(RMX News) The house of a radical Left-wing mayor who supports a controversial plan to establish a migrant asylum center in the small seaside town of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins has been burned down in a “suspected” arson attack:
Police were called to the residence of Yannick Morez early on Wednesday morning after his home and two vehicles were destroyed in the blaze.
The left-wing mayor, who described the attack as “cowardly and unacceptable,” expressed his gratitude to neighbors for alerting him to the fire, which he said could have had “more dramatic consequences.”
An initial investigation suggested the fire was not accidental, and Sylvie Canovas-Lagarde, the prosecutor for Saint-Nazaire, confirmed a criminal inquiry was now underway after fire experts ruled the attack to be subject to the “intervention of third parties…”
…A number of public officials from across France expressed their solidarity with the mayor on Wednesday, including David Lisnard, president of the Association of Mayors of France, and Maurice Perrion, president of the Association of Mayors of Loire-Atlantique, who said the incident once again should alert “the public authorities to the urgency to really take into account the threats hanging over the elected representatives of the Republic…”
In recent weeks, Saint-Brevin-les-Pins has been deeply divided over a plan to establish an asylum center in the town, which has resulted in mass demonstrations by local residents both in support and against the proposal.
The mayor was a prominent voice in support of a plan to welcome more than 100 migrants to the town of 13,500 by the end of the year.
Last month, two large groups of protesters clashed in the town square. Supporters of the plan held banners in favor of mass immigration, stating, “There are no foreigners on this land,” and chanted against the far right.
Opponents to the plans held placards that read: “Yes to controlled immigration, no Mr. Macron, not just anyhow! Not anywhere!” They also chanted in favor of the nationalist Reconquête party founded by (((Éric Zemmour))).
“I am against any increase in migration, and the state does not take the necessary means to prevent migrants from coming by land, by sea,” said 82-year-old protester Olivier.
“Our approach is not at all racist but aims, on the contrary, to show, both to the French and to migrants that immigration is harmful to them, as well as us,” explained Alain Escada, president of the traditionalist Catholic organization Civitas.
This flooding of France with Third World flotsam and jetsam was predicted in Jean Raspail’s 1973 prophetic book, The Camp of the Saints — a must-read available in our CFT book archives — for anyone who wants to understand the biblical context of what is happening in all White nations today.
The title of the book is based on Revelation 2:9 which foretells of the End Times when Israelite nations would come under attack by non-Israelite enemies:
“And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.”
The prophecy of the coming destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of the Romans as told in Luke 21:20 has a dual meaning — as it also anticipates Revelation 2:9 and the fate of all future nations or “camps” of Israelite saints:
“And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.”
–Luke 21:20
The first Israelite settlements on the southern coast of France date back to the time of Israelite and Phoenician mining in Tarshish, Spain — and then later migrations from the north of the Israelite Goths and Celts.
Thus it was inevitable that France would become one of the strongest Christian nations in Europe — so much so that the Catholic Church established the papacy in Avignon from 1309 to 1376.
And it’s also significant that in 1095 AD, Pope Urban II launched the Crusades in Clermont, France with a speech that clearly had racial overtones — calling the Franks “a race chosen and beloved by God” to drive out the arab Saracens —
“…an accursed race, a race utterly alienated from God, a generation forsooth which has not directed its heart and has not entrusted its spirit to God, has invaded the lands of those Christians.”
The “French” Revolution was the beginning of the end of Christian France — as the Judeo-Freemasons orchestrated the first overthrow of a Christian European monarchy — and quickly thereafter Napoleon formally emancipated the Jews in 1791— which allowed the Rothschilds to become the de facto rulers of the new “Republic” — under the guise of “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.”
In his book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, E. Michael Jones pointed out that 100 years after the French Revolution, the Catholic Church said the most important lesson about the Revolution was that a nation that refuses to be ruled by Christians is destined to be ruled by the Jews.
Not surprisingly, the “de-Christianization” of France is now being overseen by the Jewish homosexual Stéphane Bern — allegedly under the guise of “preserving the heritage of France.”
Fast forward to 2008 at the beginning of the Jewish-orchestrated “migrant crisis”, French President Nicolas Sarkosy — a Hungarian-Salonikan Jew — appeared on French television and basically confirmed that France was slated for destruction through the fulfillment of Kalergi Plan:
“What is the goal? It’s going to be controversial. The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding. The challenge of racial interbreeding that faces us in the 21st Century….It’s not a choice — it’s an obligation. It’s an imperative. We cannot do otherwise. We risk finding ourselves confronted with major problems.…We must change. Therefore, we will change….We are going to change all at the same time. In business, in administration, in political parties. And we are obligated ourselves as to results. If volunteering doesn’t work, the state will move to more coercive measures.”
What we are seeing today in the small seaside town of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins is the exact same modus operandi that we saw last year when a wealthy Jewish family in Paris announced they were providing the financial support to relocate hundreds of Arabs into the small town of Callac — but push-back by the locals defeated the plan.
The burning down of the mayor’s home shouldn’t surprise anyone — anti-migrant protesters have burned down asylum centers all across Europe — from Greece to Germany — and even the ultra-liberal Sweden.
The protesters in Saint-Brevin-les-Pins chanted support for Éric Zemmour — a French-Algerian Jew — who is a leading figure in the political “Right” — and he will make sure that the “Right” focuses on Muslim invaders — not the hidden Jewish hand — the “Qui?“ — orchestrating the invasion.
Whether the migrants come to France illegally or through “controlled” immigration — the result will be the same — all immigrants will come from the Third World — but according to the French Constitution of 1958, the government is prohibited from collecting any information about people’s ethnicity or ancestry — ensuring that the native French will never know when they’ve become minorities in their own nation.
It is literally illegal to even notice that the camp of the saints is under threat — something that even Jean Raspail did not envision.
These asylum protesters can deny that they are “racists” all they want — the French media will smear them as “racists” anyway — and if believing that France is for French people is a “racist” idea, then maybe it’s time to stop denying it and embrace who they really are, and turn back to their Christian heritage — they aren’t going to be allowed to vote themselves out of this situation.
“You go on rattling of Jewish conspiracies and cite as instances the Great War and the Russian Revolution! Can you wonder that we Jews have always taken your anti-Semites rather lightly, as long as they did not resort to violence?”
–Marcus Eli Ravage (Big Destruction Hammer of God), member of the staff of the New York Tribune, “A Real Case Against the Jews,” in Century Magazine, January-February, 1928).
Have you noticed what that novel “Camp of the saints” in English is costing of late ? Prices vary from version to version. Does anyone know if the later versions are edited from the first? I ask because publishers altered later versions of the original “King James Bible” texts in later versions and it’s said to get worse with ‘gender friendly’ texts from now on to accommodate faggotry.
Let’s all just take a moment of silence and appreciate the work the people behind this website do.
