Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a prominent German pulmonologist and respiratory disease specialist, explains that there is absolutely no proof that the current so-called coronavirus ‘pandemic’ is any worse than annual seasonal flu-related deaths that we expect every year:
“The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions.”
He also shows why the tests that are being used to diagnose COVID-19 can produce very misleading results. In all, he concludes that the ‘pandemic’ is no different from the ’emperor has no clothes’, and anyone who dares to point out that the emperor is naked is marginalized and ignored.
Remember that scene in Close Encounters Of The Third Kind when Roy Neary, played by Richard Dreyfuss, takes off his protective face mask because he suspects the alleged viral pandemic is completely fake?
Here is a Telegram group for those who are interested.
There are sub-groups covering many topics, including “Germ theory”.
Wolfgang Wodarg is a moron, acting like a 5 year old and throwing tantrums when Stefan Lanka and Andrew Kauffman explained that there is no virus.
This was with Reiner Fuellmich. Even now he is still running with the virus narrative.
The virus is the one single foundation upon which the whole new world order is based, and most of the so-called awake, who have a voice and are supposed to be informing the public are still supporting it.
In my eyes they are controlled opposition until proven otherwise.
We need to get off our asses, destroy their 5G towers and go from there. What are they going to do? They can’t stop us.
To add to the proof that this Corona virus is more Jewish created bullshit
here’s proof of how dumb imported Jew immigrant PM of England, Boris Johnson, has shot himself in the foot.
The Corona virus is no more deadly than any other seasonal flu that does the rounds over winter
Status of COVID-19
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.
(So why is the pig like creature Johnson locking us all in?)
I would encourage as many English people to contact the Conservative party and ask why well known compulsive lying Jewish immigrant Boris Johnson (real surname Kemal) is lying his typical evil controlling little Jewish ass off to a country of people who evicted Jews in 1290 because they already learned what evil, lying, traitorous child raping beasts Jews are.
You can contact this party of imported unwanted mostly Jewish vermin here. There is no need for this lock down and Boris Jew Johnson needs his ass kicked.
Tell me this is about a virus…
At what point is this ‘law enforcement’? These are not laws they are enforcing. Because officers ignore their oath to protect and serve and uphold the Constitution, yet retain the uniforms and weapons and do the bidding of those who pay them.
It is another jewish communist dictatorship! But wait are they not the all-time victims by default?
It is not another one, but the same old one that changed its name playing trick on people…..no one dares calling it a conspiracy and the iron curtain over America tells the story loud and clear. The way I look at the saga is that they started the blood-shed in Russia, tried the crap in Germany where they had enormous influence, but the Germans already under duress of what Woodrow Wilson did to them on behalf of these barbarians said helluva no its not happening….their violent aggression against the Germans brought Hitler to power. Real history is not lying.
And it all started because we trusted the communist Red Chinese to be telling the truth about the virus, and trust that they knew what they were doing and how to even identify it. Since when do we believe anything that comes out of the mouths of communists?
Do you mean Israeli duel citizens?
LOL, them, too!
This is the largest psyop since the Hoaxaco$t. (((They))) are onto something here, and it has nothing to do with ‘global health’. Even if this ‘virus’ dies off in 2 weeks like (((they))) claim (thus the reason for the quarantine), the rioting will start before then and the economic devastation will really begin to be felt as everything comes to a grinding halt for the duration of the quarantine…but I don’t buy the ‘2 week’ scenario.
If that is the case, why has it been on the table to extend school shut-downs for 8 weeks? Why has there been so many drastic changes to corporate Amerika? To major sporting events scheduled way beyond this 2 week period?
Probably true. When they make it illegal to say so, it will be confirmed.
Pssst, corona fake, pass it on.