Kevin Doran, the bishop of Elphin, Ireland has criticised those who identify as “Faith-filled” while spreading fear and mistrust of migrants and refugees, particularly those who are Muslims:
Bishop Kevin Doran told this paper he has witnessed prejudice in Irish society and that there’s an “implication” that because people are Muslim they are more likely to be terrorists. His comments come after the “savage” attack on two mosques in New Zealand which left 50 people dead last Friday.
Speaking to The Irish Catholic he said: “I suppose just in keeping my ear to the ground, at meetings I’ve been at and looking at social media, I’ve found that people who would classify themselves in some cases as traditional Catholics and Faith-filled people seem to, in relation to migration and care of asylum seekers and stuff, they’ll say ‘oh well these Muslims are putting our civilisation at risk and they pose a threat to us’.”
“To define a whole category of people, or a whole nation, or a whole religious group as being in some way more prone to terrorism than any other group is irresponsible.”
In his experience Muslim people living in Irish society do so “peacefully and participate fully”.
“We have large numbers of Muslim children in our Catholic schools and they contribute to the ethos in many ways.
“One of the interesting things about Muslims is while they are of a different faith they tend to have a level of commitment to faith that in many ways we might well sit up and pay attention to.”
Although in some Middle Eastern countries their human rights may have a long way to go, he said that “in Ireland we have to have the highest possible standard of respect for others, especially those who are pro-life Christians”.
“Individuals or groups of people who are persecuted or targeted because of their religious beliefs deserve our support and our solidarity, irrespective if they’re Christians, Muslims or Jews.”
So this Catholic priest throws his fellow Christians under the bus in defense of Muslims, claiming that these migrants “contribute to the ethos” of their Catholic schools. What “ethos” is he talking about? The “ethos” where Muslims deny the divinity of Christ and instead worship “Alah” the traditional arabian moon god and the pedophile “prophet” Mohammed who exhorts his followers to kill all “infidels” which include Irish Catholics? Or is it the “ethos” where so many churches in the U.K. are being converted to mosques and neighborhoods into “no go zones”?
And that “commitment to the faith” that Doran praises Muslims for is exactly what makes Muslims far more likely than Christians to commit acts of terrorism. There is no part of Christian doctrine that encourages Christians to kill anyone who opposes them or who doesn’t believe in Jesus, and to compare the two “faiths” is patently absurd. The Europe that Muslim migrants are so eager to live in was built to glorify Christ not Mohammed, and if Europe had been dedicated to Islam instead, it would resemble a Third World country that no one wanted to live in. To tolerate Islam in a Christian country violates the First Commandment, but apparently “diversity” doctrine has replaced Christianity as the true “ethos” of New Ireland.
It doesn’t surprise me that a Catholic Priest , Kevin Doran would defend the Muslims and brag that they make good citizens. Isn’t it the Irish that so viciously fought against England.? There were advertisements in newspaper’s in this country asking for support and funds to support the IRA in their fight against England.
All one has to do is to search the internet and find the videos of the Muslim’s. destroying and deliberately destroying areas, malls, cars, fires, areas in which police do not go because the Muslims scare them out, consider the areas to belong to them ,the stories of rape of White women. There’s a video of a foreigner, probably Arab, because the videos are of Arabs, taking a crap in public , wiping his rear, with his hands, and them taking a drink of water from a public fountain right in an open public street fountain with the same open , cupped hands. Video of a first class European hotel destroyed by the Arab and other foreigner’s.
There’s a video of an Arab shouting among other things to show his hatred of the White civilization he ‘s in ,that ,”We will breed you White’s out of existence. Maybe, he’s a Jew pretending to be an Arab as Jews live in the MIddle East and one of their traits is to imitate other races like they did in their black face comedies in movies and Broadway and being spies. A video of young Arab or Arabs saying that they use or want White women for sex, but want to marry a Muslim women. I wish I knew how to put these videos on this site.
I made many videos of these types of things put out by others and sent them with letters to hundreds of our Congressman. I sent hundreds of letters to our Congressmen asking them if they renewed the 1912 Federal Reserve Act that year. No one answered.