May God, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in you what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Controlled Opposition – Marine Le Pen
Marine Le Pen (born Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen, 5 August 1968) is a French politician, lawyer and the president of the Front National (FN). She is the youngest daughter of long-time Front National (FN) leader Jean-Marie Le Pen who had a close association with Nick Griffin leader of the British National Party (BNP). Since she joined the Front National party (FN), Marine Le Pen has advocated tolerance for abortion, homosexuality and immigration. She has also met with Jewish leaders and declared that anyone who questions the “Holocaust” construct will immediately be expelled from her party. In keeping with her patronage of the Jewish tribe Le Pen is cultivating a relationship with Jew Louis Aliot. Aliot, vice president of Front National has been trying to “rebuild [Front National’s] connections to the Jewish community,” and said: “we should not allow it to be said that the NF is a party excluding Jews. One can be of Jewish faith and belong to the NF.” If the Front National (FN) was ever patriotic under her father’s leadership Marine Le Pen’s agenda is to corrupt.
France: Jews in Le Pen’s Party Make Blacklist of Jew-Aware Candidates
Ex-French Foreign Minister: Israel Controls French Intelligence.
Ga …….
Thank you for being transparent. I realize how hard it can be in this day and age.
You wrote — “………I am here at CFT 1. to find out the truth that Jesus was NOT a Jew ……… “
How are you coming along with this? How did you come to think about the JQ in the first place?
For me — 9-11 was my entry. Growing up a “judeo-christian” — or evangelical christian, however you term it, it was quite a shock to discover who I believed to be “god’s chosen” were the Master minds behind 9-11 was quite the shock. Then I start to go back in time — learn about ww2 and how the Germans were the good guys and the holycost was a hoax was again ………….. LIFE CHANGING!!! To say the least. That led me to ask the question — “Well, then who are the Israelites from the Scriptures.” I still had a bumpy journey as this is the most guarded Gate. Eventually found CFT and the rest is history.
Thanks again for sharing. Hoping to have a fruitful and edifying relationship/conversation. Peace.
Thanks for sharing your journey which looks – entirely! ! ! – very similar to mine that also began with 9-11….
Thanks also for being one of the rare kind souls because many commentators here are very hostile.
Likewise, “Hoping to have a fruitful and edifying relationship/conversation. Peace.”
God bless.
Ga …..
So, where are you at with this question — “………I am here to find out the truth that Jesus was NOT a Jew ……… “
There are many, many articles here on this topic. Do you have any questions?
You also asked about “World Events”.
Have you studied Henry Ford’s writings? Pretty fascinating. Especially given the time period.
The “Protocols” are a must read. It’s pretty obvious, when you put the pieces together, this group of International Elite J’s have been controlling things for quite awhile.
I do have EMJ’s book — “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”. It was integral in my awakening. But I guess now, I’m not sure if I would recommend it.
I think EMJ is simply — Controlled Opposition. Whether he knows this or not is up for debate.
For me — it’s pretty simple. I’m a huge believer in the Spiritual World. It is easier for me to believe that EMJ is simply Spiritually Deceived rather than being what I would call an “Insider”. I don’t think EMJ is on the payroll so to speak. I just believe he does not possess the Holy Spirit of Truth. Satan appears as an Angel of Light. EMJ is being used by the Adversary and of course he doesn’t even know it.
I hear “Pawns in the Game” is a pretty good read in regards to past world events. But I don’t know for sure. I have it, but haven’t read it.
Nesta Webster is good read. Elizabeth Dilling as well.
With everything, you have to take the mindset or strategy of “Eat the Meat and Spit out the Bones”.
No one piece of work is perfect except of course for the Scriptures.
Alex Jones was instrumental in my awakening, so that should tell us something! Although that was back in the very early days. I think it became easy to spot that by 2005, he was an Insider for sure.
Anyway …………………………
Curious what you now think of the question as to the Core Teaching here at CFT — the Identity of the White Peoples of the World and the obvious reality that those who say they are of Judah, are not — Revelation 2:9.
Peace to you.
Thanks for reaching out and for sharing your hard-earned knowledge. We share the same journey since 9-11 but you are way ahead of me on ‘Jesus was NOT a Jew’ which is very recent for me. I’ve read most of the things you listed except for Nesta Webster and the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which I was tempted to buy but then I heard that EMJ was controlled-opposition. I remember the day I heard it, I went to buy a $100 gift card from the grocery store and gave it to a poor family in lieu of purchasing the book plus shipping and handling! lol!
I’m still trying to figure out what are the differences between CFT’s and Biblicism’s concepts of ‘Jesus was NOT a Jew’….
About Biblicicsm, you said that it really got ugly and I did look into the link you sent me. Do you have more links…?
Ga ………..
“…I’m still trying to figure out what are the differences between CFT’s and Biblicism’s concepts of ‘Jesus was NOT a Jew’….
That particular article is Ok. For the most part, he hits all the important points. I’d have to go read it again to be sure, however.
What biblicism does NOT do however, is CORRECTLY identify who Israel circa 1 AD is. And that is White Peoples who would later become European Peoples. I can’t remember exactly, but I think he simply leaves that question “blank”. He says “Hebrews/Israelites” simply don’t exist in the world today.
But what he does do with a passion is DENOUNCE, humiliate, shame and patronizes those who hold to the belief that White People are the Adamites/Israelites of Scripture . It was so bad he simply closed comments and then deleted a bunch of comments because I think he realized all he was doing was Ad Hominem and he looked like a 3rd grade bully.
I can’t imagine what he would say about this video —
100 Proofs the Israelites were White — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_pBwpOoLo0&t=162s
Not sure what you mean by “other links” from that site.
I don’t think he is worth reading regarding other topics on his site if that is what you mean. I simply can’t trust the man and quite frankly, I don’t think there is anything NEW he has to offer.
I would say “tread with caution”. If I have time today I will go over there and read some of his other articles/topics.
Question —– I’m confused as to why “comparing” his article with CFT’s research is important to you. But perhaps I misunderstood what you meant in your question.
Again …………… this type of communication is difficult. I apologize that some here may have come across as impatient or unkind, but this is what happens when we communicate this way. You kind of have to have a willingness to “rephrase” something you said that you thought seemed straightforward in your mind.
I’ve done this several times. Often times, I will re-read my comment when it gets posted and realize I said something in such a way that could easily be taken a different way. Etc., etc.
I’ve “scrapped” with Sparrow too. 🙂
You just have to “roll with the punches” and be ready to admit when maybe something you wrote wasn’t exactly the way you meant for how other’s read it.
This is a great forum for Questions. If you have any — offer them up, because I’m positive you will get a lot of answers. Some very smart, and wise people here. Blows me away what some have come to learn in their lifetime.
Have a nice day.
dweedle dee
Maybe this is a new trend:
Fire at migrant center in Mexico near El Paso kills at least 39
Some interesting comments here.
Makow would be a bad Jew in the eyes of the Jews as they are supposed to marry only Jews.
I found this yesterday which has some great quotes, especially that from Drach (p4) and explains the Jew v Jesuit argument. The publication from 1890 is a Jesuit publication:
The Holy Bible has tons of prophesy pertaining to the end times so God has His plans to address our ongoing situation.
Piarist Calasanz
Funny you say “Jew vs. Jesuit” argument.
You do know that the Jesuit Order was founded by a converso Jew, Ignatius Loyola? And that at one time, there were so many Jews in the Jesuit Order that it was derisively called a “virtual synagogue”….the Church at one time had to ban any further converso Jews from joining the order….
The Jesuits are still the most “jewish” of all the Catholic orders, which we should expect considering its foundation.
Appreciate your response.
Have you read the publication I linked to?
