A Hungarian Jewish group that detects and fights antisemitism announced on Wednesday that it was creating a security service to monitor Budapest’s historic Jewish quarter:
“To prevent anti-Semitic atrocities, the Foundation for Action and Defense decided to create a kind of ‘self-organized security service,’ ” posted the organization on its Facebook page.
Known by its initials in Hungarian, the TEV was founded in 2012 to report and combat anti-Semitism in Hungary.
The head of the Jewish Heritage of Hungary Public Endowment board, György Szabó, told the Népszava news site that verbal insults, including “Heil Hitler,” towards Jews by drunk tourists have happened frequently.
The TEV service is expected to consist of volunteers and law-enforcement officials, reported the Magyar Narancs news site.
So when a drunk Hungarian says, “Heil Hitler” in front of a Jew, international Jewry goes on high alert, because “insulting” a Jew apparently, in their minds at least, is some sort of “antisemitic atrocity”. It seems the Jews have really lowered the bar as far as what they consider to be an “atrocity”. There was a time Jews considered being thrown in alleged gas chambers constituted an “atrocity”, but now a mere drunken insult or a joke told in a bar apparently meets that threshold.
Hungary is one of the least “antisemitic” countries left in Europe, and the reason for that, of course, is that Hungary has refused to take in any jewish-sponsored antisemitic Muslim migrants. Despite that, Jews need to maintain the specter of the antisemitic boogeyman who will haunt and stalk common Jews on the streets, who, in order to “feel jewish” need to be convinced that drunken insults could ultimately lead to “another” Holocaust in no time at all. This type of paranoia surely works against jewish interests as they beat this dead horse that no rational person could possibly take seriously but surely would resent.
Will they beat and blind innocent black people like the “private jewish security” in NYC? Paranoid people have no business assuming they have any authority over someone else.
Why are these brunettes in our countries? Why do we even allow them to be among us? We are white nordic peoples with blonde hair, we do not want these desert peoples among us to whine and dictate to us what to do, how to live and all. Why can’t we just throw them out? They have Israel now, let them go there. Why do they persist on living among us while at the same time constantly whining how evil we are. Are they sado masochists? Do they like to torture themselves? OK we are evil, now get the hell out!
Fascinating. Thank you for this link.
Verbal insults to Jews make headline news but Muslims in Britain can abuse children for years without a peep from anyone.
What kind of god would “choose” these people as the epitome of his creation? Clearly, only a god who was capable of failure. That is why we know that the Jews cannot possible be the people who wrote the Bible. On the other hand, one cursory reading of any passage of The Talmud makes it very clear who they really are.
It’s so painfully obvious, it hurts me everytime our brethren refuse to see…
If they want to save the country, Hungary would better expedite all the hungarian jews to Saturn, far away from them…we all must find a solution to the jews.
Theodor Herzl, the grandfather of Zionism, stated that the “final solution to the jewish question” was the relocation of Jews to Palestine. Well, they did that, and it solved nothing, and only served to create more bloodshed and tension in the world. America has been involved in a proxy war for Israel for the last 18 years, trillions of dollars down the drain, and no end of the war in sight.
” that no rational person could possibly take seriously but surely would resent.”
Problem is, there are so few rational people left.