Speaking at the 2017 World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, Vladimir Putin insisted that White Christians, who are becoming minorities in their own countries through immigration, must be preserved for the future of Europe and America:
Just look what is happening in the world: India, our neighbor to the left, has a population of 1.2 billion, and China has a population of 1.5 billion. The United States continues to receive more and more immigrants; and as far as I understand, its White Christian population is already outnumbered….but this has changed only recently. White Christians have become a minority, less than 50% now.
What I am talking about is that the world is going through dramatic, global change. I am not saying this is good or bad, just that global changes are going on. You have said that Russia is a vast territory, and it is indeed so, from its western to eastern borders, it is a Eurasian space. But as regards culture, even language, language group and history, this is all undoubtedly a European space and is inhabited by people of this culture.
I am saying this because we have to preserve all this to remain a significant center in the world—and I do not mean it in a military sense or anything else. We should not divide everything based on ethnicity and should not look back thinking, say, of the war between France and Russia in 1812 -1814, but rather look to the future for ways to build a common future and follow this common path. This is how we can preserve this vast space and these people as a global center that is significant for relations with Asian countries and the American continent.
If it does not happen, this would mean division into minor quasi-national associations of states that would eventually lose their significance in the global sense as independent centers….If we preserve it, this will be a great advantage for human development as well, because it is a major part of the global culture, and it certainly has to be preserved.
Putin, ever the politician, is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. He clearly understands that it is imperative to preserve White Christian culture if either Europe or America is to have any future whatsoever; however, he seems to also be suggesting that somehow White Christian culture can be part of this new global, inter-connected and inter-dependent world. And that, of course, is not possible. Globalism, which is really worldwide communism rebranded, is the antithesis of White Christian culture, and only one will be left standing.
Yes, if White Christian culture is preserved, it would be a great advantage to everyone, especially non-Whites, who have been feeding parasitically off the White race since the dawn of civilization in ancient Sumaria. Putin understands that without Whites to sustain civilization, there is no civilization worth preserving. Globalism’s goal is a mixed race populace, like Brazil, being ruled over by jewish oligarchs who control the money systems and means of production. White Christians need to disappear for that to come to fruition. Something has to give.
Putin hails diversity as foundation of Russia’s strength.
“How great would it be if we got along with Russia?” – DJT
We truly need a new Christiandom and Russia, Canada and the USA should be it.
Right now Canada, like UK, AU, NZ, all of the sell out Queens Commonwealth countries have been disarmed and flooded with western culture, anti-Christian immigrants.
Putin is right. Trump is right. The USA is surrounded by the north by Canada; south by Mexico; east and west coasts by California and New York.
America should be allies with white, Christian Russia and Canadas white, Christian population would merge with America to establish a new Christiandom.
This is not impossible. Imagine an almost contiguous new Christiandom extending from Western Russia all the way to Americas’ southern border with Mexico. Now that would be a force to be reckoned with.
It could and should be done to preserve what Putin is talking about. Otherwise, whites will be bred out of existence in America and taken over and Russia will go chi-com.
What Putin says is correct and self evident to anyone who is prepared to think this through in the West. His voice of moderation : multi-polar world, importance of national heritage , values of both Western and Eastern Christendoms etc sends the Leftoid Jews right off the dial (and this is so entertaining) . Zionist Jews, not so much.
Both Putin and Trump are controlled by the Chabad Lubavitch.
Who Putin is in the hegemon of the Judaic Supremacy and its Communist Revolution now in the global/totalitarian phase is the question that must be raised. This must be thought through very carefully.
If you have read the work of Anatoliy Golitsyn (New Lies For Old) you have your answer from books that were published in the 1970s, books that correctly and accurately forecasted the Russia of today. This is their endgame and Putin (including all his doubles) is one of their masterstrokes.
Amerika spends more on its military than the next 14 biggest spenders.
America has possibly 1000 overseas military bases and perhaps 3000 on home soil.
Amerika has spent $6 trillion on war since embarking on on its Middle East adventures.
Amerika constantly goads Russia by eencouaging the construction of NATO bases around and close to Russia’s border.
America is the only country to ever use a nuclear weapon in war.
Carl…who is the ” nuclear threat” did you say again?
There is a lot of ignorance about Russia and Putin in the West!
Russia has always been a bloodsoaked, imperialist asiatic empire, from Genghis Khan to Putin, who has been carrying on Russia’s despotic tradition.
Putin, a gangster dressed up as a head of state – would take a long time to ennumerate his crimes – is no friend of the West!
Trump is doing a great job by investing heavily in the upgrading of the US nuclear capabilities to face Russia’s nuclear threat.
Russia has been all over the place invading other people’s territories and killing civilians: Chechenia, the Caucasus, invading the Crimia, Ukraine, Syria etc…Moreover they have been supporting, and are close allies, of all kinds of rogue states that are enemies of the West: Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Cuba etc..
Russia has never been part of western civilisation; they are asiatic.
Wow, this is almost word-for-word what we’ve come to expect from the B’nai B’rith’s New York Times and their non-stop Russia/Putin hit pieces. Putin’s great sin? He went after the jewish oligarchs who pillaged the country after the fall of communism. Now he’s the face of evil. So predictable.
I’m not going to spend an inordinate amount of time refuting everything you have claimed. I will, however, point out that you apparently watch too much tv…to list Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Cuba, etc. as “enemies of the West”, you are only regurgitating what the fear-mongering jewish controlled media is screaming via the one-eyed rabbi in your living room. Do you know why they are “enemies of the West”? Because they are not subscribing to the International Jewish Banking System that has all of the rest of us enslaved like the self serving idiots that we are…
At least on all accounts Putin is acknowledging that, within the borders of the white Nations, immigration does nothing but cause segregation of people. He is speaking with a fairly accurate nationalist mind set. I do think that nationalism is the only short term solution until Jesus returns. If we can be left to our own devices, then even the dogs can feed off of the scraps of the master’s table (all of this your described in your final paragraph). And even if we were fully entrentched in globalism, if our countries stayed white, we could still flourish much like the Hebrews did when they were slaves to the Egyptians.
If European people had never abandoned Christianity, they would never have needed white nationalism. They had to first seperate us from god before they could merge us with the heathen.
I completely agree with the spirit of what your saying, brother. But i would change usage of heathen with snakes, vipers, beasts 🙂
God bless you!