In my studies, I have read about I. L. being crypto but have not devoted much time to examining Jesuits, yet the publication I linked to is suggesting something very different whereby we can see Jesuits scathing exposition of the Jews. Indeed the link has a number of comments from Jews scathing about Judaism, Are they likewise crypto?
My question is: What would your explanation of that be?
(I disagree with their references to Hebrews and Israelites as the Scots (1320 claim) appear to be Israelites and the only reference In can think of calling a (devoted) Jew today a Hebrew would be they are from the other side meaning Satan. Lol.
Who are the real bad guys: The Jesuits or the Jews?
(They seem much like E. M. Jones albeit I am not of the R.C. tradition myself. )
I popped into a Reformed Church for a coffee following a service recently and when challenging the “I will bless those who bless the Jew” and having pointed out God never said that (to Abraham) I was met with anger followed by compromise. Indeed when I said Freemasonry was Jewish everyone gasped and walked out.
Seems to me the R.C. has a better understanding of Judaism than the Reformed Church.
To reiterate, if the Jesuits are a Jewish order why would they wish to go to such lengths to expose Jewish Talmudism?
Jesuit conspiracy is a Zionist psyop. Reality is Catholic true Jesuits vs Rothschilds fake Jesuits. The true Jesuits were once intrepid missionaries spreading the gospel around the world especially in the Orient and Americas. They were also great counter revolutionary warriors to the JudeoMasonic PROTESTant Revolution.
THE CHURCH – by a true Jesuit, not a Rothschild Jesuit
The Plot Against the Church
Maurice Pinay
Father Joaquin Sáenz y Arriaga, S.J.
PhD. (Philosophiæ Doctor – Doctor of Philosophy)
Th. D. (Doctor Theologiæ – Doctor of Theology)
J.C.D. (Juris Canonici Doctor – Doctor of Canon Law)
Catholics unveil Jewish plot – caused PROTESTant Revolution
The Catholic Gazette (London) February 1936
The Protestant Deformation in England
William Cobbett.
Lina writes: “The true Jesuits were once intrepid missionaries spreading the gospel around the world especially in the Orient and Americas.”
Where does it say in the Gospels that the Israelites were to take the Gospel to Asians and American Indians? Why were all Paul’s epistles written to white Europeans (Greeks and Romans)?
Please read our three part series on E. Michael Jones and “Logos and Africa”
Well, that’s one way of solving the high cost of heating your home. Very short term thinking though.
Looks like the mayor got the ace of spades.
https://youtu.be/kZWcaxYNKIM ,Mike Reid’s song Walk on faith is very inspiring and reminder of the search for truth
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
In regards to the riots in France started with the pension reform, DEVEREUX, Robert Harold Ferrers,, wants the pension age higher for France.
Links to 788 790 Finchley Road scammers Barbara Kahan, Company House frauds UK – so link to Finchley Road fraud money laundering as I have discovered Rothschild bankers run the fraud and money laundering it’s not enough to charge interest on the money they loan out they take more money via other means.
Macron is a Rothschild banker and as Gordon Bowden said follow the money:
[In response to CFT comment: https://christiansfortruth.com/protesters-burn-down-house-of-mayor-who-supported-migrant-asylum-center-in-small-french-town/#comment-172116%5D
Hi, CFT.
Thank you for your kind welcome, above. I am glad to be here among kindred spirits.
I have found in your writing something that is lacking in most other Christian Israel, Christian Identity, Revisionist History, and JQ websites: Pastoral sense.
It is far too easy to latch onto the intellectual thrill of uncovering the conspiracy, or to lapse into hatred of those who perpetrate it.
You keep the focus squarely on Jesus Christ.
I am not above a little humor at the expense of Christ’s haters, or a momentary flash of anger at their wickedness, but I try to put it all in context. When the Kingdom is restored, none of this will matter.
I appreciate you as a “worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
@ Mancunian:
Thank you for your kind words. It is very heartening for us when our readers truly understand our mission and what we always endeavor to accomplish — which ultimately is to always focus on Christ by understanding world events through the prism of Israel Identity.
All too often readers who discover our work fail to understand who we are before they comment, and they use our articles as an excuse to talk about what they believe or push their own agenda.
We appreciated your comment and how you articulated what we are about so much so that we included in our “About” page — which you can read here:
I’m humbled, CFT. You really have provided a sort of “virtual congregation.” I left the denomination of my youth (and the support it provided) on principle, knowing that my convictions no longer fit. Exiles need a pastor, too, and you – by the Lord’s grace – provide that. God bless you and your collaborators.
My question for you; So the other Identity teachers are lacking in a pastoral sense? So who are these other Identity preachers, teachers, writers, etc that are lacking in a pastoral sense?
Please elaborate. Leave nothing out.
Thank you.
Hi, Bruce. Apologies for the delay. It’s been a long work day. I’ve mulled over your question since this morning and have to beg your pardon for the term “lacking.” It has moral overtones, as if something is absent that ought to be there. That is not what I meant. I wanted to commend CFT for adding a valuable service, not to condemn others for placing the emphasis on other parts of the Whole Counsel of God.
There are many writers and speakers whose work brought me to understand the Kingdom message. Most of these have gone to their rest: Comparet, Emry, Swift, Peters, Hathaway, Martin, Hoskins – to name only a few. These were truly pastors and watchmen.
There are others still around whose material I find helpful, even if I question something about their message or motive. I love Dewey Tucker, but fear he may inspire ungrounded believers to attempt to bring on the Great Day of God Almighty on their own. The Israel Identity message is strong meat. Some people still need milk. I dare say most of us do on occasion, myself included. That’s one of the reasons I appreciate CFT. The Sabbath day articles (like “How do I know I’m an Israelite”) put genealogy in perspective. It doesn’t trump the fundamentals of Christian faith like Conviction of Sin, Repentance, Assurance of Pardon, Grace, and Faith.
There are other sites that provide valuable resources, like Christogenea, even though I suspect Finck of “spiritual counterintelligence.” He reminds me too much of the producers of Euro-folk radio. I can’t pin down the exact cause of my uneasiness. It’s more a matter of tone. They seem like false friends. I may be wrong, and, if so, will gladly amend my opinion.
Lastly – to the matter of the many secular writers on the JQ: they are a great source of information, but mostly fail to offer hope. Makow is certainly in this category, as is Michael Hoffman. The late Barry Chamish was another. Then there’s the aforementioned Euro-folk radio, the Renegade Tribune, the now deplatformed JewWatch. they all serve a purpose, but I would not turn to any of them for spiritual nourishment.
I know this was not perhaps as specific as you would like, Bruce. I am somewhat limited by time. Please be assured, though, that I meant no offense to sincere CI, KI, II teachers.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Never use Britannia Hotels.
The owner making tens of millions from housing illegal migrants is Alex Langsam Jewish background. many have been protesting outside migrant hotels and Jeremy Corbyn calls those protesters racists and says refugees welcome here:
Chris Maley
No, – the worst one is Nicholas Van Hoogstraaten, – the billionaire Hove, Sussex landlord who literally sponsored Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Look him up.
I grew up in a city in Wisconsin,we had a few blacks but just north of us a city with no blacks but they had Jews – a guy asked how did you guys end up with blacks and the other town with Jews. I said we had first pick.