I’ve read what I could find , come across , of the past and how Arabs used White women ,preferred them as slaves and concubines in conquests or war’s and just plain auctions., just as White’s were surveyed like animals , by prospective buyer In Rome and preferred as slaves . There are many stories and picture’s of White women in Arab harem ‘s . Even Alesiter Crowley , called ” the most evil man in the world” , who claimed to have performed human sacrifice in his rituals said in one of his books that while on ship while traveling that some women he saw on his ship “were probably headed to the harems in Arabia”. Just as a Baptist minister said in his book while traveling on a ship that he saw women being prostituted for money and were Jewish women prostituted by their men. Not everyone is so stupid that experience or knowledge of others , can’t reveal or make behavior unknown, unseen or unsuspected, known, seen and suspected. That is why I believe all of the petrography, vaccines, sex, promotion of abortion, homosexuality, humanism, drugs, and many others things are used to destroy our intuition, spirituality , consciousness and make us unable to see the evil being’s that look like human beings living among and who deceive us by seeming to look like us. They try to destroy our ability to see them as they really are, beasts in human form.
Our ancestors warned us decades ago , that mass immigration would be used to bring as many foreigner’s into this country as possible , to outnumber the White’s to overtake us in numbers and take our country from us. AND when we have served our purpose of bringing the world into subjection as is done with organizations as the United Nations, NATO, FEM A, CDC, WHO, and many others, this government will be overthrown.
So Alex Jones, the so called patriot , who brags of loving his fellow man, loves animals, women, nature , food, sex and other things reveals nothing already revealed, but is the Rush Limbaugh of the conspiracy world.
I listened to him last night on my computer , November 19, 2021 and if I heard him correctly, he said that he sold his house and other assets to fund his program. If this is true, it proves that his followers are running out of money to keep his phony patriotic business going.
If there is anything that the mixing of races does , it is to modify, change , lessen, decrease the meanness, violence, savagery, of a race when it comes into a more advanced race. And the savages or invading race modifies itself and becomes more civilized as it uses, is given , enjoys, intermarries the benefits of the advanced civilization.
If we have Arabs coming into White countries , hating White’s , then we will eventually have another race like the blacks who , hundreds of years later still use racism and slavery as excuses for their lack of progress , to stop criticism of them, just as the Jews do the same thing , but enjoy the advantages of the civilization they hate.
We can even today , see the black’s use the American Indians as a symbol and excuse to cry racism and cry slavery for themselves, the black race. No surprise. Just as the lighter skinned, intermarried blacks , better educated, more monied, successful , are the ones who keep reminding the world and their own kind of racism and slavery to hide their own success and lording over their brethren so as to not be envious of them. Who do they think they’re kidding ? Their ancestor’s or relative’s in Soutn Africa after 25-35 years of Black rule and given a White civilization , thrown in their laps still hate the White’s an d whine and cry racism because they can’t maintain a civilization they were taught to want and lust after because they were told they were cheated of the land and deserved it.
I don’t pretend to be an authority on anything. But I became a Catholic at about the age of twelve. My first confession to a priest was that he wanted to know if I masturbated. Not that I fought with my brothers and sisters, lied to my mother so as to not be punished, or stole a baseball. Innocent things children are taught is wrong, but an adult fault. The Priests are able to gradually as you go to them and get older, to get most people to tell their Intermost faults, that they may be ashamed of themselves such as adultery , stealing, murder etc.
I read so many times that the Catholic Church through the confessional has one of the most sophisticated spy systems in the world through its confessional. I have read the supposed Jesuit oath, and I believe it is true. I believe the Masonic oaths are also true and come from the same source or background. I can’t be sure, , but I have read several times that the confessional is the place where many people are comprised as they give away themselves and their deeds, thoughts in the confessional to a priest and whether they are hidden away for some future time to be used as a threat to get a person to act in a way contrary to his morals, I do not know. I took an oath to a Catholic organization and I was shocked to find out that my obligation was to the Catholic Church if I should ever be asked to do anything for it. What made me notice it was that I was in college , in ROTC and when commissioned would take an oath to my country and government. to do the same.
So I am not surprised when a Catholic like Anthony Fauci, who claims to be a humanist, which I suppose to mean that the world is his domain, and not the spiritual and the now and not the future, can lie, deceive and have no guilt . He can go to confession an be forgiven. And his fellow Catholic , traitorous communist Joe Biden can sell out this country from the moment he knew he was elected President to foreigners and brag in the year , about 2015 , in an interview, that this country was built upon immigration and he and was going to open it up to unlimited immigration so as to make White’s a minority within our own country. and have the nerve to say that ” it is a good thing. ” I’ve seen the black scum , terrorist Nelson Mandela in a Knights of Malta robe. I’ve seen other Catholics like Fauci give the Masonis gesture with his hand in his lapel of his jacket.
