism is a Jewish supremacist enterprise and calling him out came as a surprise because nobody dares to challenge the Jews on a serious intellectual level and telling them to take a look in the mirror, because what ever they see in others is what they have in themselves. He immediately turned his profile pic into a caricature. It was a Zionist supremacist who got me censored on Twitter and it were Zionist supremacist who got me censored on Linkendin too, so they got nothing on me. I speak freely without fear. The one from the Netherlands all of a sudden was portrayed as the only friend of Muslims after this multicultural cabal put in motion the climate of hate against Pim Fortuyn who was assassinated to protect the poor Muslims……they are unconscionably cruel and inhumane.
I also have been censord by Twitter for speaking truth to power, as far as I’m concerned anyone who has a Twitter account or Facebook account is a fool .
Is Bill Gates a Jew?
I’ve heard that he is just a goy who became a made man in the Kosher Nostra, but I had some doubts because his father was an attorney who hung around with Jews, and Gates himself has the “Soros” look: a billionaire who looks far older than his actual age, and looks creepy to the point that I feel uneasy when I look at him.
Then I saw this picture of him, and that nose does not look Anglo to me. Also, looking at that picture, I still cannot believe that Bill Gates is only 65.
There is not credible proof that Bill Gates is a Jew. “His father was an attorney who hung around with Jews” is not proof of anything. There are millions of non-Jewish attorneys, but if you are an attorney, you will obviously be dealing with a lot of Jews, as there are a lot of Jewish attorneys.
No, Bill Gates hasn’t aged well, but most of the people I went to high school haven’t aged well either. Most of them looked middle aged by the time they were in their mid-30s, and now in their late 50s many look ready for the grave. Gates is a mean, condescending, and nasty man, and it shows on his face. His smile is disingenuous and not spontaneous — smiling does not come naturally to him.
There are thousands of white people like Bill Gates (and his father), who have betrayed our race and helped deliver us to the forces of evil. Without these Judas Goats, we would not be in the position that we now find ourselves. Gates can do far more damage to us than any Jew — because he is the enemy within. A traitor. The lowest of the low.
As he ages, he looks more and more like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
But then ………….. what is a “Jew”? How is it defined.
For me …………… a Jew is any White person with non-white DNA. For me.
An interesting Challenge — Find ONE White person with mixed race ancestry who is 100% Pro White and 100% anti-jew.
westwins wrote, “a Jew is any White person with non-white DNA.”
I agree with this, but with something else to add to what defines a Jew. A Jew is a “white passing” person with a corrupted bloodline who self-identifies as a Jew or is aware that they have some Jewish ancestry.
My experience with people of mixed ancestry is that they do not necessarily behave like Jews. Many can be pro-white and anti-Jewish — your “100%” standard is hard to objectively measure. But all people whom I have ever met who self-identify as Jews are corrupters in some fashion or another. Being Jewish makes them instinctively antagonistic toward any White majority and its values. Jews do not have this antagonistic attitude toward non-White majority nations. Having a corrupted bloodline is the gasoline that gives Jewish identity its destructive power.
My first girlfriend in high school was for the most part — a conservative, traditional white girl. 25 years later her Dad tells her he is half-jewish. He changed his name. Now, my old high school girlfriend (1/4 Jewish) is a Rabid Jew. Absolutely hates America. Loves Israel. Loves Jews. Hates White people. Loves Marxism. It is an amazing example of that which you say. Not until she knew she was a Jew, did she begin to act like one.
Paul Newman is another good example. I wonder if had Paul Newman been adopted into a Christian White family and considered himself a “christian” ………… would Newman had identified himself as a “jew”?
So, it is both NATURE and nurture. “Nature” being the predominant influencing spirit. But “nurture” certainly plays into this dynamic as well.
Back to Bill Gates ………………… I highly doubt Bill Gates is 100% Adamic. Highly unlikely.
In my opinion, Bill Gates is a Jew. I would not surprise me if before he dies, he discovers he has Jewish ancestry.
I am no fan of the Renegade Tribune, but I do read their articles from time to time. Sinead just wrote an article about “Graham Hart”.
He is an alternative radio “truther” but, as Sinead points out, he just can’t help to be a Covert agent for anti-whiteness.
So, now go look at a picture of him. This is a White guy with non-white admixture. It is like he just can’t help himself. Is he a paid shill?? I doubt it. I think it is just in his nature.
Can a White person be a self-hating White? Of course. But, from my experience, when you can actually talk to these types of people — eventually they will come around. Unless they have skin in the game like they are married to a non-white and have mixed race children. Or their Jobs depend on it. Or they are a Pew sitting “christian”. Etc. etc.
It is an interesting Discussion.
Khazars are underclass, the right arm for the Cult of the All Seeing Eye. On the pyramid Bill Gates is above the Jews*. Lots of Jews go along with the cult because they 1: don’t know it exists and/or 2: think they’re going to run the NWO. But, the real leaders like Soros hate Jews. 80% of adults in Israel have been vaxxed. Bibi wants to chip the kids.