I was visiting my sister in a small town further north – we had a flat tire, no spare, was walking through the parking lot of a grocery store with the flat tire, and a guy working there asked if I was going to so and so’s to get the tire fixed. I said, yeah. He said his keys were in his car over there and I could use it. I said are you sure? And he said go ahead – I couldn’t believe it, never met the guy – would have never happened in my hometown. It was 1990 and the town was mostly white.
GA ……………….
Greetings. Oh, the beauty of a comment section. Conversations can get out of control and of context quickly.
First ……………. please accept my apology if you thought I was accusing you of not being a Christian as a statement of Fact. Please understand, you gave me no indication prior that you were. We get many commenters come in here and disrupt the forum, so please understand that it can be hard to give people the benefit of the doubt right off the bat.
I thought I tried to do that with you. I said “I suspect you are not……………….”
Maybe it was a “Challenge”. I wanted to know who you were. Tell me something about you that would draw me in to you as a person and not just someone making a comment.
It pains me how many people we get in here who are just platforming.
Anyway …………………….. I also tried to make a distinction between a “Christian” and a “Follower of Jesus”. There are a billion + self-professing “christians” in this world, and if that were true, there wouldn’t be a need for CFT.
I said to you that all the answers are in the Scriptures. And I mean that, literally. You are asking questions that the Scriptures answer.
Since you are a Christian, I would simply encourage you to get back into the Scriptures and not worry so much about all the rest.
Are you looking for a Church? Are you looking for a Fellowship of like-minded peoples?
Can you share what your experience personally has been with “Christianity”? Do you now go to a certain church; did you grow up going to church? Etc., etc.
If you have an anonymous email — you could drop that here and I will email you and we can have a more personal discussion in private if you are really in need of answers/help/fellowship, etc.
Peace to you Ga.
Apology accepted…but I am Ga (not this GA), lol.
You seem to be replying to my post to Sparrow, right? wherein I said,
Obviously you have not read my comment earlier today in reply to West who accuses me of not being a Christian.
But if you look at my direct reply to you, I did not take any offence in your comments to me but I first appreciated the clarifications and links you have sent me. So I wrote first:
Thanks for all the links, please keep sending them.
Tell me, West,
wouldn’t this comment of mine be enough to prove that I am a Christian?
First, I am researching to prove that Jesus was NOT a Jew and therefore Judeo-Christianity is FALSE and “Salvation is of the Jews” is a BIG LIE because “Damnation is of the Jews.” This should be a more appropriate religious jargon.
Tell me, West,
what kind of comments have I made that could have shown that I was not a Christian?
Peace to you too, West.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
This is an absolute disgrace – what does Welsh gov do nothing while rich London firm probably Jewish buys up a whole Welsh village. If they can do this to a Welsh village, which village could be next?
Apparently the “London Developer” is actually a Welsh outfit based in London. The Irish do the same albeit more violently in the past. They made a fortune in construction rebuilding IRA bombed buildings during 70’s 80’s 90’s and are the largest white community in London today, – probably overtaken now by Polish/Romanian who compete with or work for them.
It’s coming to them. Almost twenty years ago, I was almost alone with a few people on internet – the crazy one, banned from Jewtube for pointing fingers at the jews and their paid corrupted agents in politics.
Today it’s a flood of people who’ve gotten jewWise — and hunger will wake them more and more. The jews and their paid corrupted rats in politics are finished. Those who survive the coming famine will build heaven on Earth as Christ promise us and he will rule with ROD of IRON.
I was there 25 years ago.
Remember it well.
Looks like everything coming to fruition.
DBS was the best.
Oilwellian …………
Daryl Bradford Smith was one of the firsts, that is for sure. He was very instrumental in my awakening to the JQ. So, I thank him for that.
I wonder how he is today.
I will say this though about DBS — not to besmirch his work, but at least 5 years into his tenure, it because clear that White Genocide was a major goal to jewish perfidy, if not goal #1.
I had several “back and forth” with DBS on forums (Ognir’s I believe) and in private Email.
I tried to highlight this fact —- White Genocide — and he rejected it without pause. Made him mad actually. Now, I’m not sure if that was because his wife was non-white or ……………. and I hate to even go there — But was he a plant too?
Why did he resist that information so passionately? Rhetorical.
I’d be curious how Ognir thinks about this subject now. It’s been 20 years. Surely by now Ognir (a white guy) has seen the evidence. He must “feel” it too.
Glad you brought up DBS. Seems like a whole world ago but in reality it really wasn’t that long ago.
The one thing he and Rafiq got wrong was the imminent financial crash. I mean, it’s happening — it’s just a death by a thousand cuts. But they definitely misunderstood Finance. How can anyone understand “Finance” when the jew makes it up as they go. There are no rules. No absolutes. It’s their game and they make the rules.
West, as far as Daryl Bradford Smith goes, I too read his material regularly about 20 years ago, but eventually I had to abandon him because of his refusal to address the race issue.
You answered your own question, that is, DBS, as far as I can recall, had a Black wife, which made the race question impossible for him. Nor would he talk about the Jews in a racial context for that same reason, and because he was afraid of getting thrown in jail for “hate speech”, because he lived in France. Same reason he wouldn’t talk about the Holohoax.
What really soured me on DBS was an interview he did with the elderly Paul Finley, right before he died. Finely did great work on the Zionist control of America, but DBS pushed him on the Zionist involvement in 9/11, but Finley didn’t know anything about it, and DBS basically hung up on him. What a pathetic, self-absorbed man he was.
Basically, I came to the conclusion that DBS was a paranoid and borderline hysterical individual with a persecution complex who greatly over-estimated his own importance. None of his material was original, as Michael Collins Piper once pointed out about Daryl.
I think he eventually hit a wall intellectually. And because of the limitations he put on himself and the subjects he refused to address, there was nothing left for him to say.
Great analysis. Couldn’t agree more. You are one sharp tool. 🙂
Much Wisdom.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
My awakening to the jewish question was a prophetic dream which was revealed to me by my mum who was worried when i shouted in my sleep. She told me I was saying, “Beware dark people in dark suits and hats doing dark things.” Who was I describing? Jewish rabbis, Chabad Lubavitch – seems quite unusual to some.
If he was hanging from a lamppost next to his burnt car perhaps the other traitors would sense the pendulum swinging back with a vengeance.
Lynchings were always in the public square, not for entertainment, but as a unmistakable warning or deterrent. Punishment was swift, no dragging out the sentence through years of appeals by shyster Jewish lawyers. Criminals knew what awaited them if caught.
This threat of lynching worked especially well in the post-Civil War American South, and even black writers, like Langston Hughes, have admitted that lynchings under the “Lynch Law” had a positive effect on blacks in keeping them on the straight and narrow.
And we can all thank the Lynch clan in Ireland for the advent of these public spectacles. A little Irish justice goes a long way, as the British learned the hard way.
After recent mention on here about the blood libel of Belgians over their Congo colony, I suspect the British oppression of the Irish was a (((psyop))) because Ireland today is a judaized nation (abortion etc) not run by the Irish.
The IRA fought hard to “give Ireland back to the Irish” but then they went and handed it over to the likes of a homosexual pajeet (Leo Varadkar) without a fight?