A person put a video of Sean Hannity i, a Catholic, interviewing someone and wondering if his audience noticed strange gestures Hannity was making to his guest. This country supported Jewish communism against Christian Germany in WW11. Oren Potito of the National Christian Church published literature showing Catholic clergy with the German Military and other elite, so all of the Jewish media lies that Hitler and Germany was a pagan people and country is a Jewish lie to demonize the German people to justify the Jewish hatred . of them., We fought a war in Korea and Viet Nam to a stalemate. but still got thousands of men killed, no matter what race or religion, but all Americans as well as United Nations soldiers. Our news media and government, and Military love to brag of how we are the most powerful country in the world. I’ve read the leaders of South Viet Nan were Catholics and suppressed the Buddhists and why some of them committed suicide by burning themselves alive in protest. And that was why so many South Viet Nam joined the resistance because Catholics from the Noth of Viet Nam were told to come south, displacing etc. . the true people of South Viet Nam, just as this morally corrupt slime , Joe Biden is doing to our country now, displacing American’s with foreigners and we pay to support them with all of the free government and private programs.
Kudlow on his program tells that the money Joe Biden and his advocates brag will be paid for by the rich is a lie as the rich already pay about 40 % or 60%, I can ‘t remember for sure right now, but it’s on a video, of taxes and that we, middle class will pay for all his give away programs in higher taxes., food etc. I’ve noticed quite awhile prices going up and no one would agree with me. I see items at a sale price now , that were the regular price a few weeks and months ago. We have no idea what a war with China will be like or with Russia. But we may be enticed into a war and betrayed, just as other countries. Our ancestors warned us that ” when the United States has served its purpose, it will be laid low.” Patriotic Catholic web sites claim that Joe Biden is in violation of over 30 Catholic principals or articles of faith. He supports abortion and other things. So Joe Biden is also to have said that if he wasn’t a Catholic, that he would be a Jew. He gives himself away as to where he gets his agenda. No wonder at his advanced age, he still sought the Presidency. We can see it was to degrade his own country and fellow man. If the young people of this country don’t wake up, they will be slaves , imprisoned, experiments, or eliminated or transferred to other countries as slave labor.
I was curious one day about the Patriot Act, we were told was written in advance of 9-11, so I looked it up. It was said to have been written by a Catholic by the name of Chou, Choo, Cuo or some such spelling. Later when I looked it up, no such reference to a Catholic was made but another name given. I’ve read about the Inquisition . from what I’ve read, the Patriot Act is similar. arrest in the night, early hours, put away in secret places undisclosed, no charges made, tortured, no ones know your where a bouts, etc. etc.
I’m not picking on Catholics or criticizing them. but Joe Biden who claims to be a Catholic does not show patriotic values , nor the values of a Catholic or Christian but the values of all of those who are called the elite, the New World Order , Hidden Hand, Black European Nobility etc. mentioned by Bush Sr. who said they will win and seek to dominate this world. The Catholic Church always taught that Lucifer sought to dominate this world and that the Jews crucified Christ. and when they stopped, evil began to grow.
“…..I’m not picking on Catholics or criticizing them. …..”
Why not? Are we not supposed to “mark and avoid” those who contradict?
What possible edification comes out of the Catholic Church? Why would anyone feel their Spirit is being nourished in a Catholic Church???
There are Patriotic web sites just as religious and patriotic as this one and Catholic ones also. I’ve listened to Alex Jones on an off for years and he is what faith? I found out the trick to get Born Again Christians to reveal themselves. Alex Jones claims million of followers, used religion to beguile his listeners , is the one who called the rally in Washington, D.C. He spreads New Ages propaganda, pretends he is in commune with god, begs for money, claims he tells who is behind the New World Order, but never does reveal them. If the lying deceptive scum had revealed them, his followers would have stayed home knowing the way to defeat the New World Order would be to be a good citizen and vote these traitors out of office.
Over the ages , all faiths of people have exposed the Catholics, the Jews, the Black Nobility, Communism , New World Order, Vatican, Jesuits, Great Britain, Mormons and many others. Yet in his 27 years of bragging he has read and knows the plans of the New World Order, Alex Jones has never revealed who they are and why his followers went to Washington for a rally he called , put up some of the money for, now claims he was set up by the Secret Service to get out of responsibility for followers being in jail or being on a Government terrorist list.