What is your definition of a “Jew”. (See Above Comments)
When you say — …khazars are underclass ……
Of course there is a hierarchy of “Jews”. Jews seem to have no problem dispensing with other Jews if it helps their ultimate purpose —- the Destruction of Christianity, Western Civilization, and the White Race.
But, when you deflect to a Faceless and Nameless enemy — the Cult of the All Seeing Eye —
Seems to me like a way to essentially be a gate keeper for the Jews.
Now ………. since you are here at CFT I must give you the benefit of the doubt.
It just seems to me like a weird comment.
Maybe you would like to engage in the discussion Chesterton and I are having?
What is a “Jew” to you? And where do they come from? Or….how did they came to be?
Useful Info:
I agree, as long as they are settled in small hat neighborhoods
Been Jabbed Can’t Fly…. You Clot
Been Jabbed-Job Replaced within 3 Years.
This All Ends When You End IT..
Boris Bashing.
In the video, that author Erick Kaufmann says he’s Jewish, Latino, and Chinese, but that he still considers himself “white”. Wow, if that is “white” then there is no meaning to the term, which is what Jews seem to want. He says he considers himself white because others perceive him that way. In other words, he benefits from that misperception so he doesn’t correct people, and he has more power as a racial chameleon…..
The Lying Media…
Inside Israel’s million dollar troll army
Chinese Communism and the Jews.
Jews want to dominate Blacks by Itsvan Bakony.
Jewish Fifth Column in Japan by Itsvan Bakony 1980
The Jewish 5th Column in Islam by Itsvan Bakony 1969
The Jewish Fifth Column in India, 1969-Audio Book
Watergate Affair Fraud to the Public Opinion:
Communism as Destroyer.
We already know all of this. Please explain how articles of this nature are anything but counter-productive preaching to the choir? Non-adamics have an inherent blood lust for adamites by nature of what they are. That’s common sense to probably every reader that comes here. Why would these mongrels want any less than the death of every last one of us? This articles is like looking out your living room window watching a tornado destroy your neighbors homes only to tell your family, “Hey, Fam, there is a tornado out front.” You are doing exactly what godless conservative news sites do. I don’t need you to tell me what I already see on a daily basis.
It is honorable to defend your family and neighbors. It is honorable to die for your faith and your people. It is absolutely ridiculous and unmanly to post things and complain (from the comfort of your home) about things that everyone already knows while your people are being humiliated and murdered on a daily basis. “Look, everyone, the mongrel jews are now doing this thing to us.” Big surprise!!! Now what? How do we help each other as Christians? Who of our brothers or sisters are in need? If you cannot answer that simple question than you are a part of the problem, no different than those like Finck and the rest who seem to lack proper understanding of what Christian fellowship actually is. You are obviously Christian men with Godly wisdom. Is this the best you can do? Telling us what we already inherently know; things that the Spirit of God has revealed to many of us decades ago?
I don’t recognize your name.
There have been PLENTY of “teaching” and “edifying” articles that CFT has published that has allowed a kind of “Fellowship” in the Comment Sections.
Where were you then?
Do you have a Blog? Do you have a Website where Christians can “fellowship and “sharpen Iron”?
I would be interested.
But please ……………….. check yourself on your frustration with CFT. There is no other Christian Website that I know of that is doing the work CFT is doing.
If you have one — please share.
I have a Proton Mail email account if you would like to “fellowship” in private.
Maybe there are a lot of people who don’t know that come to this website
These jews fail to mention that these so-called PC ‘immigrants’ are people being forced out of their homeland because of US/israel war and coup’s/ISIS and opposition kill groups (like in Syria)…ALL groomed and trained in Langley…occupying their land and STEALING THEIR RESOURCES guarded by their CIA mercenaries…are the convenient new occupiers of America. These people have absolutely no desire to be here. Also forcing out Palestinians from their homeland to where ever…the jews continue to hound them even when they work hard, graduate highest in their college classes only to get fired because they accuse their employer/s of hiring ‘anti semites’. Here is just one recent account:
LOOK AT THIS. this is the person
listens to when they suspend young Palestinian researchers who worked hard for their position:
there is no safe space for Palestinians to just BE, even on the damn internet. entire organizations and pages have been founded by zionists to hound Palestinians on the internet, dox them, and ruin their lives. please speak up in whichever way you can and put pressure back.
#Palestine in 60 seconds.
At around 13 seconds in, was that someone driving his car into a wall?
I cannot say that my heart bleeds for these Palestinians, but if they’re to be used to get Christendom to get wise to Israel then how do we address the sentiment that “They’re just Jordanian refugees, they should go back to Jordan?” I hear that one all the time.
And to those posters at CFT who maintain that the Edomites are in no way the modern Jews, how do we address the other option, that the Palestinians are seen viewed as modern Edomites and as such Christendom considers whatever is done to them by the Israelis to be Biblically justified?