ISIS was a paramilitary group funded by the globalists in DC. Was the IRA the same way?
Please forgive off topic, but I was so shocked at this which makes part of understanding the terrible judgement coming from our Lord Christ Jesus. Warning: demonic
Guru giving blessing to women.
Heeby Kikeburger
So Napoleon was a Rothschild puppet? Did I read that right?
If so, could you do an article on Napoleon in the future? That would be interesting.
– Kikeburger
Where did you read that?
Heeby Kikeburger
It was about 1/3 way down the article.
” The “French” Revolution was the beginning of the end of Christian France — as the Judeo-Freemasons orchestrated the first overthrow of a Christian European monarchy — and quickly thereafter Napoleon formally emancipated the Jews in 1791— which allowed the Rothschilds to become the de facto rulers of the new “Republic” — under the guise of “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.” ”
So Napoleon was a Rothschild puppet? It would make sense, but I’ve heard differing things about Napoleon. The theory that makes the most sense w/ my limited information was that Napoleon never existed– he was a nickname for the French soldier like the Germans calling the Russians “Ivan” or the Americans calling the Japs “Tojo” after Hideki Tojo.
So the French created a cult of personality around this nonexistent (or very uneventful) “Napoleon” to confound their enemies with terror of the “Unbeatable General Napoleon of France”, and to cover their tracks for the King of France & now apparently the Rothschilds who were actually running the country. Which is why so many of Napoleon’s stories sound unbelievable– because they are– and why there’s no painting of Napoleon where Napoleon actually posed for the painting & why his paintings all look like different people.
Heeby, if you think Napoleon never existed, you are right: your own “limited information” condemns you. Just stop. Put on your tin foil hat and peddle your nonsense somewhere else. You obviously have a screw loose to believe that Napoleon never existed. So many eyewitnesses who knew him wrote books…books that you’ve obviously never bothered to read before you shared your opinion based on your “limited information”. Unbelievable.
I also wonder about this, I thought of Napoleon as being a Trump-like figure who had good ideas but was operating within the jewish power structure.
While I understand that it is just a TV show, it fascinates me that the TV show [I]Sharpe[/i], starring Sean Bean and set during the Napoleonic Wars, has an episode where England has been bankrupted by the war and needs a Rothschild bailout, but the Rothschilds won’t bail England out unless England smuggles out on of their kin from Napoleon’s territory in Europe.
The Rothschild kin is on the lam because he was profiteering and plundering during the war, and is an absolute degenerate, an arrogant transsexual.
I wonder if Napoleon really were cracking down on the Rothschilds.
I would say that Napoleon’s emancipation of the Jews was entirely a political strategy. He wanted to please the Jews, release them from the ghettos and integrate them into French society, so that they would basically invest their money in France. As you said, he needed their money to fight his wars.
However he had no love for the Jews. He once said, “I have avoided doing anything which could show any esteem for the most despicable of mankind.”
Russian Tsar Alexander I denounced Napoleon’s emancipation of the Jews and called him the “Anti-Christ” and “Enemy of God” for doing so. I believe that these sentiments ultimately would lead the Jews to assassinate the Tsars and overthrow Russia as an act of vengeance.
Mr. W.A.Woloszczuk.
Excellent article,
but I see it as Jewish lightning, to demonize an already divided local community.
By way of deception thou shalt do war.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
The Jews have used wars for centuries to wipe out Gentiles. Like the bloody Banker WW I & Banker WW II, horrific wars that saw mostly White soldiers doing the fighting & dying, & White civilians also dying in huge numbers.
Which we are now being seen repeated in Ukraine, where a couple of Jew factions are arguing over who gets the biggest share of the loot, while the White soldiers are doing the fighting & dying.
The Jews, who twirl a chicken three times over their head as atonement for their sins, must be laughing uncontrollably at the White men who keep on buying their deceit for wars after wars. How many tens of millions of white men have died in the Bolshevik Revolution and the two World Wars and ensuing wars? The White men are killing off their own race.
The White men are Christians who have the one true God in Jesus Christ and neither do they confess their sins by twirling chickens over their heads nor do they go to copulate an invisible goddess before an ancient wailing wall… But why are White men so gullible as to fall prey to the serpentine lies of the Jews, generation after generation? Why the endless White Christian men’s stupidity to die for Jewish wars??
Tens of thousands of White men in Ukraine are falling dead like flies so now more White men are called to go and join their Russian-made graveyards. Now 20,000 White Polish men have gone into Ukraine ready to fall dead like flies and as laughingstock for the Jewish slaughterhouse (according to EMJ, oops) https://www.bitchute.com/video/5LKogZwbc840/
It looks like those chickens twirling over the head of serpentine Jews are smarter than the dove of the Holy Spirit over the heads of the Apostles at Pentecost. And those Talmudic twirling chickens outside Jewish heads seem to be more clever than the Christian Bible pondering inside the heads of White men!
Ga …….
I suspect you are not a Follower of Jesus Christ.
I would say — you are not a “christian” but you see this is the problem. The name doesn’t mean anything anymore.
The answers to your questions are written in the Scriptures. Both the Old and New Testament will answer your questions.
Tell us a little bit about you? Not that you have to get too detailed, but who are you? Are you White? Which Continent are you from. etc., etc.?
Why are you not a Follower of Jesus Christ?
How did you find CFT? What is the appeal to come here and read the articles?
When and how did you learn about the JQ?
I mean this with all sincerity. I’m always very curious as to how and why people come here.
Thanks for all the links, please keep sending them.
First, I am researching to prove that Jesus was NOT a Jew and therefore Judeo-Christianity is FALSE and “Salvation is of the Jews” is a BIG LIE because “Damnation is of the Jews.” This should be a more appropriate religious jargon.
Second, I’m trying to figure out why the different types of Christians are so hostile to each other while claiming they have the one true God in Jesus Christ and why those chicken-twirling-over-Jewish-heads are more clever than their Christian heads supposedly with the Holy Spirit. (No pun intended.) And as ‘Divide and Conquer’ goes, Christians are all divided against each other because they focus and nitpick on their secondary differences, e.g. Protestants mock the Mass and statues of Catholics. Because Christians are not united and are so busy nit-picking each other, therefore they are not informing enough the White Christian men about the Jews. Because of their ignorance about the Jews, the White men are willing to go and die for Jewish concocted wars generation after generation from the Bolshevik Revolution to today.
The post I placed above about the 20,000 White Polish (Catholic Christian) men going to willingly die in Ukraine was exposed by E. Michael Jones. EMJ in the video passionately warns the Polish interviewer of the strategy of the Jews to first kill off all the men in Ukraine, and then the men in Poland, then Hungary, and then Germany… Those are ALL White men in those White countries even if E. Michael Jones does not say it. E. Michael Jones seems to be the most outspoken Christian against the Jews on YouTube and on social media right now. He is like a lone Christian soldier fighting the Jews and consequently their battalion of “Christian Zionist” pastors in Protestant churches who are unceasingly brainwashing Americans that Israel Palestine is the Promised Land for the Jews which they conquered in 1948. E. Michael Jones is not perfect but he is on target on the “enemies of the whole human race.” 1 Thessalonians 2:15 (Don’t you think so?)