Is George Bush Sr. Catholic? He’s the one who started the war in the Middle East by deceiving Hussein and his son, used the World Trade Center to get us back in there in what he called a 20 year war which turned out to be a 20 year war. Is Hillary Clinton Catholic? Her grandmother is Jewish. I’ve read as much as I could find and have time about the New World Order. You can blame the Catholic Church all you want. I can talk about the Catholic Church because I became a member at 12 years of age and am aware of how being taught things I never knew existed affected my life and consciousness. I never knew there was a god, a Jesus, a Mary, saints, a Bible, heaven, hell and all the other things you apparently believe in. Those were the happiest days of my life. Once I learned about sin , heaven hell, Jesus, Mary, Purgatory, masturbation, and other supposed sins, and begin to learn of things like rape, murder, killing , and other things, they affected my consciousness and mental growth.
I still today regret the Catbird and Rabbit I killed, the first time I consciously killed a living thing. When I was a boy and went to a movie, and men and women went to bed or to have sex, the movie faded. They didn’t show men and women slobbering all over each other , half nude etc. They didn’t show cars exploding like in movies today, blood spatter in movies when a person is shot. I made many model airplanes and never once thought of sniffing glue. I never thought of killing someone or caring a concealed weapon nor did I know anyone who did. We fought as boys and forgot about it. We didn’t drive around the neighborhood to shoot up someone for revenge. Parents did not allow children to be around when they talked of sexual matters , murders, poisonings, death, war , crime or even the domination of the world which I overheard adults talk among themselves when i was a boy. etc.
I was an A student in school until I learned about religion and the fear of hell and the other religious rot , and guilt of sin , I was taught. You can blame the Catholic Church all you want if that is what you mean. but the Jews existed long before the Catholic Church and many have claimed that the church has been taken over and under the control of the Jews. In fact, authors have claimed that all of the early Christians that we have been taught that were murdered, terrorized, tortured , etc. etc. were really the early Christians who the Jews and Pagans eliminated and that al l we really have is the old Roman empire still in existence. Maybe someone better than me can explain it
We have had sex perverts for the last four years as Presidents. You know about Clinton. Obama is a gay and the fellow who Obama hooked up with had a video on the internet. Why don’t you read about Donald Trump that so many love, worship , idolize and still want to see President again to subvert this country some more. Trump helped to bring end times by giving the Jews Jerusalem as their capital, the Golan Heights, belonging to Syria and passing HR6421. Look up HR6421. Trump is a filthy foul mouthed sexual pervert. It’s on the internet. He brags proudly of it. Yet his followers worship him and want him to become President again.
Alex Jones brags of reading over 100 books about WW11 in High School. Explain how he read 100 books about World War 11 , while bragging of having sex at the age of 13 years old with high school cheerleaders and going to their coven meetings, of having girlfriends get abortions, of fighting off men older than him for their women, of playing football and all of the other things boys do. He never found 100 books about WW“ to read. He brags he read hundreds and hundreds of books on history, is a student of history. I’m twice as old as him and read more than Jones ever had , so I should also be considered a student or authority on history. Alex Jones preaches against fluoride , yet a person put a video on the internet of himself calling Alex Jones fathers office, making sure he was talking to his office and asked if they gave fluoride treatments , was told , yes and to make an appointment. Alex Jones has made a money making scheme of the conspiracy world. I don’t call it a conspiracy, because I know it is true. Someone, I noticed off to the side of my screen while scanning topics, I noticed said that if I had a criticism to make to Jones to make it to him on his site. I have done so and even wrote him letters. He has no answer and banns comments.
So does Steve Quayle, another religious pretender. Alex Jones and Steve Quayle promoted the loss of money system before the year 2000 , telling people to store and buy survival food, generators, clothes, rifles, ammo etc. The NewWorld Order was going to take over. Nothing happened. A person called and told of spending $10,000 and nothing happened. What was he to do with it all. He was flippantly told to save it for another day. Twenty years later , they’re still for 20 years pulling the same scam. It was the crap of Steve Quayle when Hal Bopp, the comet became a news item, that Steve Quayle, hooked onto it , promoted it for weeks and months, claiming it was heading to earth, and when it got over Africa, cargo doors on a container ship would open up spreading a white powder over Africa killing millions. It never happened, but the Heaven’s Gates followers committed mass suicide over it and Steve Quayle doesn’t want to be reminded of it and is another one who banns cortical comments.