So I was thinking, people are not like trees that can easily be planted and they’ll replace trees burnt in forests or trees razed for commercial purposes. Just imagine how many thousands of White Polish woman will it take to give birth to 20,000 white baby boys to replace those 20,000 White soldiers that have gone off to Ukraine to quench Jewish evil thirst for White Men’s Blood through wars? And those White baby boys have to be raised properly in Christian homes to become like those 20,000 young robust men who have gone to Ukraine to be slaughtered by the Jews. Those are probably men in their 20’s and 30’s. The same story goes for when will those 100,000 (?) White men killed in Ukraine be replenished. And if you link those White men’s statistics to White women’s feminism who don’t want to have babies (per Makow), plus the horrendous transgender Jewish agenda, and the Gay Disco Mafia (per E. Micheal Jones), when will Poland ever replenish the 20,000 White men that have been sent to the Jewish slaughterhouse in Ukraine?
I also saw this video by chance wherein E. Michael Jones exposed LifeSite News and John-Henry Westen’s very subtle pro-Jewish stance. E. Michael Jones and this White woman are two Catholics exposing the Jews control in the Catholic Church’s media. https://www.bitchute.com/video/9iPlGXbf8dyN/
Has CFT written something about John-Henry Westen?
We have not written a specific article about John-Henry Westen, but we did mention him in the following article about traditional Catholics in relation to E. Michael Jones:
Kindly give 3 or 5 places in Scriptures.
You wrote,
The answers to your questions are written in the Scriptures. Both the Old and New Testament will answer your questions.
Ga ……
This comment of yours was the first comment that I read before I made my first comment to you.
I don’t read anything about your personal belief/faith in this comment.
Why, although better than nothing I suppose, I hate this world we find ourselves. I wish we could have had this discussion in person.
In that comment, I intended to show the stark comparison between the Jews vs. Christians. The Jews atone for their sins through ridiculous twirling-of-chickens-over-their-heads versus the Christians who confess their sins directly to Christ as the Protestants do or through priests as the Catholics do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpY7ec9ie0g
Is it not obvious that the ones twirling-chickens-over-their-heads are only 2 % of the population yet they own almost all the wealth of the world through banks and Globalist corporations and they control all the wars where White men have been killed by the tens of millions since the Bolshevik Revolution until today in the Ukraine War?
So, why is it that the Jews can kill White men until White men become the minority in White countries? And why is it that Jews have infiltrated and hijacked the biggest Catholic Church and destroyed her rites and doctrines and put in the Gay Disco Mafia to rule over her (which E Michael Jones keeps talking about)? I don’t agree with everything that EMJ say, but all soldiers should watch this video https://www.bitchute.com/video/JZvlAArL5pku/ This is all in English except for one minute at the beginning.
In this video, EMJ makes a passionate plea to the Polish people NOT to join the Ukraine war because that is the intention of the Jews, to wipe out the (White) men in Ukraine first, then next to wipe out the (White) men in Poland, then Hungary, then Germany, all to die only for the Jew Gay Disco.
If Jews are only 2% of the population, that means they have killed more White men than the chickens-they-have-twirled-over-their-heads?!!!
If White men and all soldiers can see the ridiculous logic of all these, perhaps they won’t be so ready to go die in those Jewish concocted wars — concocted in Jewish heads with chickens-twirling-over-their Jewish brains– that have been killing off White men since the Bolshevik Revolution until today like the war now in Ukraine. Wouldn’t you agree?
West, I appreciate your honesty. Feel free to tell me anytime if what I have written was not Christian.
God bless.
Ga ……..
I will work on a response to your recent comment above.
But, I wanted to make sure you read this comment by CFT — https://christiansfortruth.com/protesters-burn-down-house-of-mayor-who-supported-migrant-asylum-center-in-small-french-town/#comment-172568
It would be a primer to the direction I would point you to.
I will try to respond to you by the end of the day. Peace.
Ga ………..
“……Feel free to tell me anytime if what I have written was not Christian……”
What does “Christian” mean to you?
I don’t want to speak to you in any way that may come across as patronizing. This is why I hate having to communicate in this way. I don’t want to assume anything.
I briefly made a few comments to you which would indicate more detailed “beliefs” that I hold.
Ex: I said that there is a huge difference between “Christian” and someone who is a “Follower of Jesus Christ”.
Jesus said that there would be MANY on that day of Judgement who will say “Lord, Lord.” And Jesus will say to them — “…. I never knew you…..”
I just did a quick google on World Wide Christian Population — 2.2 Billion.
If this were true, we wouldn’t need a CFT and we wouldn’t have a JP.
So, to me — “Christian” and being a True Follower of Jesus Christ are two totally different ideas or categories. And this is prophesied. The Whole Bible tells of this story. This is the direction I will go in my next response. But, again, I would like to speak to you as an equal, but I know nothing about you. What do you already know? Rhetorical Question. I don’t know that answer.
What does “Christian” mean to you? How long have you been a Christian? Where did you learn about Jesus Christ? Do you identify with any one particular denomination?
There is no space for a “reply” to your two comments below.
I am a baptized Christian and I believe in the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who alone can save my soul and the souls of mankind. I believe in what He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life” and “the truth shall set you free.”
So everything I say and do is centred on Jesus Christ and on speaking and leading others to Christ’s truth, the Christian truth, and in an intelligent, truthful, kind Christian manner.
I am here at CFT 1. to find out the truth that Jesus was NOT Jew 2. to find out the truth about famous pundits like E. Michael Jones and Makow who seem to be the loudest and fiercest voices against the Jews right now. 3. to find out the truth about world events.
Talk and write to me as an equal who’s as equally knowledgeable on the Bible, the different types of Christianity, world religions, world history and world events.
I have read all the links you have sent to me. Thanks for your time, West.
Cheers to you too!
It’s my belief that the Jews killed off most of the Christians of Europe in wars (every war resulted in a less Christian Europe), and so what’s left are the atheists, and what we’re seeing here with this migrant takeover is a fulfillment of Deuteronomy 28 and 32. God will send against you those who are not a people, a foolish nation.
To save the tribe of France (the Franks), you’d have to not only save it from this invasion, but also their souls. Neither of these seem likely. And if they turned again to their traditions, what is that? Catholic statues, that can neither see, nor move, nor talk, nor save… dumb idols.
Saint-Brévin in France protest against the establishment of 120 migrants in the municipal school https://www.medias-presse.info/alain-escada-prendra-la-parole-a-saint-brevin-contre-limplantation-de-120-migrants-dans-lecole-municipale/171507/
(Google translate) Alain Escada will speak in Saint-Brévin against the establishment of 120 migrants in the municipal school.
The president of Civitas calls on his supporters to go to the rally organized next Saturday, February 25, 2023, in front of the Town Hall of Saint-Brévin, to protest against the work intended to house 120 migrants in the municipal school.
Dear friends,
I will go to the demonstration in front of the town hall of Saint-Brévin on Saturday February 25 at 2 p.m. against the installation of a center for migrants in part of the local school. I will speak at the request of the organizers.
Consequently, I ask all our members and supporters who can, to come. With flags, banners and placards. Alain Escada
Why don’t Christians protest in town halls like these French people do — With flags, banners and placards?
Is CFT aware of this website? https://henrymakow.com/2023/03/jews-you-are-in-grave-danger.html
Yes, Ga, we are aware of Henry Makow. Why do you ask?
As long as Henry Makow insists that the Holocaust happened, he cannot be trusted at all.
He also encourages White men to find wives in Asia because American women are ruined by feminism.
The Holocaust and race mixing are two of the big weapons the Jews use against the White race, and Henry Makow uses them both against us.
Do not trust this guy.
Makow presents himself as one of the “good Jews” who are on our side….his whole shtick is convincing white people that “not all Jews” are bad, only a tiny cabal of Jews at the top, and the “good” Jews take the blame for what the “bad” Jews do.
Makow himself is one of the bad Jews, as Noticer said, by promoting holocaust and race mixing. He also promotes destructive, nonsensical conspiracy theories that send people down rabbit holes, like Hitler was controlled opposition or a Rothschild love child or puppet.
He gives you enough truth to let your guard down, and then he stabs you in the back with the Jewish leaven. It amazes me that more of his readers can’t see through him, it’s as if they want to be able to say that they know a “good Jew” to prove they aren’t antisemites.
Makow is playing a very slick game.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Makow is a fraud, a shape-shifter desperately trying to get the Gentiles to believe he’s on our side, but keeps pushing the holoHOAX lies & race-mixing.
Jews are not to be trusted, period.
I used to read & post comments on Makowstein’s site, but not anymore, since he kept deleting my comments, which were only truths he refuses to acknowledge.
I find it telling that Makow’s website is framed in red. The dominant color of the page is always bold, Edomite red. When it comes to Canaanites, I long ago ceased to believe in coincidences. The color scheme is a subliminal signature.
CFT – I am a long-time reader and first-time commenter. I greatly appreciate your work. I learn a great deal from you and your frequent commenters West, Shlomo Bergsteinowitz, Boz and others.
Welcome! The vast majority of our readers never leave comments. The ones who do comment represent only a tiny fraction of our readership — it has always been that way, but we are always glad to welcome new voices in the comments section — we all need to feel that we are not alone in our views.
And we find that people who follow CFT for a while and study our material first before commenting often leave more informed and interesting comments. But as you probably know, many new readers often just jump in without knowing the first thing about who we are and what we believe, which can be a waste of everyone’s time.
Just as it is in radio, when people call in for the first time, they often say, “Long-time listener, first-time caller” — we know we have regular readers all around the world who have never commented — but we hope that one day they will, just as you have, Mancunian. Thank you!
So called good Jews are like UFOs. You often hear of them, but see never one. And those who have claimed to have seen them are plain bat s*** crazy.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Best way to test these people is to bring up touchy subjects like Hitler and holocaust – he will either reveal his true nature, ignore you, or just block you, like Tru News did to me.
So by what Henry Makow said in regards to this – encourages White men to find wives in Asia because American women are ruined by feminism, he backs the anti-white Kalergi Plan.
Makow seems to be exposing, daily, all the evils of the Freemasons and Illuminati and the Covid scam…like no other websites do …but he is not to be trusted?
No , not completely. Makow gives out some really good stuff sometimes…but then slides in holohoax garbage or ‘Hitler was a jew and in on the whole thing’ stuff. (((they))) often ‘suck you in’ with some good truths, and then hope you’ll take everything else they say too. Take what is good and reasonable [and verifiable] and leave the rest. Do not trust everything he says.
So what’s wrong with Makow are: 1. Holohoax. 2. Hitler was a Jew. 3. race-mixing (his 3rd wife is Mexican. His 2nd wife was Filipina) 4. “not all Jews” are bad. What else?
Today his post is, Catholics Defined Jewish Hegemony 133 Years Ago https://henrymakow.com/2023/03/jewish-control-a-fait-accompli.html
At the end he concluded, ” It leads me to think ordinary Jews will take the blame for what rich Jews and Freemasons are doing.”
This proves Boz right, that “only a tiny cabal of Jews at the top, and the “good” Jews take the blame for what the “bad” Jews do.”
This means that all that “Jews and the Devil” Makow keeps posting is indicative only for a few Jews?
Freemasonry is dominated and run by the Jews. So is the Catholic Church. Everywhere you look Jews. Even the “good” Jews overwhelmingly vote Liberal agenda, and the “conservative” Jews are also liberal, pro-Israel. All Jews are rejectors of Christ. So tell me, what “good” are these “good” Jews that Makow speaks of?
And why hasn’t Makow’s website been shut down for “hate speech” in Canada? Why is he not in jail for hate speech? Funny how that works in a Soviet-style police state like Canada….makes me wonder if Makow isn’t protected somehow.
Ga ……………….
Not sure if you read Kevin’s comment on a different article —
This is just a great comment overall concerning the JQ in general —
Keven wrote in reply to Mark —“…..Mark, who said anything about “hating” Jews simply for being born Jews? You imposed that on this story, because you’ve been programmed by the Jewish media to believe that anyone who criticizes Jews is motivated by “hate”, not for what is really about, which is love for your own. Antisemitism is healthy reaction against “judaizers”.
And even so-called “good” Jews are judaizers if you just sit down with them, scratch the surface, and hear the liberal policies that most of them support, such as open immigration from the Third World, racial pluralism, COVID vaccines, abortion, LGBT “rights”, and most “normal” Jews support the holocaust myth which is a blood libel against all White people, not just “Nazis”.
They have been kicked out Christian nations and states in Europe at least 109 times, yet you seem to believe that this is all just a coincidence? That they were “scapegoated”? That they “didn’t do anything”? Christians and Jews are like oil and water, and forcing them to live together always has resulted in tensions.“
Why don’t you address true facts instead of defending Makow? Why doesn’t Makow give reason and understanding as to truth of these so-called jews rewriting our history books, usurping our government from its founding and it’s declaration, its tribal satanic values imposed on what once was a Christian nation spat upon by these double standard lies to cause untold chaos and death.
Your defense of Makow says what you are instead of considering the truth. Do you honestly believe the good Jews (whatever that means, lol) are not going to be Judged by Jesus Christ whom they hate? You aren’t here to be part of this CHRISTIAN forum, but to bring what good and bad Jews do…and that is to insert lies, defend them, double down on them and then run shouting names like a neighborhood bully when facing retribution.
All the Jews have it coming, so maybe that’s what Makow is afraid of. Incitement is what they do best.
PS…I hate neighborhood bullies…they deserve a lynching if not more.
A. Clifton
Prepare for the Return of the King.
Remember the Almighty writes the script.
…a little background on France….
in the eternal “ovens of Truth” @ Matthew 13-39-43.
Grown ass blacks beating and stomping on a small, helpless White child.
“And the one idea is: how we are going to exterminate White people. We have to exterminate White people off of the face of the planet to solve this problem.”. As declared on CSPAN
Grown adult black male verbally abuses small White child.
South beach Miami, a large group of blacks crowd the street, crime and unruly behavior immediately occur. #getawayfromthem
A large group of blacks attack a lone White man walking away from them. They quickly surround him and beat him into oblivion. How much time do you think the
spent identifying anyone involved in this hate crime? How about the media coverage? #getawayfromthem
First of all, you are very wrong in saying: 1. that I am “defending Makow” 2. that I said the word “good Jews” because I never said “good Jews” but it is from the citation from Boz’s comments. 3. “You aren’t here to be part of this CHRISTIAN forum, but to bring what good and bad Jews do…and that is to insert lies, defend them, double down on them…”
You owe me an apology.