I don’t have cable and listen to you Tube News . I never could get thrilled about Ted Cruz, but I notice that he is a very patriotic American against the mass immigration , enormous debt and other topics even though he claims to be Cuban background. the other races don’t care about immigration. They want all they can of it. Because I was brought up to know religion at 12 years of age, I can see what knowing the evil in this world does to a person’s consciousness , and destroys his innocence. What does an innocent child learn when he gores to church: sin, guilt, shame knowing things are wrong you nevcer knew were wrong or exisrted. I never thought of killing an animal until I wanted a BB gun or tookmy fathers rifle into the woods and saw a rabbit and killed it. that’s why I talk about the Catholic Church. the Catholic Church could stop this evil world domination scheme. robert Maxwell, Jewish biusinessman said:
“You will have a New World Order/
You will have a One Workl currency.
You will have a One World economy.
You will have a One World religion.
You will have a One World religion.
You will have a One World Government whether you want it or not.”
Robert Maxwell’s daughter , Ghai sane Maxwell ids associated with Jeffery Epstein, whom Alex Jones promoted Epstein for months with tee shirts , etc
Joe Biden is not a patriotic American. He wanted to be President to subvert this country . That’s why he is flooding this country with aliens, He wants to do exactly what he’s doing: replace White’s with non whites as told us by other patriots in their writing’s and revelations.
Joe Biden has said that if he wasn’t a Catholic , he would be a Jew.t That reveals where Biden gets his agenda. For all of the whining and crying of the Jews who cry Holocaust to shut criticism of them, Thousands of Jewish soldiers served in the German Army and got many awards. We allow ourselves to be shamed by the Jews and Blacks to fear to speak up because trey throw anti Semitism and racism at us. It The fuss made about Trump refusing money to Ukraine , I found out was because the president of the Ukraine was Jewish. Most of those involved in Trump’s impeachment were Jews accusing him and defending Trump. The New World Order gives us their time schedule with their Agenda 21. Agenda 35, etc. the elimination of fossil fuel vehicles by 2050. Things must be speeding up for the New World Order. You don’t need to comment . I’m not interested in criticizing show my knowledge if I have any. .
I notice one thing about our congressmen and this younger generation: they are becoming aware of the evil in our government and angry about it. so many Joe Biden isn’t so bad after all.
I re read your comment Westwins: If it wasn’t for the Catholic Church which you seem to resent so much, you wouldn’t have Protestantism, caused by the Catholic monk Martin Luther who really never intended to leave the Church, but to reform what he thought were abuses . But his criticisms resulted in a movement which like the rally in Washington, D. C. got out of hand.
I am no fan of Protestantism!
We went from one heresy to another.
The West has a particularly nasty problem. Our leaders in all spheres of life hate and despise those they lead!
Our politicians hate the electorate, our priests hate the congregation, our generals hate their soldiers and the bureaucrats hate the people who pay their salaries.
I think something needs to be done to restore order.
Exactly, Jake. And that ‘something’ is a white Christian revival. Our ‘leaders’ are NOT Christian, even if they give it lip service, and we have allowed these people to lead us mainly because the ruling jewish oligarchy has convinced us, the white Christians who survived WWII and their descendants, that all this acceptance of compromise is the ‘christian’ thing to do. When we ignore the jew and humble ourselves before God, asking for forgiveness, we will no longer care what for manner of men claim to rule over us, as we will ONLY recognize Christ as our KING, and He will heal our land!
Precisely – see II Chronicles 7:14 and Deuteronomy 28 ; its talking to YOU, white man.
well, first, catholicism IS NOT Christianity.
But beyond that, this pandering to the [[[overlords]]] is disgusting, degrading and disingenuous. Plus its a patent lie. The people he refers to who recognise the FACT of muslim invasion, lack of assimilation and criminal behaviour, regrettably, are NOT going to become terrorists – they are simply noticing and commenting on TRUTH.
Would to God that we become ‘terrors’ to the antiChrist muslim and their [[[handlers/enablers]]].
He is only parroting globalist Zionist policy. Usually money or blackmail are their tools. Has he been naughty?
Wow, am I disgusted. This Judas is blind, deaf, dumb, and bought. The only unforgivable sin is ‘blasphemy of the Holy Spirit’, and this professional mouthpiece has almost defined what that is. He not only denies God by coddling His enemies, but denies His children the chance to convert to Christ and puts them at extreme risk to produce children who are walking sins themselves, just like their non-Christian ancestors…