Where and when did I defend Makow? I am trying to understand what is wrong with him because he seems obsessed with the “Satanic Cabbalist Jews and Freemasons and Illuminati and the scamdemic.”
When and where did I say “good Jews?”
It was Boz who wrote that “only a tiny cabal of Jews at the top, and the “good” Jews take the blame for what the “bad” Jews do.” See March 25, 2023 at 5:58 am
When and where did I “insert lies, defend them, and double down on them…?”
When and where did I say anything that was not CHRISTIAN in this Christian forum?
On March 26, 2023 at 12:15 pm you wrote :
“Why don’t you address true facts instead of defending Makow? Why doesn’t Makow give reason and understanding as to truth of these so-called jews rewriting our history books, usurping our government from its founding and it’s declaration, its tribal satanic values imposed on what once was a Christian nation spat upon by these double standard lies to cause untold chaos and death.
“Your defense of Makow says what you are instead of considering the truth. Do you honestly believe the good Jews (whatever that means, lol) are not going to be Judged by Jesus Christ whom they hate? You aren’t here to be part of this CHRISTIAN forum, but to bring what good and bad Jews do…and that is to insert lies, defend them, double down on them and then run shouting names like a neighborhood bully when facing retribution.”
Ga wrote “It was Boz who wrote that “only a tiny cabal of Jews at the top, and the “good” Jews take the blame for what the “bad” Jews do.” See March 25, 2023 at 5:58 am”
No, I didn’t say that. I said that Makow said that. Don’t put words in my mouth, please.
You wrote on March 25, 2023 at 5:58 am
(Open qoute) Makow presents himself as one of the “good Jews” who are on our side….his whole shtick is convincing white people that “not all Jews” are bad, only a tiny cabal of Jews at the top, and the “good” Jews take the blame for what the “bad” Jews do. (End qoute)
So it looks like you are the one talking about “good Jews” with emphasis by using quotation marks. Can you link to the actual article of Makow wherein he used these words, “good Jews?”
Obviously you have not read my comment earlier today in reply to West who accuses me of not being a Christian.
First, I am researching to prove that Jesus was NOT a Jew and therefore Judeo-Christianity is FALSE and “Salvation is of the Jews” is a BIG LIE because “Damnation is of the Jews.” This should be a more appropriate religious jargon.
“Damnation is of the Jews.”
Got that?
First off I do have a life besides being here. It was Makow to whom you seem to be defending that wrote about the so called ‘good Jews’ in a link you gave. I think Boz was also coming from that link you dropped. EMJ and Makow are the standard controlled opposition. So if you are on a hunt for Truth then start there.
Here is a good place to start. https://twitter.com/FitzInfo/status/1639687913997836294?s=20
Where and when did you see me “…insert lies, defend them, double down on them…”
You owe me an apology.
Sparrow is
Eef U Ga. Got that?
No I don’t get it. What does it mean?
You owe me an apology.
Ga, no one owes you an apology. You’ve now demanded apologies from others a number of times. If you are so easily offended, this is not the place for you. You are the first commenter in six years to demand an apology. Any further demands for apologies will be deleted.
Instead of blaming others, take responsibility for your own lack of clarity. Say something like “Maybe I failed to make my point clear. Let me try again.” A humble spirit goes a long way around here.
The reason people have criticized some of your comments is because you have not made yourself clear. Your comments are not nearly as understandable as you may think they are, and people have no choice but to respond to what they think you are saying.
Correction on what you wrote, “You’ve now demanded apologies from others a number of times.” No, I’ve demanded apology to only one person, Sparrow, because his accusation toward me of “…insert lies, defend them, double down on them…” is not tolerable in a supposedly intelligent forum. He can strongly disagree with any unclear comments I have made, but accusing me of “inserting lies and doubling down on them” should not be tolerated. Comments should be examined for their contents and civilized debates be made, but persons should not be attacked.
West apologized for saying that I was not a Christian, but I never asked an apology from him. I wanted to say, “Apology accepted…on behalf of Sparrow” but held off. West has been very gracious in sending me links to clarify things.
I was here to seek for truth but instead found out that …. West is the only kind soul…. and Sparrow and CFT and others throw stones like Jews did to Stephen because they disagreed with what he said.
Sparrow, what’s the name of the accuser, your pal in the Bible again? Rev. 12: 9-10
Thanks for another great article, CFT.
The fulfillment of Scriptures such as Luke 21 and Revelation 2 is really unfolding now like never before.
Here in Texas the non-Adamic hordes (including Chinese, Haitians, Arabs etc, not just Latinos ) are rushing in by the millions no thanks to the jew Mayorkas completely eliminating our southern border.
It’s quite unfortunate that the White Adamic race remains so clueless of their true, blessed identity, and have heeded the voice of their satanic jew judeo-Christian false shepherds.
They have taken the jew bait hook line and sinker, and believe to the depths of their being that the fraudulent ashkenazi state of israel will be attacked by the nations in order that scripture is fulfilled. Per usual, what an inversion!
I know I am not alone when I say I hope the hour of God’s fire 🔥 falling from Heaven and devouring the ungodly invaders comes quickly.
No sir, you’re not alone. At least not alone in my household. I do believe sooner rather than later God will rain down his judgement. How much crazier can the world become? The Judeo-Christian churches are full of insane traitors. It is not only our southern border that has become more porous than ever; but our northern border is showing some cracks as well.
I believe France will be the spark for Europe’s civil war.
Elm St.
I live in a very small town in the Northeast (pop. 3,000), and I know of two guys from this small town who married Mexicans and have Mestizo kids. The plague that comes up through Texas and California spreads all the way across this country.
“Police were called to the residence of Yannick Morez early on Wednesday morning after his home and two vehicles were destroyed in the blaze.”
Yannick Morez? Hmm? The suffix “Ez”, is that not a suffix for Hispanics? Not sure; read that somewhere in passing. I could be wrong. How about Yannick?
According to this website,
“Yannick means “Yahweh is gracious” and “Yahweh is merciful” (from Hebrew “yo/יֹו”, abbreviation of “yeho/יְהוֹ” = referring to the Hebrew God + “ḥanán/חָנַן” = to show favor/to be gracious).”
So, if this is the case, Yannick now knows the taste of karma. Or as my grandmother used to say, what goes around comes around.
All in all an excellent article. Thanks CFT
Bruce, I looked it up too. Morez is a very old French name, and it’s pronounced “mor-AY”, the z is silent. Not hispanic or sephardic.
And “Yannick” is a traditional Christian name among the Bretons in France, harking back to the Old Testament. Many American Christians used Hebrew names in the 18th and 19th centuries.
I don’t think the mayor is Jewish, just a judas goat.
Hi Piscine,
Thanks for the info; makes more sense.
Well, the beginning of justice anyway; true Justice would have the ‘mayor’ tried for treason – both to his country and the French people – and the proper sentence carried out upon him personally. But this is a start.
Remember what Solzhenitsyn said about what would happen if the people stood up to the nkvd…
Viva La France!
English Tom
True justice would have the mayor and his family in the house when it was set alight.
Sending a message to the other traitors in politics and the media.